Being able to control the princess is almost equivalent to indirectly controlling Bai Ya, the master of the forest.

At this time, Lu Li and Minato Yoko arrived at the World Tree.

The reason why he came to World Tree was of course because Lu Li already knew that Ge Ye Hongtai and Xu Wen Jiedou had been arrested.

The main purpose of coming here is to see if Sagara will give Kuzuha Houtai Genesis Core and Lemon Energy Lock Seeds as planned.

With Lu Li's arrival, everything has changed.

The future has already become unclear. He doesn't know whether the same situation as the original plot will occur.

If Xiangle wanted to continue helping Kuzuye Hongtai, Lu Li would certainly not stop him.

Anyway, the final result is the same to him. Xiangra's choice is not important at all. At most, it just adds a little fun.

As long as you are here, the ownership of the golden fruit has actually been decided long ago, and no one can change it.

Even the daughter of origin from the future cannot change.

Mitsumi Kureshima, who suddenly sneaked into the headquarters of World Tree today, also noticed Lu Li who suddenly came to World Tree.

It suddenly became clear in his heart that he had already guessed that Lu Li was probably someone who had a deep relationship with World Tree.

The result was exactly as he thought, Lu Li was really from World Tree.

Although I don’t know what position he holds, judging from his previous performance, Wujima Mitsuomi speculates that his status is definitely not low.

He planned to continue to observe secretly to see if he could find some useful information. If he could tell Gao Siwu these things, maybe the other party would be attracted by this.

Maybe he just hates Lu Li.

Now that it was confirmed that Lu Li had a high position in the world, he wanted to follow him first and have a look, and maybe he could learn some important information that he didn't know.

After coming to World Tree, I found that there were so many things that I didn't know. I didn't expect that World Tree was hidden so deeply.

He has copied some information from here just to publish it.

Now the Kaiwu Team and other street dance teams are all disgusted and reprimanded by the citizens.

Obviously those things were not done by them, but they were splashed with dirty water.

As a member of the Armored Forces, Mitsuomi Kureshima felt the need to announce this matter.

At the same time, he is also challenging his elder brother Wujima Takatora.

He dislikes people who have always had everything arranged properly.

He wants to make his own life choices, rather than having his life choices made by others.

If he announces these things this time, he should be regarded as defeating his brother.

At least it broke the life route that my brother had planned for himself.

He had been following Lu Li secretly, how could he hide it from Lu Li with his poor tracking skills.

Even Minato Yoko, who was next to Lu Li, noticed something was wrong.

However, due to Lu Li's obstruction, Minato Yoko had not yet exposed Kureshima Mitsumi's poor tracking technology.

"Mr. Lu, why don't you let me catch him?"

Minato Yaoko was quite confused and didn't quite understand what Lu Li was thinking.

It was obvious that someone had sneaked into World Tree, and might bring some unnecessary trouble to World Tree.

Hearing this, the corners of Lu Li's mouth raised slightly.

"Yaozi, we don't need to worry about this matter, someone will solve this problem.

After all... they are brothers. "

Although Kureshima Mitsumi now has a tendency to go dark, there is still some way to go before becoming so.

Lu Li was quite curious as to whether he would continue to turn dark in the future.

I don’t know if the famous scene of brothers and sisters repaying respect will happen again, and Lu Li is looking forward to it.

Now that Lu Li has said it, Minato Yaozi will naturally not be troublesome.

She is now Lu Li's secretary, so she naturally listens to Lu Li's words.

As for the task assigned to her by Zhan Ji Lingma to monitor Lu Li, Minato Yoko had completely forgotten about it.

Even if it is a report, it is completely reporting on some insignificant things, without any important information at all.

For example, Minato Yoko had no intention of telling Senji Reima about the origin girl, a person from the future.

Not long after, Lu Li arrived at one of Zhan Ji Lingma's research rooms.

Chapter 560 Bad taste! Are you in the same group? I didn't say I was a good person

Everyone here knows Minato Yaozi, so no one cares about why Lu Li comes and goes at will.

When he saw Lu Li arriving, Zhan Ji Lingma's eyes flashed with surprise.

Why did Lu Li come suddenly?

At this time, Zhanji Lingma talked about installing a high-explosive bomb in the Genesis Drive, and suddenly felt a sudden shock in his heart.

Could it be that Lu Li discovered what he had done?

If he was discovered by the other party, with his current strength, I might not be able to fight against Lu Li.

Even though he was a little worried about being exposed in his heart, Zhanji Lingma behaved very calmly.

"Isn't this Mr. Lu Li? Why did you think of coming to Yggdrasil today?"

With a fake smile on his face, Zhanji Lingma didn't seem to show anything unusual at all~.

Minato Yaozi, who was already very familiar with Zhanji Lingma, had naturally noticed that Zhanji Lingma said so on the surface, but in his heart he did not welcome Lu Li.

