"That's right. 1

"But I still don't think it's something I can't do anything about, and I can't forgive it. It was your World Tree that gave birth to those malicious things!"

In Geye Hongtai's eyes, the reason why these things happened was because Yggdrasil was planning behind the scenes.

Without the World Tree, perhaps these things would not have happened, let alone sacrifices.

1.8 "Really?"

Everything Yggdrasil has done is to save mankind, Zangetsu. I really don’t expect anyone to understand all this.

In his view, as long as it can save mankind, even if some people are sacrificed, it is not an unacceptable thing.

This is a necessary sacrifice!

"The person I am now is different from the person I was then!"

Before he finished speaking, Kuzuye Hongtai inserted the core of the Genesis Drive into the position of the knight's display board, and at the same time took out the Orange Lock Seed and Lemon Energy Lock Seed.


"Lock.On! Soiya! Mix! Orange.Arms! Ikebana On.Stage! Jimber.Lemon! HaHa!"

Orange Lock Seed and Lemon Energy Lock Seed combined into one.

Kamen Rider Kaibu Ichiba Lemon!

The weapons used by both sides are sonic arrows, and they are almost the same in terms of performance.

After completing his transformation, Kaiwu immediately rushed towards Zangetsu Shin.

He must defeat Zangetsu Shin before he can reveal the secret of the World Tree.

He must win this battle!

PS: thanks

A monthly pass for one☆..!

Chapter 577 True Malice! Mutual advantage! Is this my sister? Why to outsiders?

Zangetsu Shin, who guards the secrets of the World Tree, naturally cannot allow the armored general to reveal the secrets of the World Tree.

If we really want to reveal the secrets here, the whole world will be in chaos before the Helheim Forest invades.

Once we get to that point, I'm afraid the world war will start in advance.

Although Kaiwu already has Genesis Core and Lemon Lemon Energy Lock Seed, it is indeed not inferior in terms of strength.

But in terms of combat experience, Zangetsu Zhen completely crushes Kaiwu.

At the beginning, the two sides seemed to be able to fight back and forth.

But as time went by, Kaiwu gradually fell into a disadvantage.


The sonic arrow passed through the armor on Kaiwu's chest, bursting out with bursts of sparks.


Staggering back a few steps, Kaiwu fell directly into the creek.

Zangetsu Zhen obviously did not intend to give Kaiwu any chance to breathe.

Plunging forward again, Zangetsu was really prepared to resolve the battle as quickly as possible.

Through the battle just now, Zangetsu Zhen has figured out the power that Kaiwu currently possesses.

The two sides are equally powerful, so it depends on who has more combat experience.

Let’s see who is better at taking advantage of other environments.

Both sides used sonic arrows to fire at the same time.

"call out!!"

Kaiwu used his roll to avoid Zangetsu.Zhen's energy arrows.

Zangetsu Shin used the sonic arrow in his hand to deflect the energy arrow.

"Boom!!" 04

The energy arrow exploded instantly when it hit the ground, splashing countless smoke and dust.

He quickly stood up from the ground, Kaiwu was shrouded in smoke and dust, unable to see clearly the surrounding situation.

Zangetsu Shin, who was already hidden in the smoke, launched a surprise attack directly from behind.

It caught Kaiwu off guard.

“Qiang Qiang!!”

A series of slashes were eaten by Kaiwu, and he was forced to exit the array lemon form.

The battle that followed was completely without any suspense.

Kaiwu, who had exited the lemon form, was no match for him.

In terms of strength, he was completely crushed.

When Kaiwu released his special move, Zhanyue Zhen directly fired an energy arrow, knocking Kaiwu out of his transformation.

Kuzu Ye Hongtae was lying on the ground in a very embarrassed state, staring at Zangyue Zhen with an indignant expression.

"It seems...you have some misunderstanding."

Zangetsu Zhen looked at Kuzuye Hongta condescendingly, his voice full of coldness.

Hearing this, an angry expression suddenly appeared on Ge Ye Hongtai's face.

"Misunderstanding? Are you trying to say that the deaths of Yuya and Hatsuse were just a misunderstanding?

Is it also a misunderstanding to treat us as guinea pigs? ! "

Angrily questioning Zangetsu Makoto, Kuzuye Hongta felt that the guy in front of him was too cold.

Even in the face of the death of others, he was able to remain indifferent.

