This was the first time she had such close contact with a man since she was a child.

A hint of shyness flashed across her eyes, and a hint of rosy clouds appeared on her face.

She quickly supported Lu Li's arm to stand steady, and hurriedly combed her messy hair, gratefully saying

"Sir, thank you so much just now. If you hadn't helped me, I'm afraid... I don't know what would have happened."

Looking at the four men in black lying on the ground, Ge Yejing was still frightened.

She didn't know these people, but the other party was coming directly for her.

"Let's go, don't worry, they can't get up with me here."

As he said, Lu Li looked down at the men in black lying on the ground.

Just a look scared them so much that they didn't dare to move at all.

The men in black who were about to struggle to stand up had completely given up the idea of ​​standing up.

It's okay to be beaten once, but you can't do it again.

With such a small salary a month, why fight for your life!

With this idea in mind, the four men in black decisively chose to give up resistance:

They were just getting paid, there was no need to get involved, a kick was enough.

Ge Yejing looked at the resolute and handsome profile, and felt her heartbeat speed up.

She used to be busy with work and so on, and had no time to think about these issues.

Suddenly, she felt a throbbing heartbeat, making her feel like she was not young anymore.

Do you want to have a sweet love?

Holding Lu Li's arm, the two left here, leaving the black man lying on the ground.

After the two left, the black man's phone rang, and the conversation just now took place.

Ge Yehongtai called his sister frantically, but he didn't get through, and there was no one at home.

He was sure that his sister must have been captured by the person who called him just now.

But what he didn't know was that the reason why Ge Yejing's phone couldn't be connected was not because she was captured.

It was because it was broken when she was knocked to the ground by the black man just now.

This led to no one answering the phone, and Ge Yejing didn't even know that Ge Ye Hongtai was calling him frantically.

Ge Ye Hongtai's mood sank to the bottom, and he knew that he had no choice now.

He only gave himself an hour, and now some time has passed, he must hurry up.

Without time to think so much, Ge Ye Hongtai rushed directly to the destination that the person on the phone just told him.

When he arrived at the destination, he saw a very familiar person here.


This guy is in the same group as the people of the World Tree!

At this time, on the mobile high-rise building, Wu Dao Guangshi saw Ge Ye Hongtai coming, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Ge Ye Hongtai did not find that his sister was not caught. Although the plan had some changes, it can still be carried out.

This is his first mission, and it is a plan he made himself. If it fails, his brother will definitely be disappointed in him.

This plan must succeed.

Huang Lian pulled out a long-haired woman wearing a beige coat from the side, but her face was covered by a black scarf.

Judging from her height and clothes, it was indeed her sister, and Ge Ye Hongtai's eyes were full of worry.


Seeing his anxious face, Huang Lian knew that the disguise of the person next to him was successful.

With a smile on her face, Huang Lian said confidently.

"You came on time. Did you bring the belt as promised?"

"The belt is here, but you have to let my sister go first."

Ge Ye Hongtai took out the Zhan Ji Driver, but did not hand it over immediately.

He must not lose the power he has now, otherwise he can't protect anything.

Hearing this, Huang Lian didn't say much, just nodded and pushed the person in his hand over.

Seeing his sister coming towards him, Ge Ye Hongtai was not at all wary and quickly untied her

Suddenly, Ge Ye Hongtai felt a pair of hands holding the Zhan Ji Driver in his hand, as if trying to force it.

Fortunately, he held on tightly and was not snatched away. After a struggle, he pushed the woman away.

"Sister? What are you doing?!"

Kageba Kota, who still didn't understand the situation, thought the person in front of him was his sister.

At this time, the person in front of him suddenly took off the black scarf and wig on his face, and the person who appeared in front of Kugeba Kota was a person who surprised him.

"Jionouchi Hideyasu"

Yes, it was Jonouchi Hideyasu who was now with Huanglian.

Mitsuma Wudao didn't have anyone to use for the time being, so he could only let Jonouchi Hideyasu pretend to be Kugeba Kota's sister.

Jononouchi Hideyasu said helplessly after taking out glasses from his pocket and putting them on.

"Wouldn't it be better if you just let go? Why did you make so many troubles?

In this case, it seems that we can only rob it by force."

While speaking, Jonouchi Hideyasu also took out the upgraded Zhanji Driver.

Mitsuma Wudao watched all this from a high-rise building, and his eyes twitched fiercely.

