Even if... what the other person does is to destroy the world.

"Yoko, I know that Zhanji Lingma arranged for you to be a spy. He just wants to know some specific information about me.

You can report to him some things that should be reported, but you can make your own decision on some things that are not acceptable. "

After directly exposing Minato Yoko's hidden identity, Lu Li was not worried about her revealing his information at all.

Zhanji Lingma, who had always been very careful, thought he had done it very covertly.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li already knew it from the beginning.

Minato Yoko didn't feel any embarrassment after her identity was revealed.

For some reason, when she saw Lu Li in the morning, she had a feeling in her heart that Lu Li knew her identity.

As for why I feel this way, maybe it’s my intuition as a former commercial spy.

Putting down his hand, Lu Li turned around and continued walking forward, and Minato Yoko immediately followed him.

At this moment, Minato Yoko already had a decision in her heart.

He was about to test the power of the Genesis Drive, but Lu Li received a call on the way.

The call was from Gao Siwu.

"Hey! Do you want to dance? You called me suddenly at this time. What happened?"

Then, a very low voice came from the phone.

"Brother Lu Li, do you have time now? I want to meet and talk to you."

Although this interrupted Lu Li's next plan, since Gao Siwu wanted to see him now, Lu Li decided to go and meet him.

"Okay, you go directly to Drupes, I'll wait for you there."

"Okay! I'll come right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Li could only change the opportunity temporarily and turned around and walked towards Drupes.

Minato Yoko had been following Lu Li closely. She didn't know why he suddenly changed direction, but she didn't ask any more questions.

As a secretary, there are some things you can ask and some things you cannot ask. She just needs to do her own thing well.

Not long after Lu Li arrived at Drupes, Gao Siwu also arrived.

Seeing Lu Li sitting in the corner, Gao Siwu quickly ran over.

But when she came to the corner, she found that Lu Li was not the only one here, but also another woman wearing a secretary uniform.

The other party had a pair of slender legs, which made Gao Siwu couldn't help but shrink his legs back.

Gao Siwu, who was already in a bad mood, wanted to talk to Lu Li about this matter, but unexpectedly, he felt shocked.

The Inna before was just fine. The other person was bigger than her at the top, so she could comfort herself. For a hip-hop dancer, those two lumps of fat were not good for her.

But when she saw Minato Yoko's beautiful legs, she really couldn't find any reason to comfort herself.

If I have these long legs when I dance hip-hop, I will naturally look better.

Chapter 556 Wu’s confession! Capture of Aojiao is completed! Have people become aliens? !

She found that she seemed to be far behind compared to these two women.

Faced with this situation, how could she not feel discouraged.

At the same time, there was still some resentment in my heart. Why is brother Lu Li surrounded by so many beauties? !

Paying attention to Gao Siwu's slightly resentful eyes, Lu Li instantly understood what this girl was thinking.

With a slight smile, Lu Li took the initiative to introduce.

"Mai, this is Minato Yoko, my current secretary."

As one of the relevant personnel of the World Tree Helheim Forest project, Yoko Minato certainly knows exactly who is in each hip-hop team.

She was not particularly impressed by Gao Siwu.

Just think of her as an ordinary girl who likes hip-hop dancing, nothing special.

He thought that the person Lu Li suddenly gave up his original actions and went to meet would be some powerful person.

Unexpectedly, she turned out to be just an ordinary girl dancing hip-hop.

This made Minato Yoko a little confused as to what Lu Li was thinking.

Is there anything worth caring about for an ordinary hip-hop girl?

She has information about Gao Siwu and others, but there is nothing special about it.

The only special thing is that Kojimai used to be a shrine maiden, but that's not surprising.

But since Lu Li had already taken the initiative to introduce himself, Minato Yoko quickly stood up and said with a smile.

"Hello, Wu."

"Hello, sister Yoko."

The other party had already greeted him in a friendly way, so of course it was impossible for Gao Siwu to show off.

"Come sit here and tell me why you suddenly called me to see me."

As he spoke, Lu Li patted the place next to him.

Originally, Gao Siwu was thinking about whether he should sit with Minato Yoko, but after hearing this, he suddenly felt much happier.

Feeling very excited, he quickly came to sit next to Lu Li.

Seeing the little girl's excitement, Minato Yoko didn't care.

She is not the kind of jealous little girl "Qi Wu San".

What's more, there is no relationship between her and Lu Li for the time being. She is just a witness for the time being.

"Brother Lu Li, it's like this.

Later, Gao Siwu told Lu Li the details.

It was about those people who were attacked by aliens, and the plants of Helheim Forest grew on their bodies, which was very painful and so on.

Next, there is some malicious intention to pour dirty water on the Street Dance Knights, saying that this incident was caused by their playing the Outlander game.

Gao Siwu and the others naturally felt very aggrieved.

