He wanted to inquire from Bai Ya to see if there were any discrepancies in what they talked about.

Bai Ya already knew what he wanted to do when he saw Jade coming in.

After that, after some careful testing, Jade also didn't notice anything abnormal, everything was normal.

This is when I let go of my doubts.

Of course, Jade is so cunning and suspicious that she can't be completely reassured. She can only temporarily trust Lu Li's cooperative relationship with him.

After returning from Helheim Forest, Lu Li went directly back to Fengdu.

Preparing for resurrection will naturally be a bit troublesome and not that easy.

Moreover, he also promised Inna that he was going to get her an Aurora Space Fusion Memory, which could also be done in the laboratory.

It took a lot of time to resurrect Habara Lai and Fueki Koyomi.

But it would take Lu Li several days to prepare these things.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past few days, a lot of things happened, and Zhanji Lingma finally found the stronghold of the dog world.

He teamed up with Wu Dao Takatora to kill the dog world, but Zhan Ji Lingma felt that this matter was not that simple.

After his analysis, the reason why the dog world can exist is probably because of the battle pole driver attached to him.

And I don’t know where this guy got the Genesis Core. He actually got this thing that was being tested.

Zhanji Lingma has always cared about this matter.

Concentrating on his Genesis Drive, he was waiting for the Genesis Drive to be completed, and then went to finish the matter alone.

And during the course of the final experiment with the Genesis Drive, something else happened.

The former maid of the Kureshima family, and also the childhood sweetheart of Kureshima Takatora, Akatsuki Toka, is back.

But she came back not to continue serving the Wu Dao family, but to take revenge.

Her body mutated due to participating in the artificial golden fruit of the World Tree and the forbidden apple seed lock experiment.

Moreover, other orphanage partners who participated in this experiment died as a result. In order to take revenge, she even killed Wu Dao Takatora's father Wu Dao Tianshu. The target of her return this time

It’s the Wu Dao brothers.

But unfortunately, he eventually lost to Zangetsu Shin, who was transformed by Takatora Kureshima using the Genesis Drive.

In the end, he was eliminated by Zhanji Lingma in that orphanage.

After experiencing this incident, Zhanji Lingma also came to a conclusion.

That was the golden fruit that Lu Li mentioned before. It really existed.

Because Zhuyue Tengguo's body mutated after using the Forbidden Apple Lock Seed, he could freely control the Helheim Forest to open cracks.

This ability all explains the existence of the golden fruit!

The former Zhanji Lingma still had some doubts in his heart about the existence of the golden fruit.

But now, he is very sure that the golden fruit really exists.

The golden fruit that can make people become gods!

After confirming the news, Zhanji Lingma was naturally very excited.

Everything he had done was not in vain, and the road to becoming a god seemed to have appeared before his eyes.

Originally, this road to becoming a god was prepared by him for Wu Dao Takatora.

But it's a pity that Wu Dao Takahu personally gave up this opportunity, so he could only give it to himself.

After many experiments, the Genesis Drive was finally completed.

Looking at the Genesis Drive placed on the table, Zhanji Lingma picked up his own one without hesitation, and also took the Lemon Energy Lock Seed.

He... now has to solve the last problem.

Among these completed Genesis drives, only Zenji Reima's own Genesis drive has been specially adjusted and can achieve better performance.


In addition, Senji Reima also installed circuit breakers in the Genesis Drives he owned.

It was a part that stopped functioning according to his will.

The reason for installing circuit breakers on other Genesis drives is of course for the future.

Now that he has made up his mind to snatch the golden fruit, it is necessary to prepare in advance in case there are some unpredictable situations in the future.

Whether it is Kure Takatora or West Germany, they all have their own ideas.

Zhanji Lingma can say that he has already calculated all this long ago.

No matter what, he must eliminate the Dog Dao Sect Realm this time.

Because that guy held a lock seed that he did not create by himself, and he appeared in front of him again and again.

Once again, we came to the abandoned factory where we defeated the dog world. The warehouse that was used to grow artificial Helheim Forest fruits had been destroyed before.

Completely burned.

As soon as he arrived here, Zhan Ji Lingma could feel that a pair of eyes seemed to be watching him from behind:

He had felt this way before, and Zhanji Lingma knew without even thinking that the person looking at him at this moment was, not surprisingly, the dog world.

"Dog Daojie, now that you know I'm here, come out. I know I couldn't eliminate you last time."

As if responding to his expectations, the dog world suddenly appeared not far in front of him like a ghost.

"Gongjie, are you still alive now? No...no, you are probably no longer human."

The Dog Path Offering Realm that was supposed to be in front suddenly disappeared, and the next second Zhan Ji Lingma appeared behind him.

Such an elusive ability is simply not something humans can possess.

"Zhanji Lingma, it was you who guided me to the upper world. In that experiment, I was already dead, at least...as a human being, I was already dead.

But after losing my body, I was reborn as a more powerful existence. My purpose is not for revenge, but to test you.

