Lu Li shrugged indifferently and smiled.

"It's up to you. You can help anyone you want. Anyway, the final result is the same in my opinion."

Seeing Lu Li so confident, Sagara showed a look of as expected on his face.

"Haha! As expected of you, you are really confident!

Since you said so, I will let it go. I am really curious, who will get the golden fruit in the end?"

He had already guessed that Lu Li might stop him from helping Kuzuya Kota.


Of course it's because Lu Li has very powerful strength, and he is very confident.

The strong never disdain to use conspiracy and never worry about anyone challenging themselves, and Lu Li is a strong man.

From the words, Sagara himself doesn't seem to have any idea about the golden fruit.

This made Minato Yoko a little confused for a while, what Sagara was thinking.

Then, Sagara stood up and turned away.

"Lu Li, although I recognize your strength of 2.2, but... sometimes it's not good to be too confident. Maybe there will be an opponent who can match you in the future?"

After leaving this sentence, Sagara disappeared from Lu Li's sight.

Lu Li didn't care about the so-called opponent who could match him.

There are indeed powerful opponents in the future, that's right.

But it's not Kuzuba Kota who was trained by Sagara, but others.

For example... Zi-O!

At this time, Minato Yoko looked at Lu Li with a puzzled face and asked.

"Sagara, what does that guy want to do?"

"He just wants to find someone who has passed the forest trial. Now, there are already many people who have joined the trial in this forest.

Now, using the balance method, my strength is too strong, so he wants to train a strong opponent for me."

Lu Li looked calm and didn't show any nervousness at all.

With a slightly frowned brow, Minato Yoko had heard a little bit.

"Sago. Is he related to that forest?"

Although she had guessed this, she did not guess what the specific relationship between Sago and that forest was.

Why did Sago have no idea about the golden fruit, but was cultivating other people? What was the purpose of doing this?

"You will know later."

Lu Li Renming smiled and did not continue to explain Sago's identity.

At the same time.

Through the artificial cracks created by the World Tree, he once again came to the Helheim Forest.

Mitsumasa Wudao did not know what world Takatora Wudao was going to take him to see.

However, he had a vague feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

The two walked for a long time, passed through a forest and came to a cliff.

When he first came here, Mitsushi Wudao saw the scene in front of him, and suddenly his eyes widened in disbelief, his pupils shrank sharply, and his heartbeat suddenly increased.

Even his breathing became rapid, and his hands unconsciously clenched his clothes

Chapter 562 The truth, the first manifestation of scheming! The fact that made Silly Orange collapse

After making sure that he was not mistaken, Wudao Guangshi unconsciously took a step back and knelt on the ground powerlessly.

Seeing him like this, Wudao Guihu was not surprised at all.

Anyone who saw such a scene would probably be very surprised.

"Do you understand? This is the true face of Helheim Forest.

His face was full of panic, as if he had received a huge shock.

"How is this possible? !"

The ruins in front of him, which looked like a city, made him express his incomprehension.

There is actually a city in this forest.

Although it has become a ruin, there is no doubt that those who can build a city must be similar to human beings.

"After seeing this, do you still think that everything I did was wrong?"

"No! This kind of thing... absolutely... absolutely cannot be made public! "

Shaking his head vigorously, Wu Dao Guang Shi knew very well in his heart what the world would become once this matter was made public.

There is no doubt that the whole world would be in chaos at that time.

There is even the possibility of war and conflict.

"Guang Shi, join the World Tree, I will take you to the real battlefield. ”

Takatora Wudao knew very well that his younger brother was very smart and would definitely be useful in the World Tree.

He reached out and pulled him up from the ground. Although Takatora Wudao was very stubborn on the surface, he always cared about his younger brother.

However, he didn't know how to deal with the relationship between the two brothers. He only knew that he should set an example for his younger brother.

After learning the truth, Mitsumi Wudao had already calmed down in his heart.

He knew that his plan was successful.

Yes, he was really shocked when he saw this scene.

But before that, he had already had some guesses in his mind.

Especially after seeing Kakui Yuya become an alien, he also suspected that there would be aliens in this forest who would become humanoid creatures.

