But Lu Li suddenly stood up at this time.

He waved his palm lightly in front of him, and the Pixiu alien was directly knocked to the ground by an invisible force.

Walking slowly over, Lu Li directly used telekinesis to suppress the Pixiu alien.

Then he used telekinesis to pull him out of Drupes.

"Don't make trouble in the store, I like this store very much."

The people in the store looked at Lu Li with surprise and confusion.

No one understands why Lu Li can easily deal with monsters."

Just now, Minato Yoko, who was about to transform, also had a strong look of surprise in her eyes.

This was the first time she witnessed Lu Li using his power up close, and he was able to deal with aliens with his physical strength.

Could it be. Is this also magic?

Gao Siwu, who was frightened just now, opened her eyes at this time and saw Lu Li taking away the Pixiu alien.

She had seen the power that Lu Li possessed, so she naturally knew that Lu Li was very powerful.

But when she thought that the person who turned into a monster just now was Hatsuse Ryoji, Gao Siwu suddenly felt a little nervous.

If Brother Lu Li killed that alien, would it be equivalent to killing Hatsuse Ryoji directly? !

Regardless of the fear in her heart, Gao Siwu quickly got up and walked outside.

Of course, she didn't want Lu Li to kill anyone.

Now, she had no way to tell whether the Pixiu alien was a human or not, but at least the other party looked like a human before.

How could a human become an alien? !

Gao Siwu couldn't figure out this question.

Minato Yoko also hurriedly followed. She wanted to see how Lu Li would deal with this matter.

Should he kill that guy directly? Or be kind and let that guy go.

Since she had decided to stay with Lu Li, she naturally needed to observe Lu Li.

To see if he was qualified to be such a king who ruled the world.

Outside Drupes.

The Pixiu alien was thrown out by Lu Li

Faced with the sudden appearance of the monster, the people on the street panicked and fled in a hurry.

They didn't understand why a monster suddenly appeared.

Some brave people even took a video and prepared to post it online.

However, the network of Pan Ya City is monitored by the World Tree. Even if there is something you want to post online, it must be reviewed.

If it fails the review, it will naturally not be able to spread it online.

This is also to prevent too many people from knowing about the Helheim Forest and causing a huge riot.

The Pixiu alien, who was thrown out by a huge force, rolled on the ground for several rounds and stood up again.

Staring at Lu Li who came out of Drupes with anger, he let out a low roar.

"You are such a troublesome guy. Although it's a bit pitiful, you can only blame yourself for not resisting the temptation.

Then I will... give you a ride."

As he spoke, Lu Li had already taken out the Genesis Driver and put it on his waist, and also took out the Dragon Fruit Energy Lock.



"Lock.On! Soda! Dragon.Energy.Arms!"

The Dragon Fruit Energy Armor fell from above and unfolded.

Kamen Rider Tyrant!

The whole body is mainly red and silver, with two black horns on the top of the head, and the weapon in his hand is the sonic arrow.

When he completed the transformation, Lu Li had already felt a strange feeling.

The energy inside the Dragon Fruit Energy Lock is not stable, and it seems to be a bit violent.

If you can't resist this energy, your body will be eroded by this power sooner or later, and then you will become an alien.

Of course, this degree of energy erosion is fatal to ordinary people, but for Lu Li, it will not have any effect at all.

After all, Lu Li is a person who can eat the Helheim Forest Fruit directly without genetic mutation.

Gao Siwu and Minato Yoko rushed out of the store and saw Lu Li who had completed the transformation.

The Pixiu Alien had completely mutated, leaving almost no human will. It rushed towards Lu Li and raised its claws to attack.

Lu Li flexibly dodged the Pixiu Alien's fierce attack, and was not touched by him at all.

Too slow!

Even if it is a superior alien transformed from a human, the combat power of the Pixiu Alien is no different from that of other superior aliens.

Noticing that his claws attacked again, Lu Li blocked the sonic arrow in his hand.


A punch hit the Pixiu Alien's chest.

The terrifying power made the Pixiu Alien retreat step by step, fell to the ground, and rolled around in a mess.

The people who had been scrambling to escape stopped after seeing this scene.

Seeing that the monster was no match for Lu Li, they cheered for Lu Li.

"Awesome! Kill that monster!"

"Thank you for saving us!"

"You are our hero!"

All kinds of words, anyway, they were just thankful for surviving the disaster.

