
Dimu Li, who was in a very uneasy mood, was holding her skirt nervously and did not dare to look at Lu Li at all.

With her head lowered, Dimoli's face turned red. She didn't know what to do next or what to do.

Seeing Dimuli like this, Lu Li couldn't help but joked.

"Li, you suddenly pulled me over. What's the matter?"

After hearing these words, Dimoli suddenly raised his head in surprise, and his eyes suddenly became more nervous.


With his face flushed, Dimuli was speechless and speechless.

She didn't know what to say at this time, nor how to express what she meant.

The words came to my lips, but I couldn't say them out.

How could a girl say this?

Seeing that Di Muli was at a loss and didn't know what to say, Lu Li walked up to her and hugged her gently.

"I'm just kidding you. Of course I know what you mean. I don't dislike you, nor do I think you're ugly.

However, some things require your consent. "

Naturally, Lu Li would not treat Yoshinaga Miyuki like he did in the world of swords.

Hearing this, Dimuli, who was still uneasy in his heart, finally calmed down.

But her face was still flushed. She was nervous about what was going to happen next, but at the same time she was looking forward to it.

He picked up Dimuli by the waist, walked slowly to the bed, and put her on the bed.

"Li, are you sure you're ready? You won't be able to regret it later."


Determined and firm, Di Muli stared at Lu Li with watery eyes, full of shyness.

She was pretty sure she was prepared and wouldn't regret it.

Since Di Muli had already said it himself, Lu Li naturally had nothing to hesitate about.

At night, the two figures in the room gradually merged into one.

The next day.

Pan Nha City.

After some investigation, Minato Yoko successfully investigated the situation in the employee's information.

At the same time, I also learned about an organization called the Black Bodhi Tree.

In the employee's house, she also saw the ghostly dog ​​world, and got a locked seed that looked like it had been burned.

This is a lock species that Minato Yoko has never seen before.

After she completed the investigation, she immediately reported the news to Zhanji Lingma.

When he got this locked seed again, Zhanji Lingma was extremely shocked.

Of course he knows what this lock seed is, because he made it.

In order to investigate this matter, Zhanji Lingma was going to go out personally and wanted to investigate this matter clearly.

This matter involved some secrets behind the World Tree. If he didn't find out, he would never feel safe.

Walking on the street, Zhanji Lingma thought about the information he already had.

"The Black Bodhi Tree is a religious group that has suddenly expanded its power in Panya City recently, but why do they have this thing?"

With that said, Zhanji Lingma took out the burned lock seed from his pocket.

"What's wrong?"

A familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

Zhanji Lingma turned his head slightly, and happened to see Takatora Kureshima coming out from the side.

Looking at the locked seed in Zhan Ji Lingma's hand, Wu Dao Guihu stepped forward and took it.

"This thing. Looks like part of the seed lock?"

He is very clear about Zhanji Lingma's research, and the other party should have never made such a lock seed.

Originally, Zhan Ji Lingma didn't want to handle this matter by himself, so he didn't tell Wu Dao Takatora about it.

But now that the other party suddenly appeared next to him, he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Why did you come here? Guihu.

"Of course it's because you ran out suddenly. Did you find something?"

Faced with the question raised by Wu Dao Guihu, Zhanji Lingma said very decisively.

"This matter has nothing to do with you.

With that said, he took the lock seed from Wu Dao Guihu's hand.

"How is this possible? What happened before may hinder the progress of the Ark plan. I can't just sit back and ignore it."

Chapter 550 Lu Li: Professor,

You are so embarrassed! Jade:

A reader holding a dictionary in hand!

The so-called thing Wu Dao Takahu said was naturally the previous attack at the World Tree headquarters.

If it weren't for Minato Yoko's quick reaction, Senji Reima would probably be dead by now.


Zhanji Lingma also knows that once Wu Dao Guihu makes up his mind to intervene in something, he can't be persuaded.

Just when Zhanji Lingma was about to continue walking along the street, or more importantly, he saw a very familiar figure.

"Who are you....?!"

His eyes widened slightly, filled with disbelief.

