Although Gou Dao Gong Jie didn't want to think so, this was the only possibility based on the current situation.

What did this man named Lu Li do to the Black Bodhi Tree personnel under his control?

"Gou Dao Gong Jie, do you think that as long as you are in this state, I will not pose any threat to you?

Your idea is really... too naive."

Suddenly, Lu Li focused his eyes on Gou Dao Gong Jie.

A golden light flashed in his eyes, and his eyes became extremely sharp.

When facing the sharp eyes, Gou Dao Gong Jie's body trembled and felt very bad.

He himself belongs to a very special ability body, and it is impossible for him to have such a feeling.

However, he suddenly felt that his body was very bad.

The first reaction was to dissipate his energy body and escape first.

It was very smooth in the past, but this time, he failed.

When he reacted, he found that his body was still standing there.

He did not disappear as he wanted to as before.

How could this happen? !

For Gou Dao Gong Jie, who had already gotten used to his current state, he suddenly couldn't disappear as he wanted as before, which made him feel very uneasy.

All this... was done by Lu Li!

This is the only result Gou Dao Gong Jie can think of at present.

His body couldn't possibly become like this inexplicably, the only possibility is that it was controlled.

Looking up with horror, Gou Dao Gong Jie suddenly found that Lu Li had appeared in front of him without knowing when.

Then, he heard a faint voice coming.

"Gou Dao Gong Jie, can you still disappear as you want now? Can't you do it?

I said you are a third-rate thing, you are a third-rate thing!

You are not worthy of playing tricks in front of me!"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li raised his hand and slapped him.


A very loud and crisp slapping sound suddenly rang out.

Even in the energy body state, Gou Dao Gong Jie could clearly feel that he had indeed been slapped just now.

Although he didn't feel any pain, it was very strange that Lu Li could touch his current body.

"Next time, don't provoke those people you can't afford to provoke, otherwise I will let you experience what it means to be... worse than death."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li kicked him in the chest and flew away directly.

The terrifying power directly kicked the dog world away far away. As for where it flew to, no one knew.

Watching the dog world disappear from sight, Inna felt a little relieved in her heart.

This guy actually controlled so many people, and he was holding an explosive lock in his hand. It's not a good thing!

After dealing with the dog world, Lu Li took a look at the people lying on the ground. They were just ordinary residents.

With a casual move, all the pomegranate locks appeared beside Lu Li.

The next moment, all the pomegranate locks were broken.

The pomegranate locks will indeed explode if activated, but if they are not activated but directly destroyed, there will be no explosion problem.

Seeing Lu Li gather so many pomegranate lock seeds around him, Inna was a little worried for a while.

But judging from the current situation, it was all her worrying and it had no effect at all.

"Let's go, that guy won't come to us for the time being, let alone come to us.

This guy, Goudao Gongjie, is just a guy who simply bullies the weak and fears the strong.

Relying on his ability to disappear and reappear at any time, and controlling a group of Black Bodhi Tree members, he really thinks he is an onion.

As for why he didn't kill Goudao Gongjie directly, this is Zhan Ji Lingma's troublesome matter, and Lu Li is not interested in helping him solve the problem directly.

It's not impossible to solve it yourself, but the premise is that it has to be good for Lu Li.

World Tree Headquarters, in the laboratory.

Although he experienced a small episode, Zhan Ji Lingma still has more important things to do.

He didn't pay attention to this matter, but arranged for Minato Yoko to investigate.

After learning that Zhan Ji Lingma was almost in trouble, Wu Dao Guihu rushed back quickly and found Zhan Ji Lingma in a hurry.

"Lingma! ”

Seeing the terrifying Wudao Guihu, Zhan Ji Lingma was sorting out the information at this time.

"Hey, Guihu, what's wrong? You seem very nervous?

By the way, the completion period of the Genesis Driver may be delayed a little bit, and some important materials have been lost. ”

If it weren't for this incident, the Genesis Driver would have been almost completed.

Leaning on the experimental table, Wudao Guihu said in a deep voice.

"I'm not talking about this, but the explosion."

"Minato has already started the investigation, so you don't have to worry about it.

Zhan Ji Lingma certainly couldn't let go of the guy who wanted to kill him.

The other party was obviously coming for him. Although he didn't know who it was, he was not a soft persimmon.

"It's definitely not a coincidence that the self-explosion occurred. What happened?"

For the self-explosion inside the World Tree this time, Wudao Guihu attached great importance to it.

He believed that this matter must be investigated as soon as possible, otherwise it would be troublesome if it happened a second or third time.

