"Wu, you saw it just now, Lu Li actually killed Hatsuse directly.

Although that guy has become an alien, maybe there is a way to change back? We..."

Just as he was about to continue, Gao Siwu interrupted him directly.

"Enough, Kota, is it necessary to mention this matter?

When I just learned about this, I was also shocked. Why did things turn out like this? Why did people become aliens?

But Lu Li didn't do this. He protected me in the store just now.

If it weren't for him, I'm afraid I would be the same as those people lying in the hospital before.

Someone was injured just now. Do you have to ignore the safety of others just to protect Hatsuse from becoming an alien?"

Hearing this, Kuzuya Kota suddenly fell silent.

Just because Gao Siwu said these words, he couldn't refute.

If it weren't for him stopping Lu Li just now. No one would have been injured by the Pixiu alien before.

Seeing that Kuzuya Kota stopped talking, Gao Siwu was in a complicated mood and turned away.

What happened today is indeed worth thinking about.

On the other side.

Lu Li and Minato Yoko were walking on the street.

As Lu Li told Gao Siwu about this matter just now, Minato Yoko couldn't help but wonder why Lu Li knew so many things.

Some things can be said to be confidential documents of the World Tree, and there are only a few people who can know about this.

And she is one of them.

She knew that what Lu Li said before was true.

Anyone who eats the Helheim fruit will undergo genetic mutation and become an alien.

Lu Li could certainly feel that Minato Yoko's eyes were always lingering on him.

"Are you curious about why I know so much?"

Lu Li said what Minato Yoko was wondering.

There was a flash of surprise in her eyes. Minato Yoko didn't expect Lu Li to see her inner thoughts at once.

Before she asked, Lu Li showed a mysterious smile on his face.

"I know a lot of things, otherwise why do you think Professor Lingma agreed to let you be my secretary?

Although I took the initiative to propose this request, Zhan Ji Lingma will never miss any opportunity to know my secrets."

Nodding thoughtfully, Minato Yoko usually doesn't take the initiative to ask questions.

She is very smart.

She will know what she should know, and she won't know what she shouldn't know even if she asks!

At this moment, Lu Li suddenly stopped, because a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

Pure white clothes, golden hair, black and red eyes.

The Daughter of Origin appeared again.

Even though they had just said goodbye to Gao Siwu, Minato Yoko was quite surprised to see the sudden appearance of the Daughter of Origin.

Could it be....these two people look similar?

Such a thought came up in her mind, and Minato Yoko was quite confused.

Seeing the Daughter of Origin again, Lu Li smiled slightly.

When dealing with the Pixiu alien just now, Lu Li had already sensed the Daughter of Origin, who was actually watching from the side.

"It seems that your previous efforts have not had any effect, and they are still doing their own thing.

Time is getting closer, and they will know more and more sooner or later.

Hearing this, the Daughter of Origin nodded with a dejected look on her face. She originally wanted to stop all this from happening at the turning point, but found that it did not work at all.

The history she knew has changed, all because of Lu Li's appearance.

After a brief understanding, she knew that the man in front of her was definitely the kind of man who would do what he said.

If Ge Ye Hong Tai and the others are still prepared to continue, they will definitely go to the opposite side in the future.

What they will face at that time is Lu Li, a very scary opponent.

Now, it has come to another critical node.

Ge Ye Hong Tai has already known that people can become aliens, and witnessed Lu Li kill the Pi Xiu alien transformed by Hatsuse Ryoji.

Now, Ge Ye Hong Tai must have suffered a huge blow, and at the same time, her heart is full of doubts.

Take advantage of this opportunity to persuade them, there is still a chance, she has not given up yet.

"Give me a little more time, I will definitely persuade them to give up!

3 for

Slightly clenching her fist, the Daughter of Origin came to Lu Li.

Looking up at Lu Li, her eyes were full of determination.

Since it was her request, Lu Li didn't mind giving her a little more time.

However, Lu Li had already expected what the final result would be.

All the efforts of the Daughter of Origin might just be in vain in the end.

Slowly extending his hand, Lu Li gently stroked the golden hair of the Daughter of Origin and asked casually.

"You haven't given up yet? But... Since you still want to try harder, I can give you this opportunity.

Now it's another critical point, maybe there will be different changes.

Although Lu Li said so, Lu Li didn't think that the Daughter of Origin would succeed.

At this time, Ge Ye Hongtai knew some of the real situation, and Wu Dao Guangshi, the cunning and black-bellied guy, also knew some things.

