"Hello... the strong one among humans.

This is the first time that Jadeite has spoken in human language.

Although the voice is a little intermittent, it is mainly because of the lack of familiarity.

Give it a little more time, it should be familiar enough, and then it will not be so difficult to speak.

"Lu Li, my name."

Lu Li told Jadeite his name.

He needs this guy to lead him to find Bai Ya. Only by contacting Bai Ya first can he have the opportunity to contact the golden fruit.

At present, the golden fruit should not be mature, and the activation of the world of Helheim Forest is not strong enough.


Jadeite also said her name.

Then, Jadeite took the initiative to invite Lu Li.

"Powerful... human, perhaps we can cooperate.

I know... you have been... looking for us, and I am also... trying... to contact you. "

Emerald acted very gentle and calm. He didn't look like a dominant alien who survived a brutal battle.


This was undoubtedly pretending!

Yes, Lu Li saw it at a glance. Emerald was just pretending to be harmless in front of him.

Emerald didn't know that Lu Li knew his situation very well.

The so-called cooperation from a guy who could backstab him at any time was not credible at all.

But Lu Li needed Emerald now and wanted this guy to help him find Bai Ya.

"Cooperation, of course, is no problem, but what can you bring to me from our cooperation?"

Lu Li was very happy to play this scene with Emerald.

I just don't know what expression Emerald would have when he knew that Lu Li had already known his situation. It must be very exciting.

"What do you want? "

When Feicui asked this question, he had actually already started planning.

He wanted to understand Lu Li's needs first, so that he could control Lu Li more easily later.

Humans, in Feicui's eyes, were just his toys. He never regarded them as equal creatures.

"What I want is very simple. Take me to see your ruler. I have something to talk to him about. "

When Lu Li said this, Feicui fell silent.

For a moment, he was a little unsure, what exactly did Lu Li mean by this?

As for why Lu Li knew that there was a king above the Overlord Alien, Feicui just thought it was Lu Li's guess, and didn't think much about it.

After all, a powerful tribe must have its own king, and it is not strange to guess this.

Having seen Lu Li's powerful strength before, Feicui naturally wanted to cooperate with Lu Li to see if there was a chance to kill Bai Ya.

In order to snatch the golden fruit, Feicui has made up his mind to kill Bai Ya.

But he knows that he can't do it with his own strength.


Lu Li, who can easily defeat Zhenhong, is undoubtedly a very powerful helper.

If he can get the help of the other party, it will be very important for him to fight for the golden fruit. .

Of course, Feicui naturally couldn't be so stupid as to expose the matter of the golden fruit.

He didn't know what Lu Li's attitude towards the golden fruit was, but he knew that no one should be able to resist the temptation brought by the golden fruit.

Now taking Lu Li to see Bai Ya, he didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

What if Lu Li met Bai Ya and was intercepted by Bai Ya, wouldn't it be very embarrassing?

For a moment, Feicui was a little unsure whether to take Lu Li to see Bai Ya.

What if he met Bai Ya and the guy in front of him kicked him away, wouldn't that mean that all his efforts would fail?

But after thinking about it, Feicui put aside his worries.

Bai Ya is now completely uninterested in anything else. The only thing he is interested in is to resurrect the princess.

Even if he met Bai Ya, he believed that Bai Ya would not be interested in Lu Li, a human who suddenly arrived.

"..Okay! "

After a period of silence, Feicui finally agreed to Lu Li's request.

Feicui's answer was within Lu Li's expectations.

This guy would not easily encounter any opportunity. As long as there is a possibility of snatching the golden fruit from Bai Ya, he would do it without hesitation.

"In that case, let's go."

What Lu Li was more curious about was where Bai Ya lived in this forest.

In the deeper part of the forest.

Lu Li followed Feicui all the way and finally came to this place.

"The king... is just ahead. "

After the two of them passed through a steep mountain wall, they came to a relatively wide place.

Here, Lu Li finally met the King of Fimsim, who was also the king of all the overlords and foreigners.

Bai Ya!

Sitting on the throne, Bai Ya leaned back on the stone chair, looking very calm.

As a king who had experienced many things, Bai Ya could remain calm no matter what he faced.

He clearly had the power to change the world, but he did not make good use of it.

