I just met him once and he spoke to Lu Li like this. If I met him twice again, I'm afraid he would have forgotten his brother in some nook and cranny.

"Yes, yes! Isn't it okay if I don't mention this matter? Anyway, sister, just pay attention to yourself and don't be deceived.

He could only keep a few thoughts in his mind, not wanting Ge Yejing to make a choice that would lead to troublesome things.

Now he has no dealings with World Tree, and he also has no dealings with Lu Li.

It would be uncomfortable for him to think about letting such a person who he didn't deal with become his brother-in-law.

Moreover, it was a life-long matter for his sister, so as a younger brother, he naturally had to be more cautious.

We must not let Lu Li lie to his sister!

And with Lu Li around, even though the opponent has great power, he will inevitably encounter some strange dangers.

He didn't want things like today to happen again.

We must find a way to stop it. We must not let this happen, otherwise we will be in trouble.

Ge Yejing was really looking forward to meeting Lu Li next time.

But what she didn't know was that her younger brother was trying every possible means to prevent her from meeting Lu Li.

Ge Ye Hongtai felt like he was sitting on pins and needles while eating this big meal tonight.

His sister had developed a preliminary affection for Lu Li, so he had to interrupt this matter.

In the next few days, not much happened in Xunya City.

Mainly the hip-hop troupe.

The Kaiwu team took the initiative to join forces with other teams in order to hold a joint performance.

At the same time, it was also announced to the people in this city that their street dance troupe would never touch the Outlander game again in the future, but would focus on street dance.

The joint performance was quite successful, and many people started to support the hip-hop group again.

This is the end of the Outlander game. There are no hip-hop groups playing the Outlander game.

Street dance groups that liked hip-hop dance survived, while those hip-hop groups that couldn't continue to persevere after losing the Outlander game were disbanded.

Things feel like they are changing for the better.

Since the hip-hop troupe has been recognized by the public again, Katsura Kuzuya is not prepared to stay to protect the hip-hop troupe.

There is no longer any Outlander game, so naturally there is no need for him to transform into armor and continue fighting.

And compared to the hip-hop troupe, Kuzuye Hongtai has more important things to do.

He and Qi Wen Jiedou both wanted to fight against World Tree and wanted to go to World Tree headquarters again to reveal their secrets.

Let everyone in Xunya City know the secret hidden by the World Tree.

It's just that it is very difficult to break through the defense of World Tree and enter the interior of World Tree0.

They must pass through numerous blockades.

For this reason, he and Qi Wen Jie Dou came up with the only way.

Just go to the forest again by locking the vehicle, and then go directly to the man-made crack at the World Tree headquarters.

It was the same as the way they escaped before, and there should be a certain degree of credibility in returning in this way.

However, Kureshima Mitsumi already knew the two people's plan in advance.

The World Tree side has been prepared for a long time, and the possibility of their success is very slim.

The two used the locking vehicle to successfully reach the Helheim Forest and quickly rushed to the artificial crack created by the World Tree.

There are a few black shadow guards guarding here, and there are not many of them. If they break through forcefully, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

"Why are there so few guards here? Something doesn't feel right. What's going on?"

Looking around, Qi Wen Jiedou felt something strange, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

He didn't want to miss this rare opportunity. Once he missed this opportunity, it might not be easy to come in again.

At this moment, Geye Hongtai suddenly noticed tulips growing beside him.

This is obviously abnormal!

It was immediately the Forest of Helheim. The plants growing there were all special plants that had never been seen before. There were no tulips at all.

The next second, the tulip suddenly changed, directly turning into the Tulip Lock Seed, and then turned into the Tulip War Locust.

This is a newly developed new type of lock.

Tulip War Locust has extremely good jumping ability and can open cracks in the Helheim Forest.

"What is this?"

It was the first time for them to see Tulip and Locust, and they obviously didn't understand what kind of equipment this was.

It was the shadow guards driving these Tulips and Locusts, and a familiar figure also appeared in front of the two of them.

West Germany!

After this period of recuperation, coupled with the high-end medical treatment provided by World Tree itself, West Germany finally recovered.

"Sid?! This guy seems to have been missing for a while. Why is he showing up again now?"

Seeing West Germany again, Ge Yehongti was very surprised.

"What do you care about this? Prepare to fight, they won't let us in!"

Before he finished speaking, Qi Wen Jie Dou directly took out the Zhan Ji Drive and transformed.


Seeing the transformation of Qi Wen Jie Dou, Ge Ye Hongtai was naturally not to be outdone and immediately transformed and rushed forward.

West Germany played with the tulip lock and snorted coldly.

"Hmph! This forest is our territory. We just want to do whatever we want here and drive them out."

He was very depressed during this period and could only stay in the ward.

Now that I have finally come out, I just need to vent.