"Those are precious sacrifices that benefit all mankind."

"What right do you have to decide such a thing?!"

Faced with Kuzuye Hongtae's repeated questions, Zangetsu Zhen fell into silence.

Then I saw him slowly closing the honeydew energy lock seed and exiting the transformation

"Since you want to know so much, let me tell you what true malice without reason is.

Just when you come into contact with the truth, I hope you have the courage to know it.

When anyone knows this truth, I am afraid that they will not be able to accept the fact that this has happened.

"Courage? What does courage mean?"

Staring at Wu Dao Guihu closely, Ge Yehongtai was very confused.

He didn't quite understand what the other person's words meant.

With his hands in his pockets, Kureshima Takatora has decided to tell Kuzuo Ye Hongtae the truth of the matter, so that he can see with his own eyes what true malice is.

"You wonder.

"Of course, I want to know all your thoughts!"

Seeing his determination, Wudao Guihu nodded

"Since you want to know everything, follow me. You will soon be able to get in touch with the truth."

As he said that, Wudao Guihu walked directly into the forest.

Although he didn't know what tricks the other party was playing, Geye Hongtai finally had the opportunity to get in touch with the truth, and he certainly couldn't give up.

Drag his tired body to keep up, he was about to get in touch with the truth of this world.

At the same time, Quwen Jiedou, who sneaked back to the World Tree headquarters alone, was also caught.

Just when Quwen Jiedou was about to be killed by Sigurd, Zhan Ji Lingma suddenly appeared.

He was very interested in Quwen Jiedou and thought that the other party might be able to make good use of him.

After all, he still didn't know much about the overlord alien.

In terms of information intelligence, he was far behind Lu Li.

He had to get the legendary forbidden fruit no matter what.

However, with Wu Daogui Hu there, the members of their project plan had no way to explore the depths of Helheim Forest without being noticed by the other party.

Qu Wen Jie Dou is undoubtedly a good chess piece.

Zhan Ji Ling Ma needs someone to explore the true secret of Helheim Forest.

There is something about the existence of the forbidden fruit, or... the location of the Overlord Alien.

When he learned about the existence of the Overlord Alien and the forbidden fruit, Qu Wen Jie Dou obviously showed a very strong interest.

Unexpectedly, there was such a special existence in that forest.

This time, he finally became interested in the invitation from Zhan Ji Ling Ma.

Of course, he did not want to cooperate with Zhan Ji Ling Ma, but just wanted to achieve his own goals.

Get a higher level of power and make himself stronger.

Both sides use each other and get what they need.

Next, what Qu Wen Jie Dou has to do is to go to the forest to find the Overlord Alien.

Time came to the evening.

After the date, Lu Li sent Ge Yejing back home, and happened to meet Ge Ye Hongtai who came back.

However, at this moment, Ge Ye Hong Tai looked like he was worried.

He seemed to have suffered a great blow.

"Hong Tai?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Ge Ye Hong Tai suddenly raised his head.

But he saw that his sister was actually with Lu Li.

He had reminded his sister before to stay away from Lu Li as much as possible.

No matter what, the other party was from the World Tree. As long as they were from the World Tree, they were not good people in his eyes.

Through Wu Dao Gui Hu, he had learned why the World Tree wanted to hide secrets.

At the same time, he also knew that the forest had eroded a world.

The earth was the next target.

When he saw Lu Li again, Ge Ye Hong Tai's face suddenly turned black.

"Sister, didn't I tell you? Stay away from him, he is not a good person."

Even though he already knew what the World Tree was doing now, it did not mean that Ge Ye Hong Tai had completely believed in the World Tree.

He always felt that the World Tree was not that simple, and perhaps there were some secrets hidden behind the World Tree.

Although the World Tree tried its best not to let everyone know about the forest, it has been studying the driver, and it must have other purposes.

The invasion speed of the forest has accelerated, and the earth will be invaded sooner or later.

It is certain that the World Tree must be making some plans, but he does not know it yet.

Hearing what his brother said, Ge Yejing looked at Lu Li cautiously.

Seeing that Lu Li was not angry, he was relieved.

Then he turned around and glared at Ge Ye Hongtai, scolding.

"Hongtai! What do I usually teach you? How can you say that to Mr. Lu?

If Mr. Lu hadn't been here today, I'm afraid I would be in danger again.

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