Just as he continued to debug, an employee of Sekaishu was walking on the stairs in a trance.

He looked careless, as if he was in a trance, like sleepwalking.

Walking down from upstairs, Minato Yoko just noticed this employee with strange behavior.

He walked towards the elevator that ordinary employees could not enter.

This elevator can only go up, not down, and generally only people who are related to the project upstairs can enter.

And this employee was obviously not related to the project upstairs, so Minato Yoko shouted immediately.

"Stop! Non-project related people are prohibited from entering the upper floors."

However, in the face of Minato Yoko's reminder, this trance-looking employee did not respond at all, and just muttered to himself.

"The end is coming."

Hearing this, Minato Yoko felt very surprised and didn't understand what he was talking about at all.

At this time, the elevator opened.

The trance-looking employee walked in directly and quickly closed the elevator.

Seeing this situation, Minato Yoko immediately realized that something was wrong.

But it was too late to stop the other party from entering the elevator.

There was no time to think so much. Minato Yaozi clearly felt that the other party was not in a normal state.

Chapter 540 Trial! I will be a god! Lu Li, join me!

Third-rate stuff

So she immediately turned around and ran upstairs.

When she came to the floor where Zhan Ji Lingma was, the employee who took the elevator arrived first and rushed out at a rapid speed.

Hurrying to catch up, the dazed employee ran as fast as if he was controlled by someone.

The two staged a chase, and during the sprint, the man just bumped into Zhan Ji Lingma who came out of the laboratory.

Seeing the man in front of him, Zhan Ji Lingma's first reaction was very strange. These employees should not be allowed to come up on this floor.

However, at this time, the man suddenly said something inexplicably.

"Save us who are confused!"

Before he finished speaking, the man took out a red lock seed without any number and pressed it directly without hesitation.

"Beep beep!!"

A series of sounds like a time bomb about to explode sounded~

Following closely behind the other party, Minato Yoko suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.


She rushed over quickly and kicked the man holding the lock out.

"Bang! Huahuahua!"

The man's body instantly broke through the glass and fell down.


The man finally came to his senses at this time.

But his body was in free fall and there was no way to stop it.

Before he fell to the ground, he heard a burst of explosions.


The power of the explosion was not very huge, but if it was a close-range explosion, he would definitely not be able to escape.

Due to the residual power of the explosion, all the surrounding glass shattered and fell down.

"Hua La La!!"

Sid, who had just walked in from outside, was also shocked when he saw this situation.

Fortunately, he came in a little late, otherwise he would have been injured.

At this time, Sid suddenly noticed some fragments falling on the ground, which looked very familiar.

He walked over to pick up the fragments, only to find that this thing was the lock fragments.

"Hey, hey! What? It's so dangerous.

At this time, Zhan Ji Ling Ma had also come back to his senses, and he and Minato Yoko were watching the situation below at the side of the corridor.

With a deep frown, Zhan Ji Ling Ma had no idea what was going on.

Why did the other party launch such a suicide attack?

And...is there really anyone who is not afraid of death?

They actually launched a suicide attack directly!

He felt that something was wrong with this matter, and his keen intuition told him.

There must be something wrong here!

I always feel that the other party is targeting me, and the purpose is still unknown.

And just when Zhan Ji Ling Ma was really thinking about this problem, in a place he couldn't see.

The dog road was standing there at this time.

"He saw Zhan Ji Ling Ma who was not killed by the explosion, and his face was very calm, as if everything was expected.

This was his revenge on Zhan Ji Ling Ma, and it was also a test.

As long as Zhan Ji Ling Ma can survive in the end, then the other party will be qualified to help him become a god.

If the other party cannot survive, it proves that... the other party is not qualified.

Obviously, the other party has passed the first test.

Turning around and disappearing in the World Tree, Gou Dao Gongjie believes that it will not be long before the two will meet again.

After leaving the World Tree, Gou Dao Gongjie went to another place.

After his investigation yesterday, he found that the man who saw him was not from the World Tree, but from another city, Fengdu, the World Tree investor.

