".Okay! The deal is done. Now... you should be on your way, you third-rate bastard."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li exerted a little force in his hand and threw the Savior upwards.

At this moment, Lu Li's body squatted slightly, and the sealed energy gathered crazily on his feet.

He suddenly jumped up and kicked the Savior who had just been thrown up.

Of course, Lu Li did not forget the power of the Kuuga nuclear explosion kick in the sublimated almighty form.

If he really used his full strength, not only this factory, but also the surrounding blocks would be destroyed.

Therefore, Lu Li deliberately controlled the sealed energy gathered on his feet to prevent the surrounding area from being blown up.

Rising.Mighty.Kick (Sublimated Almighty Kick)!

When Lu Li's right foot, which gathered the sealed energy, hit the Savior's chest, the terrifying sealed energy was instantly poured into the Savior's body.

Sealed energy is the embodiment of the Yamadam Spirit Stone.

The sealed energy that Lu Li now possesses not only has powerful destructive power, but can also imprison or even detonate the energy of the target's body.

For the dog-path offering world, which is an energy body, sealed energy is like a poison, and it is highly toxic.


Waves of heart-wrenching screams came, and the savior's body was now filled with terrifying sealed energy.

"Why... why is this happening?! My body.!

As the main body, the dog-path offering world only felt that his body as an energy body was madly pouring into it.

"I won't die, absolutely. I won't die! ! I will definitely (Li Li) come back! ! "

Accompanied by the dog-path offering world's unwilling roar, the savior's body exploded.


The flames that shot up into the sky instantly broke through the top of the factory building, and the explosive energy rushed straight into the sky.

"Huahuahua! "

A lot of rubble fell from the factory and hit Lu Li, but no stone hit Lu Li.

The aftermath of the explosion did not affect too much, which was deliberately controlled by Lu Li.

Otherwise, even if the Duke was wearing armor, he would be hit by a very terrifying energy shock. If he was injured, it would be difficult to complete the transaction between the two.

Seeing the savior being destroyed, a flash of horror flashed in the Duke's eyes.

The power of this explosion was too terrifying. Even if he used the Genesis Driver to transform and release his ultimate move, it would not be possible to burst out such a terrifying power.

Squinting his eyes, he deeply felt the threat brought by Lu Li at this time.

The two sides will definitely compete for the golden fruit in the future, and there will be a battle at that time.

With his current combat power, if he wants to defeat the opponent I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Lu Li landed smoothly and exited the transformation state directly.

Kuga's power can be increased without any restrictions, and no one knows where the specific upper limit is.

The Yamadam Spirit Stone gave Lu Li the ability to manipulate microscopic particles, materialize, seal energy, and restore, as well as the ability to absorb and transform energy.

There are many abilities given, but Lu Li still needs some time to get familiar with them before he can use them all.

Among them, the two abilities that Lu Li cares more about are energy absorption and transformation abilities.

Kuga can transform various energies into his own power, transform the energy that can be absorbed into his own abilities, or strengthen his own abilities.

For example, he can absorb electrical energy, the Earth Stone in Fiz, or the Earth Stone in Kiva. The power of the Demon King, and even the power of the Decade's final form to control the card.

It can be said that Lu Li's biggest gain from going to the Warrior Knight World before, in addition to the restoration of his own imprint, was the Agur belt and the power of light.

Chapter 554: Take someone else's path and leave them with nowhere to go! Ask for benefits, give me a secretary!

The power of light is not bad either. As a power that can evolve infinitely, it is not a problem to become a god after reaching a certain level.

It can be said that Lu Li has become stronger than before, and he is getting stronger all the time.

Whether it is the Yamadam Spirit Stone or the power of light, it can allow Lu Li to evolve to a higher dimension like this.

Even without the golden fruit, Lu Li will sooner or later be able to reach the stage of God.

However, Lu Li believes that if there is a shortcut, of course he should take it, why not?

Take someone else's Road, leaving no way for others to go!

Closing the lemon energy lock, the Duke exited the transformation state and looked at Lu Li with a little meaning.

The power of this man in front of him will definitely be a huge threat in the future, but this is not something he can deal with now.

Even if he knows the problem, he can only leave it alone for the time being.

Lu Li used one after another, which was completely different from the power of the fighter driver and Genesis driver he had researched, which made Zhan Ji Lingma very uncomfortable.

Because the power used by Lu Li has surpassed the power of Zhan Ji Lingma!

Doesn't this mean that the Zhan Ji driver and Genesis driver made by Zhan Ji Lingma are not as good as the power in Lu Li's hand?

For a scientist who values ​​his research very much, this is definitely a very serious blow.

If it weren't for the fact that there was no way to deal with Lu Li, Zhan Ji Lingma might have already started to prepare to deal with Lu Li.

Thinking of what Lu Li promised him before.

Although the Genesis Drive has not yet been given to Lu Li, Zhanji Lingma still couldn't help but be curious about what important news Lu Li said he wanted to tell him.

"Mr. Lu, I will give you everything you ask for.

