People can actually become aliens. This shock shouldn't be too great.

Could it be that... Yuya Kakui has disappeared? Could it be that...? !

She didn't dare to think about it anymore, but once the idea came into her mind, she couldn't help but think about it.

Looking at Kaiwu who still couldn't make a move, Lu Li couldn't help but shake his head.

The person who has a good hand but plays badly is Kuzuye Hongtai.

Being able to become a god in the end is just because of good luck.

Lu Li originally planned to test the power of the Genesis Drive, so he would not let Kaiwu interfere with him.

He jumped up and then kicked Kaiwu to the ground with a flying kick.


Kaiwu, who was suddenly attacked, had no idea that Lu Li would suddenly attack him.

Looking at Lu Li with difficulty, Kaiwu suddenly felt an unpleasant feeling in his heart.

"Lu Li, what do you want to do?!"

Even though he had seen Pixiu Alien attacking people, he still couldn't do anything.

He was worried that Lu Li was going to kill the Pixiu Stranger, and there was no way he could stop him with his strength.

"What for? Of course he is testing my Genesis Drive. He is no longer a human being. What is there to worry about?"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li directly launched a fierce attack on the Pixiu Foreigners.

Facing the terrifyingly powerful Lu Li, the Pixiu Stranger couldn't even touch him. He could only be beaten passively without any ability to fight back.


The sonic arrow streaked across the chest of the Pixiu Stranger, leaving an obvious mark on the exoskeleton armor on the chest, and bursts of white smoke erupted.

His feet softened, and Pixiu Foreigner fell to his knees directly.

Lu Li directly pushed the bracelet device next to the Genesis Drive.


The red and black energy gathered on the blade of the sonic arrow, giving people a very dangerous feeling.

When Kaiwu saw this situation, he immediately understood what Lu Li wanted to do. He was suddenly shocked and shouted quickly.

"Stop! No!"

He didn't even have to think about it to know that once a Pixiu alien was hit by a fatal hit, the final result would be death. There was no need to question this at all.

Facing his shouts, Lu Li was completely indifferent.


His body suddenly turned around and suddenly chopped down the sonic arrow in his hand.


He vaguely heard the roar of an angry dragon, and the next second, a red-black dragon-shaped energy instantly passed through the Pixiu Stranger in front of Lu Li.

Pixiu Foreigner, who had been struggling to stand up just now, suddenly froze on the spot.


Then his body exploded instantly, and the explosion's fire looked so dazzling.

Watching the Pixiu Stranger being killed in front of his eyes was a very serious blow to Kaiwu.

Kaiwu was seen sitting on the ground helplessly, looking at the fire in a daze.

He didn't expect that Lu Li could be so decisive, and without hesitation, he instantly killed the Pixiu Stranger with one blow.

After reacting, Kaiwu immediately stood up and rushed towards Lu Li, about to reach out and grab Lu Li's armor.

But Lu Li didn't give him such a chance, and directly opened the hand that Kai Wu extended with one hand.

Seeing who could catch Lu Li's armor, Kaiwu didn't continue, but immediately yelled.

"Why?! Why do you do this?! Don't you know he is human?!"

No matter what, he couldn't do anything to the former human being, Pixiu Foreigner, he always felt like he was killing someone!

Chapter 558 Wu’s doubts! The gears of destiny have already turned! The future is mine!

However, what he didn't know was that he had actually killed one already.

It’s just that this matter has not been exposed, and World Tree has not been leaked to the outside world.

But this does not mean that Kaiwu has never done it.

"Your kindness almost harmed other people, didn't you see?

When we were in Drupes just now, if I hadn't been there, Mai might have been attacked by the person you mentioned.

If that happens, what will you do? Will you continue to defend him like this? "

Just one sentence left Kaiwu speechless.


Only then did he remember the man who had fallen due to the attack.

At this time, the man was still lying on the ground. He seemed to have fainted from the pain, and blood was flowing out from the wounds on his body.

And all of this was done by the so-called Hatsuse Ryoji he just said.

For a moment, Kaiwu had no way to refute, because what Lu Li said was the truth.

Just when Kaiwu didn't know what to say, Lu Li suddenly said something that made him feel baffled.

“And it’s not like you haven’t killed aliens turned from humans before.

As he spoke, Lu Li had a meaningful smile on his face.

When he heard this, Kaiwu suddenly raised his head and looked at Lu Li in disbelief.

"What...what do you mean?!"

I don't know why, but there was a strong uneasiness in his heart.

Could it be that... among the aliens that I once eliminated, did some of them become aliens?


should not!

