But the man in front of him gave Inna a special feeling.

It seems... not a human!

But if it's not a human, what else could it be?

Regarding this question, Inna didn't rush to ask Lu Li.

After all, Gou Dao Gongjie is still here, and the conversation between Lu Li and the other party has not yet ended.

Looking at the mysterious Lu Li in front of him, Gou Dao Gongjie had to admit that he did underestimate the other party.

Regarding the fact that he entered the world of Wushen Kaiwu, the only person who knew about it should be Xiangle.

After all, his current state is very special, without a physical body.

Although he didn't know why Lu Li knew about the world of Wushen Kaiwu, Gou Dao Gongjie didn't panic because of this.

Anyway, he has reached his stage and is not afraid of anyone at all.

He exists in the form of an energy body, which is unsolvable for humans.

Even if the other party knows about his own affairs and the world of Wushen Kaiwu, it's no big deal.

Putting away his surprised expression, Gou Dao Gongjie had a faint smile on his face and couldn't help clapping and praising.

"It seems that I underestimated Mr. Lu Li. I didn't expect that you even knew about the world of Wushen Kaiwu.

Yes, after losing my body, I did enter that world by mistake.

But it's not important now.

The important thing is that I'm back now, and I have a power that is not strong enough.

Mr. Lu Li, since you know me so well, you should be able to understand my thoughts."

At this point, Gou Dao Gongjie suddenly paused, and then continued.

"Mr. Lu Li, I sincerely invite you to join the organization I founded, the Black Bodhi Tree.

Help me become the supreme god! When I become a god, you will be the biggest contributor!"

As he said, Gou Dao Gongjie looked at Lu Li with a fiery look, eager to get his response.

Become a god? !

Inna felt as if she had heard something incredible.

This guy in front of her actually wanted to become a god, and he also found Lu Li. It felt like this guy was here to make fun of her.

Although Lu Li did not respond now, Inna knew the final result without even thinking about it.

In Inna's heart, even if Lu Li is not a true god yet, he is probably very close to being a god.

Requesting flowers.

Such a guy came to Lu Li and asked Lu Li to help him become a god. It was a big joke.

This guy... is he brainless?

Seeing the fiery eyes of Gou Dao Gongjie, Lu Li did not answer his question, but continued with the previous question.

"Gou Dao Gongjie, you haven't answered me yet, how did you come back here from the world of Wushen Kaiwu?"

Not getting the answer he wanted immediately, Gou Dao Gongjie said that he could understand:

A strong person should naturally have the attitude of a strong person, and Lu Li must be a strong person.

As for how he came back, Gou Dao Gongjie did not hide anything. After all, he still wanted to subdue Lu Li, and it was necessary to answer the other party's doubts.

"I went to the world of Wushen Kaiwu by accident, and lived there in a daze. Later, I met that guy, a guy with strong ambitions.

I was influenced by him, so I also had a huge ambition. I want to become a god!

Later, he opened the entrance to that world and this world, so I came back through that crack by chance."

He told Lu Li his story truthfully, just to let the other party see his sincerity, which would be more conducive to the other party agreeing to him.

It can only be said that the luck of this guy, Goudao Gongjie, is really good. He went to that world by accident and came back by accident.

Lu Li was thinking about whether he could find a passage to the world of Wushen Kaiwu through Goudao Gongjie.

Based on the current situation, it should be unlikely.

It is still necessary to wait for the pitcher plant monster to attack Gao Siwu before he has the opportunity to go to that world.

However, it should be soon.


After answering the question, Goudao Gongjie couldn't wait to look at Lu Li.

"Mr. Lu Li, with your ability, you can definitely help me become the god of this world!

Look at me and lend me a helping hand. I will definitely not treat you unfairly when the time comes."

This set of rhetoric sounds almost unattractive.

Become a god?

Does Gou Dao Gong Jie really think he has a chance to become a god?

He just survived in a special way because of good luck, and has been doing some small tricks behind the scenes since then.

As Zhan Ji Lingma said, this guy is just a third-rate guy.

A mere third-rate guy actually wants Lu Li to help him on the road to becoming a god, which is simply a foolish dream.

Glancing at him with a half-smile, Lu Li directly passed through Gou Dao Gong Jie and walked forward.

Inna didn't quite understand why Lu Li suddenly wanted to leave, so she followed him immediately.

When she noticed that Lu Li actually passed through Gou Dao Gong Jie just now, Inna knew that she had guessed right, that guy was not a human at all.

As for what it is, I'm afraid only Lu Li knows.

