"Guinea pig?"

Until now, the guy Qi Wen Jie Dou hasn't figured out what the current situation is.

When he heard the word "little white mouse", he was completely confused.

Mainly because Kuzuo Houtai and Kureshima Mitsumi investigated the matter and did not tell others at all. Qi Wen Jiedou has always been kept in the dark.

“We were able to mass-produce Black Shadow’s belt and make that White Knight stronger, all by using the data collected from us!

When talking about this matter, Geye Hongtai became a little excited and stood up from the stool.

No matter who knows that he is being used as a guinea pig, he will probably be dissatisfied in his heart.

Qi Wen Jiedou, who had just learned the truth of the matter, was finally able to get the whole story.

I thought I had gained power, but I didn't expect that I had become someone else's guinea pig.

"Did you all plan this? Stop joking!"

Suddenly, the Expelling Pattern Jiedou exploded.

He kicked the stool under his feet and was about to rush over.

But before he could get close, an invisible force instantly knocked him back and knocked him to the ground.


Qi Wen Jiedou's whole person is covered:

He didn't understand at all how he was knocked to the ground, lying on the ground with his teeth bared.

"Quit fighting!"

Ge Yehongtai on the side immediately stepped over and prepared to help Qi Wen Jiedou up, but he was also knocked to the ground by an invisible force.

Although he didn't know what happened, Zhanji Lingma looked at Lu Li beside him thoughtfully.

He just noticed with the corner of his eye that Lu Li's fingers moved slightly.

But just such an imperceptible movement can easily knock someone to the ground.

This kind of power is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to possess.


Or is it some other force?

Regarding this point, Zhanji Lingma has not yet thought of it.

"Land from!!"

Ge Yehongtai had already seen Lu Li's method of manipulating things from a distance before, so he naturally knew that he was doing all this.

He was very angry but couldn't help it.

"The professor just told you not to get excited. Why are you so excited?"

Leaning on the chair, Lu Li had an indifferent attitude, completely ignoring Ge Ye Hongtai who was glaring angrily.

Seeing that Lu Li didn't even look at him, Ge Ye Hongtai could only hold back the grievance in his heart and looked at Zhan Ji Lingma again.

"It was because of being involved in your experiment that Hatsuse became like that and was killed!"

When this matter was mentioned, Ge Yehongti felt extremely angry.

He witnessed with his own eyes the entire process of Hatsuse Ryoji eating the fruit and becoming an alien. He also witnessed with his own eyes the process of Hatsase Ryoji being killed by Lu Li.

Shaking his head slightly, Zhan Ji Lingma interrupted.

"First of all, you seem to have some misunderstanding. I am only responsible for the development of the belt. The method of collecting data was thought up by our director.

One more thing, the Hatsuse Ryoji I just mentioned, what happened to him, I can only say that it was a very unfortunate accident.

From the moment the fruit appeared on him, he was dead as a human and turned into a monster whose body was taken over by the fruit.

Although he was explaining the matter, Zhanji Lingma's indifferent attitude made Ge Yehongtai extremely angry.

If it weren't for this experiment, nothing would have happened, and naturally this kind of thing would not have happened.

But the guy in front of me said all this in such a high-sounding way. If it weren't for the experiment, there would be no accident!


Ge Ye Hongtai clenched his fists and wanted to get up and rush forward, but Qi Wen Jiedou suddenly stopped him.

"Stop! Let him finish his words first. We need to know what that power is... and how to use it."

From their conversation just now, Qi Wen Jiedou already knew that people could become aliens.

Asking for flowers.

This power is definitely not an ordinary power, and he wants to understand these situations.

Then he returned to the previous stool and sat down, not getting carried away by anger.

“It’s all about defeating the enemy that must be defeated.

Seeing how knowledgeable he was, Zhan Ji Lingma gently clapped his hands twice.

"A very reasonable judgment."

Later, Qi Wen Jiedou expressed the conclusion he had come to in his heart.

"The one who made those fruits into lock seeds and brought them to our world is your World Tree, right?"

"You are right. This is a measure taken to safely use the Helheim Fruit. It is the result of my research."

It was precisely because of Zhanji Lingma's answer that the two finally understood what that different world was.

"Helheim Forest?"

"It's that strange forest."

Kuzuye Hongtai had already known before that the forest was called Helheim Forest.

"The power brought by the fruits in the forest is simply unfathomable. The person who eats it will not be able to bear the power and will turn into another creature.

But...if the nutrients can be safely ingested, we humans may achieve a new evolution, and the Zhan Ji Drive was born for this purpose.

While maintaining human consciousness, you can control the power of the fruit, or power beyond humans.

How is it? Now you understand how great the results of my research can be, right? "

When Zhan Ji Lingma was explaining, Qu Wen Jie Dou's eyes occasionally looked at the Zhan Ji drive and lock seeds placed on the tray beside him.