After all, they were also victims, and even the previous captain Jiao Juyu had not been heard from until now.

After constantly pouring out her inner frustration, Gao Siwu finally felt better.

Lu Li gently touched her head and comforted her.

"Some things are like this. Although it is related to you, it is not caused by you, but others will blame you.

This is the reality of the world and the truth.

The public needs an object to vent, and the object of these things naturally becomes your Street Dance Knights."

Although she had not been in contact with Lu Li for a long time, it was the first time that Minato Yoko saw Lu Li's gentle side.

She was quite surprised. In her opinion,

In order to become a strong man or a king, you must put aside your gentleness.

But Lu Li did not seem to be like this.

Not only did he have very powerful strength, but he could also be so gentle, which was different from what Minato Yoko thought.

Of course, Minato Yoko would not determine that Lu Li would not become the king who dominated the world based on this matter.

After all, what she learned was only one-sided, which did not necessarily mean it was the truth.

After receiving the employment from Wudao Guihu, Huanglian started to deal with the street dance groups directly.

The first to be targeted was the Baron team.

Huanglian was a retired special forces soldier anyway, with very terrifying combat power, and even stronger combat power after transformation.

It took some effort to deal with Baron and occupied the stage of the Baron team.

Then he attacked Shironouchi Hideyasu and captured him to his own Xiaermen dessert shop as an assistant.

And he also made a big propaganda that he would protect this city and defeat all the street dance knights.

Then he found Kuzuya Kota, and ignored the Qinglong alien who was attacking people next to him, and just focused on dealing with Kuzuya Kota.

He received a hiring task, and the people he had to deal with were just street dance knights.

If it weren't for Quwen Jiedou's timely arrival, Kuzuya Kota might have been dealt with directly.

As for how to deal with it, of course, it is to recycle their Zhanji drivers so that they can no longer transform.

Kaito Wudao, who has been observing secretly to ensure that this matter goes smoothly, saw that Huanglian was defeated by this group of ghosts, so he had to choose to do it himself.

Just when he transformed into Zangetsu Shin and was ready to deal with the two, the Azure Dragon Alien who had escaped before suddenly returned here.

In the previous battle with Gaim, the Azure Dragon Alien was completely at a disadvantage, and because of this, it was eager to become stronger.

For the aliens, the best way to become stronger is to devour the Helheim fruit.

The Azure Dragon Alien who devoured the fruit became a more powerful enhanced body, and its combat power suddenly soared.

This made Hase Ryoji, who was hiding and watching, see that since the last time he sneaked into the forest and his driver was destroyed, he has been living in a daze.

The spirit became trance, and he felt that there were enemies around him all the time.

He wanted to regain powerful strength.

For this reason, he also went to find Cid, but unfortunately, Cid's mission had been completed and he had long stopped selling lock seeds.

For Ryoji Hatsuse, who was eager to gain power, when he saw that the Azure Dragon Alien became stronger after eating the fruit, he instantly had an idea.

As long as he could eat the fruit, he could also gain powerful power.

Once this idea came into being, there was no way to suppress it.

The Helheim Fruit itself has an extraordinary attraction to living things. Unless one is a person with a strong will, it is easy to be influenced by this temptation and eat the fruit.

Obviously, Ryoji Hatsuse did not have a firm will and was naturally tempted by this.

After Zangetsu. Shin spent some time to deal with the Azure Dragon Alien, he was preparing to deal with Kuzuya Kota and Kimon Kaito.

Unexpectedly, Ryoji Hatsuse actually ate the fruit directly in front of the three people.

After eating the fruit, Ryoji Hatsuse was affected by this power and turned into a superior alien.

Gaim, who really watched this scene happen, was greatly shocked in his heart.

"How could this happen?! Why?!"

Gaim could not understand why it became like this.

The person who eats the fruit will actually become an alien. I have never heard of such a thing."

Zangetsu Shin, the only one who knew about this, wanted to stop Hatsuse Ryoji just now, but unfortunately the other party did not listen to his advice and could not stop him at all.

Zangetsu Shin said coldly when he saw Hatsuse Ryoji who had already become an alien.

"Is it too late?"

As he said that, he raised the sonic arrow and sent the other party on his way.

But of course, Gaim couldn't watch this happen, and he quickly interrupted Zangetsu Shin.

The energy arrow shot to the side and almost hit the alien that Hatsuse Ryoji transformed into.

"What are you going to do?"

In Zangetsu Shin's opinion, those who have eaten the fruit will eventually become aliens, and getting rid of them now will also reduce trouble.

"Why are you asking me? What do you want to do?! If you attack with your weapon, Hase will definitely die!"

"Isn't that natural? Just kill him."

Zangetsu Shin has seen this kind of thing many times, and his heart is not emotional.

There were people who ate the fruit before, but he killed them all with his own hands.

People who eat the fruit are no longer human, and if they stay, they will attack others.

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