Just one punch almost destroyed him!

When Sigurd came to this result, he was extremely shocked and at the same time fear emerged.

He hadn't felt anything like this in a long time.

Although his hands were unconscious, he still held the sonic arrow firmly and did not let it fall.

Raising his head with great reluctance, Sigurd looked at Lu Li, who was dozens of meters away from him, with complicated eyes.

What kind of monster is the other party? Why are you grabbing so much?

This is too scary!

Pushing the tree trunk with his foot, Sigurd finally fell back to the ground.

He was seriously injured just now. Although he has not lost his fighting ability, it may be difficult to fight the opponent in this situation.

Now, I'm afraid I can only rely on those unmanned watermelon armors.

Thinking of this, West Germany immediately controlled two of the unmanned watermelon armors to attack Lu Li.

He doesn't believe that anyone can defeat the unmanned watermelon armor in terms of strength. It's absolutely impossible.

However, just when he thought so, he was completely dumbfounded in the next second.

Lu Li, who was surrounded by two unmanned watermelon armors, acted very relaxedly when faced with the attack of the watermelon armors. It was as simple as eating and drinking.

"How can it be?!"

Sigurd looked at it for a moment, completely unable to understand it.

Is the watermelon armor weakened? Or is the other party too strong?

Kicking away one of the watermelon armors, Lu Li landed smoothly.

"Want to try something faster?"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li casually flicked the big red horn on the head of Jia Dou Insect Instrument.

As Lu Li moved, the thick armor on his upper body suddenly expanded and protruded.

Then a large amount of highly compressed oxygen was sprayed out from the gaps in the armor, making Lu Li become even more bloated.


As Lu Li's voice fell, he casually turned the big horn of the Jia Dou Insect Instrument in his hand to another direction.


Amidst a burst of mechanical sound, the inflatable armor on Lu Li popped out instantly.

These ejected armors also have quite terrifying impact.

Another unmanned watermelon armor that was closer was directly hit by the ejected thick armor.

Even the unmanned watermelon armor was instantly knocked to the ground in the face of this terrifying impact.

"Change. Bettle!"

A large red horn was fastened to Lu Li's head armor, splitting the originally blue eye armor into two halves.

The armor on his body turned red, and the whole person looked very well-proportioned and light, without the heavy feeling just now.

Kamen Rider Kabuto One Rider Form!

"Can I still transform?!"

Sigurd's tone was full of surprise.

He couldn't understand what Lu Li had just done, to change from the knight with heavy armor to the light armored knight now.

At this time, Lu Li raised his right hand to Sigurd, who was dozens of meters away, and lightly hooked his fingers.

That way seems to say, come here!

There was a sudden feeling of being despised in his heart, which made Sigurd even more furious.

He actually despises himself again, which is simply intolerable!

Gently squeezing his palm, he felt that his hand had regained strength. Although the pain was still there, Sigurd didn't think it was anything.

It was just pain, the pain he had experienced was far more intense than this.

"Don't be too arrogant!

Sigurd roared angrily and rushed towards Lu Li with all his strength.

The distance was only a few dozen meters, and it didn't take long to reach Lu Li.

While running, it was impossible for Sigurd (cbd) to do nothing. He raised the sonic arrow in his hand and fired wildly.

As for aiming, there is no such thing

Sigurd is quite confident in his shooting skills.

"Arrogant because I have the ability to be arrogant, but you don't."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li gently patted the left belt with his left hand.


Along with a burst of mechanical sound, the super energy generated by the insect instrument caused tachyon particles to flow throughout his body, and Lu Li suddenly entered a rather strange state.

Rising time!

After turning on time-rising, the particles flowing around him are greatly accelerated, allowing him to move freely within the flow of time.

Different from Faiz's simple physical acceleration, it accelerates the flow of time through tachyon particles.

The two have one thing in common, that is, in order to prevent the wearer's body from being able to bear too much burden, the time-up will often stop after using it for a few seconds.

However, Lu Li was not an ordinary person at all, so he used rising time, so it was naturally completely different from ordinary people.

Even if it is forced to close by the system, it can be opened again.

For Lu Li, who has mastered time and place, time-upgrading is similar to accelerating his own time, and he doesn't feel used to it at all.

Sigurd had already approached half the distance, but Lu Li, who was in the ascending state of time, disappeared in an instant.