He is not the kind of person who easily admits defeat, nor is he the kind of person who is willing to be crushed by the opponent.

Although he has an idea in his mind and wants to get the Zhan Ji drive to fight back.


But seeing Lu Li, Qu Wen Jie Dou has already had a psychological shadow on the invisible force just now.

As long as he shows a little bit of movement, I am afraid it will be the same as before.

Of course, Lu Li also noticed Qu Wen Jie Dou's gaze.

"Don't look at me, do whatever you want, but...it depends on whether you have the ability. ”

The things that should be taken have been taken, and Lu Li doesn’t care what will happen to Zhan Ji Lingma now.

It can be seen that this guy is a scientist, but his skills are not slow at all, he is quite flexible, and it goes without saying that he is good at fighting.

When hearing this, Zhan Ji Lingma heard another meaning.

What happens next, Lu Li may not care.

I don’t understand what Lu Li means by this sentence, but Qu Wen Jie Dou extinguished the idea of ​​resisting in his heart.

The presence of Lu Li is a great deterrent, and he dare not act rashly.

Seeing that Qu Wen Jie Dou did not make any other moves, Lu Li said nothing more.

Then, Zhan Ji Lingma threw out an olive branch again, hoping that they could continue to use him.

But unfortunately, the two of them obviously did not want to be guinea pigs, so naturally they would not agree.

Who would be willing to be a guinea pig?

Seeing that his persuasion was ineffective, Zhan Ji Lingma immediately asked the black shadow guards to take them away and lock them up first.

For the time being They can't be allowed to go out at this time, they need to stay here for a while.

Seeing that Ge Ye Hong Tai and the other two were taken away, Wu Dao Guang Shi immediately hid.

The conversation just now was also transmitted to his ears word for word, so he got some useful information.

But it is not the best time to save people yet, he needs to wait until there is no one to take action.

However.. he no longer has such an opportunity.

At this time, Wu Dao Gui Hu suddenly came to the laboratory, and he also noticed that Ge Ye Hong Tai and Qu Wen Jie Dou were taken away.

For a moment, he was not sure what Zhan Ji Ling Ma was doing, and felt it necessary to ask.

As soon as he came in, he saw Lu Li, and Wu Dao Gui Hu frowned slightly.

If possible, he didn't want to meet Lu Li.

The other party is very strong, and he is an investor in the company. He doesn't want Lu Li to interfere too much in internal affairs.

"Ling Ma, why did you bring those two little ghosts here? "

When asked this question, Zhan Ji Ling Ma shrugged indifferently.

"Nothing, just want them to come over to help, maybe they can be used for us?

After all, you can't keep them for a long time, at least they are all released, and their joining will only benefit us. "

Zhan Ji Ling Ma is now too lazy to mention the matter of more powerful forces in front of Wu Daoguihu.

It's not that he doesn't want to mention it, but he has mentioned it before, but Wu Daoguihu only has mass production of Zhan Ji drivers in his mind.

Since then, Zhan Ji Ling Ma doesn't want to mention this matter in front of him, he has no interest in Wu Daoguihu.

Just a boring person.

Hearing this, Wu Daoguihu frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Ling Ma, now that mass production of drivers has been realized, I hope our focus will shift to mass production of drivers.

This is our top priority at the moment, and other things can be put aside.

Now that they have lost their drivers, they naturally become the objects of our protection. I don't want to mix them in again.

Observe them for a while, and if there is no abnormality, let them go. "People

Chapter 561 A "good" brother cultivated by himself! Trust, the result is the same

Even if he looked down on these hip-hop dance team members, the other party has now lost their power and become an ordinary person, the object of their protection.

It was Wu Daoguihu's serious look that made Zhan Ji Lingma feel that he was very boring.

"Yes, yes, I know.

Not wanting to continue arguing with Wu Daoguihu on this matter, Zhan Ji Lingma said perfunctorily.

Just when Wu Daoguihu was about to continue, Lu Li suddenly interrupted.

"You have been eavesdropping outside for so long, it's time to come out now, right?

Don't you want your brother to know what you are doing?"

The words sounded confusing, and people didn't understand what was going on.

Zhan Ji Lingma thought about it and then thought of something.

Before, Cid handed one of the Zhan Ji drivers to Wu Daoguangshi, and he naturally knew about this.

When hearing Lu Li say this, the first person Zhan Ji Lingma thought of was Wu Daoguangshi.

After all, the only one who has brothers here is Wudao Guihu.

Wudao Mitsushi, who was hiding outside, was thinking about how to leave and rescue Kuzuya Kota and the others.

But he didn't expect that he had been discovered long ago and was directly exposed.

His heart suddenly turned cold, and his whole body stiffened and he stood there in a daze.

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