Even if Bai Ya's life is exchanged for the princess's life, Bai Ya will not hesitate.

........Please give me flowers........

When Lu Li came to the familiar place again, he did not meet Feicui this time.

After all, this guy hates Bai Ya very much, it is normal that he is not here.

When Lu Li brought Kou Yaozi to where Bai Ya was, Kou Yaozi was shocked by the surrounding environment.

There is such a place in the depths of this dense forest, and even the World Tree is completely unaware of it.

"Are you surprised? There is such a place deep in this dense forest.

Hearing this, Minato Yoko nodded decisively.

This really shocked her. She didn't expect that there was such a place in this forest.

I'm afraid... this should be where the Overlords are!

Although there were guesses before, Minato Yoko couldn't be completely sure.

At this time, she was sure of this in her heart.

Not long after, Lu Li came to the place where he met Bai Ya last time.

Just like before, Bai Ya sat on the stone chair, and it seemed that he didn't even move.

When she saw Bai Ya, his appearance was completely different from that of ordinary foreigners, which made Minato Yoko very sure in her heart that the existence in front of her was probably an Overlord.

Although he was very surprised why Lu Li brought another human, Bai Ya didn't care so much. What he cared about was the princess.

"You are here, are you ready? ! "

Bai Ya stood up suddenly, looking very excited.

He hadn't felt excited for many years.

The days when he lost the princess made him feel very painful and unable to sleep or eat.

But now, the princess has the hope of resurrection, how could he not be excited.

In theory, as a king, or even a god, he shouldn't have such big emotional fluctuations.

But this matter is about the princess after all, and Bai Ya can't keep his usual calm.

Compared to the extremely excited Bai Ya, Lu Li was very calm at this time, after all, this kind of thing has not been done only once.

"Of course, I said just give me some time to prepare.

Now I'm ready here, and I can start to take the next step. I came here to take the princess away. "

The conversation between the two made Minato Yoko completely incomprehensible, as if they were talking in a riddle.

However, from the conversation between the two, Minato Yoko grasped some of the key words.

It can be concluded that the two people who were talking were not just acquainted, and the Overlord on the other side seemed to have something to ask of Lu Li.

When Bai Ya heard that Lu Li was going to take the princess away, he suddenly fell silent.

He has always been like a loyal husband who stayed by his wife's side and never left the princess.

Now that he has to hand the princess over to Lu Li, he has more or less a little resistance in his heart.

The main reason is that he doesn't know when he will meet the princess next time, and he is reluctant to let her go.

"Luo Xiu'ao, since I have agreed, I will definitely revive the princess, there is no doubt about that.

As a partner, you should believe me. "

Although it was just a very simple sentence, Bai Ya nodded slowly.

He certainly understood that Lu Li should not deceive himself on this issue.

If he was really deceived, he would attack humans without hesitation.

Then, Bai Ya came to the sarcophagus and gently stroked it.

As a lonely king, Bai Ya also has an unknown gentle side.

Of course, this gentleness is limited to one person, that is, the princess.

Carefully opening the created space, Lu Li looked at Bai Ya again.

Bai Ya waved his hand lightly, and a large number of Helheim plants suddenly emerged around, directly wrapping the sarcophagus.

Under his control, the sarcophagus slowly approached this side, and finally put it into the alien space.

After doing all this, he waved his hand casually, and all the plants retreated directly.

Such a wonderful scene surprised Minato Yoko.

This is very similar to the previous speculation about Overlord. Overlord controls this forest, and they can easily control the power of the forest.

The speculation is correct, but it is a pity that the previous world has not found any traces of these Overlords.

After taking a deep look at the sarcophagus in the alien space, Bai Ya forced himself to turn his head away.

"You take it away, I hope you can fulfill our agreement.

He clearly remembered what the agreement between the two was.

As long as the princess can be resurrected, Bai Ya will naturally give the golden fruit to Lu Li.

On the contrary, he will choose to use the golden fruit to resurrect the princess!

"Of course I remember, don't worry, the agreement between us will definitely be reached, you just help me take care of the golden fruit. "

Without staying here any longer, Lu Li turned and walked outside.

Although Minato Yoko didn't know what agreement the two had, she was sure that the golden fruit was probably held by the white guy.

Watching the two leave, Bai Ya looked up at the sky.

After the death of the princess, he kept the sarcophagus with him.

