He saved me twice, and you still say such things. Is this what I usually teach you? "

With her eyebrows slightly raised, Ge Yejing looked slightly angry.

At this moment, she completely turned into a parent.

Knowing that Lu Li had saved her sister again today, Ge Ye Hongtai opened her mouth.

For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

What her sister said was right. The other party was her savior. If she said such things in front of her, she would be scolded by her.

After a moment of silence, Ge Ye Hongtai lowered his head slightly and apologized.

"I'm sorry."

"Mr. Lu, I usually don't care too much about you, and sometimes I may say too much. Please don't mind. "

Looking at Lu Li nervously, Ge Yejing was afraid that Lu Li would be angry.

The relationship between the two sides has finally made progress, and Ge Yejing doesn't want Lu Li to hate her because of Ge Ye Hongtai's words.

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Li didn't take Ge Ye Hongtai's words to heart.

"It's okay. After all, something happened between him and me. It's normal that he doesn't want you to get too close to me.

It's getting late, so I'll leave first. Goodbye."

Smiling and saying goodbye, Lu Li turned and left.

Looking at the gradually receding back, Ge Yejing showed a happy smile on her face.

"Mr. Lu, see you next time."

She was very fortunate that Lu Li didn't seem to be angry about it, so her worries were naturally reduced by more than half.

After making sure that Lu Li had left, Ge Yejing put away the smile on her face.

She turned back to look at Ge Ye Hongtai.

"Hongtai, how can you say such things in front of others? Don't do this next time, otherwise I will be really angry! "

In Ge Ye Hongtai's memory, his sister seemed to be almost not angry.

Sometimes anger is just pretending, not really angry.

But this time, he felt that his sister was not joking.

When he thought of his sister being angry with him because of an outsider, Ge Ye Hongtai suddenly felt a little aggrieved.

Chapter 578: Trying to interfere! There is no fairness in the world!

"Sister, I'm not kidding you, stay away from that man as much as possible

He is really not a good person, and... and...

He originally wanted to say that Lu Li has beautiful women around him, and he doesn't need a sister at all.

But he was worried that after he said this, it would be a big blow to his sister.

After a little hesitation, Ge Ye Hongtai finally didn't say it.

"And what?"

Noticing the hesitation of Ge Ye Hongtai, Ge Yejing looked suspicious.

I always feel that this kid is hiding something from me.

Quickly shaking his head, Ge Ye Hongtai didn't want to continue to dwell on this issue.

He just reminded his sister again.

"Sister, just listen to me. Stay away from Lu Li. It's not good for you to get too close to him."


Ge Yejing's face suddenly became serious, and he was a little unhappy.

Seeing his sister's face suddenly changed, he knew that if he continued to talk, it would probably make her angry.

Therefore, Ge Yehongtai decisively chose to admit his defeat.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's go back quickly."

The world is big, but when at home, the sister is the biggest.

Ge Yehongtai dare not continue to make his sister angry.

Otherwise, he might not even have a meal tonight.

Lu Li, who left Ge Yejing's house, also knew what happened to Ge Yehongtai.

It's nothing more than this guy already knows the truth about Helheim Forest, and knows that the earth has now become the target of Helheim Forest.

It is being eroded bit by bit.

But even if he knew what was going on, Ge Yehongtai currently has no power to stop all this from happening.

Next, it was almost time for the overlord aliens to have contact with humans.

Just as Lu Li was about to go home, a sudden voice called him.

"Are you ready to leave now?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Lu Li stopped.

Looking slightly over his head, Lu Li saw Sagara on the side of the road.

Why did Sagara suddenly come to see him again?

Lu Li asked in surprise, puzzled.

"Are you paying attention to me or to that guy Kuzuya Kota?"

Hearing this, Sagara wiped his eyes from the top of his head and said with a laugh.

"Haha! I'm paying attention to both of you, after all... you are both participants in this battle.

Kuzuya Kota has different ideas from others, and I'm looking forward to him making it to the end and what will happen.

As for you, Lu Li, take Bai Ya's princess away.

Isn't it a bit bad to do this?"

That's right, Sagara came here for the princess's matter.

I thought it was something else, but it turned out to be because of the princess.

That's right, as the incarnation of Helheim Forest, Sagara does know everything that happened in the forest.

Walking slowly to Sagara, Lu Li looked at Sagara in front of him with a sidelong glance and smiled indifferently.

"What? Do you think there is something wrong with what I did? Or do you have an opinion on what I did?"

Although Sagara is the incarnation of Helheim Forest, he does not have too strong power.

And he cannot take the initiative to participate in the battle for the golden fruit.

The most he can do is to balance the forces of all parties.

The premise of this balance is that Xiangle himself has determined that one side is weak, so he can give it some help.

Of course, he must also consider whether the person who receives his help has the hope of competing for the golden fruit.

He will not waste this matter on a guy who has no meaning to cultivate.

Looking at Lu Li's calm eyes, Xiangle shrugged helplessly.

He knew very well in his heart that as long as Lu Li had the princess in his hand, it was almost equivalent to having taken the golden fruit from Bai Ya.

There was no need to think about this.

Bai Ya would definitely hand over the golden fruit without hesitation for the princess.

This is the situation now.

The golden fruit is almost in Lu Li's pocket.

Originally, Xiangle had always felt a headache about Bai Ya's desire to seize the golden fruit, and could not think of a way to solve this problem.

But now, although the problem has been solved.

But another troublesome thing has occurred.

Lu Li's power is too strong.

Once the golden fruit falls into his hands, no one can really snatch it back.

This game may end early.

The game battle that ended early was not what Xiangle wanted to see.

This could not select the best person to dominate the Helheim Forest.

"I have no opinion, but I think it is a little unfair to other contenders."

Xiangle knew that Lu Li had a power that he could not predict.

I am afraid that even Bai Ya might not be able to defeat Lu Li.

If it were someone else, the chances of victory would be even slimmer.

Hearing the word fairness, Lu Li immediately sneered.

"Fairness? Is this world fair? Everything is unfair.

Unless the other party is a strong person who is equal to me, he is qualified to talk to me about fairness.

If not, then stay honestly.

"Fairness is only relative, not absolute.

Is there a need for fairness between the strong and the weak?


The strong will always crush the weak, this is a law that has existed since ancient times.

"Sago, hurry up and train the promising Kuzuya Kota.

Perhaps, he can bring you unexpected results.

It is even possible to defeat me and obtain the golden fruit."

The latter half of the sentence, Lu Li's tone was half-joking.

Because... this situation is impossible.

Hearing this, Saago also knew that he could not persuade Lu Li.

There was nothing wrong with what Lu Li did.

Being able to revive the princess and get the golden fruit from Bai Ya was his skill and ability, and Saago could not refute or interfere.

Sago shrugged helplessly and smiled bitterly.

"You really gave me a difficult problem! Even if Kuzuya Kota can continue to grow, I am afraid he can hardly be one tenth of you.

The final victory of this battle, I feel it is almost certain.

However, I would like to see if that boy has any special possibilities."

Sago is still optimistic about Kuzuya Kota.

It was because of the previous conversation that made him realize that Kuzuya Kota was different from others.

There is reason to believe that even if he obtains the power of the Golden Fruit, Kuzuya Kota will definitely protect the humans on Earth.

Rather than letting the Helheim Forest erode the Earth.

In Sagara's opinion, Lu Li pursues the power of the Golden Fruit probably because the Golden Fruit can make the target become a god.

He pursues power for power's sake, which is different from Kuzuya Kota.

It is similar to other overlord aliens.

It is hard to say what the final result of letting Lu Li obtain the Golden Fruit will be on Earth.

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