From his previous observations, humans are just a group of guys who like to fight.

Just like they were stupid before, he felt that it was not worth it to give the golden fruit to such stupid humans...

It would be better to give this golden fruit to the princess and let her revive again.

"That is the golden fruit of humans, Luo Xiu'ao, isn't it a bit too overbearing for you to do this?"

Lu Li's face remained unchanged, and he was not nervous at all because of Bai Ya's threat.

Bai Ya, who obtained the golden fruit, is indeed very powerful.

But even if Bai Ya has the power of a god, this god is only at a certain level.

The golden fruit can indeed help people become gods, but there is still a big gap between this god and the god of the giver.

The god who only uses the golden fruit to become a god may be only slightly stronger than the sealing stone tablet as the intelligence of the god.

If Lu Li really wants to deal with it, he is not without means.

"Arrogant? I am the master of this forest. Since it was born in this forest, it is naturally up to me to decide its ownership.

Do you want to get the golden fruit? Then challenge me, let me see if you can defeat me.

The words were very calm and steady. Bai Ya has always been invincible. He doesn't think anyone can defeat him.

Even if the human in front of him brought him a sense of danger, he still didn't think Lu Li would be his opponent.

This is the confidence of a strong man.

As if sensing Bai Ya's dissatisfaction, these Helheim Forest plants quickly moved and directly surrounded Lu Li, turning him into a ball.

After doing all this, Bai Ya just glanced at the ball wrapped by the plants.

Just as he was about to turn around and sit back on his throne.

Just as he turned around, he suddenly felt a strange movement in the plants.

"Hmm? "

Suddenly turning his head, Bai Ya saw that the plants that were surrounded in a ball were constantly expanding.

It was as if something was about to rush out from it.

And in the next second, Bai Ya saw that the plants controlled by him were directly torn into pieces.

And Lu Li, who was in the center, was not affected at all.

He was a little surprised in his heart. He didn't expect Lu Li to be fine.

Lu Li didn't take action directly because of this, and there was not even any angry expression on his face.

"Luo Xiu'ao, maybe... we can make a deal, why not listen to it."


Mumbling these two words in his mouth, Bai Ya didn't quite understand what Lu Li's so-called deal was.

"What do you want to say?"

With a raised corner of his mouth, Lu Li directly stated a condition that Bai Ya couldn't refuse anyway.

"I can help you... revive your lover, but the golden fruit belongs to me. "

The air suddenly became extremely quiet. Bai Ya turned around and stared at Lu Li.

He didn't know why the human in front of him was so confident to say such a thing and help him revive the princess?

According to what he knew so far, although humans have good technology, it is impossible to bring the dead back to life.

Even the once developed Fimsim had no way to revive the dead, otherwise he would not have lived alone for so long.

The first reaction in his heart was that Lu Li was joking with him.

Or... he was playing a trick on himself.

Moreover, he was very curious about 5.6, why did the man in front of him know that he wanted to use the golden fruit to revive the princess.

Did Feicui tell him?

It seems that he was a little negligent in discipline, and let that guy reveal some things that should not be revealed.

Bai Ya felt uncomfortable. The princess was the only soft spot in his heart, and he would not allow anyone to touch it.

"Don't joke, how could you humans have the ability to revive her!

Get out of here quickly, I don't want to say it again, otherwise... you will stay forever! "

He didn't want to talk any more, he just wanted Lu Li to leave here quickly.

"You haven't tried it, how do you know I can't resurrect? At least, I have resurrected my own people, and they are still alive and well. "

Hearing this, Bai Ya's eyes instantly became sharp.

He stared at Lu Li's eyes, as if he wanted to see if Lu Li was lying to him.

But he couldn't see any problem at all.

Bai Ya couldn't help but start to think seriously about what Lu Li had just said. Could it be that this person in front of him really had the means to resurrect people?

He himself did not have the means to resurrect people. Even if he got the golden fruit and had the power of God, he could not change his fate.

If the person in front of him tried it, would not be difficult to accept.

Although he wanted to use the golden fruit to resurrect the princess, the princess was already dead and there was no way to use the golden fruit.

Even he didn't know how to solve this problem.

After pondering for a while, Bai Ya felt that the person in front of him might be worthy of trust.

As long as he could help him resurrect the princess, he could do anything.

"Tell me your request. As long as you can help me resurrect her, I can agree to all your requests!

No matter what you ask for, I am willing to offer the golden fruit with both hands.

