When the Dog Dao Gongjie opposite saw Lu Li, his heart suddenly became filled with anger.

"It's you! Lu Li!"

Recalling the last time he was humiliated by the other party and called a third-rate thing by Lu Li, the dog world has always been very unhappy.

But he wasn't sure what special power Lu Li had that could actually attack him, even though he had no physical body.

"Lu Li, this matter has nothing to do with you, the person I'm looking for is Zhanji Lingma!

While Dog Dao Gongjie felt angry in his heart, he was also very afraid of Lu Li's power.

He couldn't see through the guy in front of him at all.

It is impossible to determine how powerful the other party is, but it is certain that it should be able to threaten itself.

Dog Daoist Realm really didn't want to offend Lu Li unless necessary, so as not to cause trouble for themselves.

Hearing this, Lu Li shook his head slightly.

"No, no, you are wrong, this matter has something to do with me.

If you kill Professor Lingma, wouldn't I lose what I want?

Therefore, this matter has something to do with me, and it has a very deep relationship. After all, it is linked to my own interests. "

The Dog Daoist Realm didn't know what Lu Li was talking about, but Zhan Ji Lingma knew it in his heart.

It's the Genesis Drive that I haven't fully researched yet.

However, it has now reached the final stage, and due to the previous explosion, it can only be delayed a little.

Although he was very unhappy with Lu Li interfering with his plan, the dog world also knew that he couldn't deal with Lu Li now.

It is best to protect yourself wisely and choose to retreat now.

Thinking of this, Dog Daojie turned around and left, and his figure turned into particles and disappeared.

Witnessing the dog world disappearing directly in front of him, Zhanji Lingma suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Now he can be very sure that the dog world must have mastered some special power, or it has become very special, so it can appear and disappear at will.

Troublesome guy!

Even if you die, you will still create trouble for yourself!

At this time, Wu Dao Takahu, who had been lost before, also hurried over when he heard the explosion here.

When I saw the uninjured Zhanji Lingma just now, I felt relieved.

Zhanji Lingma, in Kureda Takatora's view, is not only his friend, but also a very important part of the Ark Plan.

If something happened to him, it would probably cause the entire Ark plan to be delayed.

This is what Wu Daoguihu never wants to see.

The time left for mankind is getting less and less. He cannot and does not want problems with the Ark plan.

Noticing Lu Li who was beside Zhan Ji Lingma, he also saw the corpses on the ground left by the explosion just now, and knew in his heart that it was Lu Li who saved Zhan Ji Lingma.

Hurrying over, Wu Dao Guihu once again confirmed that Zhan Ji Lingma was indeed not injured. He finally felt relieved and quickly thanked Lu Li.

"Mr. Lu, thank you for your help this time. If it weren't for your presence, Ling Ma would have been in trouble.

This trouble is not just an ordinary little trouble, but a big trouble.

"It's nothing. The deal between Professor Lingma and I hasn't been completed yet, so naturally I won't let him face the danger of death."

After hearing what Lu Li said, Wu Dao Guihu was very confused.

Zhan Ji Lingma looked at Zhan Ji Lingma with an inquiring look, as if asking him what kind of deal he had with Lu Li.

However, Zhan Ji Lingma was still thinking about the dog world at this time, and simply ignored Wu Dao Takatora's questioning gaze on him.

The reason why Lu Li was suddenly here was entirely because he noticed the existence of the Dog Realm.

Since the last time he saw the dog world, Lu Li has become very sensitive to the energy fluctuations around this guy.

Therefore, when this guy suddenly appeared, Lu Li could easily find him.

"Professor Lingma, don't forget the deal between us, Director Wu Dao, then I will take the first step."

Lu Li also didn't expect that when he returned to Panya City today, he would accidentally save Zhan Ji Lingma's life.

Of course, Lu Li didn't expect Zhan Ji Lingma to remember his kindness.

After all, after being heartbroken by Wu Dao Takatora, Zhanji Lingma has become extremely self-centered, and he only considers himself in everything he does, and does not consider other people.

Lu Li didn't want Zhan Ji Lingma to repay him in the future, he just wanted Zhan Ji Lingma to complete the Genesis Drive as soon as possible.

Watching Lu Li leave, Wu Dao Guihu kept thinking about what deal was reached between Lu Li and Zhan Ji Lingma.

And...still without knowing it.

"What happened just now? You chased him out suddenly. Who is that man?

Could it be that he was the mastermind behind the previous explosion? Who is he? "

Wu Dao Takatora felt that this incident was very unusual.

The opponent's purpose seems to be very obvious, which is to kill Zhanji Lingma.

The previous explosion at World Tree, plus this explosion, were already two.

Each time he was more ruthless, the opponent seemed to be on the verge of death.

Hearing this, Zhanji Lingma also knew that even if he continued to hide it, it would not be of much significance.

