After all, this guy is already a part of the sacred tree, and the powerful vitality of the sacred tree has been transferred to him.

However, before destroying the tree, Lu Li naturally did not forget what he wanted to do, the power of the Warrior Knight.

However, in order to obtain the power of the Warrior Knight, he must enter the sacred tree.

Now controlled by the Warrior Kaiwu, if he wants to enter the sacred tree, he must take the initiative to open the sacred tree.

Thinking of this, Lu Li directly took out the magic ring that he had not used before, and it was also the infinite ring that Lu Li got from Cao Zhenqingren:

That's right, the infinite ring does not mean that only the witch knight can use it.

Replaced the golden magic ring in his hand, and Lu Li put on the infinite ring.

"Let me try the infinite power."

Before the voice fell, Lu Li covered the infinite ring in front of the driver.

"Almighty! Now! Hi. Sui. Fu. Do! Bo. Jaba. Byu. Dogon!"

A magic circle as bright as a diamond appeared at Lu Li's feet, and then gradually passed through his body.

When the magic circle appeared, a crystal-like dragon suddenly appeared and entangled around Lu Li.

Of course, there was no phantom demon in Lu Li's body, let alone a dragon.

But the philosopher's stone that Lu Li possessed had extremely terrifying and powerful magic power, and he could create this crystal-like dragon by copying it.

When the magic circle disappeared from the top of his head, the crystal dragon also entered Lu Li's body directly at the last second.

Afterwards, a diamond armor shining with dazzling light appeared on Lu Li.

The transformation was successfully completed!

Different from the infinite ring used by the witch knight to transform into an infinite style, Lu Li used the infinite ring to transform into an omnipotent form.

The obsidian on his body has turned into a diamond-like appearance.

The silver-white magician robe looks more gorgeous than the previous black and gold magician robe.

Kamen Rider Gold Demon - All-powerful Form!

The armor on his body sparkles like diamonds, and is very gorgeous under the sunlight.

Girls all like diamonds, and Gao Siwu is no exception.

Seeing Lu Li emitting colorful light under the sun at this time, she was stunned.

"So beautiful!"

She couldn't help but spit out two words in her mouth. She didn't expect that there was such a form.

Lu Li, who transformed into the all-powerful form, can feel that his power has increased a lot at this time.

It is worthy of being the invincible form of the magician (defeat to the protagonist does not count)!


When seeing Lu Li complete a new transformation, Wushen Kaiwu suddenly became alert.

The guy in front of him was already very strong and difficult to deal with. If he gets stronger, wouldn't it be even more difficult to deal with him?

However, Wushen Kaiwu was leaning against the sacred tree at this time. Logically speaking, he could never lose to Lu Li.

After thinking this through, Wushen Kaiwu pounced down again, and the blood orange pill and the Wushuang saber in his hand quickly merged into the naginata mode.

Quickly took off the blood orange lock seed and buckled it on the Wushuang saber.

"-.Ten.Hundred.Thousand.Ten Thousand! Blood.0 range.Charge!"

A blood orange-shaped energy ball suddenly appeared and directly enveloped Lu Li, restraining him in it.

"Brother Lu Li!"

Seeing Lu Li trapped in the blood orange energy ball, Gao Siwu was shocked and worried.

Chapter 546 You can't even break my defense! Split into two, inside the sacred tree!

At this time, Long Xuan, who was dealing with many weirdos, saw Lu Li being restrained by the blood orange energy ball, and sneered in his heart.

【Lu Li, you will die here! Go to hell!! 】

There was a very gloomy voice in his heart.

In Long Xuan's opinion, it would be best if Lu Li could die here, and he would never be able to compete with him for Gao Siwu in the future.

As long as Lu Li was gone, he would be the one with the best chance.

"Go to hell!!"

Accompanied by the roar of the God of War Kaiwu, his body quickly approached the blood orange energy ball and chopped it down with all his strength.

Naginata Wushuang Cut


The blood energy instantly cut through the blood orange energy ball, and the terrifying blood energy hit Lu Li head-on.

Seeing Lu Li being hit head-on, Gao Siwu stared in horror, she couldn't believe what she saw.

"How could it be...?"

She really didn't understand, Lu Li just switched forms and seemed to become stronger, but why didn't he move?

The terrifying blood energy instantly engulfed Lu Li, and his figure disappeared in the blood energy.

For a moment, no one could see clearly what was going on inside, and how Lu Li was doing.

Seeing Lu Li being devoured by his blood-colored energy, Wushen Kaiwu was overjoyed.

"Hahahaha! You conceited fellow, do you really think I can't deal with you?

Humph! This is the fate of underestimating me, I am the one who can get such a world!"

