The God of War Kaiwu, who thought he was about to gain invincible power, never expected that he would be blocked by something strange!

Seeing this scene, Kaiwu felt relieved.

I couldn't help but secretly feel lucky that Lu Li was here, otherwise it would have been really troublesome.

Long Xuan, who was on the side, clenched his left hand tightly into a fist when he saw Gao Siwu throwing himself into Lu Li's arms.

The hatred in his heart!

Why did this happen again? Let yourself witness this situation again? !

His right hand even wanted to immediately raise the Grape Dragon Cannon and aim two shots at Lu Lili.

The movement that was already half-lifted suddenly stopped abruptly.

In the end, reason defeated impulse, and reason was strong enough to prevent him from acting irrationally.

Lu Li's power was too terrifying.

He knew very well in his heart that once his attack failed, he would definitely be judged as an enemy by the other party, and he would be in trouble by then.

What's more, Gao Siwu is still with Lu Li now. If he shoots rashly at this time, wouldn't he put the person he likes in danger?

The current Kureshima Mitsumi can't do this, and he doesn't have the idea of ​​not letting others get what he can't get.

At this time, Lu Li suddenly waved his hand.

The Martial God Kaiwu, who had been stagnated just now, suddenly felt a terrifying and powerful force coming.



The body suddenly hit the wall that was already dilapidated by the sacred tree.

The already tattered wall suddenly collapsed under the impact.


The God of War Kaiwu was swallowed up by a pile of broken stones, and there was only one thought in his mind.

what's the situation? !

He was clearly about to touch the Witch of Destiny just now, but suddenly he was blocked by a special force and was thrown out.

His mind was groggy now. Martial God Kaiwu did not expect such a situation to occur at all, and he looked embarrassed.

Gao Siwu, who was so frightened that he threw himself into Lu Li's arms, opened his eyes nervously.

She had instinctively avoided it just now, but after waiting for a long time, she didn't seem to be attacked.

When she found out that both she and Lu Li were safe, she immediately understood that Lu Li must have done something just now.

There was a sudden sound from a location not far away that was swallowed up by rubble.

"Damn it! Who are you...?"


Immediately afterwards, a large amount of gravel was seen falling, and the God of War Kaiwu suddenly emerged from the pile of gravel.

His body was covered with dust and he looked so miserable.

You must know that Martial God Kaiwu was very powerful and arrogant before. He never thought that he would be fooled so easily.

Looking closely at Lu Li, Martial God Kaiwu certainly knew that the reason why he was beaten in such a mess just now was because of the existence of this man.

Before, he looked harmless to humans and animals, but he didn't expect to have such terrifying power.

He had already suffered a loss once, so he couldn't underestimate Lu Li.

"Who am I? This question is not important. What is important is that if you want to take Wu away from me, you must defeat me first.


Want to give it a try?

With a slight flick of his finger, the look of contempt in Lu Li's eyes made the God of War Kaiwu furious.

He has always been the only one who looked down on others, but when did he get looked down upon by others?


After hearing these words, Gao Siwu felt an inexplicable sense of security in his heart.

Raising his head slightly and looking at the handsome and determined face in front of him, Gao Siwu felt a little crazy for a moment.

For a young and beautiful girl, the words just said were indeed very attractive, and Gao Siwu made no exception.

Martial God Kaiwu was completely angered.

Although he didn't know where the confidence of the person in front of him came from, he knew that he had to defeat the guy in front of him before he could have a chance to take away the Witch of Destiny.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to obtain invincible power, and everything would be just a dream.

Reluctantly, he clenched the blood orange pill in his hand. The God of War Kaiwu didn't know what kind of power the Lu Li in front of him had.

No matter what, there was no way he would give up on the Witch of Destiny.

If he wants to gain invincible power, he must need her help.

"Hmph! Don't think that you can provoke me by taking advantage of me and barely repelling me.

Let me see if your power is really strong or is it just a bluff! "

Before he finished speaking, the God of War Kaiwu quickly attacked Lu Li.

He attributed his mistake just now to his own negligence. As long as he was careful, such a problem would never happen.

"Go to hell! Anyone who dares to stand in my way will die!"


Lu Li just called Gao Siwu's name and didn't say anything.

But at this moment, Gao Siwu instantly understood what Lu Li was going to do.

He quickly left Lu Li's arms and retreated behind Lu Li.

There was a trace of worry in his eyes. Gao Siwu didn't know how strong the Martial God Kaiwu was, but since he could defeat so many Martial God Knights, he might not be easy to deal with.