He still remembered the original experiment, and he also knew the results of that experiment very clearly.

The dog path provides the world!

But Zhan Ji Lingma is very sure that this guy from Dog Dao Gongjie has obviously disappeared, why does he appear here again now?

Could it be that everything that happened before has something to do with this guy? !

At this time, Dog Dao Gongkai turned around and disappeared at the intersection, as if to lure Zhan Ji Lingma.

There was no time to think so much, Zhan Ji Lingma immediately chased after him.

Wu Daoguihu, who was standing next to him, had no idea what was going on. He only saw Zhan Ji Ling Ma rushing out.

"What's wrong? Ling Ma!"

Faced with his call, Zhan Ji Ling Ma did not stop at all.

There was no choice but for Wu Daoguihu to chase him.

During the chase, Wu Daoguihu was obviously in better physical condition, but he lost him.

On the other hand, Zhan Ji Ling Ma was a professor and a scientific researcher.

He not only ran very fast, but also had good endurance, and he could actually get rid of Wu Daoguihu.

Under the intentional guidance of the dog road supply community, Zhan Ji Ling Ma was led into a tunnel.

When he came here, he was greeted by a group of people.

This group of people looked very strange, and they seemed to have dull eyes. They did not look like people with self-awareness, as if they were controlled.

Suddenly, one of them spoke.

"The end is coming soon."

"Guide us who are confused."

And at this moment, a familiar figure walked out of the crowd.

It was the Gou Dao Gong Jie who was severely punished by Lu Li before.

"Long time no see, Zhan Ji Ling Ma.

When he saw him again, Zhan Ji Ling Ma finally confirmed that he was not dazzled and did not see wrong.

"It is you, Gou Dao Gong Jie.

When he got the lock seed before, he had guessed this in his heart.

However, Gou Dao Gong Jie should have disappeared from this world.

Even as smart as he is, he can't figure out why a person who has disappeared suddenly appeared.

The so-called Black Bodhi Tree seems to have a very important connection with the other party.

"I think you should be able to find the clues I left.

Gou Dao Gong Jie's eyes were full of admiration for Zhan Ji Ling Ma who was favored by him.

Hearing this, Zhan Ji Ling Ma did take out the damaged lock seed part.

"What's going on? Why did this thing appear there?"

"Compared to these, I am here to guide you, to guide you to the world of God. ."

"What? "

Zhan Ji Lingma didn't understand what Gou Dao Gongjie said about going to God.

Gou Dao Gongjie was like a charlatan at the moment, looking supernatural.

"But for this, you must pass the test."

As his voice fell, the people around him took out the pomegranate lock seeds that were used to create explosions before.

These people seemed not afraid of death, and they opened the lock seeds in their hands and approached Zhan Ji Lingma step by step.

"There was madness in their eyes, without any fear at all.

Seeing this situation, Zhan Ji Lingma didn't understand that these guys were holding bombs.

But he didn't expect that these people would rush up without hesitation.

Are they not afraid of death?

And just as they approached quickly, Zhan Ji Lingma knew that things were in trouble. A flash of panic flashed across his face, and his body kept retreating.

Even Zhan Ji Lingma would be afraid!

But the problem is that facing so many people, he couldn't run even if he wanted to.

At this time, a mysterious force suddenly appeared and blocked these brainwashed people.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Even Zhan Ji Ling Ma was shocked by such a close-range explosion.

He watched the flames of the explosion rise into the sky, but was blocked by a force and did not affect himself. He was very surprised.

The same person was surprised by Gou Dao Gongjie. He did not understand what force blocked his people.

"Tsk tsk tsk! Professor Ling Ma, I haven't seen you for a few days. Why do you suddenly become so embarrassed?"

The sudden voice came from behind. Zhan Ji Ling Ma did not realize that there was someone behind him.

He turned around suddenly and found that it was Lu Li.

"Mr. Lu?!"

He was quite surprised. He did not expect that the person who saved him would be Lu Li.

Although he did not know what the force was that had just done what, he could be sure that this force must have come from Lu Li.

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