PS: Thanks to

13080. for the monthly ticket!

Chapter 565 Ambition! Goodbye Bai Ya, ready

This is a very fatal problem in the eyes of Wu Daoguihu.

This kind of problem should not happen, but it happened.

He was in a particularly bad mood.

Wu Dao Guangshi originally thought that Ge Ye Hongtai and the others had been caught and could not get out. What happened later had nothing to do with them.

But he did not expect that they could still escape, which was simply causing trouble for himself.

Now he has regarded himself as a member of the World Tree.

In the future, he must spend more energy to deal with Lu Li. How could he not have time to deal with Ge Ye Hongtai and the others?

This also caused Wu Dao Guangshi to be in a very bad mood.

"Mitsumasa, although you are my younger brother, I will not easily hand over important matters to you.

I need to see what your ability is and make an assessment.

Now I will give you a task, take back the Sengoku Driver from Kuzuya Kota.

After completing this task, you will be a formal member of the World Tree. Can you do it?"

This is the first task he arranged for Wudao Mitsushi, and it is not difficult.

He believes that his smart brother can definitely complete this task.

Hearing this, Wudao Mitsushi nodded without hesitation.

His eyes were full of determination.

"Leave this matter to me, I will definitely take back the Sengoku Driver."

Now that he knows the truth, he doesn't want Kuzuya Kota to continue to be involved too deeply in this matter.

At present, he still regards the other party as a friend, but if Kuzuya Kota continues to delve into the matter of the forest in the future, he doesn't mind getting rid of him.

After agreeing to take on this task, Wudao Mitsushi opened his mouth to say something, but he hesitated.

"Guangshi, do you have any more questions?"

Wu Daoguihu saw at a glance that his younger brother had something to say, and asked directly.

After hesitating for a while, Wu Daoguihu still asked the question in his mind.

"Brother, I want to know about Lu Li's situation. What is his relationship with the World Tree?"

Although he knew that Lu Li was related to the number of events, he had not figured out the specific relationship.

Without knowing so much, he dared not act rashly.

Unable to figure out why his younger brother asked Lu Li, Wu Daoguihu still told him the truth:

"Lu Li is our World Tree's investor. The reason why he came to Zemei City was to inspect the work.

But according to my observation, he doesn't seem to be that simple. Not only does he have powerful strength, but he also knows a lot of things."

Wu Daoguihu thought he was still a little bit good at judging people, but he found that he couldn't see through Lu Li at all.

An extremely mysterious and powerful man, Wu Daoguihu's label for Lu Li in his heart is powerful, don't provoke.

He looked up at Wu Dao Guang Shi, who seemed to be a little entangled. As a brother, he didn't want his brother to step into danger.

Thinking of this, Wu Dao Gui Hu helped to remind him.

"Guang Shi, you'd better not continue to get involved in Lu Li's affairs. That man is very dangerous. Do you understand?"

His voice was full of unquestionable.

He didn't want to lose his brother because of some small things.

Especially after seeing how powerful Lu Li was, he didn't want Wu Dao Guang Shi to go to Lu Li without knowing the consequences.

When he got the news, Wu Dao Guang Shi's eyes suddenly flashed with a deep haze.

I thought that after joining the World Tree, I could target Lu Li, but now it seems that it is completely a dream.

If you want to deal with Lu Li, it should be unlikely at present, unless he can obtain very powerful power.

But at present, he doesn't even have the Genesis Drive, what can he use to fight Lu Li?

It seems that I have to wait for a while, until I get stronger power, and then consider other things:

Nodding solemnly, Wu Daoguangshi is smart and knows what to do and what not to do.

"Brother, I don't want to do anything to him, I'm just a little curious, don't worry.

With a faint smile on his face, it seems that he really doesn't want to do anything.

Because he doesn't know his brother, Wu Daoguihu didn't see anything unusual.

But Wu Daoguangshi has another idea in his mind.

Although it was only a brief understanding, he already knew that the person who developed the Zhan Ji Drive and the World Creation Drive was Zhan Ji Ling Ma.

The other party may have some special and powerful power that can help him become stronger.

You must become stronger, and you must become stronger!

On the other side, Pan Ya City.

After a long escape, Kuzuya Kota and Kumon Kaito finally left the World Tree and returned to the city.

This time, they finally escaped after going through a lot of hardships.

As soon as the two returned to Pan Ya City, they parted ways.

The two of them were not on the same path, so naturally they could not walk together.

