"It will be fine. Brother Lu Li told me that he has a way to leave this world. Don't worry."


Worry about nothing!

Wu Dao Guangshi, who has always disliked Lu Li, hopes that Lu Li can be trapped in this world.

In this way, no one will compete with him for Gao Siwu.

He just had a little fluke mentality just now, and it is reasonable to get such an answer.

He felt quite regretful that he could not find Lu Li in this world.

"Okay, okay, we should hurry back. We have been out for so long. If we don't go back, our family will be worried."

According to the time, they have been away for more than a day. If they go back, their families may have to issue a missing person notice.

Then, the three of them left the world of the Warrior Knights together.

The disputes in this world have also ended.

At night, Fuuto Yuansaki's house.

Lu Li suddenly left for more than a day. If it weren't for Inna passing the news back, I'm afraid all the girls would think he suddenly disappeared.

This time when he went to the world of the Warrior Knight, Lu Li gained a lot.

First of all, it was Lu Li himself.

After going to the world of the Warrior Knight this time, Lu Li successfully restored three engravings.

This means that Lu Li now has three opportunities to replicate.

Since he is very strong now, Lu Li must be more cautious when choosing the target to replicate in the future!

In addition, he got Aguru, who has extremely high growth power. The Amadam Spirit Stone in it can help Lu Li become stronger.

And there is the power of light!

It is unknown to what extent Lu Li, who has successfully obtained the power of light, will grow in the future.

But it is certain that the improvement brought by the power of light will not be inferior to Aguru.

933 As for other knight powers, Lu Li also got them.

Whether it is Faiz, Kabuto or Dragon Knight, they all have them.

Although these knight powers are not very good for Lu Li, they may be useful in the future.

Besides, who would dislike having too much power?

It doesn't matter if you are strong or not, as long as you are handsome."

It is precisely because of the rich harvest this time that Lu Li is in a very good mood today.

Seeing that Lu Li is in a good mood, Sonosaki Saeko and the others are naturally very curious.

Sonosaki Wakana has been pestering Lu Li, asking him to tell him what happened.

Seeing that the girls were looking forward to it, Lu Li told them what happened to him in the world of the Warrior Knight.

Of course, Lu Li only said that he had gained some knight's power and didn't say anything else.

As for the engraving, Lu Li has not told anyone until now.

Even the most powerful gifter Lu Li has seen so far only knows that Lu Li has a very special ability, and doesn't know that it is Lu Li's engraving.

The engraving is related to Lu Li's foundation. It's not that he doesn't trust the girls, but he is worried that they will tell others under certain special circumstances.

"Ah, this! It's too outrageous to be able to merge with a big tree?!"

Sonosaki Wakana said that she couldn't understand it a little.

Why must she merge with a tree? Can't she merge with other things?

It's very strange.

This girl's focus is not on the main point at all. Lu Li shook his head helplessly.

At present, among the girls in the family, only a few have not had a substantial relationship with Lu Li.

These few people are Dimu Li and Inna.

You should know that even Jiujo Ling has become Lu Li's person a long time ago.

Needless to say, Inna, as the last person to join the Sonozaki family, she is not ready for the time being.

As for Dimu Li, her eyes flickered, and she seemed a little afraid to look at Lu Li.

Of course, she also knew the situation at home.

After all, the sisters usually talked about a lot of things, and she was not a novice who knew nothing, so how could she not know the situation at home.

Now, she is the most backward one in the family, and she must hurry up.

Otherwise... Inna's body, which looks more plump than hers, may directly surpass her.

The reason why her eyes flickered was, of course, that Dimu Li had prepared in her heart, but she was still a little uneasy in her heart.

She was going to start the action tonight, and she must not let Inna get there first.

As for Inna, although she noticed Dimu Li's gaze, she didn't know that Dimu Li had already regarded her as a strong enemy.

Inna, who had seen Lu Li use the power of the Fear Utopia memory before, finally spoke out her thoughts at this time.

"Lu Li, is there any memory suitable for me?"

This time, Inna didn't hesitate so much and directly said what she thought.

Now the time she came is very short, but she has also understood the situation at home.

If she wants to get a very strong power, she must let Lu Li agree.

In the Sonozaki family, Lu Li is the sky.

Whatever he says is what it is.

Even Sonozaki Saeko, the queen of the museum, will not raise any objections.

