Until just now, the sacred tree was fine. Why is it like this now?

Is it that guy again? !

His mind was suddenly shaken. At this moment, the God of War Kaiwu regretted extremely why he had to imprison Lu Li in the sacred tree.

If I didn't do this in the first place, wouldn't these things happen?

The sacred tree was severely damaged, and now that it has lost the power of the fourteen warrior knights, there is no way to close the huge hole in the sacred tree.

“Damn it!!

At this time, the God of War Kaiwu was extremely angry in his heart. He had no idea that things would turn into what they are now.

According to the plan, it was obvious that he had gained invincible power, ruled the world, and became the master of the entire world.

But the current discrepancy was not as big as usual, and he couldn't understand it.

Which step did you make wrong?

In fact, according to his plan, every step was correct.

It's just that...he opened the rift very confidently, allowing Lu Li to enter the world of warrior knights.

Kaiwu and the others naturally noticed the big hole that appeared on the sacred tree, and they all seemed surprised.

"It couldn't be Lu Li again, could it? Could it be that that guy just demolished the entire sacred tree?!"

Hearing this, a hint of reluctance flashed in Long Xuan's eyes, and his eyes towards the Martial God Kaiwu became very unkind.

What a useless guy!

Originally, he was counting on the God of War Kaiwu to eliminate Lu Li in one fell swoop, so that he wouldn't have to worry about Lu Li appearing in front of Gao Siwu again.

However, things always backfired, and the results were very different from what he expected.

Then, in everyone's surprised eyes, a figure fell from above and landed smoothly.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Lu Li?

Lu Li, who had released his transformation at this time, looked completely the same as before, with not even the slightest trace of injury visible.

"It's you! What did you do?! Why can't I feel the power of the Valkyrie Knight?!"

The God of War Kaiwu was in a very angry mood and loudly questioned Lu Li.

He wanted to know what the guy in front of him had, and he had lost all the power that should have been his.

"Their power? It's all with me now. Since you are so eager for their power, let you give it a try."

Just after he finished speaking, Lu Li took out a belt and a mobile phone.

He casually wrapped the belt around his waist, opened the flip phone and pressed 555.


Close the phone and insert it into Faiz's belt.



Although Lu Li is not Orfino himself, the power he holds allows him to break through this limitation and complete Fiz's transformation.

Therefore, there is no Errori sound effect for the unfit!

The red photon blood spread from the belt to the limbs, and then a layer of silver armor appeared on the surface of the body.

The semicircular yellow eye armor emits yellow light.

"Martial God Faiz?!"

Martial God Kaiwu couldn't understand why Lu Li treated Martial God Faiz for the basic reason.

"No way! Lu Li actually turned into a new form again?!"

When Kaiwu saw Lu Li transforming into a new form, he felt inexplicably envious in his heart]

Chapter 548 Accelerated form! Twelve Crimson Companies! Explosion - photons shatter!

It feels pretty good to be able to look different like this at will.

It's not that he dislikes his own strength. In his eyes, Kaiwu's strength is not weak either!

Lu Li was seen transforming into different knights again and again, and each one was very powerful.

Zhan Yue now has a new understanding of Lu Li's power.

At this time, Lu Li casually took out the Faiz accelerator watch and put it on his wrist.

Then the acceleration memory was removed from the accelerator watch and replaced with the command memory on the Faiz phone.


After inserting the acceleration memory, the photon blood of Faiz transformed by Lu Li suddenly glowed with red light.

The next second, the silver armor on the chest opened to reveal the core in the middle.

The photons that were supposed to be red turned into silver in the blood, and the yellow eyes turned into red.

Kamen Rider Faiz accelerates one by one!

"Don't even think about it!"

As if knowing what Lu Li wanted to do, Martial God Kaiwu rushed forward immediately.

He wanted to stop Lu Li from using acceleration.

The Martial God Kaiwu, who had fought against the Martial God Faz, certainly knew how terrifying the opponent's speed would be once he used the accelerated form.

He couldn't just watch Lu Li accelerate, otherwise he wouldn't be able to keep up even if he tried to flatter him.

Even though he wanted to stop Lu Li from using the accelerated form in his heart, he still moved a little slower and could no longer stop Lu Li.

Press the switch on the accelerator watch casually.


A ten-second countdown appeared on the accelerator watch.