Thinking that he had solved Lu Li, Wushen Kaiwu immediately looked at Gao Siwu on the side.

"Come on, witch of fate, join me and help me get the supreme power!"

This person believed that Wushen Kaiwu had no rivals, and felt that he could now pick the final fruit.

He was about to become unrivaled in the world!

To seize the whole world, no one can be your opponent anymore.

Seeing that the God of War Kaiwu was about to attack Gao Siwu, Kaiwu was tightly entangled by many weirdos at this time, and he couldn't escape at all.


He could do nothing but cry out incompetently.

Long Xuan, who was still secretly happy just now, suddenly reacted.

Without Lu Li's protection, Wu Jie is now just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, with no way to resist the Martial God Kaiwu.

He couldn't help but regret in his heart why Lu Li didn't protect Gao Siwu.

"Ah Yiyi! Why?

Just when Gao Siwu saw the hand Lu Li getting closer and closer to him and screamed in fear, he never felt that he was being caught by the other party.

Immediately afterwards, a very familiar voice came from my ears.

"Are you so anxious? You haven't defeated me yet."

Opening his eyes in surprise, Gao Siwu saw the gorgeous figure wearing diamond armor, standing in front of him.

"Brother Lu Li?!"

His words were full of surprise and surprise. Gao Siwu had just witnessed Lu Li being hit by the martial god Kaiwu's special move.

Now it appears in front of him intact. Is this... also magic?

"Are your attacks tickling me?"

There was teasing in the voice, which made Martial God Kaiwu furious.

The Martial God Kaiwu, whose wrist was clenched, felt extremely horrified when he saw the figure in front of him that made him feel so stressed.

He was very sure that his Naginata Musou Kiri must have hit Lu Li head-on. There was absolutely no doubt about this.

The exact feeling of blow cannot be faked, but the guy in front of me was not hurt at all. Why on earth is this? !

For a moment, Martial God Kaiwu was shocked and couldn't understand how Lu Li did it.

Kaiwu, who was trying to think of a way to come here, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Li reappearing.

He knew that since Lu Li was here, Gao Siwu would not be in danger.

Without worries here, Kaiwu concentrated on dealing with the weirdos around him.

Long Xuan, who had been secretly anxious before, didn't know whether he should be happy or sad when he saw Lu Li appearing unharmed.

I am happy that his appearance saved Sister Wu, but I am not happy that his appearance will hinder me and Sister Wu.

His heart was extremely tangled, Long Xuan had never been so tangled as now.

I want this person to be here, but I also want this person to disappear. It's very complicated in my heart.

But at this moment, he at least hoped that Lu Li would be here to at least protect Sister Wu's safety.

As for competing for Gao Siwu, he will be thinking of other ways.

Come back here.

"You...why are you okay?!"

Martial God Kaiwu felt that he had not been surprised as much in the past as he was now. The guy in front of him actually shocked him again and again.

Lu Li chuckled lightly and said casually.

"Is something wrong? Why is something happening? Your attacks can't even break through my defense. Do you think...what can happen to me?"

Good guy!

Invisible pretense is the most deadly!

Knowing that his special move didn't even destroy the opponent's armor defense, the God of War Kaiwu was stunned on the spot.

How can it be? !

The first reaction in my heart was disbelief.

He is still very confident in the special moves he releases, not to mention that now that he and the sacred tree have become one, the effects of the special moves he releases will be even more powerful.

That's right.

Under this situation, he didn't believe that any knight could block his special move.

About to withdraw his hand, Martial God Kaiwu found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape Lu Li's control.

"If you want to leave so much, then just leave your hand.

As Lu Li's voice fell, Martial God Kaiwu suddenly felt a sharp pain in his wrist.


His wrist was instantly crushed into pieces, and the God of War Kaiwu let out a painful scream.

Feeling the intense pain from his wrist, Wushen Kaiwu didn't have time to think so much. He directly waved the naginata in his hand and suddenly slashed across his arm.


The blade cut off the arm accurately. One can imagine how cruel this guy was.

He exerted all his energy and stabbed himself like this. He was really not an ordinary ruthless person.

The Martial God Kaiwu, who had broken off his arm, was naturally not controlled by Lu Li and quickly escaped.

There was no blood left on this guy's wrist. Perhaps this was caused by the fusion with the sacred tree.

Martial God Kaiwu, who hurriedly retreated, felt the pain in his arm and let out a heartbreaking cry.

"Ah one by one!!"

However, along with his painful cry, a force emerged from the sacred tree and directly attached to his broken arm.

In just a few seconds, a brand new arm grew back.

Panting heavily, although a new arm had regenerated, the God of War Kaiwu still remembered the pain just now.

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