The shadow guards looked at each other one after another, and then immediately rushed forward to besiege.

But the performance of the two sides is really far apart, and they are not on the same level at all.

Zangetsu Zhenma held a sonic arrow in his hand and rushed directly into the black shadow guards, easily cutting down some of the black shadow guards to the ground.

Seeing how powerful Zangetsu was, the shadow guards retreated one after another.

At this time, Zangetsu Zhen directly pulled the sonic arrow in his hand.

The melon-like green energy converged on the sonic arrow, directly condensing into an orange energy arrow.

Quickly aim at a shadow guard and launch, orange energy arrows instantly fly to the shadow guard.


After getting rid of a shadow guard, Zangetsu Zhen quickly aimed at a shadow guard hiding behind a tree.

Even hiding behind the tree was of no use. The orange energy arrow instantly penetrated the tree trunk and blasted away the shadow guards hiding behind the tree.

The remaining shadow guards looked at Zangetsu Shine very nervously, and for a moment they didn't know what to do.

The gap between the two sides is too big, they are no match at all.

Seeing that there was no movement from the remaining shadow guards, Zangetsu Shin drew his bow again, but this time it was aimed at the top of the shadow guards.

"call out!!"

An energy arrow condensed with powerful energy shot directly into the sky.

But then, it turned into a huge energy honeydew above and exploded instantly.

Under the dazzling orange light, a large number of energy arrows were fired directly, hitting the remaining shadow guards on the spot.

All the shadow guards who were hit lay on the ground and released their transformations, clutching their chests in pain.

"Test completed!"

At this time, a sound suddenly came from above.

At this moment, Zhanji Lingma also walked in from outside the training room.

"How's it going? Guihu, how does it feel to use the new Genesis Drive?"

Zangetsu Shin closed the energy lock on the driver and transformed back into Takatora Kureshima.

"It's amazing. Is this the performance of energy lock seeds?"

Even Takatora Kureshima couldn't help but be surprised.

Combined with the energy lock seed, the power exerted by the Genesis Drive is indeed very powerful.

“This is also thanks to the use of Zhanji driver testing and the collection of a lot of data.

The power of Helheim Forest will soon be ours. "

Now that the Genesis Drive has been completed, the Zhanji Drive is no longer of much use.

"Then being a guinea pig in the city is useless now."

He is a realist.

The Genesis Drive has actually been completed, so naturally there is no need to continue collecting combat data from the Zhanji Drive.

"Hey! What about their Outlander game?"

"Playtime is over and it's time for those naughty little brats to face reality."

Wu Dao Takatora has long been disgusted with those street dance groups. This is because he has tolerated their existence in order to collect combat data.'s time to kick these guys out.

Just today, a lot of things happened in various hospitals in Pan Nha City.

That was the person who had been injured by the alien attack before, and his wounds began to worsen.

And from their bodies, plants from the Helheim Forest actually grew.

As soon as this incident happened, reporters and media immediately reported it.

Wu Dao Takahu and Zhan Ji Lingma, who had just finished the test, also came to a resting place in the World Tree at this time.

West Germany was also here at this time, and he was the one who brought the news.

"You should already know the news. The people who were attacked have been corroded to varying degrees."

Lying on the sofa, Sid crossed his legs with a cynical look.

Walking to the sofa opposite and sitting down, Wu Dao Takahu looked a little serious.

“Are citizens finally being harmed by erosion?”

Shrugging helplessly, Zhanji Lingma replied casually.

“It is inevitable that the Helheim Forest has become active to this extent.

Compared with last year, the frequency of cracks has reached twelve times.

Kureshima Takatora, who has a heart to save humanity, certainly cannot just watch the citizens suffer, he suggested.

"Are we now going to cordon off dangerous areas and guide citizens to evacuate?"

Even if World Tree can control the direction of public opinion, it can also control the transmission of information.

But if things continue to develop, sooner or later they will no longer be able to hide it.

Shaking his head slightly, Zhanji Lingma immediately rejected the proposal without hesitation.

“It’s not time yet, after all, according to the current research stage, we can’t cure the problem yet.

If we do what you just said, it will only cause unnecessary panic. "

Seeing that Senji Reima rejected his proposal without hesitation, Kureshima Takatora frowned.


Before he could say anything, Zhanji Lingma interrupted him directly.

