The savior, who had already made a plan, jumped up and fired two arrows randomly in the air, but they did not hit the Duke at all.

At this time, the Duke had already loosened the bowstring in his hand.

"call out!!"

A red energy arrow, wrapped in the energy of Lemon Energy Lock Seed, went straight to the savior.


In order to be more serious, the savior also aimed and shot an arrow.

The arrow emitting red energy finally connected with the Duke's killing arrow.

There was no delay at all. The Duke's killing arrow instantly defeated the energy arrow fired by the savior, and accurately hit the lock seed and battle pole driver around the savior's waist.


The savior fell directly from the sky and fell to the ground.

I saw bursts of sparks coming out of the battle pole driver on his waist, and it seemed that it might be damaged at any time.

As a bystander, Lu Li felt that everything was a bit too deliberate.

Even if the savior's power is a little inferior to that of the Duke, he won't be beaten so badly.

Just now when the Duke was charging up his special move, he clearly had the opportunity to interrupt the Duke's special move, but he did not do so.

It feels... more like he deliberately withstood this fatal blow.

Seeing this, Lu Li suddenly realized that he understood.

"Dog Dao Gongjie, your acting skills are really... crotch-pulling!"

As Lu Li's voice sounded, the savior and the Duke looked at him.

The Duke was a little confused after hearing this.

He had obviously defeated this guy, why would Lu Li say that.

Could it be that... this guy from the dog world is acting? !

After hearing what Lu Li said, the savior was stunned on the spot.

As early as that experiment, he had already become a very special existence, existing in the form of an energy body.

The Zhan Ji Drive only makes his energy body become a physical body. It does not rely on the Zhan Ji Driver to support his physical body, but uses the Zhan Ji Driver to build a temporary

Just the body.

The Zhan Ji Driver was hit directly by the fatal hit, and sparks kept coming out.

There is no way for the savior to disappear and appear at any time while in a state of transformation.

This means that this temporary body has become his bondage.

"Dog Dao Gongjie, you want to escape under my nose in this way, are you... a bit too self-righteous."

Even though the dog realm itself is in an energy body state, it does not mean that there is no way to eliminate it.

At least Lu Li had it, and there were more than one.

The temporary body of the Savior is in a state of collapse at this time, but it has not completely collapsed yet.

After being exposed by Lu Li in person, he already felt that something was wrong.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Now he just hopes that his body can collapse faster, so that he can escape as soon as possible.

"Since you don't know, I'll help you think about it carefully.

Before he finished speaking, Lu Lizhu walked towards this side.

A belt automatically appeared around the waist.

Yaguru's Belt!

That's right, Lu Li got the Yaguru Belt from Kuuga in the World of Valkyrie Knights just before.

But now the Yaguru belt has been completely integrated with Lu Li and can be used as he wishes.

The most important thing is not to worry about conflicts with awakeners and other powers.

Just as Yaguru's belt emerged, in just a moment, the silver belt suddenly turned into gold.

At the same time, the Yamadam spirit stone in the middle of the belt also changed from red to gold.


The Yamadam spirit stone emits a burst of dazzling golden light.

Red armor appeared on Lu Li's body, and in an instant, special ultra-ancient characters appeared on the red armor, and the lines turned golden.

The red eyes, the crown-like golden horns on the top of the head, and the powerful body exuded a very terrifying aura.

Kamen Rider Kuuga. Sublimated Almighty Form

Although it was Lu Li's first time to transform using the Yaguru Belt, Lu Li skipped the basic form at the beginning and directly transformed into the sublimated form.

After Lu Li and Yaguru merged into one, Lu Li could clearly feel that the Yamadam spirit stone in Yaguru was releasing a special substance that was combining with itself, allowing

Your own body undergoes drastic changes at the molecular and atomic level.

Lu Li, who was already very powerful in his own right, was equivalent to a further enhancement based on the original strength, but this was very small.

The substances released by the Yamadam spirit stone will slowly erode from the body, and eventually even erode the user's brain, turning him into a warrior who can only fight.

Biological weapons.

Of course, this issue had no impact on Lu Li at all.

The Yamadam Spiritual Stone indeed had a very special power and was extremely mysterious, but Lu Li was completely able to withstand such a change.

An ordinary human might eventually reach this point, but not Lu Li.

Therefore, what Yaguru's belt brought to Lu Li was only enhancement without any side effects.

The Duke was very surprised when he saw Lu Li's transformed Kuuga.

It was another kind of power that he had never seen before, and he had a feeling in his heart that Lu Li's power was much stronger than his own.

