And Inna, who was beside him, saw Gao Siwu like this, and couldn't help but secretly complain in her heart.

"Why are the little girls nowadays so easy to deceive? Could this girl like Lu Li?"

Because she didn't know what happened when Lu Li went to the forest before, Inna couldn't figure out why Gao Siwu liked Lu Li.

For the young Gao Siwu, the plot in the fairy tale naturally had a deep impression.

And it happened that these things happened to her again.

Lu Li saved him twice, and twice in a row.

It's not strange that Gao Siwu would like Lu Li if she didn't care.

After all, sometimes the heartbeat comes so suddenly.

Noticing Gao Siwu's movements, Wu Dao Guangshi naturally saw Lu Li.

He clenched his fists in dissatisfaction. He didn't expect Lu Li to come.

No wonder he saw Gao Siwu observing everywhere just now. It turned out that she was looking for Lu Li.

It's obvious that Gao Siwu must have invited Lu Li, otherwise the other party would not have come to participate in such an event.

His mood sunk to the bottom, and Wu Dao Guang Shi felt that he had to find a way as soon as possible, otherwise the dancing sister would really be snatched away.

But the question is how to deal with this problem?

Wu Dao Guang Shi, who could not think of any solution for the time being, was very depressed.

Noticing that Wu Dao Guang Shi, who looked expressionless, seemed to be in a bad mood, Kuzuya Kota hurriedly patted his shoulder.

"Hey! Xiao Shi, what's wrong with you? Why are you absent-minded? Did something happen?"

Hearing this, Wu Dao Guang Shi realized that he might have been too focused just now and accidentally lost control.

A fake smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he shook his head hurriedly.

"No, I just felt a little uncomfortable in my stomach just now.

Kuzuya Kota hurriedly asked with concern.

"Ah? Your stomach is uncomfortable? Then do you want to take a rest? You don't have to go on stage later. ”

We are about to go on stage, how can we rest at this time, not to mention that he just made up an excuse, Wu Dao Guangzhen shook his head quickly.

"It's okay now, it won't affect our dance.

Since he has already said so, Kuzuya Kota can't say anything more, and patted his shoulder vigorously

Chapter 542 Wang Xiaoming: I feel a little cold on my back! Here we come, the world of martial arts!

Soon, with the sound of music.

Each street dance team came to the middle of the venue and stood in their respective performance positions.

Soon the performance began.

Looking at the performance below, Lu Li certainly knew what was going to happen next.

The pitcher plant monster suddenly broke through the space and appeared, wanting to take Gao Siwu away.

The plot of the world of martial arts armor is about to unfold.

He is about to go to a new world and his own imprint will be restored, with a smile on his face.

This means that he can reproduce the ability of the selected target again.

Since Lu Li's imprint was used up after he came to the W world before and reproduced the giver.

Even if he returned to the world of swords, unfortunately, the imprint did not recover at all.

Unless he went to a new world, there was no way to restore the imprint.

As early as before, a year had passed since Lu Li came to this world, and Lu Li's ability to travel to the new world had been restored.

However, Lu Li had not used the world travel function for a long time.

Before, it was because Lu Li had already selected the donor, so he had not used it.

At that time, he wanted to use the imprint to replicate the power of the donor. If he left this world rashly, he would not be able to get the necessary things, which would be very troublesome.

As for now, Lu Li needs to get the golden fruit to improve his life level.

Therefore, he cannot leave for the time being.

Before getting the golden fruit, Lu Li will not leave this world for the time being, and the world of the Warrior Knight does not count.

Moreover, there is only one chance to travel to a new world, and Lu Li has never used it actively, and he needs to consider it later.

Lu Li suddenly envied Wang Xiaoming's dimensional wall, which can easily break the barriers between worlds.

The two met once, that time when they faced the Fortress of Chrysis.

However, Lu Li was not strong enough at that time. If he wanted to replicate Kadoya Shi, he might attract the attention of the other party, which was not an easy task.

Unless he could knock the other party down, it would be difficult to replicate the other party's ability.

Considering that he would be besieged by many knights at that time, Lu Li decisively chose to temporarily avoid the sharp edge, so he let Kadoya Shi go.

After going to the world of God of War this time, if he met Kadoya Shi again, Lu Li would definitely replicate his dimensional wall.

How to replicate?

Of course, knock him out and replicate directly!