Especially after the death of the princess and the endless struggle within the clan, he had become discouraged.

Bai Ya, who no longer had much interest in this world, allowed the forest to develop as he pleased and erode the world as he pleased.

As long as he gets a new golden fruit, he might be able to revive the dead princess.

This is the obsession in his heart and the hope in his heart.

At this time, Bai Ya, who had always been sitting on the throne and seldom moved, suddenly raised his head.

Of course, he also noticed a strange aura appearing around him, as well as the aura of emerald.

Then, he saw Jade coming with a human, and Bai Ya was very surprised.

Lu Li couldn't understand the language spoken in Femsim's language.

At this time, Jade directly took out the previous dictionary and handed it to Bai Ya.

Bai Ya glanced at Jade and then at Lu Li. Bai Ya's eyes were very sharp.

Bai Ya took the dictionary and browsed it quickly.

Bai Ya, who possesses the golden fruit, not only possesses great power, but also possesses powerful learning ability.

He just browsed it quickly and almost mastered human language.

After closing the dictionary, Bai Ya was finally able to communicate normally with Lu Li.

"Are you the same group as those who have been exploring this forest?"

As the ruler of the entire forest, he certainly knows what is happening in this forest.

It's just that the World Tree and the investigation team that came out did not interfere with him, so he didn't bother to pay attention.

According to Bai Ya's idea, he only needs to wait quietly for the Helheim Forest to complete its invasion of the earth and give birth to the golden fruit, and he should be able to successfully save himself.

His own princess.

This is the most important thing to him, other things are not worthy of his attention at all.

Lu Li is an investor in Yggdrasil, and there seems to be nothing wrong with them saying they are in the same group.

"It's okay if you understand it this way, but mine is different from theirs."

"no the same?"

Bai Ya looked at Lu Li in surprise.

He had just been focusing on learning the language, but when he came back to his senses, he noticed something.

The man in front of him was definitely not as simple as an ordinary human being.

For some reason, Bai Ya vaguely felt that the man in front of him was a strong threat to him.

It's just that the other party hasn't shown any malice towards him for the time being, so even though this sense of threat is very strong, it doesn't arouse Bai Ya's vigilance.

Although it is just a feeling, Bai Ya is the ruler of the entire Helheim Forest and the King of Fimshim. His feeling is unmistakable.

Especially when facing a strong person, that extremely strong feeling makes it even more impossible to go wrong:

In other words, the man in front of me... is special!

His true strength may be no less than his own, but if he really fights with the opponent, he will be a very troublesome person.

Seeing that Lu Li had no intention of continuing, Bai Ya understood immediately and simply waved to Jade beside him.

"Jade, please step back first."

"This is!"

Unexpectedly, she would be rejected with a wave of her hand. Jade was a little confused as to what Bai Ya Gourd was selling.

But he knew that with his current strength, there was no way to deal with Bai Ya.

Therefore, no matter what order Bai Ya gave, he could only execute it faithfully.

Jade could only withdraw unwillingly.

Now he can only hope that there won't be too much contact between Lu Li and Bai Ya, and it's best not to affect his plan.

Without Jade, there is no need to worry about that guy hearing the conversation with Bai Ya.

"I am Rossio, human, what is your name?"

Bai Ya already knew when he was learning the language just now that humans would introduce themselves to each other.

"Land from.

Nodding slightly, Bai Ya still looked very calm, as if nothing could cause any disturbance in his heart.

But not entirely.

If it's something related to the princess, Bai Ya will be very concerned about it in his heart.

"Lu Li, tell me your purpose. Judging from your appearance, you should be looking for me. What is your purpose?"

He was curious, why would a human come to him?

And why does this human being in front of him give himself a feeling of danger?

"Rosio, the purpose of my coming here is very simple, the golden fruit that belongs to human beings."

When Bai Ya heard the words "golden fruit", his heart suddenly shivered.

Then, Bai Ya suddenly waved his hand.

A large number of Helheim Forest plants emerged, surrounding Lu Li, as if they wanted to entangle him.

"I don't care who you are, but the golden fruit is not something you can covet.

Get out of here quickly. I can pretend this didn't happen and you never came.

Otherwise...don't blame me for being rude. "

He would never allow anyone to covet the golden fruit. This new golden fruit was used by him to resurrect his princess.

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