The two were surrounded by a group of shadow guards. If they wanted to get out, they had to fight.

"Jiedou! Don't fight these guys! Let's leave first!"

Kumeba Kota didn't have time to think about so many things now. He had to hurry up and leave here.

If he couldn't leave here, all the things he said before would not be realized, and the city would continue to be kept in the dark.

There must be someone who knows the truth to protect the people in this city from foreigners.

Instead of being like the World Tree, who only focuses on research and doesn't care about the lives of others.

Hearing this, Qiwen Jiedou kicked a shadow guard away and said in a deep voice.

"I won't just run away! You go first, I will get rid of these guys."

After that, Qiwen Jiedou immediately took out the Zhanji driver and transformed.

He is not a person who only knows how to run away. It is his instinct to face difficulties.

Baron, who uses the Zhanji driver, is much stronger in combat than the shadow guards who use the mass-produced driver!

Seeing that Baron had entangled these shadow guards alone, Kuzuya Kota no longer hesitated and ran down quickly.

"Keito! After dealing with these guys, come down. There is an artificial crack under the World Tree. We can use the fixed-lock vehicle to go back through the crack!"

Leaving here is the real thing!

The last time the World Tree Investigation Team was attacked, Kuzuya Kota helped solve the trouble.

At the same time, he also noticed part of the structure of the World Tree Headquarters. The artificial crack was below.

Going down is definitely right!

Through the artificial crack, and then using the fixed-lock vehicle, you can smoothly return to Sawame City.

At the same time.

Zhan Ji Lingma, who was supposed to be doing research in the laboratory, suddenly found that the prototype that was supposed to be secretly locked up by himself was missing.

And not only was the prototype missing, but a lemon energy lock seed was also missing!

When Zhan Ji Lingma discovered this situation, his eyes twitched violently.

He never thought that the prototype and the lemon energy lock seed would disappear.

You know, he locked that thing very well. Unless he allowed it, no one could get it.

Who is it? !

He took away the prototype and the lemon energy lock without making any noise and without me noticing.

There shouldn't be many people who know where his prototype is.

There must be a traitor!

But the question is how did this traitor break through the security defense and take the things away directly?

He couldn't figure it out anyway.

This is an impossible task in itself.

Unless it's really a ghost.

Lu Li and Minato Yoko, who were still in the World Tree at this time, naturally heard the alarm.

When she heard the alarm, Minato Yoko was stunned.

She never expected that the alarm would come so quickly.

If nothing unexpected happened, it should be that the imprisoned Kuzuya Kota and Quwen Jiedou escaped.

As for the person who released them, Minato Yoko suddenly remembered Sagara who had talked to Lu Li before.

What is the identity of that guy? !

There is no such coincidence in the world. Just after saying it, the alarm sounded immediately.

She would not be so naive to think that there is no connection between the two.

"Sagara is quite quick, haha! Since you have chosen Kuzuya Kota, let me see how far you can train him."

With a calm smile on his face, Lu Li did not feel nervous because of Sagara's help to Kuzuya Kota.

Even if Kuzuya Kota gets the general form, Lu Li is confident enough to suppress him.

A small part of the power of the golden fruit cannot even be called a god, even Bai Ya can't compare, let alone Lu Li.

And with Lu Li here, Kuzuya Kota may not even get the general form.

After hearing what Lu Li said, Minato Yoko was more certain in her heart that the two little brats were let go by Sagara.

As for why he let them go, Minato Yoko couldn't think of it, but it must be related to the training that Lu Li just mentioned.

"Yaozi, let's go, come with me to do something.

As he said that, Lu Li stood up and walked towards the bottom of the World Tree.

He was almost ready on his side, ready to go deep into the forest and take away the princess's sarcophagus first.

In case that Feicui guy gets desperate and ruins his big plan later

In order to ensure that the golden fruit will be in his hands at that time, Lu Li only needs to have the princess in his hand.

The golden fruit cannot escape Bai Ya's perception.

As long as there is the princess, Bai Ya can only use the golden fruit to exchange with himself.

In protecting the golden fruit, Bai Ya is definitely more attentive than Lu Li.

Seeing Lu Li stand up and leave, Yaozi hurriedly followed.

She didn't know what Lu Li was going to do, she just knew that she should follow him carefully.

Not long after, the two came to the huge room of the artificial crack at the bottom of the world.

And at this moment, the monitor on the side suddenly switched to the image of Zhan Ji Lingma.

