Just after leaving the supermarket, Ge Yejing was surrounded by a group of black people while passing through an alleyway.

When she reacted, she found that she was blocked in front and back, and she suddenly understood that these people were probably coming with bad intentions.

But as a weak woman, she had no chance of escaping when faced with some powerful men in black.

what to do? !

Ge Yejing was very anxious. She was in a dilemma at this time, and there were people in front and behind her.

She quickly took out her cell phone and was about to call the police, but the man in black was one step ahead of her and knocked Ge Yejing's cell phone to the ground.

At this time, Kota Kuzuba, who was eating dessert and drinking juice at Drupes, was completely unaware of this matter.

He has figured out that even if he killed the alien transformed by Yuya Kakui, it was still to protect Gao Siwu.

If Kazui Yuya, who had turned into a monster at that time, was conscious, he would probably support his actions.

He did nothing wrong!

And he can't stay depressed, otherwise who will protect the rest of the city.

Yggdrasil is still wreaking havoc in this city, and he must not allow him to continue:

Of course, there are also those random hip-hop teams. Some hip-hop teams are acting recklessly behind the scenes. He will never allow this to happen.

Playing with the Lemon Energy Lock Seed in his hand, Kuzu Ye Hongtai had successfully mastered this new power yesterday.

It can only be said that it was very accidental. When dealing with other hip-hop teams that released uncontrollable aliens, the display panel of the Zhanji drive was accidentally knocked out by the opponent.

By accident, I discovered that the Genesis Core could be placed next to it.

Because of this, he unlocked a new form, Jinha Lemon.

In this form, his combat effectiveness has been greatly improved compared to before, and he is not even as fast as West Germany and others who use the Genesis Drive.

With this power, he can better protect the people in the city.

The last time he fought against West Germany, he was completely crushed by the opponent. Now with this power, he also has the power to fight against the opponent.

Chapter 569 A strange plan! rescue! Sister: I feel in love!

However, what Geye Hongtai didn't know was that West Germany, who had taught him a terrible lesson before, was now lying in the best ward of Yggdrasil.

The last time he fought with Lu Li, West Germany was seriously injured.

But fortunately, they were all superficial injuries and did not damage the internal organs. Otherwise, this guy would have ascended to heaven by now.

After all, Xi De is also a member of Yggdrasil. As an investor in Yggdrasil, it is a bit unreasonable for Lu Li to kill his own people.

Moreover, West Germany is known as the mountain god.

Wouldn't it be very boring if he was killed just like that?


Tasting the fruit dessert in front of him, Kuzu Ye Hongtai showed an expression of enjoyment on his face.

Just when Ge Yehongtai was about to drink juice, he suddenly received a call.

As soon as the call was connected, a very heavy voice came from the phone.

"Kudzu Yejing is in our hands now."

When he answered the phone, he said such incomprehensible words, which made Ge Yehongtai suddenly confused.

But his mood suddenly became heavy.

The other party knows his phone number and also knows that Ge Yejing is his sister, which is enough to prove that the other party is probably well prepared.

"Who are you? Stop joking!"

He was still a little uneasy.

If his sister was involved because of his own affairs, he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

The person on the phone didn't explain it to him at all, but kept talking to himself.

"We want the Zhan Ji Drive in your hand. If you hand it over honestly, it won't hurt her.

Otherwise, I can't guarantee what will happen to her.

When Ge Yehongtai heard these words, he suddenly became anxious.

The person who spoke to Kuzushima Kota was actually using the voice changer Kureshima Mitsumi.

Wu Daoguang's face was calm, as if this matter was not worth mentioning at all.

At this time, Kureshima Mitsumi has a little shadow of the boss behind the scenes. Although he is still a little immature, he has begun to take shape.

Ge Ye Hongtai's angry voice came from the other side of the phone.

"You are World Tree! What did you do to my sister?!"

Anyone who is not a fool can guess that the only person who wants his own battle pole driver at this time is Yggdrasil:

"I'll give you one hour to bring your Senji Drive to the roof of Takizawa 3-chome, Panmei Shinmachi, and use it to exchange for your sister."

Before he finished speaking, Mitsuomi Kureshima hung up the phone.

Although it was the first time to do such a thing, Kureshima Mitsumi seemed very calm and did not panic.

It was as if everything was within his expectation and calculated.

In order to ensure the completion of this plan, he specially asked Huang Lian for help.

237 Since Huanglian had already signed a contract with the World Institute before, she had to be on standby at any time.

In addition, Huang Lian has an extraordinary fondness for Zhan Yue. As long as he can get information about Zhan Yue, he doesn't even need to pay for it.