If they just gave up like this, it wouldn't be a bad thing.

But this possibility is very small, and with their personalities, they would definitely not give up.

Seeing Lu Li agreeing to her so decisively, a smile appeared on the girl's face.

"Thank you."

She was also worried that Lu Li would directly attack Ge Ye Hongtai and the others because of what happened before.

She didn't expect that she would be given a chance to persuade them now, which made her very satisfied.

Then, the Daughter of Origin gradually moved away, her figure looking strange and unpredictable.

Minato Yoko on the side had strong doubts in his eyes.

She only knew that the girl just now looked almost identical to Gao Siwu, but she clearly felt that the two people were not the same person.

The main reason is that the temperaments of both parties are too different.

Moreover, they had just left. No matter how fast Gao Siwu moved, how could he suddenly appear here.

"Yoko, you should be curious about her identity."

This time, Minato Yoko could no longer hold back her curiosity and nodded.

"She... looks almost the same as the girl just now, but different.

Could it be...are they twin sisters? But according to the information I learned, Gao Siwu should not have any twin sisters. "

If one saw Gao Siwu and the Daughter of Origin at the same time, anyone would probably mistake them for twin sisters.

"You are right, Wu is a twin sister, and she is not Wu's twin sister, she is... Wu."

These words sounded a bit harsh, which made Minato Yoko even more confused.

How could the other party complete the disguise in such a short period of time, and his temperament has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Completely different people.

The expression on her face (good) showed that Minato Yoko didn't believe it, but Lu Li didn't mind talking to her about this issue.

Now that Minato Yaozi wants to witness that he has become a king and rules the world, even though he has not fully recognized Lu Li, he will not betray him.

There are some things that Minato Yoko will know sooner or later anyway.

"She is not who she is now, but who she came from. You should understand this explanation."

Lu Li gave a simple explanation, but it stirred up a storm in Minato Yaozi's heart.

future? !

How can this be? !

This is almost beyond the scope of Minato Yoko's understanding. Is the blond girl who just appeared from the future Koji Mai? !

With a look of deep shock in her eyes, Minato Yoko couldn't calm down for a while.

The main reason is that this news is really surprising. People from the future appear in the present. Does this mean anything?

Moreover, Lu Li seemed to know Gao Siwu from the future very well and was not surprised at all.

Why is this?

"I know you have a lot of questions, but what I can tell you is that she will be a very special existence in the future, and she is able to come to the present because of some special power.

There are many tragedies in what will happen in the future, and she hopes to change what happened in the past to change the tragedies that will happen in the future.

But she didn't know that everything she had done had already started turning with the gears of fate.

If Lu Li had not participated in this, naturally many things would not have happened, and the future would still be determined by the future minister.

"Is there no way to change the future?"

Although Minato Yoko doesn't know what will happen in the future, there are people from the future coming to the present. Isn't there a way to change the future?

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Li smiled confidently.

"No, the future can be changed, but the person who changes the future is not her from the future, but... me."

She didn't understand why Lu Li had such strong self-confidence, but when Minato Yoko saw Lu Li's confident eyes, she felt that maybe the future could change for him.

PS: Thank you

Shi Zhiling’s monthly pass! .

Chapter 559 Sigurd takes action and captures Silly Orange!

Let Bai Ya do long-term work!

As for why such an inexplicable idea came to her mind, Minato Yoko herself couldn't figure it out.

Just as Lu Li thought, it wasn't just Kuzu Ye Hongtai who had a huge change in mentality this time.

There is another person, Mitsumi Kureshima.

Although he already knew what World Tree was doing behind the scenes, Wujima Mitsumi was still curious about the secrets of World Tree.

So he secretly hid in Wu Dao Takatora's car and entered the World Tree very smoothly.

Here he discovered many secrets that he didn't know before, and even learned the truth from some secret documents.

Yuya Kakuzui, the captain of the Armored Corps who disappeared before, has turned into an alien long ago.

And when Kuzu Ye Hongtai completed his transformation for the first time, he was already killed by him.

After learning this information, Mitsumi Kureshima was extremely shocked. He did not expect that things would turn out like this.

Obviously he just wanted to explore the secret of the World Tree, but he didn't expect to know such a secret.

For a moment, Kureshima Mitsumi felt that his thoughts were confused.

He very much hoped that what he saw was false, but what was buried in front of him was the truth, even if he tried to deny it in his heart.

Even though he sometimes envied Kuzuye Hongtai in his heart, they had been in the same team for so long, and both sides had feelings for each other.

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