If you dare to play tricks on me, then...don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Chapter 552 Deal! You draw the pie, I'll see! Kamen Rider Duke

Although Bai Ya looks very calm and sophisticated, he is the king of Fimsim, which is enough to prove that he is not a soft-hearted person.

Lu Li did not take his threat seriously.

It is very difficult for Bai Ya to revive the princess, but for Lu Li, it is not difficult to revive a person.

Whether it is Yuyuan Lai or Fumu Li, they are all resurrected by the same method.

Although they are not pure humans after resurrection, does it have any effect?


Of course, in order to revive in this way, you must first ensure that the body is not decayed.

Even if Lu Li has not seen the princess in the sarcophagus, Fimsim has many spells, and Bai Ya will never watch the princess decay.

According to the current situation, the problem of resurrection is not difficult.

"Okay, don't forget what you said, but... if you want to revive her, you still need some time to prepare.

Not so fast, you have to wait a little longer."

Resurrection itself is a rather troublesome thing. Even if Lu Li can do it, it still takes some time to prepare.

And Bai Ya certainly knows how difficult it is to revive a person, and it is reasonable to need to prepare.

He has waited for so long, even if he waits a little longer, it will not make any difference.

"Okay! I will wait a little longer, I will remember the agreement between us, but don't let me wait too long."

He looked at the sarcophagus in the corner unconsciously.

Bai Ya suddenly became very calm at this time, and even the tone of his speech became the same as before.

That was his only hope in living in this world, and the reason for him to continue living.

Suddenly thinking of Feicui who was still outside, Lu Li had never thought of telling Feicui about his cooperation with Bai Ya.

Of course, it was not that Lu Li did not want to kill Feicui, but there was no need for it now.

In addition, Bai Ya had always felt guilty about his people, and it was impossible for him to watch Lu Li kill Feicui.

Keep it for now. Feicui will kill herself in the future anyway. If she really falls into his hands, Bai Ya will have nothing to say.

"Luo Xiu'ao, only the two of us know what happened today. You should understand what I mean, right?"

"I know.

Of course Bai Ya heard that Lu Li was on guard against Feicui.

Even if Lu Li didn't mention this matter, Bai Ya would never tell others about such an important thing.

The importance of the princess is more important than anything else. Bai Ya will not let anyone hinder him.

Anyone who hinders him from resurrecting the princess is his enemy.

After explaining, Lu Li turned and left.

As soon as he walked outside, he saw Feicui waiting outside.

Noticing Lu Li coming out, Feicui asked impatiently.

"What did you talk about?"

Although he and Lu Li are now in a cooperative relationship, it does not mean that he is completely confident in Lu Li.

The two sides have just come into contact. How could Feicui not be more careful when cooperating with each other?

"Nothing, I just want to talk to him and see if I can stop this forest from continuing to invade the earth. "

The reason was reasonable, even Jade could not find any flaws.

When hearing this reason made by Lu Li, Jade did not doubt it.

After all, there is nothing wrong with humans wanting to save their own world, Jade just laughed disdainfully.

"You actually put your hope on him? Haha! He only has that person in his eyes, and he has never cared about anything in this forest.

Pinning your hope on him is simply an unrealistic thing.

Don't think about it, he can't help you, the only person who can help you... is me.

As long as we cooperate, I will definitely help you solve this problem in the future. "

Jade immediately started to paint a pie in the sky.

He wanted Lu Li to stand on his side, at least let him use it first.

Lu Li had no interest in the pie in the sky painted by Jade, but he didn't want this guy to make trouble now.

"That's great, it's really thanks to meeting you, otherwise I really don't know who to find to cooperate with. "

Directly following Feicui's words, Lu Li was not worried at all that this guy would notice anything unusual.

In terms of acting skills, Lu Li didn't think he would lose to Feicui.

Since Feicui wanted to paint a big cake for him, then give him this opportunity.

Give him the opportunity to paint a cake, the rounder the better, because... Lu Li only looks and doesn't eat

"Okay, it's almost time, I'll leave first, I'll come to you if there's anything."

"No problem, waiting for you anytime."

Then, Lu Li left the deep forest directly!

Watching Lu Li leave, Feicui's eyes flashed with a thoughtful look.

Pinching his chin with his right hand, he was thinking about how true what Lu Li said just now was.

As a very cunning person, Feicui would never trust anyone easily.

Not to mention that he had just met Lu Li, even if the two sides had reached a verbal cooperation, he would not trust Lu Li.

There was nothing wrong with the conversation just now, and Lu Li didn't seem to be lying."

Feicui, who couldn't find any flaws, turned and walked inside.

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