As for Long Xuan, he originally thought that his chance to be a hero and save the beauty had come.

Maybe after this incident, Gao Siwu could put himself on the same level as Lu Li.

But before he could act, Lu Li had already taken action, snatching away his role of being a hero and saving the beauty.

Seeing Gao Siwu in Lu Li's arms, Long Xuan was very angry.

He wanted to shoot Lu Li right now, but he didn't dare!

Lu Li's strength was still vivid in his mind until now. He would never act rashly without being sure.

If he took action at this time, Gao Siwu would definitely hate him, which was not what he wanted to see.

"Unforgivable! You dared to attack Wu, damn guy!"

Before he finished speaking, Gaimu directly pounced on the pitcher plant monster, and then a fierce battle broke out.

This special game was related to whether he could lead his Baron team to win the first place.

Now an unknown guy suddenly broke in and directly disrupted Baron's plan.

"You dare to interfere with my battle, unforgivable!"

Just after he finished speaking, Baron also rushed towards the pitcher plant monster.

Long Xuan also hated the pitcher plant monster who suddenly appeared.

If it weren't for this guy suddenly running out, giving Lu Li the opportunity to perform in front of Gao Siwu, he wouldn't have to watch helplessly like now.

Long Xuan, who was angry in his heart, was worried that he had no place to vent, and the appearance of the pitcher plant monster just gave him a point to vent.

The three immediately surrounded the pitcher plant monster and prepared to get rid of this guy first.

Nepenthe monster: Didn't I come here to take away the fate priestess? Why do you want me to bear so much that I shouldn't bear?

Facing the group fight of three people, the pitcher plant monster couldn't handle it at all, and was beaten back step by step.

He knew that he had no chance to take away the fate priestess, and took the opportunity to be beaten back and immediately opened a passage.

Jumping and jumping into the passage.

Seeing this situation, the three of Kaimu didn't think too much and chased in without hesitation.

For them, Helheim Forest was no stranger, and there was a way to come back after going there.

What they didn't know was that the place they were going to this time would be somewhat different from the past.

"Stay here honestly, I'll go for a while.

After helping Gao Siwu stand steadily, Lu Li immediately rushed to the crack.

When his body entered the crack, the crack closed in an instant.

"Eh? ! Brother Lu Li! Kota, Xiaoshi."

Gao Siwu watched Lu Li and the others enter the crack, and the crack disappeared directly, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

At this time, Inna came to Gao Siwu without knowing when, with her hands clasped in front of her chest.

"Don't worry about him, his strength is absolutely strong no matter where he goes. If you have to worry about him, you might as well worry about your two friends. "

Turning his head slightly, Gao Siwu saw Inna again.

Especially since there was a certain height difference between the two of them.

Gao Siwu looked at Inna who was close to him, especially when she crossed her arms, her full chest was more prominent.

For some reason, every time Gao Siwu saw this woman, he would have an inexplicable sense of inferiority in his heart.

The threat of this woman... is too great!

Gaiwu and others who entered the Helheim Forest looked around, but found that there was no sign of the pitcher plant monster at all.

It was as if the other party disappeared out of thin air. , and suddenly disappeared.

It was different from the time they came to this forest before. It was raining in Helheim Forest now!

It seemed that it had never rained in this forest several times before. They even thought that it would never rain in the forest.

There is no rainy day in Helheim Forest. The reason why it rains here is entirely because the water flows in from another place.

That's right, all the rain water entered Helheim Forest from the War God Armor World.

"How did that guy run so fast and disappear in the blink of an eye? "

Gaiwu scratched his head vigorously, feeling very puzzled.

Even if the other party escaped into this forest, there should be traces left, why is there no trace at all.

The person who also appeared in this forest was Lu Li.

Although it was raining in this forest, Lu Li was not wet by the rain after entering this forest again.

A special force blocked the raindrops falling around.

Noticing that Lu Li also followed in, Kaiwu waved and greeted him nervously.

"Hey! Lu Li, why did you come in with us? By the way, did you see that guy just now?

As soon as we came in, we didn't see the guy's figure, as if he disappeared out of thin air.

When seeing 703 Lu Li, Baron's eyes suddenly showed a strong fighting spirit.

Even though he was full of fighting spirit, Baron did not take action directly.

Last time, he had seen Lu Li's terrifying power.

At present, he has not obtained a strong power. At this time, if he takes the initiative to attack Lu Li, the end may be the same as last time.