I thought that Kuzuya Kota would relax just now and take the opportunity to get the Sengoku Driver.

But I didn't expect that Kuzuya Kota would hold the driver so tightly and never let go of it.

"I leave it to you two, get rid of him and get the Sengoku Driver back."

He can only be forced to make the final plan and grab it hard!

Hearing this, Huang Lian replied with a confident smile on her face.

"No problem, the end result is the same anyway."


Later, Huang Lian and Jonouchi Hideho completed their transformation together and prepared to deal with Kuzuye Hongtai together.

But at this time, Ge Ye Hongtai was already different from before.

With the Genesis Core and the Lemon Energy Lock Seed, his combat effectiveness is much higher than the two people using ordinary Lock Seeds.

The other side.

After rescuing Ge Yejing, she wanted to thank Lu Li at all costs and invited Lu Li to have tea.

Originally, Ge Yejing thought that the two of them could have some alone time together and get to know Lu Li better.

Maybe the two of them can get together?

However, at this time, Ge Yejing felt speechless.

Just because beside Lu Li, there was a girl who looked full of youthful vitality.

This girl is naturally Misaki Nadeshiko.

After returning from the Giver, Misaki Nadeshiko seemed more human and emotionally rich than before.

He is almost no different from other people, and he likes to stick to Lu Li very much.

It is precisely because of this that she insisted on coming to Sawaya City with her to have a look.

Minato Yoko, the secretary who was supposed to follow Lu Li, made an impromptu trip back to World Tree.

Senji Reima called to say that Yoko Minato's Genesis Drive needed some adjustments.

Regarding Zhan Ji Lingma's thoughts, Lu Li certainly knew what this guy wanted to do.

I just want to know why the information provided by Minato Yoko during this period is useless.

Since Minato Yoko had already decided to follow Lu Li, the information she naturally passed on to Zhanji Lingma was irrelevant.

Once or twice is enough, more than once will make Zhan Ji Lingma feel a little dissatisfied.

He didn't want to know the irrelevant things about Lu Li, but he wanted to know what kind of power Lu Li had.

If you know yourself and your enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger!

In order to snatch the golden fruit, Lu Li will definitely be a strong enemy and he needs to know more.

PS: thanks

Come on, get a quick monthly ticket!

Chapter 570 The confusing future! The battle is so fierce that the horse is afraid,

Global freeze!

Seeing Misaki Nadeshiko, who had been pestering Lu Li, wearing a student uniform, Ge Yejing couldn't help but wonder.

Could these two be siblings?

If they were siblings, wouldn't he still have a chance?

After finally having that thrilling feeling, Ge Yejing naturally didn't want to give up just like that.

Picking up the teacup and taking a sip, Ge Yejing asked nonchalantly.

"Mr. Lu, is this little sister next to you your...sister?


Before Lu Li could answer, Misaki Nadeshiko had a happy smile on her face and immediately answered.

"Sister is right.

? ? ?

Lu Li's head was full of questions, and he obviously didn't understand why Misaki Nadeshiko answered like this.

After hearing this answer, Ge Yejing's eyes suddenly lit up, and the previous anxiety suddenly disappeared without a trace.

It turns out they are really brother and sister, so wouldn’t I have a chance? !

Thinking of this, a smile suddenly appeared on Ge Yejing's face.

After drinking tea and leaving each other's contact information, Ge Yejing was satisfied and ready to go back.

Although she met someone who made her heart beat, Ge Yejing did not forget that she wanted to cook a delicious meal for her brother today.

In addition, it was the first time for her and Lu Li to meet, so it was hard to act too hasty.

What if I scare someone away?

Sometimes you have to take it slow and step by step to succeed.

She has never been in love, but she has watched a lot of emotional programs. The relationship has improved step by step. It is too fast to have it happen overnight.

After Kuzu Yejing left, Lu Li turned his attention back to Misaki Nadeshiko and said in surprise.

"Nadeshiko, why did you answer like that just now? When did you become my sister?"

As he spoke, Lu Li pinched her little face and kneaded it well.

"Hehe, don't I think that the sister just now seems to be interested in you? Anyway, there are many sisters in the family, and I don't mind having one more."

Good guy!

With this answer, Lu Li really wanted to say... Well done.

After practicing for a while, Misaki Nadeshiko has become so understanding of human emotions, which is a bit beyond Lu Li's expectation.

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