He wanted to go down and snatch Gaim's driver himself.

But considering that his identity could not be exposed, he finally gave up this approach.

Moreover, he could not forget the happy time with everyone in the Gaim team, and he could not bring himself to attack Kuzuya Kota.

At this time, although he had begun to slowly darken in his heart, it was not too serious at present, so naturally he could not do it to Gaim himself.

But if the mission failed, what identity should he act in the world tree next?

Feeling a little irritated in his heart, Wu Daoguang was in a dilemma for a while.

Just when he was struggling, the battle here was over, and Bravo and Guoxiang released their ultimate moves at the same time.

But unfortunately, Gaim put the lemon energy lock seed into the sonic arrow, and the ultimate move released was far more powerful than the ultimate moves of the two opposite sides.

With a powerful ultimate move, he directly defeated the two people, and was beaten to untransform on the spot.

Huanglian lay on the ground with an incredible expression on his face.

"How could this happen?!"

He couldn't understand why Gaim was so outrageous now because he was completely defeated by him before.

As for Jonouchi Hideyasu, he fainted on the spot and temporarily lost consciousness.

After the battle, Kuzue Kota had just lifted his transformation when he received a call from Kuzue Jing:

Only then did he realize that his sister had already arrived home and that she hadn't answered the call before because her phone was broken.

Kuzue Kota didn't stay any longer and left quickly after learning that his sister was indeed fine and that he would know the specific situation after he went back and asked.

Looking at the back figure going away, Wudao Mitsumi clenched his fists tightly.

Mission failed!

Mission failure also meant that he had a bad start and had not completed his first mission.

Even if it was because of the problem of arranging the people to capture Kuzue Jing, as the leader of this plan, he had to take into account all unexpected situations. Failure was failure.

Now that the mission had failed, Wudao Mitsumi could only accept this reality and report the matter to Wudao Takatora in full.

Knowing that his brother had failed, Wudao Guihu was not angry.

Considering that Kuzuya Kota now has the power of Genesis Driver, it is difficult to take back the Sengoku Driver without a helper.

Before, I gave this task to Wudao Guangshi, just to test how far Wudao Guangshi can do.

Although Wudao Guangshi failed to complete the task, his plan was still good. It was just a little unexpected in the middle that led to the failure of the plan.

PS: Thank you

kzkkzm for the monthly ticket! Maru

Chapter 571 Confidence, unimaginable power! My sister has fallen! What should I do?

After leaving the World Tree, Minato Yoko returned to Lu Li soon.

"Yaoko, Sengoku Lingma is probably dissatisfied with your monitoring of me during this period, right?"

Even if Minato Yoko didn't say it, Lu Li could guess that Sengoku Lingma wanted to know more about himself.

It would be best to analyze his own combat data so that he could use it in future battles.

Even though she hadn't said anything, Lu Li already knew everything. Minato Yoko nodded slightly.

"Yes, the professor thought I had concealed the information and didn't report it to him, so he gave me a heads up.

The professor didn't trust me very much to begin with, and after this incident, I'm afraid his trust in me has been even lower."

When talking about trust, Minato Yoko didn't show any sadness.

After all, she had known for a long time that Zhan Ji Ling Ma couldn't absolutely trust anyone.

Before, Minato Yoko was completely in an observation state.

Although she was Zhan Ji Ling Ma's secretary, she had been observing and looking for the person who was worth pursuing.

Now that she had found him, she didn't care whether Zhan Ji Ling Ma trusted her or not.

However, it was Zhan Ji Ling Ma who discovered her, so Minato Yoko didn't completely turn against him.

Lu Li smiled indifferently and shook his head.

"If you want to know my intelligence and information so much, just tell me directly. Maybe I will tell him directly. Why do you have to let you, Yaozi, pass on the information?

And even if he knows, what can he do?

My power... just Zhan Ji Lingma can't imagine it."

He exudes strong self-confidence, because the power Lu Li possesses has definitely surpassed Zhan Ji Lingma's cognition.

Zhan Ji Lingma, who only believes in his own research results, probably believes most in the Genesis Driver and Lemon Energy Lock in his hand.

In Zhan Ji Lingma's view, the golden fruit has the power to make people become gods.

"Two seven seven" But he didn't know that Lu Li actually had the power beyond the golden fruit.

It's just that in terms of life level, Lu Li can't be called a god for the time being.

But in terms of power, Lu Li's power is no longer comparable to that of ordinary gods.

Mouto Yaozi's eyes flickered. The strong self-confidence exuded by Lu Li came from the self-confidence of being a strong man, and the self-confidence just attracted her.

Although Lu Li had just said that he was not worried about the information leaking to Zhan Ji Ling Ma, Minato Yaozi still wanted to confirm it.