When he saw the truth, he was really shocked in his heart, but it was still within his acceptable range.

The reason why he showed this was naturally for Takatora Wudao to see.

If he wanted to join the World Tree, he had to get the approval of his brother Takatora Wudao.

As for why he wanted to join World Tree, of course it was because he knew that the power he currently possessed was too weak.

If he wants to take back Sister Wu, he must have stronger power.

For this, the power of the World Tree is necessary.

With the help of the power of the World Tree, perhaps he could deal with Lu Li. This was something Kureshima Mitsuomi was very sure about.

Since you can't deal with Lu Li with your own strength, you can use more powerful force to deal with him.

With such a huge organization like World Tree, the power in its hands is naturally very powerful, so there must be a way to deal with it, Lu Li.

It can only be said that Wu Daoguang's scheming is very deep, otherwise it would not be possible to achieve this level.

He is good at hiding himself and at the same time good at disguising himself.

In order to achieve his goal, he will do whatever it takes.

Inside the World Tree headquarters.

The room used to look after Kuzuye Hongtae is just an ordinary single room, and there is no problem with normal living.

But wanting to go out has become a luxury here.

The place where he can move is limited to this area.

He has been placed under house arrest. As for how long he will be placed under house arrest, it is still unclear.

Lying on the bed, Ge Yehongtai no longer had the idea of ​​shouting.

The main reason is that there is no need, because he knows that no matter how loud he yells, no one will respond to him here.

Can't get out at all!

Ge Yehongtai, who was lying on the bed, didn't know what to do at this time.

I want to expose World Tree's conspiracy, but I can't even get out now.


Sighing deeply, Kuzu Ye Hongtai really had nothing to do now.

At this moment, a sound suddenly came from outside the door.

"Hello, our hero.

The sudden sound made Kuzuye Hongtai sit up immediately like a spring.

Ge Ye Hongtai said with a surprised look on his face when he could see the people outside.

"Are you DJ Sagara?!"

He was very surprised when he spoke. He couldn't understand why Xiangle appeared here.

"You're right, it's such an honor to meet you, Armored Knight Kaiwu.

Thanks to you, our website is literally bursting with popularity. "

Hearing this, Kuzuye Hongta also understood that Xiangle was probably on the same side as Yggdrasil.

"Really? You tell the world that those guys are in the same group, and they are also making the Outlander game popular!"

Shrugging indifferently, Xiangle said to himself.

"Using games and rankings, street dancing instantly gained the attention of countless people. You should thank me."

Hearing this, Ge Yehongtai came to the door with excitement on his face and held the railing tightly.

"Stop joking! It's all because we were fooled by you.

"The applause and cheers of a large number of fans, the thrilling battles, you will never have such glorious moments in your previous lives."

Xiang Le's words immediately left Kuzu Ye Hongta speechless.

What the other party said was true. They had indeed reaped the dividends from the game and rankings, and they had become so popular before.

Moreover, the thrilling battle also made him enjoy it very much at the time.

Ge Yehongtai returned to the sofa and sat down wordlessly, his eyes wandering.

At this time, Xiangraku took out a D card and placed it on the console next to him and scanned it.


The locked door opened directly, and Xiangle walked in from the outside minding his own business.


Seeing Xiang Le walking in, Kuzu Ye Hongtai was at a loss.

Isn't this guy afraid of escaping on his own?

"The lifespan of a small human being is only a blink of an eye, and how much brilliance can be emitted and how many valuable things can be left for future generations during this short period of travel is only

It's the key to life.

? ? ?

What the hell?

Suddenly, the topic of life turned to the topic, leaving Kuzuba Kota to be confused for a moment as to what Xiangraku wanted to tell him.

"what are you talking about?"

He walked to the side of the bed and sat down, lying on his back on the bed.

"Are you really going to give up like this? Zhanji Lingma probably wants to do something else with you, but I know that."

He wanted to know what Ge Yehongtai was thinking.

Is the guy in front of me worthy of my help?

What he wants is someone who is ambitious to fight for, not someone who is willing to give up in difficult situations.

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