"Yaozi, I need you to help me do something. "

He now really wanted to find out who stole his things. Both Kuzuya Kota and Kimon Kaito, who had just escaped, were strong suspects.

But he was very curious about how his things were stolen.

Minato Yoko did not reply to Zhan Ji Lingma immediately, but looked at Lu Li.

His current boss is Lu Li, not Zhan Ji Lingma.

If she takes any action, she must get Lu Li's approval.

Zhanji Lingma was quite surprised. He didn't expect that his words would not work now.

Of course, Zhanji Lingma didn't say much. After all, he asked Minato Yoko to monitor Lu Li.

At this time, if what he says is useful, Lu Li probably won't want to get along with Yaozi by then.

"Mr. Lu, what do you think?"

Turning his attention to Lu Li, Zhan Ji Lingma could only ask Lu Li first.

Hearing this, Lu Li nodded slightly.

"Of course it's no problem, Yaozi, you can complete the temporary task assigned to you by the professor."


After receiving Lu Li's approval, Minato Yaozi turned his attention back to the image of Zhan Ji Lingma.

"Professor Lingma, do you have any instructions?"

"Minato, help me stop West Germany from killing those two guys.

Those two guinea pigs are still useful. There is one thing I must figure out. "

Not knowing who stole his trial work and lemon energy lock seed, Zhan Ji Lingma felt restless.

We must understand this matter and know who the other party is.

"I see.

Minato Yoko nodded, jumped down from the edge of the fence, and landed smoothly.

It has to be said that Yoko Minato is indeed a spy, and she has very agile skills.

After Minato Yoko left, Zhanji Lingmapi said with a smile.

"As expected of Mr. Lu Li, Minato has just joined your side. I didn't expect that he is already so obedient to your words. It is indeed a bit beyond my expectation."

He didn't know whether Minato Yoko was pretending or serious, but he felt that Minato Yoko would not disobey his orders in such a short period of time.

Hearing this, Lu Li's expression did not change at all and he said calmly.

"Professor Lingma, this can make Yaozi look very professional. Since he is my subordinate now, he should listen to me. Isn't this the right thing to do?

Okay, I'll go take a look too. "

There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, even Zhanji Lingma can't find any problems.

Ignoring Zhan Ji Lingma, Lu Li also jumped down from the edge of the fence and directly entered the man-made crack.

Looking at the figure entering the artificial crack, the fake smile on Zhanji Lingma's face suddenly faded.

He couldn't tell whether what this man said was true or false.

Not far from the man-made crack, West Germany completely suppressed Kaiwu and Baron by himself.

As this battle continues, both men will lose sooner or later.

"I am most annoyed by disobedient children. Why are you disobedient? You must give me a good lesson!"

Sigurd was holding a sonic arrow and looked completely at ease.

Facing his attack, Kaiwu and Balon could only be beaten passively, without any chance of escaping from here.

When the two were being beaten, they seized the opportunity to throw out the locking vehicle. Taking advantage of Sigurd's attack, they escaped without hesitation.

Since we can't defeat such a powerful opponent, we can only retreat temporarily and plan for the long term.

There is no need to fight to the death with the opponent. If they continue to fight, they may be caught again.

Noticing that the two of them were trying to escape, Sigurd suddenly felt angry.

I was actually tricked by two brats!

I can't bear it!

He himself disliked these brats, and if it hadn't been for Wu Dao Takatora's order, he might have killed these guys long ago.

Now if these two guys escape from me, wouldn't it look like I am incompetent?

You can leave if you want, but stay alive!

Thinking of this, Sigurd, who already had murderous intentions in his heart, directly removed the cherry energy lock seed and loaded it on the sonic arrow.


Pull the sonic arrow fiercely to the full moon, and cherry-like red energy gathers crazily at the front of the sonic arrow.

At this distance, Sigurd can 100% guarantee his fatal hit.

As for the two brats who were hit by his own killing plan, whether they lived or died was none of his business. He had already completed the task anyway.

As long as these two brats are not allowed to escape!

If these two brats die, it can be classified as accidental death.

"call out!!"

Sigurd let go in an instant, and arrows composed of cherry energy quickly shot at Kaiwu and Balon.

And at this moment, a pink energy arrow suddenly shot out from the side, accurately hitting Sigurd's sure kill.


The cherry-shaped energy suddenly exploded!

Noticing that his special move had been intercepted, Sigurd turned around suddenly.

He saw Sister Taozi in pink armor walking towards him.

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