If he just gave up when faced with difficulties, he could go to anyone, so why should he go to Kuzu Ye Hongtai?

But from Kuzu Ye Futai, he saw a kind of perseverance and a possibility.

Of course, there is more than one person with this kind of perseverance, and there is another person in this war.

Exorcise patterns and fight!

But compared to Kumon Jiedou, Xiangraku feels that Kuzuye Kota may be more suitable to become a god.

Because Xiangle didn't see many possibilities in Qi Wen Jiedou.

It is a good thing to dare to challenge the strong, but the world he wants to build without weaklings is exactly the same as the world built by Fimsim.

This is the world where the Overlord Foreigners currently exist in the forest.

The survivors are often only the strong ones, while the weak ones have been eliminated, so naturally there are no weak ones left.

The Expelling Pattern Jie Dou is the same as these Overlord Foreigners.

This is why he did not choose to drive patterns and fight, but chose Kuzu Ye Hongtai.

Maybe letting the compassionate Kuzu Ye Hongtai become a god can bring different changes to the world.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Ge Ye Hongtai can finally defeat Lu Li and get the golden fruit.

The possibility is slim, but you might as well try some things, maybe there will be different results!

Although Lu Li was very powerful, and in Xiangra's opinion, even comparable to Bai Ya, it did not mean that he would definitely get the golden fruit.

As long as the future is not completely determined, there are opportunities.

How could Ge Ye Hongtai agree to Zhanji Lingma's continued use of him as a guinea pig:

"I have no intention of obeying the advice of that guy named Zhanji Reima.

After learning that World Tree was concealing things about the Helheim Forest, he felt that the entire city seemed to be shrouded in a huge shadow.

People who eat the fruit will become aliens. Once word spreads about this, it will definitely cause great turmoil.

And what is going on in that forest, judging from the current situation, probably only World Tree knows

Although Zhanji Lingma developed the Zhanji Drive and Genesis Drive, this does not mean that the other party is a good person.

Geye Tongtai already knew from the previous conversation that Zhanji Lingma was only doing it for his own research.

When he learned that Hatsuse Ryoji had become a foreigner, he just mentioned it lightly and didn't take it to heart at all.

How could a guy who didn't put human life in his eyes like this be able to listen to the other party, let alone be complicit with the other party.

"Don't you want new power?"

Xiangraku was very curious as to how Kuzuha Kota would answer his question.

In the past, he has witnessed too many guys who went crazy because of their power.

In order to obtain the power of the golden fruit, those guys among the overlord aliens even wanted to create artificial golden fruits.

In the end, they killed each other because of the artificial golden fruit, and the power brought only endless struggle to Fimsim.

Sagara doesn't want to see this in humans anymore.

Leaning on the sofa, Ge Yefangtai shook his head.

“Strength itself is not necessary, it’s how you use it that matters.”

When he heard this answer, Xiangra was stunned for a moment, then sat up from the bed and looked at Kuzuye Kota with curiosity.

"Oh? So what do you mean?"

"World Tree only wants to do his own research and has no intention of protecting this city, so... I want to protect the people in this city from outsiders.

If I want to protect these people, I need strength, not just to become stronger.

At this time, Kuzu Ye Hongtai looked like there was light in his eyes.

When Xiangraku heard this answer, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha! Isn't this interesting? You are planning to make your short life shine."

He felt that his feeling was correct. Kuzu Ye Hongtai was indeed a person worth cultivating, and perhaps... he could bring him different surprises.

Putting the 1D card in his hand on the table, Xiangra then took out the Lemon Energy Lock Seed and the Genesis Core and placed them on the table.

"I'll pay attention to you again if it makes me happy.

The answer to who is the person chosen by Helheim Forest has not yet been revealed. "


As he spoke, he walked towards the door. Xiangraku closed the door after leaving the door.

These last words made Kota Kuzuba, a stubborn guy, realize that Sagara was definitely more than just an ordinary DJ that he knew.

"What exactly are you...?

The other party actually gave him the D card, and also gave him a new locked seed and something he had never seen before. Kuzuye Hongtai said he couldn't understand it.

Shouldn't the other party be with World Tree? Why help yourself?

Regarding this issue, Ge Yehongtai can't figure it out at all at the moment.

He just felt that this normally cheerful uncle was very unusual.

"Ha ha ha ha!

With a burst of laughter, Xiangra left directly.

"Hey! Wait, stop!"

But in the face of his call, Xiangle did not come back.

The laughter has disappeared, and Kuzuye Hongtae also knows that he can't call Xiangle back.

Returning to the table, he looked at the Genesis Core, Lemon Energy Lock Seed and D Card on the table, how could he not be moved.