"Let's play with you for a while, I'm looking forward to the way you merge with the sacred tree.

As soon as he finished speaking, a magic ring appeared on Lu Li's hand, and the Golden Demon's driver also appeared on his waist.


"Change! Now!"

A golden magic circle appeared above Lu Li's head, and then slowly fell from above, gradually passing through Lu Li's body until it disappeared from the soles of his feet.

Lu Li, who passed through the golden magic array, had now turned into a golden demon.

The noble black and gold mage robe, elegant figure, and every move give people a mysterious feeling.

Martial God Kaiwu didn't expect that the guy in front of him was also a Martial God Knight.

In this case, he accepted the other party's power without mercy.

With a blood orange pill in one hand and a peerless saber in the other, the God of War Kaiwu quickly launched a fierce attack on Lu Li.

The other Martial Knights were no match for him in one-on-one situations. He didn't believe that Lu Li in front of him could defeat him from the front.

Facing the menacing Martial God Kaiwu, Lu Li casually took out the Golden Demon's exclusive weapon.

Halberd of Death!

A black halberd, as dazzling as obsidian.


Lu Li easily resisted the attack of the Martial God Kaiwu, but Lu Li remained motionless on the spot.

Seeing that Lu Li didn't even take a step back from him, Martial God Kaiwu was shocked.

He understood that the guy in front of him was definitely difficult to deal with.

But so what if it is difficult to deal with him. He has reached this point and will naturally continue on. He cannot give up on gaining the world's unparalleled power just because he encounters a strong enemy.

The power of pairs.

At some point, the all-purpose magic ring appeared in Lu Li's hand.

Holding the Death Halberd in one hand, Lu Li placed the universal magic ring in front of the drive.

"Heat! Now!"

A golden magic circle appeared beside Lu Li.

The next second, a high-intensity flame spurted out from the magic circle.

Originally, the God of War Kaiwu was still exerting force, and it felt like the two sides were at a stalemate.

Facing the sudden flames, Martial God Kaiwu had no intention of holding on.

He stepped hard on the ground with his right foot, flipped his body backwards, and barely escaped the attack of the flames.

Just when the Martial God Kaiwu had just landed and stood firm, another cold voice came.

"Lighting! Now!"

Several golden magic arrays appeared next to the God of War Kaiwu.

A very strong sense of crisis came over, which made the God of War Kaiwu secretly think something was wrong.

There was no time to think so much, so he directly connected the blood orange pill and the unparalleled saber in his hand to transform into naginata mode.

At the same time, he quickly removed the blood orange lock seed from his waist and quickly installed it in the groove of the unparalleled saber.

Along with this burst of sounds.

"-.Ten. Hundreds. Thousands! Blood.Orange.Charge!"

The bloody energy belonging to the blood orange lock species gathered crazily on the blade of the naginata.

At this time, several magic circles surrounding him released terrifying golden lightning.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

There are golden lightnings in all directions. Even if the God of War Kaiwu wants to hide, he has no chance.

Chapter 545 Lotus Seat God of War Armor! unlimited! The Golden Demon's all-powerful form!

It's just that the naginata in his hand has been filled with bloody energy, waiting for the opportunity to be released.

Suddenly, Martial God Kaiwu's eyes changed, and his muscles suddenly tightened.

It's now!

Naginata whirling slash

As the body rotated rapidly, it released streaks of bloody energy, frantically trying to slash around to offset the incoming golden lightning.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The golden lightning and the whirling slashes of bloody energy collided, and bursts of violent explosions spread.

The explosion splashed countless smoke and dust, and for a while no one knew the specific situation of the God of War Armor.

Although it was full of smoke and dust, Lu Li could clearly feel the presence of the Martial God Kaiwu.

This guy released a roundhouse slash at the critical moment and barely resisted the golden lightning.

However, the golden lightning was not completely blocked.

The terrifying power of the explosion naturally impacted the God of War Armor.

Although he did not suffer any serious injuries, Martial God Kaiwu looked even more embarrassed.

Lu Li's magic show was not over yet, he once again placed the universal magic ring in front of the drive.

Lu Li, who had already integrated the Philosopher's Stone, was not worried about running out of his magic power.

The Philosopher's Stone generates new magic power anytime and anywhere, filling the magic power gap in Lu Li's body.

Unless Lu Li could consume all the huge magic power stored in the Philosopher's Stone in an instant, this would require a short recovery process.

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