The aliens that I had dealt with were all summoned from the forest by the Locked Seeds, so they should not be human beings.

During the first battle, he accidentally strayed into the Helheim Forest, and that monster should not be a human.

After all... it was in that forest.

Thinking of this, Gaimu immediately straightened his chest and looked directly at Lu Li, saying in a deep voice.

"I didn't! All the aliens I killed before were from that forest, and they were not transformed from humans at all."

Lu Li did not explain so much, and there was no need to explain so much, he would know sooner or later.

Moreover, among the aliens killed by Gaimu, it was not only the alien transformed by Kakui Yuya, but also the aliens transformed by others.

It's just that Gaimu doesn't know, it doesn't mean there is no alien.

After all, the temptation of the Helheim fruit to creatures is very strong, and it is difficult to resist without sufficient will.

After canceling the transformation, Lu Li turned back to Gao Siwu and Minato Yoko.

Gao Siwu just witnessed Lu Li killing the Pixiu alien with his own eyes, and his mind was a little complicated.

After all, it was Hatsuse Ryoji who turned into him. He was killed directly like that, and he was a little shocked.

"Brother Lu Li, what's going on? How could Hatsuse become an alien?!"

Knowing this, it was a big blow to Gao Siwu. She wanted to know why people turned into aliens.

Of course, Minato Yoko knew this question, but she didn't say it. She believed that Lu Li must know the answer to this question.

"Wu, you should still remember the forest you entered before.

Hearing this, Gao Siwu nodded quickly.

"I remember."

"The fruits in that forest are the food of those aliens. Why do you think aliens like to eat this?

And why are there only aliens in that forest, and no other creatures."

Lu Li's explanation was very obvious. Gao Siwu was not stupid. She understood it in just a moment.

Slightly widening her eyes, Gao Siwu said in surprise.

"Brother Lu Li, you mean those fruits? ! Will you become an alien after eating those fruits? ! "

Gao Siwu was secretly glad to get the answer suddenly.

She had been to the forest several times. Fortunately, she did not eat the fruit, otherwise, it would be a big trouble!

Unlike others, Gao Siwu had the experience of going to Helheim Forest alone.

That time, she was chased by aliens, and it was thanks to Lu Li's timely appearance that she was rescued.

However, Gao Siwu stayed in the forest for so long, but did not show any interest in those fruits, which made Lu Li curious.

Could it be... Is this the influence of cause and effect?

Just because Gao Siwu became the daughter of origin in the future, she was not tempted by the Helheim fruit in the past.

Lu Li could not think of the answer to this question, nor could he know it.

It was just a guess. , it is hard to say whether it is true or not.

Gaimu also learned the truth of this matter when he witnessed Hatsuse Ryoji becoming an alien not long ago.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li knew it clearly.

Sure enough, Lu Li must be a member of the World Tree, and he might be in the same group with the white knight!

Gaimu clenched his fist unconsciously when he thought that the people of the World Tree used him and others as guinea pigs.

If it were not for the World Tree, things would never turn out like this. Hatsuse Ryoji would not eat the Helheim fruit in pursuit of power.

It is too late to say these now. Things have already happened, and Gaimu could not stop it.

After removing the transformation, Kuzuya Kota walked over in three or two steps, looking at Lu Li with burning eyes.

"Lu Li, you. are also a member of the World Tree?".! "

Based on the current known situation, he has every reason to suspect that Lu Li is a member of the World Tree.

Otherwise, why would he know so much about the situation, why would he know the side effects of the Helheim fruit?

This can't be a coincidence, there is no such coincidence.

"If you think so, there's nothing wrong with that."

As an investor of World Tree, it seems that there is nothing wrong with saying that Lu Li is a member of World Tree. It is indeed reasonable.

Seeing that Lu Li neither admitted nor denied, Ge Ye Hongtai was a little unsure for a moment, what exactly did Lu Li mean.

Ignoring Ge Ye Hongtai, Lu Li reached out and gently rubbed Gao Siwu's head, reminding her.

"Wu, go back and have a good rest. A lot of things happened today."

Hearing this, Gao Siwu nodded slightly.

A lot of things did happen today, and these things made her feel very shocked.

Afterwards, Lu Li left with Minato Yoko.

Seeing that Lu Li was about to leave, Ge Ye Hongtai was still planning to chase him and ask him about Lu Li.

But Gao Siwu suddenly said unhappily.

"Hongtai, that's enough! What else do you want to do?"

Looking back, Ge Ye Hongtai saw Gao Siwu staring at him, and couldn't help frowning.

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