It seems that after I left the giver, something must have happened that I didn't know about.

On the way to fly over, Ginga immediately canceled the transformation and transformed back into Misaki Nadeshiko in school uniform.

Then he hugged Lu Li and hugged Lu Li's waist tightly with both hands.


The question marks on Zuo Shotarou's face completely indicated that he didn't understand.

What's going on? !

I obviously came here to see the meteorite, why was I suddenly fed dog food?

Hello! This is too much!

Minato Yoko was watching from the side and probably guessed it.

This woman who ran out of the meteorite must be related to Lu Li.

But why did it escape from the meteorite?

This is very strange.

When Lu Li saw the Milky Way, he thought a battle was about to break out, but he didn't expect that the other party would be Misaki Nadeshiko.

"Nadeshiko, was that guy the one who asked you to come back?"

The guy Lu Li was talking about was naturally the giver.

Hearing this, she raised her neck slightly. Misaki Nadeshiko nodded vigorously with a happy smile on her face.

"Yes! That's right, I have completed my training, so I came back, and he helped me get the power of the Milky Way.

I am more powerful now than before.

Saying that, Misaki Nadeshiko clenched her pink fist and waved it slightly.

Galaxy is indeed a very powerful knight, but he has a very specific weakness.

That means it will petrify without sunlight.

However, the Milky Way, which is made of pure energy, is petrified because there is no sunlight. Maybe the power Misaki Nadeshiko uses is different?

After all, Misaki Nadeshiko's true form is Soru, and she has very powerful cosmic energy in her body.

Since the giver gave this power to Misaki Nadeshiko, there shouldn't be such a flaw.

There was no fierce battle, just a happy reunion. Lu Li turned his attention back to Zuo Xiangtaro.

"Half-assed, I'll leave the rest of the meteorites to you. Goodbye."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li took away Misaki Nadeshiko and Minato Yoshiko.

The three of them disappeared directly, leaving only Shotarou Zuo, who was messy in the wind.

who I am?

where am I?

What am I going to do?

As a noble bachelor, Zuo Shotaro originally just wanted to come here to see the meteorites and take some samples to Philip.

But he didn't expect that he would be fed another mouthful of dog food.

It's simply too much!

It's heartbreaking to kill someone!

Damn it!

He now longs for the beautiful spring in his heart, and he wants to fall in love.

It's just a pity that he doesn't seem to have a romantic partner yet, which is very frustrating.

Why don't you try it with Philip?

A strange idea suddenly popped up in his mind. When Zuo Shotarou realized it, he was shocked. How could he have such an idea?

He shook his head quickly to get rid of this unrealistic thought in his mind.

Phillip is his best partner. How could he have such a strange idea? Absolutely not.

After Zuo Shotaro shook off the incomprehensible thoughts, he immediately went over to get a sample of the meteorite and went back as soon as possible.

He has decided that he is going to look around during this period to see if he can find a girl he is interested in and fall in love with.

In this way, you don't have to be bullied by others, but can instead be bullied by others.

Sonosaki's house.

Lu Li brought the two of them back here.

It had been a long time since Misaki Nadeshiko saw the familiar hall and she immediately ran around happily.

I feel like a happy child, very happy.

It was Minato Yoko's first time at Sonosaki's house and she was unfamiliar with the environment here, but she could feel the luxury of the hall.

As expected of someone who invested in World Tree, his family is indeed rich, and he is able to have such luxurious decorations.

Even though Minato Yoko has met many rich people, she has never seen anyone decorate their home so luxuriously.

Lu Li actually didn't care about the affairs at home at all. Whether the decoration in the house was luxurious or not depended entirely on Sonosaki Saeko, the eldest sister.

Even though she is usually busy, Sonosaki Saeko still manages her home very well.

"Yaozi, this is my home, welcome to our big family.

extended family?

For a moment, Minato Yoko didn't quite understand how many people there were in the so-called big family that Lu Li mentioned.

However, by dinner time, Minato Yoshiko finally understood why he said that his family was a big family.

The whole family sat at the table. What is this if not a big family? !

Minato Yoko actually thought about it before.

Lu Li was so outstanding and a strong man that he definitely couldn't have only one woman by his side.

But she had no idea that there could only be so many of them, and they were all very beautiful.

During this, she also met Inna, whom she had fought against before.

As the eldest sister, Sonosaki Saeko didn't show any anger when she saw that Lu Li had brought another woman back. Instead, she took the initiative to express her welcome.

Under the leadership of the eldest sister Sono Sakiko, all the girls also expressed their welcome.

Of course, Minato Yoshiko would not deny her face and had a drink next to each other.

After this round, Minato Yoko's face was already flushed. She would drink some wine, but she usually didn't drink much!

She used to be a commercial spy, and as a spy, it is naturally impossible for her to drink frequently, otherwise it would be easy for her to get into trouble.

