Lu Li always gave Xiang Le an uncanny feeling.

",~Hurry up, once the golden fruit matures, it will really be mine. can still help him grow a little more.

I'm looking forward to him coming to snatch my golden fruit. "

Lu Li was not worried at all about Ge Ye Hongtai continuing to grow stronger.

The strongest Lock Seed that Sagara can give is nothing more than the Shouting Seed.

But with Shenghou's power, the possibility of using it against Lu Li was completely zero.

Then, Lu Li disappeared in front of Xiang Le in the blink of an eye, leaving Xiang Le alone.

Looking at the place where Lu Li disappeared just now, Xiang Le sighed deeply.


Of course he understands that the help he can give is quite limited.

Even though he is the incarnation of the Helheim Forest, this does not mean that his power is endless and can allow Kuzu Ye Hongtai to grow to the level of Lu Li.

This is simply not realistic!

"Forget it, I've done everything I need to do, and it depends on how things develop.

Ge Ye Hongtai, can you respond to my expectations? "

Looking at Kuzuye Hongtai's house, Xiangle turned around and walked forward.

With Lu Li's arrival, everything changed. (Yes)

Although Xiangle was still more optimistic about Kuzuye Hongtai, he knew it very well in his heart.

Lu Li's strength completely overwhelmed Ge Ye Hongtai.

In this case, the possibility of Kuzuye Hongtai winning is extremely slim, and it is difficult for the golden fruit to reach him.

Even Ge Ye Hongtai couldn't even see the golden fruit, so it was possible that it would be accepted by Lu Li.

The retreating figure gradually disappeared under the night.

Lu Li has returned to Sonosaki's house.

Because Misaki Nadeshiko received a lot of useful knowledge from the giver, even knowledge from other civilizations.

Some knowledge is already far ahead of the current earth technology.

For this reason, Misaki Nadeshiko was directly recruited by Sonosaki Saeko.

The purpose of expropriating the past is, of course, to use this knowledge far beyond the earth to open new projects and businesses.

Today's museums involve many walks of life.

By utilizing this knowledge that far exceeds that of the earth, it can be considered that museums will develop better.

Although Lu Li did possess very powerful power, Sonosaki Saeko never let down her guard at all.

She hopes to build the museum even better and even expand its business to the entire planet.

Even into the universe

Chapter 579 The tiger sister is so angry! Unlock the light gold! resurrection

Back home, all the girls had already had dinner.

Those who should rest have already rested.

Even though they now have powers beyond ordinary people, they still follow the same routine as before.

However, there was not a single person in the hall.

Cheng Guang was sitting on a chair with his hands folded across his chest, seemingly waiting for Lu Li to come back.

Seeing Lu Li appear, Cheng Guang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Then Cheng Guang walked over directly.

"Come on, come back to the room with me!"

She grabbed Lu Li's hand and walked towards the room.

This confused Lu Li.

Good guy!

What is this for?

Calculating the time, Lu Li spent a lot less time alone with Cheng Guang after he came back.

Cheng Guang was also more generous and didn't care about this matter.

However, she also wanted to have some time alone with Lu Li.

So he waited in the hall for Lu Li to come back:

Lu Li, who was brought to the room, couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

As expected of Sister Tiger, she is also very aggressive when doing things.

Since Cheng Guang was so enthusiastic, Lu Li certainly couldn't refuse.

He is a man who is equally affected by rain and dew, and never favors anyone alone.

Helheim Forest.

After what happened before, Jade felt a certain amount of fear towards Lu Li.

But he still needed to join forces with Lu Li.

Given the current situation, it would be best to join forces with Lu Li.

He is also the one who has the best chance to deal with Bai Ya.

Now that the golden fruit is getting closer and closer to maturity, he must hurry up.

Once 420 waits until the golden fruit matures, Bai Ya will definitely get it.

When the time comes to snatch it, the difficulty will undoubtedly increase a lot.

To this end, he made a decision.

Some of the former overlords from other lands, in order to obtain powerful power.

Trying to create artificial golden fruit

In the end, although they created the artificial golden fruit, a fight broke out because of the artificial golden fruit.

Because of this, the population of the Fimshim clan has declined sharply.

That's when it dropped sharply to what it is now.

At that time, if the Overlord Foreigner, who could control the power of dreams, had not sacrificed himself, the culprit of all Femsim's struggle, Light Gold, could not be sealed.

I'm afraid...the number of overlord aliens will be even smaller now.

In order to reduce obstacles, Jade's idea is to release the sealed light gold.

This will draw the attention of other Overlord Foreigners, making it easier to take action when the time comes.

And once that Guangjin guy appears, there will definitely be a fight.

But this has nothing to do with Jade, he has only one purpose.

After having the idea, of course Jade would not continue to wait, but went to the place where Guangjin was sealed.

The place where the light gold was sealed can be considered a forbidden place.

All the overlord aliens will not go to that place.

They have all been bewitched by Guangjin before, and they are worried that they will be affected again if they approach it again.

Bai Ya has also issued a clear order that they must not approach that place again.

With the king's order, the overlord aliens dare not approach it at will.

Feicui dare not tell anyone about this matter.

He only dares to do it alone.

Otherwise, once Bai Ya knows, he will be in big trouble.

Before getting Lu Li's accurate answer, Feicui dare not act recklessly.

What he has to do is to release Guangjin first.

Time flies to the next day.

Just after enjoying breakfast, Lu Li suddenly felt Inna's call.

Inna told Lu Li that the princess who was resurrected by Amazon: Cell proliferation has now woken up.

When Lu Li learned the news, he rushed to the laboratory as soon as possible.

Only when the princess is resurrected can Lu Li get the golden fruit smoothly.

Otherwise, there will be a fight between him and Bai Ya at that time, which is not what he wants to see.

When he arrived at the laboratory, Lu Li saw the princess chatting with Inna.

Perhaps because she had been dead for too long, the princess's resurrection time was extended a little.

However, this did not affect the final result.

Noticing Lu Li's arrival, Inna reported the princess's situation to him.

"Wang Fei was just asking me what happened and why she was resurrected."

Nodding slightly, Lu Li naturally understood that a person who had been dead for a long time was suddenly resurrected now.

How could he not be curious about why he was resurrected? It is normal to have doubts.

At this time, a gentle voice suddenly came.

"Are you Lu Li who helped me resurrect?"

Hearing this, Lu Li looked at the princess behind Inna

I saw that the princess' eyes were full of doubts, but full of gratitude.

"Princess, it is true that I resurrected you, but in a very special way.

This is a deal between Luo Xiu'ao and me."

When she heard the three words Luo Xiu'ao, the princess was stunned for a moment.

She was still wondering why she didn't see Bai Ya just now.

However, Inna didn't know the specific situation, so naturally there was no way to answer her question.

Her eyes became very complicated. The princess certainly remembered Bai Ya and everything that happened before.

"Is he... okay now?"

She couldn't help but recall the time when they were together.

The princess felt inexplicably heartbroken.

After she left, she left Bai Ya alone in the world.

Perhaps it was a very painful thing.

He got the power of the golden fruit and could live forever.

But after losing her company, what kind of torment did he suffer in his heart?

"He is fine for the time being, but he is very lonely, so he tried every means to resurrect you.

The deal between him and me is very simple. I can resurrect you, but he needs to give me the golden fruit that belongs to humans."

Lu Li did not hide the deal between him and Bai Ya.

After waking up and chatting with Inna, the princess already knew that this world belongs to humans.

And the human world is also currently being eroded by the Helheim Forest.

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