Although he didn't know why he suddenly had such an idea, he was very reluctant to admit it.

The Genesis drive he developed was the best, and there was absolutely no drive better than the Genesis drive he developed.

If Lu Li noticed what Zhan Ji Lingma was thinking, he would have to say something to him.

This is not a drive, but a belt."

The savior, whose body had not yet collapsed, looked at Lu Li who was walking towards him and unconsciously clenched his fists.

This guy again, why did he come to interfere with his plan? !

He had just realized that he was not as good as the Duke in terms of combat power, so he thought of a plan to escape.

As a result, Lu Li actually saw through his thoughts at a glance.

Because the Zhan Ji drive was damaged, the savior couldn't do it even if he wanted to.

In this state, he couldn't do anything at all, and could only watch Lu Li approach him step by step.

Walking up to the savior, Lu Li pulled him up.

"Professor Lingma, this guy doesn't rely on the driver to support his body, it's just a temporary body.

Once you destroy his current body, this guy will escape, and it will be difficult to find him again."

If the dog Dao Gongjie hides, if this guy doesn't show up, Lu Li can't find him.

After all, this guy's current state is very special. He is no longer a human, let alone a thing.

Even through the Earth Library, there is no way to find out his specific situation.

"How do you know?!"

The savior, who originally had a little fluke mentality, didn't expect that he had been seen through by Lu Li a long time ago.

He couldn't understand what was going on.

Why did Lu Li know his situation so well?

He had never told anyone about his current state. Is this guy in front of him a devil?

"Really? Gongjie, I didn't expect you to have a hand, and you almost ran away."

The Duke suddenly realized at this time. No wonder he always felt that something was wrong just now, but he couldn't say it.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this.

This guy Goudao Gongjie already knew that he couldn't defeat me, so he chose to escape from my sight in this way and then acted in secret.

It's really insidious!

Damn it!

The Savior felt that his body was collapsing quickly, but he didn't dare to cancel the transformation.

Seeing Lu Li in front of him, he had a special feeling in his heart.

Once he canceled the transformation now, he couldn't escape Lu Li's means.

This guy Goudao Gongjie is the kind of person who will take revenge for every grievance. Once he hates him, he will definitely try every means to make trouble in the future.

The most important thing is that this guy's power is special.

Even if he is eliminated as an energy body, this guy may not really die.

This is why Xiangle took a fancy to him and gave him the Zhanji Driver and the Genesis Core.

"Don't waste your thoughts, you can't destroy me!

Even if you can destroy me now, it won't take long for me to be resurrected again!"

The Savior roared unwillingly.

He knew that he couldn't resist at all now, and since he couldn't resist, he would make a harsh statement.

Even if he is in an energy state and is broken up, he can still be reborn. This is the special power he has now.

Looking at the roaring savior, the Duke didn't know how to deal with this guy at this time.

Perhaps as the other party said, this guy is not easy to deal with, let alone to eliminate.

"Professor Lingma, I can help you solve this problem and ensure that he will never appear again.

But in contrast, I want you to remove the blocker in the Genesis drive that you should give me, and at the same time... I also want your secretary, that is, Kou Yaozi

When the Duke heard the conditions proposed by Lu Li, he was suddenly stunned.

He couldn't figure out how Lu Li knew it.

All the other Genesis drives except his own were added with blockers by him.

The only person who knew about this was him, and even his secretary Kou Yaozi was completely unaware of it.

As for the other condition, Kou Yaozi, his secretary, he didn't think it was a big deal, just so that Kou Yaozi could monitor Lu Li.

Staring at Lu Li, the Duke really wanted to know how Lu Li knew what he had done in the Genesis drive.

Unfortunately, Lu Li couldn't tell him about his own affairs.

The Duke, who couldn't figure this out, didn't continue to struggle on this issue, and agreed with a smile.

"Haha! You are really worthy of being Mr. Lu Li, you really know me well enough, I am really more and more interested in you.

No problem, I agree to all your conditions. I will remove the blocker in the Genesis drive I gave you, and Kou Yaozi will be your secretary in the future.

Okay, Mr. Lu, let me see your methods, how to make this guy never appear in front of me.

The two conditions proposed by Lu Li were not difficult for him, on the contrary, they were very easy.

Compared to the dog supply world, this price is nothing at all.

Once this guy escapes, he will definitely do something behind the scenes. Zhan Ji Lingma doesn't want to see this happen.

Especially the golden fruit, that is his goal, he must not let the dog-path supply world hiding in the dark affect him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to kill the dog-path supply world, all problems will be solved.

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