Seeing a person appear in front of him out of thin air, Sigurd was extremely shocked and didn't understand what was going on.

But in the next second, he suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen.

He vaguely saw a red figure passing in front of his eyes. Under the powerful force, his body was directly lifted into the air.

Before he could react, bursts of pain were felt in every part of his body.

"Ahhhhh one by one!!"

Sigurd could do nothing except scream.

He just felt that he had received very strong blows all over his body, and the severe pain made him couldn't help but scream.

He tried desperately to resist the attack, but found that what he wanted to do was a complete joke.

From the first blow, he felt that his body had no focus at all and could only passively fly into the air.

Suddenly, Sigurd felt a sudden force coming from above and kicked him hard on the back.


But as he screamed, Sigurd's body quickly fell from the sky toward the ground.

In Sigurd's field of vision, a red figure can appear on the ground.


"It's... that guy!"

When he saw Lu Li reappearing, a bad feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

Desperately trying to move his body, trying to escape.

Seeing that his body was falling so fast under the powerful force just now, he couldn't avoid it! !

Lu Li, who was on the ground with his back to Sigurd who had fallen down, quickly pressed the full speed switch above the insect meter.

One! Two! Three! "

Return the red horn to the position of the mask form, and then open it again.

“Rider. Kick!

A burst of electronic sound suddenly sounded.

Blue arc-shaped energy poured into the big horn above his head crazily.

At the same time, tachyon particles gathered crazily on his right foot, and electric light shone.

At this time, Sigurd happened to fall from above.

He knew that he could no longer dodge. Without a focus, he couldn't even dodge.

There was no time to think so much, so he quickly covered his head with his hands.

At times like this, keeping yourself alive is the most important thing, and everything else is secondary.

Then the red figure suddenly turned around and launched a high-leg roundhouse kick.

The right leg shining with endless electric light hit Sigurd who was falling.



Violent explosions and terrifying screams sounded almost at the same time.

Sigurd, who was hit by the roundhouse kick, was directly engulfed in the flames of the explosion.

Such a terrifying and violent explosion unconsciously attracted the queen on the side.

Seeing Lu Li being swallowed up by the same explosive hot pot, the Queen was not worried about his safety at all.

She had already seen what kind of power Lu Li had. It was just the aftermath of the explosion and it was impossible to hurt Lu Li.

Since the three unmanned watermelon armors were controlled by Sigurd, the moment Sigurd lost consciousness, there was naturally no movement and the battle continued.

Noticing the motionless unmanned Watermelon Armor next to her, the Queen lowered her guard.

Close the peach energy lock seed to release the transformation.

Minato Yoko quickly came to Lu Li's side, and happened to see West, who was lying on the ground with bruises all over his body and had passed out.

Seeing West Germany ending up like this, Minato Yoko's color showed no change at all.

Anyway, it was this guy who suddenly attacked him first, injuring him a little, which could be regarded as a lesson.

At this time, Lu Li also took off the armor insect instrument on his belt and exited the transformation state. The knight armor on his body gradually dissipated like fragments.

"Mr. Lu, what should we do about this guy West Germany?"

In any case, West Germany is also from Yggdrasil, so he can just teach him a lesson. He can't kill him yet, and Minato Yoshiko doesn't want to kill him.

"Notify World Tree and ask them to come over and deal with this mess. You come with me. There is something I need to do."

After saying that, Lu Li walked directly towards the forest.

Although she didn't know what Lu Li was talking about, Minato Yoko didn't ask too much.

After notifying the investigation team, Minato Yoko quickly followed Lu Li's footsteps.

Only West Germany was left lying on the ground like a dead dog. He was still breathing anyway and could not die.

Not long after, the investigation team sent some people over and found West Germany.

Seeing how seriously injured he was, the investigation team did not dare to delay and immediately took him back to World Tree for treatment.

Regarding the fact that West Germany was injured, Zhanji Lingma naturally found out very quickly.

When he saw that West Germany was covered in scars, he had to rest for at least a while before he could resume action:

At this time, Wu Dao Takahu also returned to the World Tree headquarters with Wu Dao Mitsumi, who had agreed to join the World Tree.

When I came back, I also found out that Ge Ye Hongtai and Qu Wen Jiedou had escaped.

Everyone has been caught, but they didn't expect to be escaped by the other party.

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