On the way home, Kuzuya Kota remembered the video he had seen in the world before.

Kakui Yuya had actually become an alien, and the most important thing was that he didn't know whether he had killed the alien that Kakui Yuya had become.

At this time, Ge Ye Hongtai suddenly recalled what Lu Li said to him before.

[And you have killed aliens who look like humans before. ]

This sentence lingered in Ge Ye Hongtai's mind.

In his mind, he couldn't help but recall the scene when he killed the white tiger alien with his own hands during the first transformation.

Could it be that... the person Lu Li was talking about was Yuya? !

As long as he thought of this, Ge Ye Hongtai felt that he was completely collapsed.

In any case, he couldn't accept that his good friend and brother was killed by his own hands.

Back home, Ge Ye Hongtai looked lost.

As a sister, Ge Yejing felt very strange when she saw her brother like this.

"Hongtai, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

Hearing this, Ge Ye Hongtai opened his mouth.

He wanted to tell the story, but found that he couldn't say it anyway.

Thousands of words could only be swallowed in the stomach in the end. Kuzuya Kota lowered his head and shook his head, and returned to his room.

Seeing Kuzuya Kota didn't speak, Kuzuya Jing, as a sister who understood him, did not continue to ask at this time.

Kuzuya Jing and Wudao Guihu had completely different ways of educating their younger brothers.

She always paid attention to Kuzuya Kota's words, deeds and decisions, and at the same time respected her brother's choice.

But Wudao Guihu didn't care what Wudao Mitsushi was thinking at all, he just wanted to pave the way for him and give him a bright future.

As for respecting Wudao Mitsushi's decision, what is that thing?

Kuzuya Kota returned to the room and lay directly on the tatami, his mind was in chaos.

Now he didn't know what to do. If he really killed Kakui Yuya, how should he face Takashi Mai and the others?

Should he tell them directly that Kakui Yuya has become an alien, and he transformed and killed him in order to protect Mai?

Even though this was something he had to do, and he didn't know about it at the time, it was not easy to get over this hurdle in his heart.

Ge Yejing prepared dinner and placed it outside Ge Ye Hongtai's room.

"Hongtai, lunch is at the door, remember to eat it yourself.

She didn't mention anything, nor did she ask any questions.

As soon as Ge Ye Hongtai entered the door, she knew that Ge Ye Hongtai must be very confused.

At this time, letting the other party calm down and think about it alone may be much better than persuading him.

After a while, a voice came from the room.

"I know, thank you, sister. "

Hearing this, Ge Yejing just smiled and didn't say anything else.

It always takes time for a little boy to grow up. She believes that her brother will grow into a man sooner or later.

When he encounters difficulties, he will not tell others, but will find a way to solve it by himself. He is no longer as dependent as when he was a child.

This is a good thing.

Helheim Forest.

Following Lu Li, he walked deep into the forest. This area is an area that the World Tree has not explored.

It's not that the World Tree doesn't want to continue exploring here, but it takes time to explore the area.

The forest is full of strange If you are not careful, you may get yourself into trouble, so you must be careful.

Especially before, the mass-produced drivers have not been produced for investigation.

The World Tree does not have enough power to protect researchers, so naturally there is no way to go deeper.

It's just that now the drivers have been mass-produced, and there are a large number of shadow guards, which can speed up the exploration.

But it's still a long way to reach this area.

When she came to the depths of the jungle, Minato Yoko had a very strange feeling.

Because there are too few aliens around.

The aliens that can be seen along the way are very few.

This kind of This situation shouldn't happen.

According to the previous analysis, the deeper you go, the more aliens there may be, and there may even be some special individuals among them.

Of course, Minato Yoko also knew about the existence of Overlord.

But she has only taken a photo so far, and has never really found it.

Maybe there are traces of them in the depths of the jungle.

And Lu Li led himself to this direction so decisively, without any hesitation or stop, proving that he must have been to this place.

Could it be that... Lu Li and Overlord Know each other?

Such a strange thought suddenly popped up in her mind, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was the case.

Lu Li came here naturally to see Bai Ya and take the princess away.

Anyway, the person is here with him, and he has the final say on when to revive.

With the princess as a restraint, Bai Ya will be his long-term worker in the future.

As for whether there will be unexpected situations, whether Bai Ya may be disobedient or something like that.


After waiting for so long, and finally waiting for the golden fruit to appear, Bai Ya’s first thought was to revive the princess.

It can be seen what kind of position she occupies in Bai Ya’s heart.

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