Accelerate again!

The only thing that can trigger this special effect is the heavy acceleration of mechanical mutants.

Heavy acceleration is the relative speed reduction caused by the core drive mechanism, the optical drive mechanism developed by Kurim Steinbelt.

Within the range of heavy acceleration, the motion of all objects will slow down.

Human beings can only move their bodies slowly while maintaining consciousness.

However, Lu Li was more curious about why there was heavy acceleration in Panya City.

Judging from the time, the plot of the old driver should not have unfolded yet.

Even if the mechanical mutant takes action, it will not be too active.

When the world froze, a large number of mechanical mutants were eliminated, and the prototype old driver transformed by mechanical mutant 000 recovered the virus core and could only use energy

The core form of the body survives.

According to the situation, these guys should be hiding in various places.

Should not be present in Pan Nha City.

Just then, on the street outside the restaurant.

The man wearing a red leather jacket and with slightly curly hair walked as if he was not affected.


Also the mechanical variant 002.

It's just that he has now completed his evolution and turned into a heart mechanical mutant.

As one of the first mechanical mutants born, he has a more complete mind and rationality and has become the leader among the mechanical mutants.

Of course, he is not the only leader.

Lu Li felt even more surprised when he saw Heart walking on the street.

Why did Heart, this guy, suddenly come to Pan Nha City?

And if you do it so blatantly, aren’t you worried about getting into trouble?

Walking with Hearti was Brain.

Wearing a dark suit, with brown hair, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

Yan Yi’s butt brain!

Although he behaves politely, he is actually a funny facial artist.

There was also a girl wearing a black lolita outfit and leather gloves, following Heart: closely.

Her eyes were always on Heart., almost never shifting for a moment.

He looked at Heart with deep admiration. She was Medic, and she was also a leader among the mechanical mutants.

And she only has Heart in her eyes, and she is even willing to sacrifice everything for him.

Walking on the street, Heart suddenly felt a gaze.

Turning his head slightly, Heart saw Lu Li sitting in the restaurant.

His pupils shrank slightly, and Heart discovered something that surprised him.

That is, Lu Li didn't seem to be affected by the heavy acceleration, and his movements were not slowed down by the heavy acceleration.

how come? !

After looking around for a while, I found that everyone around me was affected by the force of heavy acceleration.

Everyone around him has been affected, so there is no reason why anyone should be an exception.

Is it possible that this person’s immunity is accelerated? !

Absolutely impossible!

Heavy acceleration is an impact on the physical level.

Unless the opponent can transcend the physical level of cognition, it is impossible to be immune to heavy acceleration:

Since they had already met each other, Lu Li didn't mind having some contact with Heart:.

Although the other party's goal is to achieve a permanent global freeze, it is impossible for Lu Li to agree, but it does not prevent the two parties from contacting each other.

After all, there are too few villains with such upright views like Hearti!

Standing up, Lu Li gently patted Ge Yejing's hand, lowered his head slightly, and spoke in her ear.

"I'm going to take care of something and I'll be back soon.

Although Ge Yejing didn't know why Lu Li was not affected by this kind of power and his movements became as slow as hers, she also understood that Lu Li was definitely not an ordinary person.

She believed that Lu Li would not harm her.

Afterwards, Lu Li left the restaurant and came to the street outside.

"Heart, why did you suddenly come to Sawame City if you didn't just stay in Tokyo?"

Looking at the man opposite him who he didn't know, Heart could be very sure that he had never seen him before.

I have obviously never met the other party, but the other party knows me. Who is he?

"Who are you? Why do you know me?"

The muscles all over his body were tense, and Heart couldn't tell whether the person in front of him was an enemy or a friend.

However, the possibility of being friends is slim.

If the opponent is a mechanical mutant, Heart: It's impossible not to notice it at all.

"Obviously I asked the question first, why did you suddenly ask me?

But let me introduce myself. I am Lu Li.

When I heard this name, I always felt like I was frowning.

He looked at Brain aside, with a questioning look in his eyes.

Being stared at by this questioning look, Brain also shook his head.

He has an extraordinary memory, but he has never heard of this name.

A person he doesn't know is 417 immune to heavy acceleration, and he also knows his identity.

The person in front of me is absolutely extraordinary!

"Lu Li, right? Our purpose here is to find the core of our companions, and a guy stole the core of our companions."

Heart did not hide anything this time, but directly told Lu Li their purpose.

Stealing the core of the mechanical mutant?

When Lu Li heard the news, he felt something was wrong.

Who will steal the core of the mechanical mutant?

Regarding this issue, for a while he really couldn't think of who did it.

The scene suddenly fell silent, and Heart took the initiative to speak.

"If you know who it is, you might as well tell me, as if I owe you a favor."

Heart: Treats all mechanical mutants as one's friends.

Now that his friend had been arrested, he certainly couldn't just sit back and watch.

The reason why I followed him to Panya City was entirely because of the traces left behind by the captured mechanical mutant core.

Through the traces left behind, they found the city.

However, they don't know who captured the mechanical mutant.

At this time, Lu Li suddenly thought of something.

It was during this period that Zhanji Lingma seemed to have disappeared and almost never appeared.

It is said that he has been busy studying.

Logically speaking, this should be unlikely to happen.

After all, the Genesis Drive has been completed, so there is no need to dwell on it regardless of everything.

Unless Zhanji Lingma is busy with other things.

As for what he was busy with, I can't rule out that it was to be able to deal with himself.

PS: thanks

100VIP spots where summer will finally end!


Monthly ticket for kzkkzml!


Yulong Lingyun’s monthly ticket!

Chapter 573 I’ll tell you if I win! A life-consuming transformation!

In dealing with West Germany before, he had used the power of Jia Dou Shengshi.

The ultra-high movement speed may have made Zhan Ji Lingma very fearful.

In order to be able to resist the rising time, it is not ruled out that he will research some forces that can resist the rising time.

Heavy acceleration is obviously within the range of options.

Of course, this is just Lu Li's guess.

Whether this is the case is unclear at the moment.

Seeing Lu Li thinking for a while, Heart's first reaction was that Lu Li must know something about the situation.

Compared to the polite Heart, Yanyi Brain obviously doesn't have such good patience.

"Hey! If you know something, tell us quickly, don't waste time!"

The tone of speaking was very aggressive.

The main reason why Brain said this was to highlight his presence in front of Heart.

Like Medic-, Brain is also attracted to Heart.

He also admires Heart very much in his heart.

Sometimes, he would even show strong jealousy towards Medic while biting his handkerchief.

However, as a cadre, Brain is worthy of his reputation for brains.

Brain is good at using his brain to collect intelligence and formulate combat plans. In order to achieve his goals, Brain can even use any means.


Heart held down Brain's shoulders and motioned him not to speak so hastily.

It's still unclear who Lu Li is, but the other party knows about them.

I'm afraid the other party's identity is not simple.

Unless it was a last resort, Heart didn't want to make enemies for himself at this time.

Lu Li didn't care about Yan Yi Brain, who contributed many funny scenes.

What interests him more is Heart.

Among the many villains, Heart can be said to be a villain with very upright views.

At the same time, he is also a rare opponent.

"Heart, if you want to know the answer from me, then defeat me.

If you win, maybe I can tell you everything you want to know. "

Hearing this, Heart was slightly startled.

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