As for Long Xuan, deep in his eyes was a deep hatred. He wanted to raise the grape dragon cannon in his hand and shoot directly at Lu Li.

But this thought only flashed through his mind, and he did not do it.

Lu Li has too many means and unknown powers. Long Xuan will not take action before he is sure.

Because once he takes action, it means that he needs to fight Lu Li. He knows very well that he is not his opponent.

"That guy is not in this world at all. He just wants to lead you here.

Lu Li knows that although the crack opened by the pitcher plant monster leads to the Helheim Forest, the Helheim Forest is just a medium.

The real destination of the other party is the Warrior Knight World.

At this time, in a cave covered with Helheim Forest in the Warrior Knight World.

The pitcher plant monster is reporting his situation to the Warrior Kaiwu.

"Failed to bring the fate priestess? But... those Warrior Knights are really strong and interesting. "

Martial God Kaiwu already had an idea in mind. He decided to bring these Martial God Knights who stopped the pitcher plant monster from taking away the fate priestess to this world.

He was the one who wanted to unify the world and would not be afraid of any challenge from the Martial God Knight.

He stretched out his right hand and gently stroked the void.

The next second, a crack emitting a light golden light gradually unfolded.

The sudden change made Kaiwu very curious.

"What is that?"

This was different from the crack that appeared before, and it looked a little strange.

When he saw this crack, Lu Li walked directly into the crack. A faint light flashed, and Lu Li disappeared directly in front of Kaiwu and the others.

"Let's follow and see. "

Out of curiosity, the three of them also entered the crack together.

At the same time, at the World Tree headquarters.

The situation of the Zhanji drive has been monitored so that the data can be obtained as soon as possible.

But just now, the Zhanji drive had an abnormal situation and entered an unknown space, and then it could not be detected.

After receiving the news, the monitoring personnel immediately reported the news to Guihu Wudao.

The Zhanji drive is very precious and cannot be lost.

Otherwise, if Zhanji Lingma gets angry at that time, it will be a mess.

After hearing the situation here, Guihu Wudao rushed over as soon as possible.

"What happened?"

"Director, water is flowing into the Helheim Forest from an unknown space."


Frowning slightly, Guihu Wudao felt very surprised.

"The armored knight who was in the battle just now entered the unknown space from the forest. ”.

Chapter 543: Imprint restoration!! Target: Warrior Knight Power, Agur, Power of Light!

Hearing this, Wu Daoguihu looked unhappy.

“These guys always cause me some troubles. I can’t let the valuable data run away when I go there, and I can’t let these guys destroy the drive.

Then, Wu Daoguihu went directly to the Helheim Forest through the artificial crack.

It’s not raining in all areas, but only in a special area in the Helheim Forest.

The Warrior Knight World.

There is a very huge sacred tree here, and there is a faint blue light flowing on the trunk of the sacred tree, which feels like it is alive.

This tree is a bit similar to the tree in the center of the World Tree Headquarters, but the two trees are in different worlds.

In front of the sacred tree, a group of people are kneeling on the ground praying.

This place has been dry for several months, and there has not been a trace of rain.

For them, no rain means that they can’t grow food, and they will starve to death sooner or later.

While this group of people were praying, a crack suddenly appeared on the sacred tree.

Lu Li landed smoothly after passing through the crack and arriving at the world of the God of War Knights.

Just after he landed smoothly, the three Gaimu who followed behind were thrown out of the crack in a very embarrassed manner.


The Gaimu who was suddenly thrown out screamed in shock.

Compared with Lu Li's smooth landing, the three Gaimu who were not prepared at all fell to the ground in a very embarrassed manner.

But fortunately, they had knight armor on them, which prevented them from getting hurt.

The people who were praying for rain raised their heads after hearing the screams.

They finally saw Gaimu's appearance clearly, and they all showed horrified expressions.

"God of War Gaimu?!"

I don't know who suddenly shouted, and Gaimu turned his head immediately when he heard someone calling his name.

"Huh? Does anyone here know me?"

Just when Gaimu was confused, this group of people seemed to have seen the God of Plague. After hearing a loud shout, everyone quickly turned around and ran away.

"The God of War Kaiwu is here! Run!

"Hey! Why are you running?!"

No matter how loudly he called out, those who ran away didn't even turn their heads back.

In this situation, Kaiwu and the other two couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Don't shout, they are all afraid of you."

A voice suddenly came from the side, and the person who spoke was Lu Li.

"Afraid of me? Why should they be afraid of me? Do I look scary?"

Shrugged helplessly, Kaiwu directly transformed.

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