Everything in the laboratory has been carefully inspected, and there is no possibility of monitoring equipment.

Could it be...that there is something wrong with the people around me?

But the problem is that the people around Zhanji Lingma have no idea that a blocker was added to the Genesis Drive.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhan Ji Lingma could only disassemble the Genesis Drive that was supposed to be given to Lu Li and remove the blocker inside.

Looking at the blocker in his hand, Zhanji Lingma fell into thinking.

The power Lu Li possessed was already enhanced by himself, so adding a blocker to the Genesis Drive would probably have no effect.

After all, Lu Li still possesses a lot of powers that he doesn't know about, and they are of little use.

Since adding a blocker has no effect, why not add... a remote control bomb.

Yes, a dangerous idea was born in Zhanji Lingma's mind.

Based on what he knew so far, in the possible battles in the future, unless he could surpass Lu Li, the hope of snatching the golden fruit was very slim.

He will never (ccbh) allow this situation to occur.

The golden fruit is what he values ​​​​and must not fall into the hands of others.

After thinking for a long time, Zhanji Lingma's eyes revealed a hint of solemnity.

In the end, he added a remote-controlled bomb to the Genesis Drive given to Lu Li.

If Lu Li would not hinder him from obtaining the golden fruit in the future, this remote-controlled bomb would have no effect.

But if Lu Li competes for the golden fruit, he can only blame his own bad luck.

Even in the transformed state, once he was hit by a high-explosive bomb at close range, he believed that even Lu Li would not be able to withstand it.

Just do what you say, Zhan Ji Lingma is never timid when doing things, he just thinks carefully.

Having made up his mind to do this, Zhanji Lingma did not hesitate at all and directly loaded the high-explosive bomb into the Genesis Drive.

Anyone who might be an obstacle to him will be eliminated by him, even those he admires, such as Wu Dao Takatora, are no exception.

After doing all this, Zhanji Reima directly called Minato Yoko.

Minato Yoko came to the laboratory with some doubts in her heart.

It's already so late, does the professor have anything else to do for him?

"Professor, what's the matter?"

As soon as he came in, Minato Yoko noticed the Genesis Drive and Energy Lock Seed placed on the experimental table.

"This is..?!"

There was a flash of fire in her eyes. After all, she had a share in the creation of these Genesis drives.

"As you can see, the Genesis Drive is complete and it's for you.

With that said, Senji Reima handed one of the Genesis Drives and the Peach Energy Lock Seed to Minato Yoko.

After receiving the Genesis Drive and Peach Energy Lock Seed, Minato Yoko was very happy.

This means she has power too.

At this time, she suddenly noticed that there were four Genesis drives on the experimental bench.

According to the number of people, there is one for the professor and the director, and one for West Germany and himself.

Then you should only need four. Why is there more than one?

Noticing the confusion in Minato Yoshiko's eyes, Senji Reima pushed up his glasses slightly.

“Minato, it seems you are confused as to why there are more than one Genesis Drive.

This Genesis Drive is for Mr. Lu Li. "

After hearing the news, Minato Yoko was quite puzzled.

I don’t understand why Zhanji Lingma gave such a precious Genesis Drive to Lu Li.

Could it be...did the two of them reach a deal?

"Minato, I want to tell you something. From now on, you will no longer be my secretary.

I need you to go to Lu Li and be his secretary. "


When she heard the news, Minato Yoko was stunned.

She obviously didn't expect that Zhan Ji Lingma would often assign her to Lu Li.

Why is this?

"I need you to monitor his every move and report all his information to me. Can you do that?"

Staring at Minato Yoko, Senji Reima believed that she would not let him down.

After a moment of silence, Minato Yoko nodded.

"Understood, professor, please rest assured, I will report his information to you at all times."

She had also been a spy before, so of course she understood that Zhanji Lingma wanted to return to her old career.

Although she has not been a spy for a long time, Minato Yoko is very capable and it is not difficult to complete this task.

But she didn't know that she would never come back if she came to her door this time, and there would never be a chance to return to Zhan Ji Lingma's side.

Not only that, she will also find the meaning of her existence.

Seeing that Minato Yoko agreed to perform this task, Senji Reima smiled and nodded.

"Okay, since that's the case, you can bring these two things to Lu Li tomorrow morning. This is what I promised him."

With that said, Zhanji Lingma handed over the Genesis Drive and the Dragon Fruit Energy Lock Seed that removed the blocker and installed high-explosive bombs.

The reason why he chose to lock Lu Li's dragon fruit energy was entirely due to Zhan Ji Lingma's careful thinking.

The energy lock seed was created by him, and even if others got it, they would not be able to see the abnormality.