Slightly stunned, Lu Li didn't expect Inna to take the initiative to bring up this matter to him.

At the beginning, Inna was still very determined, as if she had no interest in the power of memory at all.

But now it has completely changed, and she is interested in the power of memory again.

Think about it, you can gain great power without causing any negative impact on yourself.

Who wouldn’t be confused after seeing this kind of power?

Even now, museums are still producing memories, but the power that memories have now is no longer on the same level as the power that memories had in the past.

All memories with truly powerful power are firmly in the hands of the museum.

Looking at Inna, Lu Li fell into thinking for a moment.

He was thinking about what kind of memory should be given to Inna.

Suddenly, a guy who had been against him appeared in Lu Li's mind.

But unfortunately, the guy who did it with me is gone now.

This person is...Wan Deng Snow Attendant!

The memory he uses is Aurora memory.

Aurora memory is also a high-end memory with very terrifying power.

It can release high-radiation light from its hands and incinerate the opponent easily.

As for Inna, who has espionage experience, it goes without saying that she has very high accuracy in shooting, and the Aurora memory is also suitable for him.

As for the power of the memory to be integrated, Lu Li had already considered it.

It can release high-radiation light at will. If the power of spatial memory can be added, it will definitely become very terrifying.

Think about it, you can only use the power of space to change the target that is no longer possible to hit to a position where it will definitely be hit.

This is equivalent to adding a layer of insurance to Aurora's power, and there is no need to worry about the shooting failing.

The high-radiation light emitted can almost guarantee a 100% hit on the opponent by adjusting the space.


Lu Li, who had already thought about it, looked at Inna's expectant eyes and nodded slightly.

"I already have an idea. It will take a little time to make the fusion memory. I will give it to you when it is completed."

"Fusion memory?!"

Inna was very surprised. She thought she could just get a powerful memory.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li was ready to fuse the memory for himself in one step.

You must know that fused memory is almost standard equipment for women like Lu Li.

If I accept such a memory, does that mean...that I am already Lu Li's person?

Even though Inna had already guessed in her heart, this kind of thing would inevitably happen in the future.

But I still feel a little nervous and uneasy in my heart, not at all calm and calm.

When she first learned that Lu Li had so many women, she was even a little repulsed.

But there was no other way, but after all, she had already agreed to join the museum, so she could only accept this fact.

All he wanted in his mind was to stay away from Lu Li and not have too much contact with him.

However, after a brief contact, she seemed to finally understand why Lu Li deserved to have so much.


Incomparably powerful and terrifying power!

For a person with such great power, no matter how much he has, it is not impossible to understand

At the same time, this also means that Lu Li is very outstanding, which is why he has so many beautiful women around him.

If you are not excellent yourself, there is nothing to talk about.

And after getting along for a while, she already knew the personalities of the people in her family.

Sonosaki Yuko can be said to be that kind of aloof queen, but even with such a being, she still doesn't mind Lu Li having other women.

She couldn't help but admire Sonosaki Saeko's magnanimity.

It would have been impossible for her, at least before, to accept such a thing.

Compared to this, Inna is thinking about what the fusion memory she is about to obtain is.

The power of fused memory is said to be far stronger than ordinary memory. The only person who can make fused memory is Lu Li.

In addition, even if others want to make it, it is impossible for them to make it.

Even Consortium X, which had acquired part of the specific technology, could not reproduce this technology.

After dinner, Lu Li was preparing to go back upstairs to rest.

But at this moment, Di Muli suddenly came to Lu Li, grabbed Lu Li's hand, and ran upstairs with him.

Behind them, Sonosaki Saeko and others showed meaningful smiles on their faces.

Of course they knew what happened to Dimo ​​Li and Lu Li, but no one was jealous because of it.

The people who live here are all family members, and they all know very well that except for Inna, who just joined not long ago, only Di Muli has not had any substantial relationship with Lu Li.

relationship progress.

This made Dimuli once think that he was not good-looking, so he was ignored by Lu Li.

Therefore, under the instigation of the water girl Mezel, this girl became so brave tonight, and she even pulled Lu Li and ran into the room.

It can be said that Dimoli was very determined and very nervous when he made this decision.

She was worried that Lu Li would suddenly reject her.

When we came to Dimuli's room, the whole room looked very elegant, giving people a girlish freshness.

As soon as he closed the door, Dimuli felt that his heart was jumping into his throat.

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