Is this the legendary enlightenment?

But no matter what, Lu Li felt that it was a good thing anyway.

Just as the two were about to leave, a white figure suddenly appeared in front of them, with a trademark golden head.

Lu Li was not surprised by the sudden appearance of the Daughter of Origin.

"We meet again, how's it going? Do you think your efforts are fruitful?

The Daughter of Origin shook her head and stared at Lu Li.

“What’s happening now is different from what I knew.

Kotai already knows that he was the one who solved Yuya, and Mitsumi's character has changed too much, and he has begun to get closer to his future self. "

She knew that the reason for such huge changes was all because of Lu Li's existence.

No wonder Lu Li would say that his future was already uncertain.

The Daughter of Origin didn't believe it at first, but now everything seems to be true.

Unpredictable changes have taken place in the future, and no one knows exactly what it will be like.

At the same time, there is another point. The Daughter of Origin feels that she can appear in the past, which means that the time in the present is becoming less and less.

This means that the impact she can have on the past has become less and less. After this time, she feels like she can't come back.

Even with the special power to travel through time and space, there is still no way to come back to this time.

In the final analysis, it was all because of Lu Li's appearance that changed everything.

All this was within Lu Li's expectation.

Although the Daughter of Origin can go back to the past from the future, she has already become a part of the past when she goes back to the past, and the future is equivalent to a given.

But due to the arrival of Lu Li, time was disturbed, and the future direction was also disturbed.

This makes the Daughter of Origin no longer able to interfere with current people.

"I've told you a long time ago that the future corresponding to now is different from the situation you know. There is no need to force the two timelines to match together.

When you go back to the past, your existence has become one with the past.

The past you want to change cannot be changed by your arrival. "

At the beginning, the Daughter of Origin would not believe these words, but now, she does.

As it stands, that is the fact.

Seeing that the daughter of origin was silent, Lu Li continued.

"The changes in the future mean that you can no longer stay in this time and space for too long. An'an, just stay in the future wholeheartedly.

The timeline is different now, everything will only develop according to what I want. "

These words sounded a bit cruel. The Daughter of Origin knew that if she could not interfere with Kuzuye Kota and Kureshima Mitsumi, they would face Lu Li sooner or later.

Especially Mitsuomi Kureshima, who is now on the opposite side of Lu Li.

When that time comes, the safety of the two of them cannot be guaranteed at all.

But as Lu Li said, she has no way to continue to interfere with people at this time and can only let nature take its course.

Sighing slightly, the daughter of origin whispered.

"The future has become confusing. After this, I'm afraid I won't be able to come here again. I hope you can be merciful when facing them. Thank you."

Lu Li did not answer the Daughter of Origin's plea.

He is not a kind person. If anyone has trouble with him, don't blame him for being rude.

Not long after, the Daughter of Origin disappeared.

Looking at the place where the Origin Girl disappeared, Lu Li murmured

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't fulfill your request."

Lu Li would crush all stumbling blocks without hesitation, no matter who the opponent was.

World Tree Headquarters.

In Zhanji Lingma's laboratory.

Minato Yoko is back here again, but this time she is no longer Senji Reima's secretary, and her identity is different from before.

"Professor, I'm here.

In fact, Minato Yoko could probably guess why Senji Reima suddenly called her back, and it was still under the pretext of adjusting the Genesis drive.

I'm afraid that Zhan Ji Lingma was somewhat dissatisfied with the information he reported during this period, so he called for him.

Seeing Minato Yoshiko coming, Zhan Ji Lingma stopped what he was doing.

He raised his head slightly and looked at Minato Yoko expressionlessly.

"Minato, I've also read the information you reported to me during this period. I want to know why you reported all insignificant things?

West Germany was knocked unconscious by Lu Li before, and he used a new power that I had never seen before.

But why didn't I see it in your report? "

Looking at Minato Yoko with his eyes, Zhanji Lingma didn't want the people he arranged to go out to betray him.

At least not now.

Of course, he himself did not fully trust Minato Yoko.

Hearing this, Minato Yoko did not show any panic and her tone was very calm.

"Professor, regarding the previous battle in West Germany, West Germany, as a party involved, I feel that I can describe it more clearly, so I did not report it to you.

Other than that, nothing special happened. "

This was the only thing Senji Reima knew about, but Minato Yoko didn't report.

As for other things, Zhanji Lingma had no idea at all.

Without an immediate answer, Zhanji Reima took a deep look at Minato Yoko, and the two looked at each other for a long time.

Facing Zhan Ji's fierce gaze, Minato Yoko showed no sign of timidity at all.

