Comes from the power given by Prometheus, the angel of fire.

As Prometheus, who was separated from the Black God, the power of darkness, Doshin, it can be said that he is the strongest among the seven angels under the Black God.

Although the power he possesses is not as good as Douzhen, who is the power of darkness, it is still much stronger than the other six archangels.

And those who awaken the power of light, also called Yajituo, will gain power that can resist a certain degree of darkness.

As for how far it can grow, it depends on the user themselves.

Apart from these two, Lu Li was not particularly interested in the power of other knights.

Whether it is Dragon Rider or Fiz, the user itself is just equivalent to an ordinary person. Even if he can become stronger, the upper limit is there.

As for the Imperial Cavalry.

As we all know, the power of the dimensional wall belongs to Wang Xiaoming himself:

Even if Lu Li gained the power of the Martial God Emperor Cavalry, there was no way he could gain the dimensional wall.

However, who would dislike too much knight power?

Opening his hands, Lu Li slowly closed his eyes. He wanted to feel the power of these knights and then find a way to obtain this power.

Just when Lu Li began to control the power of these knights for a long time, there was already chaos outside.

The God of War Kaiwu, who thought he had defeated Lu Li, immediately wanted to capture Gao Siwu and let the witch of destiny help him gain invincible power.

However, when the God of War Kaiwu wanted to get closer, the Golden Demon clone suddenly moved.

The two Golden Demon clones each released powerful magic, directly repelling the approaching Martial God Kaiwu again.

He always thought that he had solved Lu Li's biggest problem and that he would not be able to encounter any more troubles.

But I didn't expect that the two clones left behind by Lu Li could still move? !

Seeing this situation, the God of War Kaiwu was shocked and confused.

"How is it possible?! That guy has obviously been killed by me, how is it possible that the clone hasn't disappeared yet?!"

Martial God Kaiwu said he couldn't understand.

Lu Li was directly sandwiched between him with the trunk of the sacred tree and sealed like the other Martial God Knights, so it should be impossible for him to move.

But why can these two clones act alone?

Seeing the two Golden Demon clones defending him, Gao Siwu's eyes were full of surprise.

She had thought that something might have happened to Lu Li just now, but the clone left by Lu Li was still able to move.

Does this mean Lu Li is still alive? !

After the surprise comes the surprise.

Although this was not completely confirmed, Gao Siwu believed that Lu Li was definitely fine, at least there was no life safety problem.

Being blocked again and again, the God of War Kaiwu was very angry.

I just want the Miko of Destiny, why does it feel so difficult?

Here, Kaiwu and the other four knights finally got rid of all the weirdos after experiencing a very difficult battle.

All the knights' eyes were focused on the God of War Kaiwu.

Although this guy in front of them is a bit tricky, they have no other choice but to fight now.

The four people immediately launched an attack on the Martial God Kaiwu, and various collective methods emerged one after another.

Martial God Kaiwu originally wanted to get the Fate Witch first, but these guys in front of him were really annoying.

They are obviously like ants, but they want to hinder their actions. It is simply asking for death.

"Hmph! Since you want to die, then I will make it happen for you!"

A sound as cold as winter came.

Then the God of War Kaiwu controlled the roots of the sacred tree and immediately attacked Kaiwu and the others.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

One thick tree root after another rushed towards them like tentacles, and Kaiwu and others took out their locking vehicles one after another.

Driving a motorcycle and running away crazily, avoiding the attacks of these tentacle-like tree roots.

The roots of the tree were like sharp thorns, stabbing down from above, as if they were going to kill Kaiwu and the others.

In this situation, Kaiwu and the others, who could only flee like crazy, could not find a way to solve this problem for a while.

Kaiwu, who was driving the motorcycle forward, saw the tree roots approaching behind him and suddenly turned the accelerator.

"No! If we continue, there's no way we can defeat that guy! Is there anything you can do?"

Kaiwu, who was not good at using his brain, could only place his hopes on others at this time.

Anyway, he hasn't thought of any way to solve this current problem.

The power of the fusion of the Martial God Armor and the Divine Tree is so abnormal!

"have no idea!"

Ao Jiao is still the same Ao Jiao. Even if he doesn't know the method, he still answers with confidence.

Brothers Zangetsu and Ryugen were both very smart, but facing the current situation, they were helpless for a while.

The enemy is too powerful and has become too powerful for them to deal with.

In this case, it is already very good to ensure your own safety, let alone defeat your opponent.

At this time, inside the sacred tree.

Although these warrior knights are in a sealed state and cannot use their power, they have the right to choose whether to give Lu Li power or not.

But it's useless even if they don't give it, Lu Li has far more power than they imagined.

Even if they don't give it, it can be stripped directly from them.