If Lu Li hadn't suddenly transformed and suppressed the Pixiu alien, who knows what would have happened.

At this time, Kuzuya Kota, who was looking for the Pixiu Alien everywhere, heard the noisy sound here, ran over in a hurry, and saw a large group of people surrounding him.

He tried his best to get through the crowd, and after squeezing in, he saw Lu Li crushing the Pixiu Alien.

Needless to say, he certainly couldn't watch this happen.

In his eyes, the Pixiu Alien was still Hase Ryoji, as long as the other party hadn't attacked anyone, it was not a monster.

"Stop it!"

After shouting, Kuzuya Kota rushed directly into the battlefield, and quickly completed the transformation in the process.



"Lock.On! Soiya! Orange.Arms! Hanamichi 0n.Stage!"

After transforming into Gaim, he immediately picked up the saber and rushed up to resist Lu Li's attack.


The unparalleled saber collided with the sonic arrow, and the powerful force made Gaim retreat continuously, barely stabilizing his body balance.

The noisy crowd around suddenly quieted down, and everyone was wondering why Gaimu would defend a monster?


Gao Siwu was also very surprised. She didn't expect Kuzuya Kota to suddenly arrive at this time.

"Hey! Didn't you see? He was transformed from a human! Hatsuse is a human, not a monster!"

Gaimu shouted angrily at Lu Li, hoping to make Lu Li stop.

He didn't even know that the person in front of him was Lu Li, after all, he had never seen Lu Li transform into his current form before.

"Kushaya Kota, for a guy who has become an alien, do you still want to defend him!"

"Of course! As long as he hasn't attacked anyone and nothing has happened, I will treat him as a human being!"

His tone was very firm. Gaimu was unwilling and didn't want to give up Hatsuse Ryoji just like that.

He said there was no attack, just because he didn't see it, it didn't mean that there was really no attack.

If it weren't for Lu Li just now, Gao Siwu might have been attacked.

When the people around saw that Gaim was defending a monster, they all started to denounce him.

"Hey! Do you know what you are doing?! That thing is a monster and he almost attacked us just now!"

"That guy almost caught me just now. If I hadn't dodged quickly, I would have been lying down now!"

"I saw the news. If you are caught by these monsters, it is very likely that strange plants will grow on your body. What are you thinking?!"

"He is in the same group as that monster! He must not be a good person!"

"That's right, defending a monster, isn't this putting us in danger?!"

Facing the denunciation of a group of people, Gaim was immediately overwhelmed.

He didn't expect things to turn out like this.

The reason why it turned out like this is because Ryoji Hase has now become a Pixiu alien.

Hearing the sound coming from his ears, Gaim hurriedly explained.

"It's not what you think! He just ate something he shouldn't have. He is a human being! I..."

When he was about to continue, the Pixiu Alien didn't know what it meant to be grateful.

He rushed up and hit Gaim on the back with one claw.


Gaim staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Suddenly turning his head, Gaim kept shouting when he saw the Pixiu Alien staring at him.

"Hase! Wake up! Do you know what you are doing now?! Wake up!"

No matter how he called, the Pixiu Alien didn't turn into Hatsuse Ryoji again.

His eyes looked very dangerous, and then the Pixiu Alien seemed to know that Gaim and Lu Li were beyond his ability to deal with, so he immediately turned around and rushed to the others.


Seeing the Pixiu Alien suddenly rushing towards him, the crowd screamed.


Gaiwu reacted instantly, and had no time to think so much, and immediately rushed over to stop the Pixiu Alien.

However, it was because Gaimu stopped Lu Li just now that the Pixiu Alien had the opportunity to attack people now.

Looking at Gaimu who wanted to save ordinary people and the Pixiu Alien, Lu Li had to say that he was still too naive.

He was not strong enough, but he had a saintly heart.

He hoped that everything could be saved, but he could not save anything.

Although Gaimu reacted quickly, the Pixiu Alien was not slow at all, and scratched one of them on the back with one claw.

Blood spurted out, and everyone around was scared. No one dared to stay and ran away.

Everyone tacitly blamed Gaimu for this incident.

If it weren't for Gaimu stopping Lu Li just now, things would not be like this now.

Although Takashi Mai didn't know why it turned out like this, she was certain of one thing: Hase Ryoji had become an alien.

How could this happen? !

For a moment, she couldn't accept this result.

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