Seeing Lu Li passing through his body, the smile on Gou Dao Gong Jie's face suddenly froze.

He never expected that Lu Li would ignore him.

Turning back suddenly, Gou Dao Gong Jie stared at Lu Li's back with a cold face.

"Mr. Lu Li, what do you mean? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

He didn't even answer his question just now, but chose to leave directly. What kind of situation is this? Gou Dao Gong Jie couldn't guess it for a while.

He stopped and suddenly turned around, then pointed to his head with his finger.

"Gou Dao Gong Jie, do you think you can become a god with a third-rate guy like you? Don't make people laugh.

Although you are an energy body and can ignore general fatal damage, don't think that you are invincible. There are many ways to deal with you.

The person who can become a god is definitely... not you!"

In front of Gou Dao Gong Jie, he directly called him a third-rate guy and it was absolutely impossible for him to become a god.

This made Gou Dao Gong Jie's face suddenly become ugly.

In his opinion, he was inviting Lu Li with good intentions, and it didn't matter even if he refused. At most, he could invite him a few more times.

But he didn't expect that the other party would call him a third-rate guy, which made Gou Dao Gong Jie very unhappy.


There was a hint of ruthlessness in his voice, and Gou Dao Gongjie's eyes were full of murderous intent.

He couldn't wait to kill Lu Li and let this guy know how powerful he was.

Since he couldn't be used for his own benefit, he was his enemy.

The enemy should be eradicated!

Thinking of this, Gou Dao Gongjie's eyes suddenly changed, and he immediately began to control the members of the surrounding Black Bodhi Tree.

Due to its very hidden development, the members of the Black Bodhi Tree have already taken shape in this city, and there are his people in almost every place.

At this time, some ordinary people who were walking on the street were normal just now, but suddenly their faces changed and the whole person became blurred.

And these people, without exception, all held the pomegranate lock seeds produced in batches by Gou Dao Gongjie.

The controlled members of the Black Bodhi Tree approached this side one after another.

I saw that they all looked dazed, as if they were controlled.

With so many people coming back suddenly, Inna suddenly became very alert and ready to fight.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of Yiyiyiyiyeyu☆! Big

Chapter 541: A self-righteous third-rate guy, are you... worthy?

At this time, Lu Li held Inna's shoulder and calmly looked at the members of the Black Bodhi Tree who were gradually surrounding him.

"They are under control, don't act rashly, the locks in their hands are bombs.

No matter how good your skills are, you can't avoid the impact of bombs.

Hearing this, Inna's face suddenly froze

"What? ! These things are bombs? !"

I didn't expect that all the locks in these guys' hands were bombs.

How can I not be nervous?

No matter who it is, facing heavy siege, and the other party has a bomb in their hands, it would be strange if they are not nervous.

Inna unconsciously clenched her fists and glanced at the members of the Black Bodhi Tree.

She wanted to find a breakthrough first.

Facing the despicable means used by the dog supply world, Lu Li disagreed in his heart.

This method of the dog supply world may be effective for others, but it has no effect on him at all.

In the current crisis, Lu Li has plenty method to solve it.

And don't forget that Lu Li is a human undead creature with very strong spiritual power.

These members of the Black Bodhi Tree are completely brainwashed because of their consciousness. During the period of holding the lock seed, they can be easily controlled by the dog world.

And Lu Li, who has a strong spiritual power, can remove the so-called brainwashing of the dog world in a very short time.

Seeing that the people he arranged have successfully surrounded Lu Li, the dog world suddenly showed a mocking smile on his face.

"I want to see how you will solve this problem, Lu Yiyili!"

When calling this name, the dog world couldn't help but bring a trace of resentment.

This guy actually said that he was a third-rate thing, no matter what, he couldn't stand it.

"Enjoy it, just treat it as my test of you, hehe! "

The ignorant guy thought he had taken full control.

The dog-path provider wanted to see this stubborn guy in front of him being forced to beg for mercy.

"Six, eight, seven"

However, the smile on the dog-path provider's face did not last for a few seconds, and soon froze.

In the dog-path provider's sight, Lu Li slowly raised his right hand, and then he snapped his fingers.


Accompanied by the snapping sound, the members of the Black Bodhi Tree who had surrounded them stopped one by one.

Then they fell down one after another powerlessly.

All the people fell into a coma, and after lying down, the pomegranate lock seeds in their hands also fell to the ground.

"How could it be? !"

Seeing this scene, the dog-path provider could not accept it at all for a while. What on earth was going on?

How could these people who were controlled by him suddenly fall into a coma?!

Could it be... really the masterpiece of this man?

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