Wang Xiaoming: Hiss~! Why do I feel a little cold behind me!

The ability to shuttle between different worlds at will means that Lu Li can easily restore his imprint.

It can also replicate more targets and improve his strength bit by bit.

Noticing Lu Li's smiling face, Inna was very puzzled. What was Lu Li laughing at? Did he fall in love with this girl?

Seeing Gao Siwu, who was full of youthful vitality, dancing attentively below, Inna did not deny that she was youthful and energetic.

But... there doesn't seem to be a shortage of it at home.

"Lu Li, you can't be... falling in love with this little girl, right?"

The sudden question made Lu Li turn his head slightly and said mysteriously.

"Inna, Gao Siwu is different from what you think. She is special."

It was a bit confusing. Inna didn't see what was special about Gao Siwu.

However, Lu Li's words had never been wrong. Since he said that the other party was special, then the other party must be special.

The audience in the venue were very excited.

After all, it was very rare to see so many street dance groups dancing together, and because of the street dance groups they each supported.

The dance ended quickly.

The host of this special competition was none other than Xiang Le.

However, this guy was still the same as before, staying in his live broadcast room and uploading this game to the Internet through live broadcast.

Then this special game began, and Xiang Le was talking passionately in the live broadcast room.

"Dear street dance knights, thank you for the warm atmosphere brought by your dance. Today is a special live broadcast from Pan Ya City.

Today's game is a huge melee brought by the armored knights. The rules are very simple. The team that persists to the end is the winner.

The winner will get a lot of locks!"

The knights of various street dance knight groups gathered in the middle of the venue at this time. The others in the team retreated outside to enjoy the next


Soon, everyone completed the transformation.

A fierce melee began.

Just when the battle was very intense, a crack suddenly appeared in a place in the audience stand.

The inside of the crack looked like the Helheim Forest.

Immediately afterwards, a green-skinned monster suddenly jumped out of it.

The sudden situation directly scared everyone around, and the people in the audience fled to all directions.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the pitcher plant monster, Lu Li's smile became even bigger.

This guy is finally here.

"Inna, I'm going to do something next. It's a little troublesome, and it's not in this world. You can go back by yourself later."

When Inna was surprised by the sudden appearance of the pitcher plant monster, she never thought that Lu Li would let her go back again.

She was completely confused. Why did he let her go back again?


But before Inna could speak, Lu Li stood up and walked towards the bottom of the venue.

Looking at Lu Li's gradually receding back, Inna didn't follow him even though she was a little unhappy in her heart.

Since Lu Li said that things were a little troublesome, she might just add trouble if she followed him.

Besides, the trouble Lu Li mentioned was not in this world, and she was not sure what would happen if she went to another world, so she had to stay.

She was left behind again, and Inna felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She secretly decided that she must find a way to become stronger.

Among humans, she was already considered good.

But in the museum, without special powers, she could only be the bottom of the combat power.

In the center of the venue, after the pitcher plant monster appeared, he immediately targeted Gao Siwu.

"Fate Witch!"

The pitcher plant monster walked straight towards Gao Siwu, and his target was already very obvious.

Gao Siwu was suddenly targeted and was immediately startled. He took two steps back unconsciously.

But he tripped and fell backwards, screaming.


What greeted Gao Siwu was not the solid ground, but a familiar embrace.

Gao Siwu, who closed her eyes in fear, opened her eyes in surprise. She had a familiar feeling.

She raised her head slightly and found that it was the same person who touched her.

"Lu Li... Brother!"

There was a hint of obsession in his eyes. Gao Siwu didn't expect it to be like this again.

She was saved by Lu Li again.

The pitcher plant monster didn't know Lu Li, and just thought he was an ordinary human being, and rushed up with big strides.

"Leave the fate witch to me!"

Although the pitcher plant monster has good fighting power, it is not enough in front of Lu Li.

Lu Li frowned slightly and glared at the pitcher plant monster.



An extremely terrifying impact came instantly.

The pitcher plant monster didn't even have any chance to resist and was instantly blasted several meters away.

He fell to the ground in a very embarrassing way, and the pitcher plant monster's head was buzzing.

What happened?

A human actually blasted himself away?

Gaim, who was stopped by Baron before, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Gao Siwu who was already safe.

He wanted to go over to help Gao Siwu just now, but was entangled by Baron, so he couldn't go over.

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