He saw it just now. Xiangra used this card to directly open the closed door.

This means that with this card, you can leave here very smoothly.

As for why Xiangle wanted to help him, Kuzuye Hongtae couldn't figure it out at the moment.

But he didn't think about it too much. Anyway, he had a chance to leave here now.

Just grab the lock seed and core, take the 1D card and put it on the control table at 150 outside.

"Didi!! Click!"

Along with a burst of sound, the door opened very easily.

"It's really open?!"

With a look of surprise on his face, Ge Yehongtai walked out immediately.

After leaving, he was not in a hurry to leave, because there was another guy here who was also locked up here like him.

After searching along the corridor and passing through several rooms, he finally found the room where Xu Wen Jiedou was being held.

After rescuing the expelling pattern Jiedou, the two did not leave here, but immediately rushed to the room where they met Zhanji Lingma.

Just because their battle pole drives should still be there, all they have to do is get them back first, so that they can have the strength to fight against the World Tree.

Without strength, even if you want to fight against the World Tree, you can't do it.

When someone came to the first room, no one was there. With the D card, the two of them could enter these places almost unimpeded.

After successfully getting back his own Zhanji driver and lock seed, Qi Wen Jiedou also took away a Zhanji driver that had been mass-produced.

Just as the two were about to leave, Geye Hongtai suddenly saw a recorded image on the computer screen.


When he saw this person, Ge Yehongtai was extremely surprised.

Isn't this the Yuya Kakui who has been missing for a long time?

He actually appeared in the video. Is there any trace of the other party in this?

As the video played, Kota Kuzuba and Jiedou Kumon witnessed with their own eyes that Yuya Kakui in the video actually ate the Helheim Fruit.


Kuzuye Hongta never expected that Yuya Kakuzu would actually eat the fruit.

Before he could be shocked, the next second he was completely stunned.

Yuya Kakui then transforms into a White Tiger Stranger!

Seeing this foreigner, Ge Yehongtai was extremely shocked.

He never expected that the White Tiger Foreigner he killed after his first transformation would be... Yuya Kakui

"How...why...why is this happening?!"

His body was trembling. Ge Yehongtai never expected that he would discover such a terrifying secret.

No wonder Kakui Yu also disappeared inexplicably. It turned out that the other party did not disappear, but became a foreigner.

It's even possible that the other party was killed by me!

When he learned this result, Geye Futai collapsed in his heart.

Could it be that... I killed my former best friend with my own hands!

He looked down at his hands, as if his hands were covered in blood.

Ku Wen Jiedou, who was on the side, noticed that something was wrong with Ge Ye Hongtai's current situation. He just thought that Ge Ye Hongtai could not accept that his former captain had become a foreigner for a while.

But there is not much time left for them now. If they stay here for a while, they may be discovered.

The best policy is to leave here as soon as possible.

"Kudzu Ye, I know it's hard for you, but now we have to leave here quickly, otherwise we won't be able to leave!"

Ge Yehongti turned a deaf ear to the urging sounds coming from his ears.

Chapter 563: There’s a mole! I was shocked, VS Queen! trump card!

He now wants to know whether the foreigner he killed was Yuya Kazui.

There are also some aliens who look very similar, or even exactly the same.

Maybe the two just look very similar and are not the same thing.

Still holding such expectations in his heart, Ge Yehongtai walked up with his legs that seemed to be filled with lead, and stretched out his trembling hands.

He was about to check the next video, but before he could operate the computer, a sudden alarm sounded.

"Woooooooh one by one!!"

The people who were inspecting the prison cells saw that the room where Kuzu Ye Hongtai and Hu Wen Jiedou were supposed to be detained was empty, and they immediately sounded the alarm.


Qi Wen Jiedou frowned deeply.

He didn't expect that he would be discovered so soon after escaping.

Without time to think so much, he grabbed Ge Ye Hongtai and pulled him away.

"Kudzu Ye! We have no time to linger here any longer, leave as soon as possible!"


I don't know why, but when Ge Yefangtai was dragged away by Qi Wen Jiedou, she felt a little lucky in her heart.

Perhaps it was not what he thought, the alien he killed and the alien Yuya Kakui transformed into were not the same one.

This is the expectation and desire in his heart.

He didn't know what the subsequent video looked like. To be precise, he didn't dare to know.

Suppress the random thoughts in your heart, and now you should consider how to escape.

The two of them had never been to the World Tree headquarters at all, and they didn't know where to run out. They could only run here and there and leave below.

However, during their escape, they were quickly discovered because of surveillance cameras in various locations throughout the World Tree.

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