The other party can see him, which is enough to prove that the man is extraordinary.

He wants to meet this man, maybe this man can be developed into a member of his organization?

The Black Bodhi Tree he created, the people currently have are almost all ordinary people, there is no special talent.

If possible, he naturally hopes to turn the people in the Black Bodhi Tree into excellent talents, so that they can be better used by himself.

The first thought in his mind was to absorb Lu Li and let him join his Black Bodhi Tree.

After his investigation, he found that Lu Li was now living in a luxurious hotel.

Now he was on his way to the luxurious hotel and wanted to contact Lu Li."

And on the way, Gou Dao Gong Jie happened to meet Lu Li and Inna:

Meeting Gou Dao Gong Jie again, Lu Li was also quite surprised. He didn't expect to meet this guy again.

Then this time, Lu Li felt that Gou Dao Gong Jie seemed to be staring at him, because his eyes were always on him.

This guy, why did he suddenly stare at him?

Lu Li stopped, and Inna saw Lu Li who suddenly stopped, and was very confused.

"Why did you stop suddenly?"

Hearing this, Lu Li responded calmly.

"Someone is coming.

"Someone? ! "

Looking around in surprise, Inna did not find anyone coming towards them.

She was very surprised. Did she not notice it?

However, just when Inna was extremely confused, a figure in black clothes suddenly appeared a few steps away.

"When? !"

This sudden appearance made Inna Dongdong alert and immediately took a fighting stance.

She was very sure that the man just now did not appear in front of her, but appeared suddenly.

This made her a little confused. Could it be that the man in front of her also had special abilities similar to Lu Li?

"Mr. Lu Li, nice to meet you! I am Gou Dao Gongjie.

He said hello, but Gou Dao Gongjie did not extend his hand, but nodded.

It was not because he did not want to contact him, but because he no longer had a real body.

Now he is in a special state, but he has self-awareness.

Unless he transforms.

Only after using the Zhan Ji driver to transform, he can have an actual body.

“Gou Dao Gong Jie, why don’t you go find Zhan Ji Ling Ma, and come to me?

When he said this, Gou Dao Gong Jie’s face changed slightly.

This man in front of him actually knows him? !

How is it possible? !

Gou Dao Gong Jie knows the nature of the World Tree very well.

He disappeared without a trace in the experiment, and the guys from the World Tree will definitely remove all traces of him.

No one knows where he went, and no one will know him.

But this guy in front of him is obviously an investor of the World Tree from another city, but he knows who he is very well.

“Mr. Lu Li actually knows me?!”

There was a hint of surprise in his tone, and Gou Dao Gong Jie felt that he had underestimated the man in front of him.

Lu Li actually knew some secrets about the World Tree. It seems that it is not an easy thing to get the other party to join his Black Bodhi Tree.

However, Gou Dao Gong Jie did not give up because of this. The more capable the other party is, the more useful it will be to him.

Taking the other party under his command will also be good for him to become a god and rule the world in the future.

Seeing his surprised look, Lu Li acted very calm.

"Is it difficult to know your information? Gou Dao Gongjie, I really want to know. How did you come back from the world of Wushen Kaiwu?"

This sentence was like a drop of water falling into the calm water, which immediately stirred up waves.

If Lu Li knew him before, Gou Dao Gongjie was just a little surprised.

Then now that this sentence came out, he was shocked beyond words.

How could the other party know the world of Wushen Kaiwu? !

That world and this world are completely in different dimensions. Logically speaking, it should be impossible for anyone to know.

But Lu Li knew it so clearly, and he knew that he had broken into the world of Wushen Kaiwu.

It was as if the man in front of him saw it with his own eyes when he happened.


At first, he thought he had investigated Lu Li and had more or less understood this man.

Only now did he realize that the man in front of him was full of countless mysteries, which made him completely see the Lu Li behind these mysteries.

The conversation between the two left Inna, who was standing by, confused. Although she didn't understand, she was very sensible and didn't interrupt.

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