“For now, we can only continue to conceal the situation and accelerate the plan.

All preparations have been made in advance.

The latter sentence was addressed to West Germany.

Sid, who was sitting behind him, nodded.

"So be it."

Just a simple conversation between the three people has already decided the direction of this matter.

At this time, Xiangra suddenly walked out from the side, but it was just a holographic projection of him.

"Are you finally going to abandon those hip-hop knights?"

"You're right, DJ Sagara, your work is over.

Thank you very much for your help. "

Although he said thank you, Zhanji Lingma only said it verbally, which was very perfunctory.

Sagara sighed regretfully.

I originally thought that this kind of life could last for a while, but I didn't expect that it would end so soon.

Although he sighed on the surface, Sagara would not let this battle end.

This battle has just begun, and it is far from over.

He will not let this fight end so early. The owner of the golden fruit must stand out from the fight to obtain this.

Sagara reminded him with a slight shrug.

"But if you think that the storm can be calmed down so easily, are you underestimating those brats?"

"Is there anything else to worry about?"

West Germany didn't take it seriously, thinking that the people in the hip-hop troupe were just a bunch of brats.

How much of a threat could just a bunch of kiddies pose?

"The war pole drives you distributed are still in their hands. Will they really be wholehearted and satisfied?"

Xiangra silently added in his mind that he was not allowed.

From the moment you join the battle, there is no possibility of withdrawing.

Zhanji Lingma held his head with one hand and chuckled!

"Haha! There is no need to worry about this. If the child is disobedient, he needs to be taught a lesson. Are you right, Guihu?"

Hearing this, Wu Dao Takatora nodded coldly.

"That's right.

In the eyes of Wu Dao Takatora, this game is over.

Before, I was just playing around with those brats, but now, it's time to get serious.

Everything is dominated by World Tree behind it. Since World Tree has planned to end this game, it is time to end it.

However, Wu Dao Takahu did not intend to do it himself, and there was someone who was quite suitable.

Lu Li naturally also saw the news and knew that the erosion of Helheim Forest had become more serious than before.

"The erosion is accelerating, Yoshiko, why do you think this is happening?"

Minato Yoko, who has now become Lu Li's secretary, naturally follows him.

As for Inna, she was of course busy adapting to the power of the Aurora Space Memory she had just obtained.

..Please give me flowers..

The power of fused memory is very strong, far more powerful than a single memory. It is not easy to master this power.

He followed Lu Li, but there was nothing to do, so he got used to the power in Fengdu.

Suddenly asked, Minato Yoko shook his head slightly.

"I don't know. Although I have been in World Tree for a long time and am also the professor's secretary, I don't know much about these situations.

The erosion is accelerating. I only know that the activation of Helheim Forest is accelerating.

Regarding these matters, Minato Yaoko did not hide anything and told Lu Li what she knew.

"This is because... the forest wants to select a challenger as soon as possible, and as the forest becomes more activated, it means that the golden fruit will be born soon.

gave birth. "

Lu Li talked about the golden fruit in front of Minato Yaozi without any scruples.

When she heard the words "Golden Fruit", Minato Yoko's eyes widened slightly.

Although she knew a little bit, the specific situation was not particularly clear.

After all, with Kurejima Takatora around, exploration of the depths of the forest can only be carried out in secret.

Noticing Minato Yoko's slightly surprised expression, Lu Li walked over and gently lifted her smooth chin with his fingers.

Those dark eyes stared straight at Minato Yoko.

Being stared at by these dark eyes, Minato Yoko felt as if she had no secrets in front of this man.

"Yaozi, I didn't know that you wanted to cultivate a king, and you wanted to witness a king rule the world with your own eyes.

I can meet your goals.

When Lu Li told Minato Yoko's innermost thoughts, Minato Yoko finally understood why she felt naked in front of Lu Li.

The man in front of him even knew what he was thinking deep down, and he even knew what his goals and desires were.

She couldn't help but smile bitterly in her heart. Zhan Ji Lingma had arranged a task that she had no way of completing.

She didn't have any secrets in front of Lu Li. How could she be a spy under such circumstances?

Taking a deep breath, Minato Yoko showed a smile on her face and looked at Lu Li without any fear.

"Whether you can do it or not, it's up to me to tell. I'll wait and see."

When Yoko Minato determines that a person can fulfill her expectations, she will follow him without hesitation.

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