If Lu Li hadn't taken the initiative to smooth things over, Minato Yaozi might have been lying down by now.

Misaki Nadeshiko returns and has many endless topics to talk about with the girls.

Since she had never met Shiromitsu, Yoshinaga Miyuki and Inna before her return, this could be regarded as the first time they met and got to know each other.

Compared to the joy and laughter of the Sonosaki family, some people were so worried that they couldn't even eat.

Zaiya City, Geye Hongtai's house.

Ge Yehongtai has been in a state of dissociation since he came back.

The whole person was listless and looked very decadent.

In the evening, Gao Siwu made a phone call, saying that he had something to talk to him about, but Geye Hongtai also refused because he was not in a good condition.

Mainly because he didn't dare to face Gao Siwu, and he didn't know how to face Gao Siwu.

Could it be that he wanted to say that he might have killed Yuya Kakui with his own hands?

Even if the other party has become a foreigner, no matter what, it will always be Yuya Kakui.

From a right or wrong perspective, there was nothing wrong with what he did, but from an emotional perspective, he killed his best friend.

As the elder sister, Ge Yejing did not disturb Ge Yehongtai until the evening, thinking that the other party had already had lunch.

Unexpectedly, when she came outside the room, she found that the lunch outside Kuzu Ye Hongtai's room had not been touched at all.

I have enough Kuzu Ye Jing for my younger brother, and I am very sure that something serious must have happened to my younger brother.

Even if he encountered difficulties in the past, Kuzuye Hongtai would never stop eating anything like he does now.

She felt that she needed to have a good talk with Ge Ye Hongtai about this matter. It would not be a good thing to keep him depressed.

"Houtai, are you asleep? If not, come out for a moment. I want to talk to you.

Kuzuye Hongtae, who was staring at the ceiling with wide eyes in the room, finally came back to his senses when he heard the voice coming from his ears.

When he noticed the time, he found that it was already so late.

After such a long time, he didn't even eat, so it's not surprising that his sister would notice something unusual about him.

"I understand, sister, please wait a moment.

He also wanted to find someone to talk to about his inner anguish, and the best listener was not Gao Siwu, but Ge Yejing.

After cleaning up briefly, Kuzu Ye Hongtai left the room.

When he came to the living room, he found that his sister had warmed up the cold food.

"Huntai, sit down and have something to eat first. We can chat while eating.


Nodding, Ge Yehongtai sat down in his seat and finally started to eat something.

While eating, he secretly told Ge Yejing about today's incident.

After he finished talking, Ge Yejing finally understood why his younger brother suddenly became so depressed.

Of course, since Kuzu Ye Hongtai changed the story slightly, Kuzu Yejing naturally did not know that people could become aliens.

As a considerate sister, Ge Yejing and Ge Yehongtai figured out many things after some simple enlightenment.

Even though I still feel a little guilty in my heart, it is much better than at the beginning.

When regaining his fighting spirit, Kuzui Hongtai thought that he still had to protect the people in this city, and he could not continue to be depressed no matter what.

After enlightenment, Kuzuye Hongtai also regained his fighting spirit. He will continue to fight in order to protect the people in this city.

The situation of the two siblings is completely different from that of the Wu Dao brothers. It can be said that they form a very sharp contrast.

After a simple meal, Kuzuye Hongtai finally had time to study his newly acquired lock seed.

It's just that he doesn't know how to use this lock seed yet, and it has no effect at all when it is equipped on the battle pole driver.

It's obvious that you have gained new power, but you can't use it, which makes you feel very bald.

After testing for a long time without any effect, Geye Hongtai finally had no choice but to give up.

Lying on the bed, holding the Zhanji driver in his hand, the appearance of Yuya Kazui came to mind again.

"々. Yuya, I will definitely protect the armor for you, and I will also protect the people in this city!"

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Mitsuaki Wujima has now become a member of World Tree. Of course, since he just joined, he must show corresponding results.

To do this, he must recapture the battle pole drive taken away by Kuzuye Hongtae.

In order to ensure that the Zhanji Drive is recaptured, Kureshima Mitsumi formulated a plan.

As one of the very familiar people, he certainly knew that Kuzu Ye Hongtai had a sister.

It is inevitable to kidnap Ge Yejing and force Ge Yehongtai to hand over the Zhanji driver.

He no longer had time to wait slowly, he had to cut through the mess quickly and get rid of Kuzu Ye Hongtai as soon as possible.

Only in this way can he concentrate more on finding ways to deal with Lu Li and get Gao Siwu back.

Today happened to be a day off. Ge Yejing bought some good ingredients in the supermarket and was ready to treat Ge Yehongtai.

The main reason is that although Kuzu Ye Hongtai has regained his fighting spirit after being enlightened, she still feels that it is necessary to let Kuzu Ye Hongtai eat something good.

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