Otherwise, he's pretty much a magic perpetual motion machine.

"Explosion! Now!"

A golden magic circle suddenly appeared next to the dust-covered Martial God Kaiwu.


Following a violent explosion, a blood-red figure flew out of the sand in a very embarrassed manner.

Who else could it be if he wasn't the God of War, Kaiwu?

The Martial God Kaiwu, who had just resisted the lightning, had not had time to take a breath, but he did not expect Lu Li's next wave of attacks to come again.

When he saw the golden magic circle appearing next to him, he suddenly became wary and quickly blocked it with his naginata.

An extremely powerful impact hit him instantly, giving him no chance to resist the impact.

The magic just now was the impact of a small compressed space detonation, and the impact was extremely terrifying.

Even if the Martial God Kaiwu was prepared, he could not withstand it at all.

Martial God Kaiwu, who was blasted dozens of meters away, fell heavily to the ground.


Martial God Kaiwu is indeed a guy who likes fighting very much. Even after being blown away so far, Martial God Kaiwu still did not put down the naginata in his hand.

Lu Li stood motionless from beginning to end, looking very elegant.

There is no need to fight so hard, but just stand on the spot and release magic continuously, and you can easily beat the opponent into such a mess.

Gao Siwu, who was always behind Lu Li, clasped his hands in front of his chest, looking like a little fangirl.

Kaiwu, who was dealing with the Nepenthes monster, felt certain in his heart when he saw the Martial God Kaiwu being beaten in such a mess.


As long as this guy can be defeated, the war in this world should be over.

Everyone present knew that the power possessed by Martial God Kaiwu was not weak. In a one-on-one situation, no one could guarantee that they would be able to defeat Martial God Kaiwu.

Instead of paying attention to the status of the God of War Kaiwu, Long Xuan paid more attention to Gao Siwu.

When he saw her acting like a little fan girl, Long Xuan was furious.

Dance sister! you've changed!

Why does it always feel like Gao Siwu is watching every time Lu Li makes a move?

The most important thing is that Lu Li was able to save Gao Siwu appropriately every time.

Long Xuan couldn't help but have a conspiracy theory in his mind.

Lu Li might be trying to get close to Sister Wu on purpose, and he must have an ulterior motive.

As for what the specific purpose is, he doesn't know yet.

As the flower protector, Long Xuan believed that he had the responsibility and obligation to prevent Lu Li from approaching Gao Siwu.

His heart was full of gloom, and Long Xuan knew very well that if he didn't get rid of Lu Li, he would never be able to take back Gao Siwu.

If he could go back safely this time, he had to find a way to deal with Lu Li, the biggest threat first.

The Martial God Kaiwu who was lying on the ground suddenly moved.

Then I saw him using his naginata to support his body and barely stood up from the ground.

Ever since he participated in the world struggle in the world of Martial God, he has never been in such a mess. This is the first time.

When fighting other warrior knights, he had never been beaten so badly as he was now. This time he encountered a difficult opponent.

Raising his head slightly, his eyes stayed on Lu Li. He knew that he might not be his opponent.

Although doing this will not directly gain invincible power, it will at least make you stronger than you are now.

Thinking of this, Martial God Kaiwu snorted coldly and said in a deep voice.

"Hmph! Don't think this is over. The battle... has just begun! It's not certain who will win!"

Just after he finished speaking, Martial God Kaiwu endured the discomfort in his body.

He suddenly raised his head, looked at Lu Li bitterly, and then jumped towards the sacred tree.

The sacred tree contains the power of fourteen Martial God Knights. What he wants is to use the power of these Martial God Knights to help him become stronger.

Noticing the actions of Martial God Kaiwu, Lu Li did not make any move to stop him.

It is to turn the God of War Kaiwu into the Lotus Seat God of War, Kaiwu.

Isn't this the result he wants?

When Martial God Kaiwu approached the sacred tree, a golden crack suddenly appeared on the tree trunk, and Martial God Kaiwu got in.

Not long after, in the surprised eyes of everyone, the God of War Armor and the fruit of the divine tree merged into one.

Blood.Orange.Arms (blood orange armor)! The Way of Evil.On.Stage! "

A huge blood-red fruit appeared in the sky.

The outer skin of the fruit gradually opened, and in a burst of bloody light, the God of War Kaiwu appeared in front of everyone again.

It's just that the Martial God Kaiwu at this time is already very different from the previous Martial God Kaiwu.

Although it has been integrated with the sacred tree, the current Martial God Kaiwu can only mobilize the energy of the Martial God Knight to continuously produce monsters, and cannot fully control it.

Control their energy.

Only with the help of the Witch of Destiny can he fully master this power, but unfortunately he has no chance.

"Stupid guy, let me show you my true power now! Ha Yi Yi!!"

Following his voice, a group of strange monsters were immediately released from the sacred tree.

These weirdos were all created by the Martial God Kaiwu with the help of the Martial God Knights sealed within the Divine Tree.

