It looks a bit like a suitcase with a handle in the middle.

Faiz Blaster!

He took the phone off his belt and inserted it into the Faiz Blaster.

He pressed 555 on the number key next to the Faiz Blaster and pressed the confirmation key at that time.

"Standing.By! Awakening!"

A stream of red energy directly entered the belt around Lu Li's waist through the photon blood from the Fiz Blaster.

When the bursting energy poured into his body, the photon blood all over his body burst into a dazzling light.

The original black part of his body turned red, and the photon blood lines also turned black.

The reason why it turned red was entirely because the photon blood had dyed his whole body at this time.

Kamen Rider Faiz's one-by-one burst form

It is also Faiz's final form.

A terrifying sense of oppression emerged from Lu Li, and the four Gaim who were relatively close retreated under this terrifying sense of oppression.

"So strong! Although there is no battle, I can already feel how strong he is!"

Baron is very sensitive to strong people. In his eyes, Lu Li at this moment is a well-deserved strong person.

The oppressive feeling he exudes can oppress them. It is conceivable how terrifying this power is.

Seeing Lu Li transform into a bursting form, Wushen Kaiwu immediately understood what Lu Li was going to do.

His eyes were filled with unwillingness and he roared helplessly.

"No! I am unwilling! I should be the master of this world, and everyone should submit to me!!"

The hysteria before death sounded so ridiculous.

At this moment, Wushen Kaiwu no longer looked arrogant and invincible before.

Embarrassed... is his synonym at this moment.

Directly switch the Faiz blaster in his hand to the photon breaking sword mode.

Activate the photon field floating device, Lu Li directly soared into the air, and pressed the button on the Fiz blaster at the same time.

"Exceed. Charge!"

A huge red blade formed by photon blood appeared directly at the front of the blade.

Wushen Kaiwu, who noticed this scene, said in his heart that it was bad.

Of course, he knew what Lu Li was going to do to him next, but in his current state, there was no way to stop Lu Li.


The photon field floating device pushed Lu Li to rush towards Wushen Kaiwu at a very fast speed.

Watching Lu Li rushing towards him, Wushen Kaiwu could only scream in fear and helplessness.


The Photon Breaker Sword swung violently, and the terrifying blade made of photon blood directly passed through the body of the God of War Kaiwu.

Photon.Breaker (Photon Breaker)!

But this is not the end.

Lu Li's flying speed did not stop, but even faster.

The target was directly aimed at the already broken and dilapidated God Tree.

Swinging the sword again, the Photon Breaker Sword instantly cut through the trunk of the God Tree.

At this moment, everything was silent!

The whole world seemed to be quiet at this moment.

The God of War Kaiwu, who was making an unwilling cry, still maintained that posture at this time, but there was no sound.

Behind him, the symbol of Faiz appeared.

"Boom!!! "

And in the next second, the War God Armor exploded instantly and was engulfed by the flames of the explosion.

After he exploded, the huge tree had an obvious crack on its trunk and slowly fell down.

The tree was directly cut in half.

Under the terrifying destructive power of the Photon Crushing Sword, the tree could not withstand this blow.

"Boom! !"

The huge tree collapsed and fell to the ground, causing a small-scale vibration around it.

And just after the tree collapsed, the land in the War God Knight World, which had been dry for a long time, was suddenly moistened by rain.

The rain erupted from the place where the tree was cut off.

At the same time, in the Helheim Forest, there was an area where it was raining continuously, but now it suddenly stopped.

The battle is over"

The tree has fallen, the War God Armor has been defeated, and all crises have been resolved.

Seeing that the War God Armor was resolved, Gao Siwu jumped up in excitement.

"Great! We won!"

I thought this battle would be extremely difficult, after all, even if the previous War God Kaiwu was fatally injured, he could still recover.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li finally succeeded in solving it.

"Wow... so awesome!"

Kaiwu, who witnessed the last blow, opened his mouth in surprise.

Just now, he only saw a huge red giant sword, which actually cut off such a thick sacred tree on the spot, and felt extremely shocked.

Zhan Yue noticed that the battle was over and turned away directly.

He just wanted to prevent the Zhan Ji Drive from being destroyed and it was inconvenient to collect data.

Even if the data has been collected almost now, it might be needed in case.

At least the Genesis Drive has not been completed yet, and the Zhan Ji Drive needs to be preserved as much as possible.

