No! Absolutely impossible!

How could a mere human being make him feel scared?

At this time, along with Lu Li's thoughts, the Aguru belt appeared at his waist.


The Amadam Spirit Stone burst into dazzling golden light, and Lu Li, who was enveloped by the golden light, directly transformed into the sublimated omnipotent form.

Kamen Rider Kuuga sublimated omnipotent!

After completing the transformation, Lu Li set his sights on the Helheim plant beside him.

With a fierce step on the ground with his right foot, his body soared into the air and broke a branch directly from the tree.

With a turn in the air, Lu Li's red armor turned purple in an instant.

Kuuga sublimated Titan!

Landing smoothly, Lu Li held the branch in his hand, but he had already transformed into the sublimated Titan form.

When she saw that Lu Li had turned into a form she didn't know, even though she was shocked in her heart, she didn't show it too much.

She seemed to have gotten used to it now.

Lu Li has so many special abilities, and can transform into various knights.

As for where these powers come from, she doesn't know.

Slowly standing up, Lu Li played with the branch in his hand.

Zhenhong saw that Lu Li actually took a branch as a weapon, and looked down on him in his heart.

He didn't even have a weapon, just a branch. Did he really think he could compare with the Chelim in his hand?

It's just a dream!

At the same time, Zhenhong was very angry.

How much did this guy in front of him look down on him, and he actually used such a branch as a weapon.

However, Lu Li's next move stunned him.

After playing with the branch for a while, Lu Li directly activated his ability.

Microscopic particle manipulation!

Under the influence of microscopic particle manipulation, the branch in Lu Li's hand turned into a golden sword in an instant.

On the sword of the sword, there are some super ancient characters that cannot be understood, full of mystery.

Sublimation Titan Sword!

Seeing a branch turned into a sword with his own eyes, Zhenhong was stunned on the spot.

What the hell? !

This guy actually has this ability? !

The thing in his hand just now was a branch, but now it suddenly turned into a big sword.

Zhenhong said that he didn't understand what was going on at all.

Holding the Sublimated Titan Great Sword, Lu Li weighed it in his hand and felt that the weight was just right.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a weapon prepared by Kuuga himself, and it is definitely the most suitable.

Lu Li hooked his finger lightly at Zhenhong, showing a provocative meaning

In the face of provocation, Zhenhong didn't know what tolerance was.

Originally, he had been holding a ball of anger in his stomach when he lost to Lu Li last time, and it naturally broke out at this time.


Accompanied by Zhenhong's roar, he raised the big sword and rushed towards Lu Li frantically.

He believed that after this period of practice, his strength has increased to a certain extent compared with before.

He can definitely defeat this guy in front of him and avenge his previous shame.

As a Titan form with very strong attack and defense power, he never avoids the enemy's attack, but takes the initiative to fight hard.

Lu Li raised the Sublimated Titan Sword in his hand with one hand, and collided with Zhen Hong's sword.



The strong sound of metal collision was accompanied by sparks.

In just a moment of contact, Zhen Hong felt a terrifying force coming from his hand.

You know, he held the sword with both hands, while Lu Li held it with one hand.

In this case, he lost to Lu Li in the power contest, which he couldn't understand.

"Your strength seems to be a little weak, a little insufficient!

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li suddenly exerted force on the hand holding the Sublimated Titan Sword.

Even though he felt that his hands were slightly numb, Zhenhong would never give up easily.

Try your best to suppress the sword in your hand, otherwise he would be repelled by Lu Li.

But all this was just his beautiful idea. In the power confrontation, he had already lost miserably.

A terrifying force came, and Zhenhong could no longer suppress the sword in his hand, and was blown away by a terrifying force.


The figure suddenly exploded backwards, and Zhenhong broke several trees in succession.

Without time to think so much, Zhenhong quickly controlled the plants of Helheim Forest to entangle his body.

With the help of these plants as a buffer, he barely stopped himself.

The heart was full of Frightened, at this moment, the distance between him and Lu Li was about several dozen meters.