The first to bear the brunt was the God of War Kuuga. Lu Li took off his Yaguru belt and integrated it into his body.

Although there was an extra belt, it was completely independent of the awakening device Lu Li held.

After successfully integrating with Yaguru, Lu Li felt a strange power in his body.

This power was indescribable and mysterious.

But it was certain that this was the Yamadam Spirit Stone!

The Yamadam Spirit Stone could materialize the user's thoughts and ideas, allowing the user to obtain the corresponding power.

In the future, the Yamadam Spirit Stone might play a crucial role in Lu Li's transformation.

Then there was the second target, the God of War Agito!

Compared with the God of War Kuuga, the power of the God of War Agito did not come from his own belt, but from the power of light in his body.

What Lu Li had to do was to obtain the power of light from the God of War Agito.

Then he integrated the power of light into his own body.

Lu Li, who already possessed part of the power of the Giver, had no difficulty in doing this.

He easily deprived the God of War Agito of his power of light.

A beam of energy composed of light particles was drawn from the body of the God of War Agito into Lu Li's body.

The whole process lasted for a short while, and the power of light on the body of the God of War Agito completely disappeared.

After successfully obtaining the power of light, Lu Li felt another power in his body:

This power was not strong, but as Lu Li became more familiar with and used it, he would be able to gain more powerful power.

As his mastery of power became stronger, Lu Li would be able to gradually acquire new forms like the real Agito, and eventually become a shining form.

After completing the acquisition of these two powers, Lu Li glanced at the other knights.

Although the power of the remaining knights was almost dispensable to Lu Li, Lu Li considered the old demon king he might face in the future.

Even if the two sides may not fight, the old demon king has the power of all knights after all, so Lu Li feels that it is necessary to collect more knights' power.

Whether it is a righteous knight or a villain knight, it is always right to bless yourself with all these powers.

The reason why Lu Li said that there will not be a fight between him and the old demon king is entirely because Lu Li's appearance has changed the timeline.

The original timeline no longer exists, but a new era has been opened up in the new timeline.

As the gravekeeper of the Heisei era, the old demon king can perceive everything that happened before.

But the old demon king has no intention of attacking him at all.

Maybe he has his own ideas, but Lu Li is not sure why.

Perhaps the doubts in Lu Li's heart can be answered when the two meet.

By taking all the power of the martial god knights for himself, Lu Li's own power has not increased much,

but the types of knight power that can be used are much more than before.

At this time, the martial god Kaiwu, who was showing his power, suddenly felt that the energy provided by the sacred tree was constantly declining.

"How is it possible?!"

Because of his own power, which was constantly weakening, Wushen Kaiwu showed an expression of disbelief on his face.

He couldn't understand why this happened.

It was fine just now, the power of the sacred tree couldn't disappear for no reason.

Unless. Something went wrong with the Wushen Knights sealed inside the sacred tree.

Could it be.?

Suddenly, Wushen Kaiwu thought of something.

That was Lu Li, who was temporarily sealed in by him just now!

Could it be that the guy did something inside the sacred tree, which made him lose his power?

Originally, the rhythm of the sacred tree's attack was very fast, and Kaiwu and the others could only flee in embarrassment.

But as the power of the sacred tree weakened, Kaiwu and the others also discovered this at the same time.

"Have you noticed that this guy's power seems to have become much weaker than before!"

Not only Kaiwu felt this way, but the other three also felt the same way.

"Why bother with him? Now is the time to fight back!

Baron turned around first and rushed to the sacred tree, ready to start a counterattack.

The other three followed immediately. They also knew that you must seize this opportunity to reach the God of War Armor.

The four guys who were supposed to be just ants in his eyes suddenly dared to counterattack him. The God of War Armor was extremely angry.

"With you guys, you can never be my opponent! Go to hell! ! "

Although the power was weakened a lot, the sacred tree itself still has very strong power, and the God of War Armor has not yet directly left the fusion state:

Controlling the sacred tree, holding the unparalleled saber and blood orange pill, he quickly rushed towards the four people.

Even without the power of these knights, he is still very powerful.

The God of War Armor alone has four knights including Armor. With the blessing of the power of the sacred tree, he is even in a stable state of suppression.

Facing the fierce fighting power of the God of War Armor, Armor and others were helpless for a while.

"This guy... is still so strong? !"

Gaiwu said he couldn't understand it. He had been weakened just now, but he could still fight four people alone. This was outrageous.

Just when the battle between the few people was fierce, suddenly, a loud noise came from behind.


The fierce Wushen Kaiwu who was fighting suddenly felt that something was wrong with the sacred tree.

He turned his head suddenly and saw a huge hole in the middle of the sacred tree:


When he saw this scene, Wushen Kaiwu's eyes were filled with strong shock. He couldn't understand what was going on.

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