A powerful force burst out from Lu Li, and this force made the surrounding space seem to be slightly distorted.

Vaguely, it seems that you can still hear the popping/whining sound coming from the air.


Stomping on the ground, Lu Li met the Martial God Kaiwu at an extremely fast speed.

The speed was so fast that it was impossible to catch it. Only a trace of afterimage could be seen.

Of course, Fiz's movement in the accelerated form was only supersonic, which was different from the power to directly control time.

This was pure physical acceleration!

"So fast! I can't see it clearly at all!"

Baron could only see a silver afterimage sliding past quickly, and other than that, nothing could be seen clearly.

Too fast!

Although instant movement can be faster, the visual impact it brings is still a little worse than this supersonic movement.

Seeing that Lu Li could move at such a high speed, Long Xuan felt even more uncomfortable.

Why is it always the guy in front of him who is getting stronger?

Why is his own power so weak?

If he can't get stronger, he can't defeat Lu Li, let alone take back Gao Siwu.

He was very unwilling in his heart, but he felt very powerless.

He always thought that he had looked up to Lu Li enough, but he didn't expect that the other party would give him an unexpected shock again.

Zhan Yue suddenly realized that in the last battle, Lu Li might not have been ruthless to him at all, but just used a little more force.

With a bitter smile on his face, Zhan Yue didn't expect that someone could be so strong.


Accompanied by the continuous screams of Wushen Kaiwu.

They could only see that Wushen Kaiwu seemed to be hit back and forth by a residual shadow, and had no power to fight back at all.

After just a few seconds, Wushen Kaiwu didn't know how many times he had been hit.

Anyway, he just felt pain all over his body.

Even if he took the initiative to attack, now he was the one being hit.

At this time, Lu Li, who was moving at high speed, suddenly stopped, and there were waves of trailing shadows behind him.

Insert the Fiz cursor to the right leg position, then suddenly jump up, and rotate the body above.

The next second, twelve red cursors like electric drills appeared, directly sandwiching Wushen Kaiwu.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Then, several silver-white afterimages passed through directly, and the red cursor like an electric drill hit the double-teamed Wushen Kaiwu at the same time.

Crimson Twelve Company!

Axel.Crimson.Smash! !

Facing the terrifying ultimate move, Wushen Kaiwu did not resist at all.

It was not that he did not want to resist, but his speed was completely crushed!

"Boom boom boom!"


Accompanied by a series of violent explosions, Wushen Kaiwu was engulfed by the terrifying energy.

Lu Li landed smoothly, and there were still three seconds left on the acceleration watch.

"Three! Two! One'1"



As the acceleration time ended, Lu Li also changed back to the normal form of Faiz.

The deep acceleration form can only last for a maximum of thirty-five seconds. If the acceleration mode is activated, it can only last for a maximum of ten seconds.

After a period of time, the transformation must be canceled immediately, otherwise it will cause the system to crash.

The wearer will be drowned by a large amount of photon blood and explode, and the surrounding area of ​​several kilometers will be polluted by the degraded photon blood that caused the explosion.

It's not that Lu Li's body can't maintain the accelerated state, it's just because the Faz system can only last so long.

Looking at the War God Armored Warrior drowned by the explosion, Gao Siwu shouted excitedly.

"Yes! Win!"

She thought that this battle was over, and the War God Armored Warrior should have been solved.

But what she didn't know was that the War God Armored Warrior was like an indestructible cockroach.

Even though the God Tree had lost the power of the War God Knight, it was not impossible to treat the War God Armored Warrior.

There was a faint blue light flashing on the God Tree, and the War God Armored Warrior, which was originally engulfed by the explosion, reappeared in front of everyone.

But compared with before, the current War God Armored Warrior looked very embarrassed, and it seemed that he might fall down at any time.

"Ah!! It's you, you took away the power of the Warrior Knight!!"

He roared unwillingly. Although the Warrior Armor did not die in the explosion just now, his current situation is not much better.

He just relied on the power of the sacred tree to barely hang on to his life.

At this time, the Warrior Armor could not fight even if he wanted to. He was already at the end of his rope.

Looking at the Warrior Armor who was still unwilling to give up, Lu Li shook his head slightly.

"It's really an indestructible cockroach, but the final result is the same."

At this moment, a new piece of equipment suddenly appeared in Lu Li's hand.

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