If he hadn't used the plants of the Helheim Forest to block his body, he would have been flying a hundred meters away.

Terrifying power!

What on earth is this guy in front of him? !

How could he have such terrifying power? !

In the competition of strength, Zhenhong thought that he was among the best among all the dominant aliens.

Maybe he couldn't compare to Bai Ya, the king, but compared with other dominant aliens, he had more advantages in strength.


Such a thought suddenly popped up in his mind, and Zhenhong felt that the Lu Li opposite him was simply a terrifying monster.

The power was really too much!

Suddenly, Zhenhong found that Lu Li, who was supposed to be in his field of vision, had disappeared.

How could it be? !

Looking around nervously, Zhenhong's muscles were tense to the extreme

He didn't dare to be careless, for fear that there would be a sudden attack from somewhere, catching him off guard:

But even though he had looked around and listened to all directions, he still couldn't find Lu Li.

"Are you looking for me?"

The sudden voice came from behind, and Zhenhong felt his scalp tingling, and the whole person was already extremely nervous.

Without even thinking, Zhenhong quickly swung the sword and slashed behind him.

He didn't dare to hesitate for fear that he would be hit by Lu Li's sudden attack, so he chose to strike first.

Even though he hadn't seen the enemy behind him, he attacked based on the sound.


It was just different from what he thought, there was no one behind him, and Zhenhong's first move was directly missed.

Except for the sound of the sharp blade cutting the air, there was nothing.

When Zhenhong turned around, he found that there was no one behind him!

Suddenly, Zhenhong could feel that he was blocked when swinging the sword, or more precisely, he was pinched by a hand.

It was Lu Li!

"Demshu, it seems that your reaction speed is really not very good."

Lu Li grabbed Zhenhong's wrist and exerted force. The severe pain forced Zhenhong to let go of the sword in his hand.

Zhenhong would not sit still and wait for death. He immediately raised his fist and hit Lu Li.


This punch hit Lu Li's purple armor firmly.

Except for a muffled sound, Lu Li did not move at all.

The impact of Zhenhong's attack was like a mosquito bite to Lu Li.

? ? ?

Zhenhong saw that his attack had no effect at all, and he was completely stunned.

What the hell? !

You know, he punched with anger, but this punch didn't cause any damage at all. How is it possible? !

"Your fist is really soft.

It's a pity that Zhenhong didn't learn human language, so he naturally didn't understand what Lu Li said.

However, he could feel that the guy in front of him definitely didn't say anything good.

"Ah! !"

Zhenhong punched again as if he didn't believe it. This time, he used all his strength.

He didn't believe that he couldn't shake Lu Li even if he used all his strength. It was absolutely impossible!

However, the truth was that his so-called full strength didn't seem to have much effect on Lu Li.

"Dang! ! "

The Ascendant Titan Sword in Lu Li's hand had been blocking in front of him at some point, causing Zhenhong's punch to hit the Ascendant Titan Sword directly.

Even the Overlord Alien felt the pain.

At this moment, Zhenhong regretted why he had used all his strength to punch out.

He felt that his entire arm was numb now, and there was not even a trace left on the Ascendant Titan Sword.

Seeing Zhenhong who was obviously in pain but didn't dare to scream, Lu Li couldn't help but feel a little funny.

"Tsk tsk tsk! "

Release Zhenhong's wrist, and hit Zhenhong's chest with a fierce elbow.

Zhenhong had no time to react at all, and was instantly blown away by a terrifying force.

The embarrassed Zhenhong felt that this state was so familiar.

5.3 was blown away again

Zhenhong was still planning to repeat the trick and use the plants of Helheim Forest to help himself reduce the impact.

But this time, he obviously thought too much.

Zhenhong, who had just flown backwards, felt a unique force wrapped around his body before he had time to call on the power of this forest.

Then, he felt a strong pulling force, forcing him to move in the opposite direction.

At this time, Lu Li was holding one hand in the air. The reason why Zhenhong was in this state was because of Lu Li's control.

Forced to be pulled back to Lu Li, Zhenhong felt that he was bound by an invisible force.

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