PS: Thanks to -

一kzkkzm for the monthly ticket and the ticket for urging more updates! 9.

Chapter 566: The collision of swords! Sublimated Titans are beaten

Now that Lu Li suddenly took away the sarcophagus, he always felt very uncomfortable all over.

His heart, which should have been calm, was now full of anxiety and expectation.

How I wish to see the princess again and listen to her talk to me.

I hope everything can go smoothly.

On the way back, Minato Yoko obviously had questions to ask Lu Li, but she didn't ask directly.

Noticing Minato Yoko's hesitation, Lu Li said casually.

"Ask whatever you want to ask. Now you are on my side, and I will naturally have the trust I should have in you."

These words directly dispelled the doubts in Minato Yoko's heart.

The reason why she had questions but didn't ask just now was that she felt that she had just joined Lu Li's side and couldn't know too many confidential things.

She was already very surprised that she could be brought here, so she didn't ask anything else.

"Mr. Lu, you and the Overlord just now seem to know each other, what's going on?"

Lu Li smiled at the question raised by Minato Yoko.

"Overlord is just your name. They are the Fimsim tribe, which is the predecessor of the remaining ruins you see in this world.

The Fimsim were once a race similar to humans, but they became like this because of the invasion of this forest.

And he is the King of Fimsim, Luo Xiu'ao, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the master of this forest."

When Minato Yoko heard this, she was extremely shocked.

I didn't expect that in such a short time, I would come into contact with so many things.

And it seems that Lu Li seems to know more.

The information was too much at once, and the impact was a bit big.

Just as the two were talking, a violent breath suddenly appeared and was approaching this side quickly from a distance.

Lu Li was not unfamiliar with this breath, and he had seen it before.

Not long after, I saw Zhenhong, who was wearing red armor on his body, had rushed to not far in front of Lu Li.

The speed was very fast, even faster than the first time Lu Li met him.

"It's him!"

When she saw Zhenhong, Minato Yoko recognized him at a glance.

Isn't this the Overlord in the photo taken by the World Tree before?


This guy Zhenhong obviously hasn't learned the human language, or he himself is not interested in human language.

He said a lot of things, but Lu Li didn't understand a word.

Minato Yoko was no exception.

However, when he was talking, Zhenhong looked full of fighting spirit, and it seemed that he came for a fight.

After all, the last time, Zhenhong was severely punished by Lu Li, and he could only escape in a panic.

For the Overlord Alien, it is a very shameful thing to be beaten by the enemy and escape in a panic.

Zhenhong is one of the more outstanding ones among the many Overlord Aliens.

Last time, he was beaten so badly by Lu Li, he has been All of them are unwilling to give up.

During this time, Zhenhong has been practicing hard, wanting to make himself stronger, and then challenge Lu Li.

To avenge the previous battle!

However, Lu Li is not always in the forest, so it is not easy for Zhenhong to find him.

This time, he finally detected Lu Li's breath, and Zhenhong said that he would not miss this rare opportunity.

He must get back from the other party.

It seems that the lesson last time was not enough, and the shadow left on Zhenhong was not deep enough.

Although Minato Yaozi didn't know what Zhenhong said, she could feel the strong fighting spirit emanating from the other party.

"He.. is he looking for you to fight?"

After a bold guess, Minato Yaozi couldn't be 100% sure.

Shrugging slightly, Lu Li said helplessly.

"It should be. This guy was taught a lesson by me before, and he was a little embarrassed. It seems that he is unwilling to admit defeat and wants to fight me again. ”

That is to say, Zhenhong, who has already seen the difference in strength between the two sides, still wants to challenge me.

He is a stubborn person, not as cunning as Feicui.

At this time, Zhenhong, who was still talking, suddenly took out a big sword and pointed it at Lu Li.

It seems to be a challenge.

The last lesson was not enough, Lu Li decided to give Zhenhong another unforgettable lesson, so that he would be afraid of him.

"Yaozi, step down, since he is here to find me, then play with him for a while.

This time, I will give him a more unforgettable lesson. ”

Since Zhenhong likes to use a big sword, let's see who uses it better.

After receiving Lu Li's order, Yaozi nodded and stepped back consciously.

Putting his eyes back on Zhenhong, Lu Li's eyes suddenly changed.

For some reason, when Zhenhong saw Lu Li's eyes, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

He didn't know why he felt this way, was he afraid?

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