Suddenly so many weirdos appeared, which immediately put Kaiwu and others who were fighting into a passive state.

When he saw so many weirdos standing around him, Kaiwu's head suddenly buzzed.

"I'll go! What's going on? Why are there so many guys suddenly?!"

He never expected that such a situation would occur.

Wasn’t the battle almost over just now? How could it suddenly become like this?

Baron shot away the monster in front of him and glanced at Kaiwu Dao.

"You still have time to talk, it seems you are quite leisurely!"

Whether it was Kaiwu, Baron, or Long Xuan Zhanyue, they were all under siege by weirdos at this time, and the situation became very difficult.

At this time, Kaiwu, the Lotus Seat God of War, felt that his power had increased to a very terrifying level, far stronger than his previous self.

Under this situation, there was no reason why he couldn't defeat Lu Li.

He must defeat Lu Li, the troublesome guy, and grab the Witch of Destiny.

The part that controlled the sacred tree and merged with him quickly extended and quickly approached Lu Li.

He wanted to beat the arrogant guy in front of him until he knelt down and begged for mercy, and let him understand the consequences of irritating him.

"This time, let's see what you can do to stop me! The Witch of Destiny...is mine!"

The Martial God Kaiwu, who thought he had merged with the Divine Tree and gained great power, could easily suppress Lu Li with his powerful strength.

But he didn't know that if Lu Li hadn't intentionally turned him into this form, he wouldn't even have a chance to merge with the sacred tree.

"Dupe! Now!"

Two magic formations suddenly appeared around him, and then two other identical golden demons appeared on both sides of Lu Li.

Three golden devils!

Gao Siwu saw the three golden demons behind him, his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

But then I thought about it, since Lu Li is a magician, it doesn't seem strange that magicians can clone themselves.

The clone used by Lu Li was different from the clone used by Wu Qi.

The witch knight can use copy to divide himself into two and then use it again to divide himself into four. However, the clones created by the witch knight will not act separately, but will only act as mirror images.

Generally perform the same actions as the main body.

But the clone created by Lu Li was different.

The golden demon clones created by Lu Li's magic have their own abilities to act and do not require Lu Li's control.

Although they are a very similar type of magic, there are differences between the two in terms of high-level and low-level magic.

Obviously, the level of magic performed by Lu Li was higher, and the clone could act alone.

At this time, the God of War Armor fell straight down.

With a blood orange pill in one hand and an unparalleled saber in the other, Lu Li was approaching.

He has absolute confidence that with his current strength, he can definitely suppress Lu Li.

And when he acted, the sacred tree suddenly stretched out a large number of roots to help him attack together.

Lu Li's two split clones took the lead and immediately put on those tree roots.

As for Lu Li, he immediately rushed towards the Martial God Kaiwu.

“Chang! Ding Ding!

A fierce battle broke out instantly between the two sides, and the Halberd of Death in Lu Li's hand was very powerful.

Since there are no legs anymore, but the lower body is fused with the sacred tree, the body of the God of War Armor can rotate like a top, and the attack speed is very fast.

But even with such a fast attack speed, Lu Li could easily resist it.

After blocking the attack of the Martial God Kaiwu, Lu Li still stood where he was just now, without even the slightest sign of retreating.

The other two golden demon clones worked together to deal with a large number of tree roots. With their excellent magic, they easily resisted the attack of the roots of the sacred tree.

Seeing that his attacks were completely ineffective and could not pose any threat to Lu Li, the God of War Kaiwu was horrified.

Asking for flowers...

Why is this happening? !

He has already merged with the sacred tree and his strength has greatly increased. Why is he still not his opponent?

Just like before, Lu Li suddenly performed a roundhouse kick.

Having only noticed the movements of Lu Li's hands just now, Martial God Kaiwu completely forgot that his legs could also move.

This flying kick hit the head of Martial God Kaiwu directly.

The terrifying power actually caused the God of War Kaiwu to turn his head twice, and his entire neck looked twisted.

The picture looked quite terrifying, and it actually caused my head to spin twice.

If this were a human being, I'm afraid he would be completely dead by now.

Kaiwu noticed the situation here during his free time during the battle, and couldn't help but touch his neck.

"Hi~! If my neck was kicked like this, I feel like I might have ascended to heaven!"

It's terrifying that such a sweeping kick can cause so much damage.

Anyway, Kaiwu said that he definitely didn’t want to try such a thing, it would cost him his life!

As for the God of War Kaiwu, he was a bit confused at this time.

The neck was turned twice, but the Martial God Kaiwu, who had completed the integration with the sacred tree at this time, did not suffer any fatal injuries, but was lightly patted on the head.

The next second, his head spun back as if it was being pulled by some force.

It has returned to the same state as before.

The moment just now was just a little test by Lu Li.

The result was similar to what he thought. The martial god Kaiwu, who had completed the fusion with the sacred tree, had a strong vitality.

Unless the sacred tree can be destroyed together, it will be very difficult to destroy the War God Kaiwu.


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