Now that Wu Dao Takatora has identified this matter, he will definitely investigate this matter.

"Dog Daojie, that guy is the head of the Research Institute of the Past World, that is, my predecessor."

..0Please give me flowers..

When he heard this, a flash of memory flashed in Wu Dao Takatora's eyes.

He was thinking about the name Dog Realm and whether he had heard it somewhere.

But then he shook his head, Wu Dao Takahu said doubtfully.

"Why haven't I heard of this person?"

Taking out the seed-locking part, Zhanji Lingma told the whole story.

“Even his records were erased in order to hide an accident.

It was the first time I caused an accident where the lock was out of control. The dog world died because of this accident. He should have been a non-existent person. "

Regarding this point, Zhanji Lingma has not figured it out until now.

Perhaps, it was precisely because there was something wrong with the lock seed that he created originally that led to this result.

However, people who had disappeared from this world suddenly appeared and threatened him, which made Zhanji Lingma very uncomfortable.


What a fart trial!

After explaining the matter clearly, Zhan Ji Lingma was ready to go back and immediately start solving the matter.

Since the Dog Realm no longer exists, it should be eliminated!

That's right, he wants that guy to disappear from this world completely!

"Ling Ma, you haven't answered me yet, what exactly is the deal between you and Lu Li?"

Wu Dao Guihu was particularly concerned about this matter.

He really wanted to find out what the deal was between Lu Li and Zhan Ji Lingma.

After hearing this, Zhan Ji Lingma was silent for a short time, and then just told Wu Dao Takatora the conditions he needed to pay.

“He wanted to get a Genesis Drive, which I promised him, and that was it.

As for the rest, it has nothing to do with you.

After saying that, Zhanji Lingma turned and left.

"Hey! Lingma!"

Seeing that Zhanji Lingma was still going his own way, Wu Dao Takatora felt helpless in his heart.

Although it was unclear why Zhanji Lingma agreed to give Lu Li a Genesis Drive, Kurehu Takahu didn't mean to blame him.

As an investor in the museum, Lu Li was the representative sent by the museum, so getting a Genesis Drive didn't seem like a big deal.

The world is huge, and investors are the biggest!

After separating from Zhanji Lingma, Lu Li went directly to Helheim Forest.

After the last battle with Zhenhong, Lu Li never saw the Overlord Foreigner again.

Now Lu Li just had time to go look for it.

This time, Lu Li didn't go empty-handed, he even brought a dictionary.

With this thing, Lu Li doesn't have to read the other person's mind all the time.

Arriving at Helheim Forest again, Lu Li walked directly towards the cave he had visited before.

Even though Zhenhong lost to him here before becoming good friends, it doesn't mean that this place has been abandoned by them.

He planned to come here to try his luck first and see if he could find it.

When Lu Li came here again, he didn't feel any aura from the Overlord Foreigners. It seemed like he was no longer here.

Although this place is already deep in the forest, it does not mean that it is the deepest place and we can continue to move forward.

Just when Lu Li was about to move forward, a familiar aura appeared within Lu Li's range of perception.

This aura was exactly the aura that was hidden in the dark when Lu Li and Zhen Hong were fighting.

It can only be jade.

The aura was slowly approaching here, so Lu Li did not continue moving forward, but stayed where he was and waited for Jade's arrival.

A moment later, there was a person wearing green exoskeleton armor and holding a halberd and a feather in his hand.

The Overlord Foreigner, who looked sinister, appeared in Lu Li's field of vision.


Just by seeing Jade for the first time, Lu Li could sense that this guy had very strong ambitions.

What's more important is that the murderous aura exuding from him is different from the murderous aura in Zhen Hong.

The murderous aura in Zhenhong's body was simply caused by fighting.

The murderous aura emanating from Jade is more feminine, but at the same time it also gives people a bone-chilling feeling.

At first glance, you can tell that this is a very influential guy, the kind who will do whatever it takes to achieve his own goals.

Speaking the language of Feimsim, Jade put the bag feather in his hand aside, clasped his hands and slowly came closer.

The first impression is that this guy is trying to show his kindness.

Lu Li threw the dictionary he had brought over.

Catching the dictionary, Jade saw these words and instantly understood what it was.

The man in front of him wanted to learn human language so that he could communicate more easily.

With a slight nod, Jade opened the dictionary from the front and quickly learned the basic human language.

For overlord aliens with high intelligence, it is not difficult to learn a language.

Even Zhen Hong, who only knows how to fight, can learn human language in this period of time. His mind will be more delicate and smart, and he will learn this language faster.

Seeing Jade who was studying with gusto, Lu Li was not in a hurry and waited until he finished learning the language first.

Once you understand the language, communication becomes easier.

Chapter 551 The first meeting with Bai Ya! Come for the golden fruit, fight!

After about a few hours, Jade finally closed the dictionary.

Although he had only studied for a few hours, he had already mastered the human language.

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