Can you tell me now, what is the important news you mentioned before? "

Zhanji Lingma was naturally curious about the information he didn't know, and he eagerly wanted to find out.

Although he didn't get the things, Lu Li knew that Zhan Ji Lingma was a smart man and could not and would not dare to default on his things.

"Since you are so curious, Professor, I might as well tell you.

Do you know what the so-called Over.Lord is in that forest? What kind of existence are they? "

When he heard the word Over.Lord, Zhanji Lingma was suddenly shocked.

Lu Li seemed to know more than he thought.

And regarding Over.Lord, no one in Yggdrasil knows what the current specific situation is.

Even Zhan Ji Lingma still has only a little understanding of it.

Just before, I took a picture that was different from other aliens. The guy above looked very mysterious:

The guy in the picture is really red.

Zhanji Lingma used this news to hide it, did not tell Wu Daogui 933 Tiger, and named these mysterious guys in the forest Ovr.Lord.

"Mr. Lu, let's not talk in circles. What do you know about Over Lord?"

There was a hint of urgency in his tone.

He really wanted to know what kind of existence the Over.Lord was like living in that forest.

Seeing how eager he was, Lu Li didn't continue to talk to him, and directly told him about the Overlord Foreigner.

"The Ovr.Lord you are talking about is, as you guessed, indeed the intelligent life in the legend of that forest.

To be precise, they are the rulers of that forest. You can also call them...overlord aliens.

Hearing this, Zhanji Lingma nodded thoughtfully.

"Overlord Foreigner? The ruler of the forest."

Then Lu Li continued:

“They are another intelligent race invaded by the Forest of Helheim, and they are very similar to humans.

There was a king among them who once took the initiative to challenge the forest, and was recognized by the forest, becoming the owner of the golden fruit.

And that king... is now in the deepest part of the forest.

His pupils suddenly shrank, and Zhan Ji Lingma looked at Lu Li in disbelief.

He felt that Lu Li was joking with him. There was an Ovr.Lord deep in the forest, and he turned out to be the owner of the golden fruit!

There was shock in his eyes. Zhanji Lingma received so much information that he didn't know at once, how could he not be shocked.

You must know that World Tree has been exploring the forest for a long time, and the information obtained from it is not particularly much.

But the information Lu Li mentioned now was completely unknown to him. It could even be said that no one in the entire World Tree knew this information.

After so many years, there is still very little information known about World Tree, and not much is known about the forest.

The existence of Over.Lord made Zhanji Lingma feel that there was something similar to a golden fruit in the forest.

This fact has been determined before, but now that he heard the news, Zhanji Lingma already understood what happened after a simple combing.


Turning around, Zhan Ji Lingma turned his attention back to Lu Li and asked in a deep voice.

"Mr. Lu, according to what you said, the Helheim Forest's current invasion of the earth is actually screening people who can challenge him.

As long as you can pass the test of the forest, you have a chance to get the golden fruit, right? "

Finally having everything sorted out, Zhanji Lingma felt like he was one step closer to the golden fruit.

Lu Li couldn't help but praise Zhanji Lingma for being able to react in such a short time:

"As expected of Professor Lingma, he has a very smart mind and has figured out everything in such a short period of time.

You are right, that is how the one in the forest became the owner of the golden fruit.

Lu Li has now told Zhan Ji Lingma the news that should be told to him.

Lu Li reminded him as he didn't want Zhan Ji Lingma to default on what he owed him.

"Professor Lingma, I have already told you the information that should be told to you, but don't forget the agreement between us.

I hope to see my new secretary when I wake up tomorrow morning.

Of course, I hope to bring my Genesis Drive with me, so that's it, goodbye. "

After speaking, Lu Li waved his hand casually,

Left the factory directly.

Looking at the disappearing back, Zhanji Lingma slightly tightened the lemon energy lock seed in his hand.

The information he just learned really had a great impact on him.

Unexpectedly, the Over.Lord living in that forest actually survived the last forest invasion.

They are the rulers of the forest and the overlords in the forest.

According to Zhan Ji Ling Ma's speculation about the intelligence, the reason why the Helheim Forest invaded the earth was also to find a new owner of the golden fruit.

Of course, this golden fruit is different from the previous one.

He is coveting the golden fruit. Is it possible that the dominant alien in that forest will let go of this golden fruit?


No one can withstand the temptation of becoming a god.

This means that the enemies that Zhan Ji Ling Ma may face in the future are not only humans, but also... dominant aliens.

At this time, he felt that his strength was not enough and he needed to become stronger.

Although Zhan Ji Ling Ma's specially modulated Genesis Drive is more powerful than other Genesis Drives, this kind of power also has a limit.

"Ha! It's getting more and more interesting. Who will get the golden fruit? Let's wait and see.

Afterwards, Zhan Ji Lingma also left, leaving only the abandoned factory.

The dog road supply world, who would not have died here, also completely fell here, and there would be no possibility of resurrection.

Zhan Ji Lingma returned to the World Tree headquarters and fell into deep thought while looking at the Genesis Driver on his laboratory table.

He couldn't figure out how Lu Li knew that he had added a blocker to the Genesis Driver.

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