When Baron came back to his senses from the shock, he found that Zhan Yue had disappeared at this time.

".‖That guy, has he left?"

For Zhan Yue, Baron has always been worried about it.

Last time in the forest, he was severely taught a lesson by the opponent. He was beaten so hard that he was forced to cancel his transformation. He was in a very embarrassing state.

Noticing that his brother had left, Long Xuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Without Zhan Yue, he didn't have to worry about his identity being exposed.

At this time, Long Xuan's heart was even darker.

Looking at Lu Li's position with a vague look, Long Xuan now had no idea how to deal with Lu Li.

If he couldn't deal with Lu Li, it meant that he couldn't take Gao Siwu back.

Is it...really there is no way?

Clenching his fists, Long Xuan's brain was working rapidly.

After doing all this, Lu Li had already exited the transformation state.

I saw Lu Li suddenly stretched out his hand, and then a blood-red lock seed suddenly fell down and fell into his hand.

This lock seed was the blood-orange lock seed used by the God of War Kaiwu.

With this lock seed, a passage to Pan Ya City can be opened directly.

Of course, Lu Li can now travel back and forth between the two worlds, so he doesn't need it at all.

But Gao Siwu and the others can't do it. Lu Li won't leave them all here, otherwise the plot will probably change.

After getting the blood orange lock seed, Lu Li went straight back to Gao Siwu.

As for the two previous golden demon clones, they had disappeared as early as when Lu Li came out of the sacred tree.

"Brother Lu Li! I just saw that sword, it's so big! With two swishes, I got rid of that damn guy!"

Gao Siwu said these things with a happy face, and she gestured excitedly.

It was as if she participated in the battle just now.

(Damn) Seeing her so excited, Lu Li just smiled and rubbed Gao Siwu's head gently.

"Take this, with this you can open the gap to go back."

As he spoke, Lu Li had already put the blood orange lock seed in Gao Siwu's hand.

"What is this...?!"

When she saw the lock in her hand, Gao Siwu looked very surprised.

She recognized it immediately. Wasn't it the blood orange lock used by the God of War Kaiwu before?

When Gao Siwu looked up, she found that Lu Li had left. Looking at the gradually receding back, Gao Siwu hurriedly shouted.

"Brother Lu Li! Aren't you leaving with us?"

She was very confused. She didn't understand why Lu Li didn't seem to plan to go with her.

"I have other ways to go back."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lu Li disappeared from Gao Siwu's sight.

Seeing Lu Li disappear from her sight, Gao Siwu felt a little disappointed.

She couldn't count how many times she was saved by Lu Li.

Gao Siwu, who had a good impression of Lu Li before, had a sharp increase in her favorability after experiencing what happened today.

Unconsciously, she found that this brother Lu Li, whom she had just met not long ago, had already occupied a certain position in her heart unconsciously.

With the addition of other aspects, Gao Siwu almost completely regarded Lu Li as the prince of her life.

At this time, Ge Ye Hongtai and the other two came to Gao Siwu, but they did not see Lu Li.

"Wu, why didn't you see Lu Li? I saw him coming this way just now?"

Not finding Lu Li, Ge Ye Hongtai was very puzzled.

Hearing this, Gao Siwu restrained his lost expression and shook his head slightly.

"Brother Lu Li has left. He left this thing to me and said that we can go back through this lock seed."

As he said, Gao Siwu pressed the blood orange lock seed in his hand.

Not far ahead, a special crack suddenly appeared, opening slowly like a zipper.

On the other side of the crack is Xunya City,

Chapter 549 Knight Power, Handsome is Over! The Instigated History! Black Bodhi Tree

"I didn't expect it to be true! Then we can go back.

Kageba Kota, who was still thinking about how to go back, was feeling a headache. Unexpectedly, he now had a way to go back.

Although Quwen Jiedou liked the feeling of fighting for the world here, now that the fight was over, there was no point in staying here.

So he walked towards the crack on his own.

At this time, Wudao Guangshi looked at the blood orange lock seed in Gao Siwu's hand, and suddenly his heart moved, and he asked hurriedly.

"Sister Wu, is Lu Li not going to leave with us? Without the power of this seed, can he leave this world?"

Of course, he didn't want Lu Li to leave this world in his heart, but he couldn't say it clearly, so he could only ask implicitly.

Nodding without hesitation, Gao Siwu said firmly,

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