Then he called the action team again. He wanted to know the situation of the action team and whether Ge Yejing had been caught.

That's right, before he called Ge Yehongtai, there was no news from the action team that Ge Yejing had been captured.

But in Mitsuomi Kureshima's view, none of this should be a problem.

If a group of grown men can't catch a woman, then they are really useless.

Therefore, from the beginning, he didn't consider the problem of Ge Yejing not being caught.

After a long time without receiving a reply, Wu Dao Guangshi couldn't help but call the action team.

After a long time, someone finally answered the phone.

"How is the situation? Did you catch the person I asked you to catch?"

"I'm very sorry! We were about to succeed, but suddenly someone rushed out and knocked us all unconscious."

The voices of the people in the action team sounded a little erratic, as if they had just woken up.

"What did you say?!"

Wu Dao Guangshi stood up suddenly, his face full of surprise and speechlessness.

He didn't understand at all why the unexpected situation suddenly occurred.

Obviously everything was planned very smoothly, isn't it a sure thing to catch a woman?

Who would have thought that Cheng Yaojin, who came out halfway, would disrupt the plan he had deployed.

It's useless to think about these now.

The plan has already started, but I didn't expect that there would be a problem here. Should I give up?

After thinking about it, Wu Dao Guangtian could only change the plan temporarily.

Anyway, he had already notified Kurokota Kuroko, and if the other party came, he could continue the plan.

However, he had to find someone to pretend to be Kurokota Kuroko.

He certainly couldn't do it himself. So far, he didn't want to reveal his identity.

Even though he had gradually begun to change, he still missed the happy times in the Gaim Team in his heart. That was when he was happiest.

If possible, he hoped to hide his identity as much as possible.

Then this important task could only be replaced by someone else.

As for who to replace, he already had an idea in his mind.

Watching the phone hang up, Kurokota Kuroko hurriedly ran out of Drupes.

He wanted to go home first to see if his sister was at home.

What if the other party was lying to him?

Even on the way back, he kept calling his sister on his mobile phone, but no one answered.

This made Kurokota Kuroko's mood suddenly sink to the bottom. Could his sister really be caught by the people of the World Tree?

Thinking of his sister being arrested, Ge Ye Hongtai felt very guilty.

It was all because of him. If he hadn't implicated his sister, this wouldn't have happened.

Ge Ye Hongtai, who ran home but couldn't find her, suddenly realized that the other party was probably not joking with him.

Something might have really happened to his sister!

Time went back to the past.

Ge Yejing's cell phone was knocked to the ground, and she was surrounded by four men in black. Her eyes were full of panic.

"Who... who are you? What do you want to do?!"

Pulling her clothes tightly, Ge Yejing leaned against the wall unconsciously, as if this would make her feel a little safe.

"Miss, please come with us. If you cooperate honestly, we won't hurt you."

As he said that, one of the black men took out a black hood and was about to put it on Ge Yejing.

At this moment, a sudden voice came from behind.

"Four big men bullying a woman, don't you feel a little ashamed?"

The sudden voice made the four men in black stunned and turned their heads in unison.

Ge Yejing was also attracted by the voice. She saw a handsome man walking towards this side.

He looked very leisurely, as if he didn't take these men in black seriously at all.

One of the black men suddenly changed his face, looked at Lu Li fiercely, and said fiercely!

"This matter has nothing to do with you, get out of here, don't do anything here.

Before he finished speaking, the man in black suddenly showed a painful look on his face.

At some point, Lu Li had appeared in front of him and kicked him in the chest.

"Ah! !

Accompanied by a scream, the man in black was kicked to the ground.

The other three were also shocked when they saw this, and raised their fists.

But before they could do anything, Lu Li knocked them all down in a few seconds.

Ge Yejing, who was forced to the wall, witnessed all this happening in front of her eyes, and her beautiful eyes were full of brilliance.

At this moment, she had only one thought in her mind.

So handsome! So awesome!

After easily getting rid of several men in black, Lu Li turned his head and looked at Ge Yejing.

"How is it? Can you still walk?"

Hearing this, Ge Yejing nodded quickly, and was about to walk over to thank Lu Li, but her feet softened and she fell directly down.

"Ah? ! State

Ge Yejing was very nervous just now, and all the muscles in her body were tense. Now she suddenly relaxed and was a little uncomfortable for a while.

Seeing that she was about to fall, Ge Yejing closed her eyes in fear.

She did not fall on the solid ground, but was blocked by a solid arm.

Opening her eyes in surprise, Ge Yejing noticed that she was actually lying on Lu Li's arm.

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