Whenever he thought about Lu Li crushing him before, he felt extremely unhappy.

He was unhappy, but he didn't dare to provoke Lu Li because the other party was much stronger than him.

Even because of the Genesis Drive, his combat effectiveness has far exceeded that of Kaiwu and others who use the Zhanji Drive.

But compared to Lu Li, he was nothing.

Facing the tulips and locusts they had never encountered before, the two were completely unable to withstand them and were forcibly expelled.

Xiangraku, a plug-in self-propelled machine, took the initiative to give Kuzuha Houtai a new locked seed in 08, the tulip locked seed.

He wanted Kuzu Ye Hongtai and the others to learn the secrets of that forest as soon as possible and meet the Overlord Foreigners as quickly as possible.

Time is getting increasingly urgent. Lu Li has now foresighted the key. If he doesn't seize some golden fruits, he will really have no choice but to choose Lu Li's.

As the embodiment of the forest, Sagara naturally does not want this fight to end so easily.

Wouldn't that be too much fun?

The weather in Pan Nha City is quite good today, and Lu Li was invited today.

The person who invited him was none other than Ge Yejing.

Since he and Lu Li parted ways last time, Lu Li has not contacted Ge Yejing at all.

Ge Yejing, on the other hand, often took the initiative to contact Lu Li, feeling a little bit like falling in love.

No, today Ge Yejing specially invited Lu Li to have lunch together.

Lu Li had nothing to do for the time being, and he had a lot of free time anyway, so he agreed.

Although it has been a few days, Amazon? Cell proliferation has also been completed, but the princess shows no sign of waking up yet.

The vital signs have returned to normal and look no different from before.

The reason why he didn't wake up may be because he has been sleeping for too long and needs a period of transition.

Anyway, the resurrection has been completed. Lu Li arranged for Inna to stay in the laboratory and report to him on the princess's situation anytime and anywhere.

There was no room for failure on the Princess' side, and Lu Li was counting on the Princess to win over Bai Ya, a powerful free employee.

Inside a delicious and affordable restaurant somewhere in Pan Nha City.

Although Ge Yejing has a job, her income is not very high, so she can only treat her to a more affordable place like this.

This restaurant was carefully selected by her and it tastes quite good.

"Mr. Lu, eat this, it's delicious, super good, and this."

PS: thanks

A monthly pass for the Forgotten Sea and the Forgotten River!

Chapter 572 Heavy acceleration! Ren, who is immune to heavy acceleration, meets Heart for the first time!

While eating, Ge Yejing was very enthusiastic and the smile on her face never broke.

She had never experienced such a feeling before. When she was with Lu Li, she always felt physically and mentally happy, and her heartbeat even accelerated.

Although she has never been in love, she has watched some soap operas and the like, and this is the feeling of excitement.

There was a slight difference between the taste of these foods and those made by dedicated chefs at home, but Lu Li didn't refuse them all and destroyed them all.

As the saying goes, it is hardest to accept the kindness of a beautiful woman.

Faced with Ge Yejing's kindness, Lu Li would certainly not refuse.

At this time, Ge Yejing suddenly thought of what Ge Yehongtai had told her before, saying that Lu Li and Gao Siwu seemed to be very close.

Even though she was very confident in her charm, Ge Yejing still felt a little flustered.

Thinking of this, Ge Yejing asked pretending to be nonchalant.

"By the way, Mr. Lu, I heard from Hong Tai that your relationship with Xiao Wu seems to be pretty good, right?"

When she asked this question, Lu Li already knew what Ge Yejing wanted to express.

Lu Li smiled slightly and nodded.

"Your brother is right, Wu and I have a good relationship."

When he heard this sentence, Ge Yejing's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

The smile that was originally on his face suddenly disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Lu Li suddenly changed the subject.

"After all, 01 dance is very lively and cute, giving people a feeling of youthful vitality."

When he heard the second half of this sentence, Ge Yejing's heart, which had been hanging just now, suddenly relaxed again.

From what she heard, Lu Li just thought Gao Siwu had youthful vitality, and didn't seem to show anything else.

For Ge Yejing, who is currently walking on the edge of the love river, this seems to her to be a complete hint.

A smile reappeared on his face, Ge Yejing nodded quickly in agreement.

"You are right, children who like to dance are indeed full of youthful energy."

This topic was simply ignored.


At this moment, a sudden heavy feeling came, making Ge Yejing's face stiffen.

She felt like her body suddenly couldn't move, as if her whole body was filled with lead.

The brain's thinking is still running, but it has no way to control its body.

It becomes very difficult for the body to move.

Lu Li, who was sitting opposite Ge Yejing, could naturally feel this power.

However, this power did not have a particularly great impact on him.

When Lu Li felt this power, a word appeared in his mind.

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