After a while, a smile appeared on Zhan Ji Lingma's face again.

"Minato, you are a professional, I believe you will not let me down, work hard

I feel that Lu Li knows more about that forest. Maybe there is some information from him that I don't know. I hope you can help me find this information as soon as possible.

Don’t change your face too fast!

Senji Reima didn't notice anything unusual, but that didn't mean Minato Yoshiko was fine.

He knew that Minato Yoko was once a spy, and her face remained calm when faced with scrutiny. Isn't this her basic operation?

"Understood, please rest assured, Professor.

Still looking calm, Minato Yoko seemed to have nothing to hide at all.

This simple conversation ended hastily.

Watching Minato Yoko leave, Zhan Ji Lingma always felt that the other party had something he hadn't told him.

This comes from his intuition. Compared to trusting Minato Yoshiko, a conceited person like Senji Reima trusts his own intuition more.

Sometimes intuition is more trustworthy than intelligence.

Zhanji Lingma previously learned from the injured West that Lu Li had used a new power that he had never seen before.

There are two forms, one is heavy armor and the other is light armor.

Especially the lightweight armor, which moves at such a high speed that it is almost impossible to see with the naked eye.

This made Zhanji Lingma feel very passive.

Although after his adjustments, his Genesis Drive can exert stronger performance, it does not mean that it can deal with such an opponent with ultra-high movement speed.

If the opponent is too fast, his eyes may not be able to keep up even after transforming.

In this case, he would probably have to be beaten passively.

We must find a way to restrain him, or get rid of Lu Li in advance before he transforms into another form.

But no matter which of these two methods is used, it is not easy to implement.

It's very difficult to deal with Lu Li before he transforms!

The other party has some magical means that he doesn't know about, and Zhanji Lingma is not 100% sure.

The best way is to develop a method that can restrain this ultra-high-speed movement.

At this time, Zhanji Lingma suddenly thought of an incident that happened before.

Global freeze!

During that event, time stopped for everyone around the world.

Pan Nha City at that time was also affected by this force.

However, it didn't take long for the global freeze to end, seemingly blocked by someone.

As for who stopped this matter, Zhan Ji Lingma was not very interested at that time.

After all, he had been busy with things about Zhanji drives before, and was not interested in anything other than his own research.

But now that the Genesis Drive has been completed, he is now very concerned about the acceleration power possessed by Lu Li.

.....Please give me flowers...

If he wants to deal with this ability, he must either be able to achieve the same acceleration, or he must be able to prevent Lu Li from accelerating.

Zhanji Lingma didn't know much about the global freezing incident, but there were still corresponding records in World Tree.

Now Zhanji Lingma, who had an idea, immediately went to retrieve the file.

Anyway, the mass production of drivers is already in progress, and he doesn't have much to do. He can take advantage of this opportunity to find ways to enhance his power.


After calling up the files to understand the situation, Zhanji Lingma only got a general understanding of the situation.

Barbarian Tenjuro and Kurim Steinbelt were the two people who created the mechanical mutants that were responsible for causing the global freeze.

Once upon a time, Barbarian Tenjuro needed to invest in more in-depth research on mechanical mutants, and he also approached Yggdrasil for this purpose.

Although World Tree has plans for mechanical mutants, World Tree knows better that the invasion of Helheim Forest is the most important thing.

Therefore, Barbarian Tenjuro was rejected and no corresponding funds were invested in his research.

Barbarian Tenjuro is also the kind of arrogant and crazy guy. He hates Yggdrasil who looks down on him more than anything else.

Feeling that he had been insulted, Barbarian Tenjuro naturally could not cooperate with Yggdrasil.

This was probably the case. After some research and search, Senji Reima finally found the place where Barbarian Tenjuro once conducted research.

Although that place is probably abandoned, you might be able to find it there so that you can resist the power of acceleration.

Having made a decision in his heart, Senji Reima packed up his things and set off immediately, heading to the abandoned research institute that once belonged to Barbarian Tenjuro.


Kaiwu's side.

Since he has been able to transform into a feathered lemon, Kaiwu's combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, far surpassing that of Brafur and Fruit Oak.

One person can fight two people alone, and can beat them to a complete defeat.

Mitsuomi Kureshima, who was watching all this from a high building, clenched his fists tightly, with a flash of reluctance in his eyes.

Is it my first mission to fail?

The plan originally went very smoothly, but who could have imagined that Ge Yejing was not caught, and an unexpected situation occurred.

It is not clear who rescued Ge Yejing.

But it was because of this unknown guy that his plan became a mess.

Damn it!

Wudao Guangshi's face was quite tangled as he punched the railing.

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