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled lightly, walked over and sat on the chair.

"Professor Lingma, after all, I am also an investor in World Tree. Can't I come and see your work?"

Nothing wrong, nothing wrong at all!

As an investor in the World Tree Foundation, Lu Li can come whenever he wants. No one can or will care about it.

For a moment, Zhan Ji Lingma pretended to be helpless.

"Of course, but there's nothing going on at the company for the time being, oh, by the way!

It's not completely okay. Two special guests will come to our place soon. We can meet them together then. You should know each other. "

The two guests he was talking about were naturally Ge Ye Hongtai and Qu Wen Jiedou.

At this moment, Mitsumi Kureshima, who was squatting outside and hiding carefully, noticed that the elevator not far away suddenly rose.

He quickly moved closer to the wall to prevent the people in the elevator from finding him.

When he peeked over, he saw two shadow guards walking out with Ge Ye Hongtai and Qu Wen Jiedou.

"Brother Hongtai?"

His eyes widened slightly, Kureshima Mitsumi did not expect that Kuzuye Hongtai would be caught.

I haven't been here for long, what happened?

Now in the enemy's base camp, he could do nothing but stand still for the time being.

If we find a chance, we can rescue Ge Yetta and the others.

Noticing the mass-produced driver on the black shadow guard's waist, Kureshima Hikaru had a rough idea.

The holders of these battle pole drives have been used as guinea pigs before, and the world collects combat data.

It seems that the data collection should be almost complete now, so mass production can be carried out.

This means that there are probably many such black shadow guards in this World Tree headquarters.

It is not advisable to conflict with the other party, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

If you are exposed by then, no one may be able to leave.

Ge Ye Hongtai and Qu Wen Jiedou, who were brought into the research room by two shadow guards, naturally saw Lu Li sitting on the chair.

"Land from?!"

The tone was quite surprised. Ge Yehongtai never expected that he could see Lu Li here.

Could it be that... the other party is also a member of the World Tree? !

Suddenly he recalled that when Lu Li killed the Pixiu Stranger transformed by Hatsuse Ryoji, the driver he used was not the same driver used by the White Knight and West Germany.

Are the devices the same?

They are in the same group!

He suddenly came to this conclusion in his heart, and Ge Ye Hongtai suddenly became very angry.

"Lu Li, I didn't expect you to actually be with Yggdrasil?! Although I had such speculation before, there was no factual evidence.

Now that I've seen it, don't you have anything to say? ! "

However, when faced with his question, Lu Li just shrugged slightly.

"Kudeye Hongtai, it seems that from the beginning, you have never asked me if I am from World Tree, right?

So it's not my fault. If you are, you can only blame yourselves for not asking.

And a slight correction, you are wrong, I am not from Yggdrasil, I am just an investor in Yggdrasil. "

"Investor? I don't care if you are an investor or not, anyway, you are part of World Tree's group."

After being stunned for a moment, Ge Yehongtai came to his senses again.

He doesn't care about that much.

Regardless of whether he was an investor or not, in his eyes, Lu Li was on the same side as Yggdrasil.

In his eyes, anyone who has anything to do with the world is not a good person.

Hatsase Ryoji, who hid so many facts, slandered the hip-hop team, and even harmed them, was eventually turned into a foreigner and killed.

All of this, in the eyes of Ge Ye Hongtai, is all a problem of World Tree.

Too lazy to continue arguing with this one-minded guy, Lu Li turned his attention to Zhan Ji Lingma standing aside.

The meaning is obvious. If you have anything to say, just say it directly, and you can pretend that he doesn't exist.

Seeing this, Zhan Ji Lingma spoke.

"Both of you, I'm very sorry that my friends were a little rude to you, but this is all because I have no choice but to talk to you calmly.

When they met Zhanji Lingma for the first time, Ge Ye Hongtai and Qu Wen Jiedou looked at each other. From the look in each other's eyes, they could see that neither of them recognized Zhanji Lingma.

"Who are you?"

Ge Yehongtai also knows the current situation.

There's no way to escape, so it's better to figure out the situation first.

"I am Zhanji Lingma, the designer of the Zhanji driver you use."

When they learned about this situation, Ge Ye Hongtai and Qu Wen Jiedou were not concerned about this.

Instead, he was concerned about the mechanical sound when they transformed.

"Then the flower arrangement On.stage is...?"


"Those are all my personal interests, so they're pretty good, hehehe!"

The sound effects carried by Zhanji Driver's transformation were also designed by Zhanji Lingma.

This is why when he transforms with the Genesis Drive, it is different from when other people use the Genesis Drive to transform. The sound effects are so elongated!

When they learned that it was a personal interest, the two of them felt speechless.

Lu Li knew this early on, but fortunately the Genesis driver he used didn't have too many fancy sound effects.

After a brief silence, Ge Yehongtai continued to ask.

“That means you’re the one who’s been using us as guinea pigs, right?”

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