The dragon fruit energy lock seed he gave was only a trial type, not in full condition.

The reason why this thing was given to Lu Li was also to collect enough data from Lu Li to complete the real dragon fruit energy lock seed.

The real dragon fruit energy-locked seed was specially prepared for himself by Zhanji Lingma.

Of course it was impossible to leave it to Lu Li.

However, Lu Li had already seen through the thoughts in Zhan Ji Lingma's heart.

Not for anything else, just because Zhanji Lingma is a guy who pursues safety from beginning to end. He will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, and he will make preparations in advance.

Even if Lu Li got the Genesis Drive, he would not believe that Zhan Ji Lingma had no backup plan.

Although the two parties are in a cooperative relationship, they are mostly using each other to achieve their own goals.

After receiving the Genesis Drive and the Dragon Fruit Energy Lock Seed, Minato Yoko nodded and said nothing more.

The last time she saw Lu Li, Minato Yoko's biggest impression was that the man was very confident.

It's confidence, not arrogance.

The prerequisite for self-confidence is to have enough power, and Lu Li has very powerful power.

Maybe...you can observe this interesting man yourself.

Now it's the next day.

When Lu Li was preparing to leave the hotel early in the morning, as soon as he opened the door, he saw a beautiful figure standing outside the door.

Minato Yoko.

Yesterday, I told Senji Reima that after I got up this morning, I hoped to see Minato Yoshiko and the Genesis Drive just as a joke.

Unexpectedly, Minato Yoko was already waiting for him outside the door.

Seeing Lu Li, Minato Yoko had a faint smile on her face and handed over the Genesis Drive and Dragon Fruit Energy Lock Seed in her hands.

"Mr. Lu Li, this is what the professor asked me to give you. The professor also said that I will be your secretary from now on. Please give me your advice."

Minato Yoko can only be described as a slightly tragic woman.

In the play, in order to be able to witness Qi Wen Jiedou becoming the king, he took the initiative to join his side.

It's a pity that she was hit by a bomb in the end while trying to save Xu Wenjiedou, and fell directly from a tall building.

Although protected by the knight's armor, he was not spared death in the end.

PS: There will only be one update in the two days of Chinese Valentine's Day. Take a break and two updates will be resumed on the 24th!

Chapter 555 Zhanyue. Really! Yaozi, come and witness my path to becoming a strong person!

From the beginning to the end, Minato Yoko never thought about competing for the golden fruit. She just wanted to witness and cultivate the birth of a strong man.

Judging from the current situation, Lu Li indeed meets Minato Yoko's requirements.

He has very strong strength, and Minato Yoshiko feels very wild in this man.

Maybe by following this man, I can see some different scenery.

Of course, Minato Yoko has not forgotten the mission assigned to her by Senji Reima.

For now, she will pay attention to completing the tasks assigned by Zhanji Lingma, and will talk about the future - things later.

After receiving the Genesis Drive and Dragon Fruit Energy Lock Seed, Lu Li did not check to see if there was anything wrong with these two things. He did not understand these two things.

But it is certain that even if Zhanji Lingma removes the blocker, there must be other back-ups.

Lu Li didn't think about it for the time being. Zhan Ji Lingma's so-called backup plan was just child's play to him.

"Yoko, this should be our second official meeting.

From now on you will be my secretary, don't worry, your tasks are much easier with me than with Zhanji Lingma. "

This is no joke.

With Lu Li, you only need to deal with basic things, not too much.

Hearing this, Minato Yoko smiled and nodded.

"I see."

Her eyes were always on Lu Li.

Just the temperament of the man in front of him already showed that he was extraordinary.

It gives people a feeling of looking down on the world, as if everything is under control.

For some reason, Minato Yoko seemed to have a strange feeling.

He...maybe able to rule the world!

World Tree headquarters, training room.

A battlefield similar to Helheim Forest constructed using a training room simulation.


A group of black shadow guards wearing mass-produced war pole drives, each holding a long spear, surrounded Takatora Kureshima.

Looking around at the shadow guards, Wu Dao Takahu took out the Genesis Drive and put it on his waist, and then took out the Melon Energy Lock Seed.



"Lock.On! Melon..Energy.Arms!"

Kamen Rider Zangetsu. True!

After completing the transformation, Zangetsu Shin looks very similar to Zangetsu who transformed using the Zangeki Drive before.

Holding the exclusive armed sonic arrow in his hand.

Facing the group of shadow guards surrounding him, Zhanyue was really calm and didn't feel any pressure at all.

This is a test, a test of the performance of the Genesis drive.

There is no need for such a test, but Kureshima Takatora can't wait to try the power of the Genesis Drive.

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