"Then...what should I do next? Should I report everything to him carefully?"

"Tell him the truth, because no matter how much he knows, it will be useless, and the final result will be the same."

The golden fruit can only have one owner.

From the moment Lu Li got involved in this matter, he was destined to get the golden fruit.

The deal with Bai Ya to revive the princess was just a guarantee.

"I know.

Since Lu Li has said so himself, Minato Yoko naturally knows what to do next.

Misaki Nadeshiko was listening to the conversation between the two. Since she didn't know what happened before, Misaki Nadeshiko naturally couldn't get a word in.

"Lu Li, are you in trouble? Do you want me to help you solve it? I'm very strong now. "

As she spoke, Misaki Nadeshiko waved her fists, looking eager to try.

She is not conceited, but she does have very strong power.

Misaki Nadeshiko, who can transform into Kamen Rider Ginga, can exert a combat power far exceeding Sengoku Ryoma's Genesis Driver.

The two sides are not even on the same level.

Even Sengoku Ryoma's enhanced Genesis Driver is simply a weakling in front of Ginga.

Moreover, the Ginga transformed by Misaki Nadeshiko does not have the shortcomings of Ginga that Lu Li knows.

Even if the sun is gone, Ginga can still fight.

It will not turn into a state like a meteorite.

Without this shortcoming, Ginga's combat power is quite terrifying.

Lu Li smiled and rubbed Misaki Nadeshiko's head.

"No, if I need to use your power, I won't be polite to you. "

With Lu Li's words, Misaki Nadeshiko nodded vigorously.

Minato Yoko heard the conversation between the two clearly.

She was quite curious about what kind of power Misaki Nadeshiko had.

Because she didn't know Misaki Nadeshiko's identity, Minato Yoko just felt that Misaki Nadeshiko was different from ordinary people.

She didn't figure out exactly where the difference was.

Here, Kuzuya Kota also hurried back home.

Seeing his sister cooking in the kitchen, his nervous mood suddenly relaxed.

After confirming that his sister was indeed fine, Kuzuya Kota asked curiously.

"Sister, what happened before? Why didn't anyone answer my phone calls? "

When it came to this matter, Ge Yejing told Kuzuya Kota everything she had encountered.

"Originally, I thought today was a day off, so I would buy some food and make something delicious, but...

That's what happened. Thanks to Mr. Lu, otherwise I might have been taken away. "

While listening to his sister's story, Ge Ye Hong Tai paid attention to another thing.

Mr. Lu!

In his sister's statement just now, this person was mentioned repeatedly.

This made a figure suddenly appear in Ge Ye Hong Tai's mind.

Lu Li!

Could Mr. Lu mentioned by his sister be Lu Li?!

And seeing that his sister looked very happy, she seemed to have a good impression of Mr. Lu. Could it be that his sister fell in love with him?!

Ge Ye Hong Tai was very shocked when he got this answer.

"Sister, the Mr. Lu you are talking about is not called... Lu Li, right? !"

"Eh? Hong Tai, how do you know Mr. Lu? Do you know him? "

Stopped his hand, Ge Yejing looked at Ge Yehongtai in surprise.

Could it be... so predestined?

A slap on the face, Ge Yehongtai felt speechless.

He never expected that the person who saved his sister during the day would be Lu Li.

Shouldn't the person in the world want to capture his sister and threaten him?

But as a member of the world tree, why did Lu Li destroy this plan and even save his sister?

Ge Yehongtai couldn't figure out all these questions.

It was mainly a bit too strange, and he didn't know how to analyze this matter.

Just when Ge Yehongtai felt speechless, Ge Yejing looked at him expectantly and asked impatiently.

"Hongtai, do you know what Mr. Lu does?

Is he married? Does he have a girlfriend? He...

Good guy!

A series of questions directly made Ge Yehongtai autistic on the spot.

"My sister! Why are you suddenly paying attention to him? He is not a good person. It is better to stay away from him.

And there are beautiful women around this guy. I have seen them before.

He was pointing this out to his sister, asking Ge Yejing to give up Lu Li and not have these ideas.

After learning about this situation, Ge Yejing looked at Ge Ye Hongtai with a serious face and said seriously.

"Hongtai, how can you say bad things about others behind their backs? Mr. Lu saved me today, otherwise who would make delicious food for you?

Next time you do this, be careful that I will be angry.

Seeing his sister pretending to be angry, Ge Ye Hongtai was speechless.

Once a woman enters a state of love, are they all so brainless?

My sister usually looks quite smart, but what happened today actually turned her IQ into a negative number.

Especially when it comes to Lu Li.

Shrugging helplessly, Ge Ye Hongtai made up his mind to keep a closer eye on her.

I must not let my sister have any contact with Lu Li again.

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