Then...I am convinced, come with me, Zhanji Lingma, I will become a god and give salvation to the whole world."

In order to achieve this goal, I need your power, your purpose is to cause, and I can achieve your goal, Kureshima Takatora cannot. "

He naturally knew that Wu Dao Takatora had been concentrating on the Ark Project and had no interest in becoming a god or anything like that.

To be precise, perhaps Takatora Kureshima felt that this kind of thing was too crazy and a bit unrealistic. It would be more practical without the Ark Plan.

Takatora Kureshima is a realist.

He only believes in what is true, and will not believe in illusory things.

The Ark Project is currently achievable and can save at least part of humanity.

As for the so-called creation of gods, whether it can be realized is completely unknown.

"Hahaha! What an arrogant statement. If a third-rate guy like you could become a god, I would have already become a god."

A burst of sudden chuckles suddenly came.

Zhan Ji Lingma and Dog Dao Gongkai both turned around.

Finally, the two of them saw a familiar figure, from far to near:

"Land from?!"

The dog world never expected that Lu Li would come to this place.

Not only was Dog Dao Gongjie surprised, Zhanji Lingma was also surprised.

He couldn't understand why Lu Li came here.

Once again being called a third-rate thing, the dog world wanted to scold her.

But considering Lu Li's unparalleled power, he didn't dare to act rashly.

The last time he was taught a lesson by 043 Lu Li was still vivid in his mind. The man in front of him had the means to threaten him.

Although he didn't know why Lu Li appeared here, Zhan Ji Lingma strongly agreed with what Lu Li just said.

"He's right, for a third-rate guy like you, I can't see any possibility in you.

How can a boring guy like you become a god? "

While talking, Zhanji Lingma had already taken out the Genesis Drive and Lemon Energy Lock Seed.

He was not worried that these two things would be exposed in advance. After all, one of the Genesis drives produced was for Lu Li.

Of course, just in case, he also installed a blocker in Lu Li's drive.

Being humiliated by two people in a row, Dog Dao Gongjie felt like a beeping dog, and felt very aggrieved in his heart.

"Zhanji Lingma! Lu Li!"

After realizing that he had become a special being, he thought that he was the most special person in the world and the person with the qualifications to become a god.

The two guys in front of him insulted him repeatedly, which he couldn't accept.

He quickly took out the blood orange lock seed and pomegranate lock seed, and a battle pole driver appeared on his waist.

"Lock.On! Ha! Blood.Zahuro.Arms! Abnormally blooming Sacrifi!! Blood.Orange..Arms! Evil way0n.Stage!"

"Lock.On! Soda! Lemon.Energy.Arms (lemon energy armor)! Fight..Power..Fight..Power..Fight....!"

The transformation of the dog world is different. Instead of the zipper appearing on the top of the head and falling out of the armor, it appears directly on the body.

Kamen Rider Saver!

Kamen Rider Duke!

The two completed the transformation at the same time, and this was also the first time that Zhan Ji Lingma used the Genesis Drive.

The weapon in the Duke's hand is the sonic arrow, a piece of equipment shared by all knights transformed using the Genesis Drive.

Afterwards, a fierce fight quickly broke out between the two, while Lu Li watched the battle as a bystander.

The Duke who transformed using the Genesis Drive was specially adjusted by Zhanji Lingma.

In terms of combat effectiveness, it is completely superior to other Genesis Drive-turned-knights.

The Genesis core used by the Savior is just a test product that is inferior in performance to the real Genesis drive.


The sonic arrow pierced the blood pomegranate armor on the savior's chest, knocking him to the ground.

The two then exchanged shots.

They are all sonic arrows, and the power of the energy arrows fired is almost the same. After a series of shootings, no one can do anything to the other.

There seemed to be no distinction for a moment, but Lu Li could clearly feel that the Duke was in an advantageous position.

The core of Genesis does give the Savior a considerable degree of power.

But compared with the official version of the Genesis driver, the gap is still a bit obvious.

Chapter 553 Lu Li: You can’t leave! Empty Self. Sublimated Almighty! Nuclear blast kick

Perhaps he could be evenly matched against other Genesis Drive users.

But he happened to meet the Duke who had transformed into Zhan Ji Ling Ma, whose combat power was higher than that of other knights.

While the two were shooting at each other in turn, the Duke took off the lemon energy lock seed on the Genesis driver and loaded it into the groove on the sonic arrow.


Pull the sonic arrow to charge, and the energy of the lemon energy lock seed is frantically gathered on the sonic arrow.

The savior glanced at Lu Li inconspicuously, knowing that his current situation was very troublesome.

If he resisted the Duke's attack at this time, he might not be able to escape.

The last time he was taught a lesson by Lu Li, he realized that in Lu Li's hands, he might not be an existence that could not be destroyed.

With a plan in mind, he must leave here immediately, and the best way is to use the Duke's sure kill.


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