Suddenly, Wu Daoguihu saw a broken lock seed in the tray on the experimental table.

His eyes changed slightly, and he walked over to take the fragments away.

"I have never seen such a lock seed before."

He replied casually, and Zhan Ji Ling Ma felt very dissatisfied that someone other than himself had made a different lock seed.

"I don't remember that I made such a lock seed."

"What did you say?"

Wu Daoguihu was shocked, and suddenly felt that this matter was not that simple.

In addition to Zhan Ji Ling Ma, there are actually people who can make lock seeds.

"It should be made by someone else. There are actually lock seeds that I don't know. It's really unforgivable."

In his opinion, whether it is the Zhan Ji drive or the lock seed, they are all his research and inventions.

Now he is happy with a lock seed that he doesn't know. How can Zhan Ji Ling Ma not care in his heart?

However, this matter can only be investigated slowly. He also wants to know who is behind this matter.

I just hope that Minato Yoko, who was arranged to investigate this matter, can bring back useful information for me as soon as possible.

Here, Lu Li was about to go find Gao Siwu, but he just received a call from Gao Siwu.

She said she wanted to invite him to a feast.

Lu Li was quite curious about what kind of feast this so-called feast would be.

According to the address sent by Gao Siwu, Lu Li and Inna came to a huge venue.

At this time, a lot of people had gathered in the venue, and these people seemed to be here to support their own street dance team.

Each street dance team has its own fan group.

In the middle of the venue, posters of each team were posted!

The performance had not started yet, and Lu Li also saw Gao Siwu in the crowd.

Because of the previous incident, Gao Siwu had always had a very strong liking for Lu Li, and also a strong curiosity.

She had been expecting that Lu Li would take the initiative to call her or send her a message, but he didn't.

Gao Siwu, who had not received any news at all, naturally felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

When she stood with Inna, she was indeed a little inferior, after all, the other party's dimension was far beyond her.

But she was young!

Young, energetic, and loves to dance, these are her advantages.

Because a joint performance and special competition of various street dance teams will be held today, she specially invited Lu Li to come.

Originally, she just wanted to give it a try, and she was not sure whether Lu Li would come. Unexpectedly, she received Lu Li's accurate reply.

When she saw this message, Gao Siwu was very happy.

She was a little nervous, worried that Lu Li would directly reject her.

Gao Siwu was so entangled that she was uneasy and happy at the same time. Wu Daoguang saw it.

This made the haze in his heart even heavier.

During this period, when training at the base of the Armored Team, Gao Siwu would always be crazy about him from time to time during the break.

That look was too obvious, just like a girl in love.

Seeing this scene, Wu Daoguangshi, who is so smart and scheming, how could he not see Gao Siwu's thoughts.

This state only appeared after Lu Li appeared. There is no doubt that the person Gao Siwu thought of could only be Lu Li.

After learning the answer, Wu Dao Guang Shi felt very uncomfortable, or more precisely, full of jealousy.

Why can a person who has just appeared not long ago get Gao Siwu's attention and favor?

Obviously, he should have known Gao Siwu earlier, and he should have spent more time with her.

Why is that person not himself? !

The paranoia in his heart made Wu Dao Guang Shi's heart continue to darken.

He couldn't accept that the person he liked had already liked someone else.

And he could only watch from the side, which was simply an unspeakable torture.

Everything was all because of Lu Li, and he even had the idea of ​​getting rid of the other party in his heart.

If he could eliminate the other party, he would not have such troubles again.

The Kaiwu team still exists as usual, and he and Sister Wu are still in the same team, and he can slowly win the other party's heart.

But the problem is that Wu Dao Guang Shi can't find a way to get rid of Lu Li now.

If the other party is just an ordinary person, he can easily find a way to kill him, without anyone knowing.

But the problem is that the other party is not an ordinary person at all, and his strength is even stronger than his.

In this case, the possibility of him getting rid of the other party is almost zero.

He must think of other methods, a method that can completely get rid of the trouble.

At present, he can't find such a method for the time being, so he can only bury it deep in his heart.

Gao Siwu has been looking for Lu Li's figure in the venue.

When she saw Lu Li, her eyes suddenly bloomed with deep joy.

She didn't hide anything at all, and immediately stretched out her little hand and waved vigorously to greet Lu Li.

Today, Gao Siwu's clothes are different from the past because of the performance.

The white skirt with red decorations on it and two ponytails on her head look more pure and lovely.

Seeing Gao Siwu greet him again, Lu Li had a faint smile on his face and nodded as a response to the other party.

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