She naturally understood that after the Helheim Forest invaded the earth, a new golden fruit would be born.

Bai Ya had good intentions to trade the golden fruit to revive himself.

With a gentle smile on her face, the princess appeared in Bai Ya's appearance and murmured.

"He is really stupid. He has been waiting for me for so many years. Why does he keep waiting?

Although she said so, the princess's happiness was beyond words.

Before she died, she was always very worried that Bai Ya would live alone in this world.

Unfortunately, she really couldn't stay with Bai Ya at that time.

After coming to her senses, the princess did not immediately clamor to return to Bai Ya, but looked at Lu Li very calmly.

"Then.. When can I go back?

She had understood it just now.

Lu Li exchanged the golden fruit belonging to humans in Bai Ya's hand at the cost of reviving himself.

Since this is a transaction, naturally both parties need to exchange the agreed things together.

"It won't be long before the golden fruit belonging to humans matures. During this period, Princess, you can stay in the human world with peace of mind.

Get familiar with life here first, maybe you will like it here.

Even if Lu Li believes that Bai Ya will not go back on his word, a deal is a deal, and this will not change.

The princess, knowing that she couldn't return to Bai Ya immediately, did not make a fuss, but just smiled and nodded.

"I understand, then live in your human world for a while.

She was also very curious about the human race similar to Fimsim, and she wanted to learn more about it.

Nodding slightly, Lu Li turned his attention back to Inna beside him and gave instructions.

"Inna, you take care of the princess during this period and be responsible for her safety.

This is Fengdu. Even without Inna, the princess will not encounter any trouble.

It's just that the princess has just come to the human world not long ago and is not familiar with this living environment. She needs personal guidance.

Inna, who just thought she could successfully escape, did not expect to be assigned another task.

This task happened to be arranged by Lu Li himself, and Inna had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, then I will accompany the princess first. "

Inna herself didn't dislike contact with the princess. From the princess, she could learn everything about Fimsim.

She was also very curious about what that race that was very similar to humans was like.

The princess had been resurrected, and things here could come to an end for the time being.

Now Lu Li only needed to wait for the golden fruit to fully mature, and everything would be under control.

World Tree Headquarters.

Mitsuma Wudao just talked a lot with Kota Geye.

He thought the secret of the World Tree could be hidden forever, but he didn't expect that his brother would tell Kota Geye all the secrets about the forest.

As soon as he returned to the World Tree, Mitsuma Wudao couldn't wait to run to Takatora Wudao's office.

When he arrived at the office, besides Takatora Wudao, there was also this guy named Sid.

"Brother! Why did you tell the secret to Kota Geye? "

He really couldn't understand why Wudao Guihu did this.

PS: Thank you

Yiyi for the monthly ticket for Bingshui Fumian!

If you have money, please give it to me. The author Xiaopujie thanks you!

Chapter 580 Why?! Jealousy for Silly Orange! Confident Mountain God is begging for a fight online

Looking at his brother with a serious face, Wudao Guihu put down the documents in his hand.

"I haven't seen someone who can express anger so frankly when facing something he thinks is evil for a long time. "

There seemed to be a hint of appreciation in his tone.

When he felt his brother's tone, a flash of shock flashed across Wudao Guangshi's eyes.

Even Cid, who was standing by, was quite surprised.

For some reason, Wudao Guangshi suddenly became jealous of Kuzuya Kota.

He felt that his brother seemed to have recognized Kuzuya Kota.

You know, there are very few people who can be recognized by their brother.

Zhan Ji Lingma was recognized because he had a very special talent.

He could help the Ark Project continue and save the fire of mankind.

However, how could a guy like Kuzuya Kota, who knew nothing, be recognized?!

He couldn't understand it!

This made Wudao Guangshi, who had always longed for his brother's recognition, feel jealous.

"Brother, what do you mean..?"

Hearing this, Wudao Guihu raised his head slightly and said casually.

"Just kidding. "

Although Wudao Guihu denied this matter himself, Wudao Guangshi didn't think his brother was not joking.

He thought he knew his brother very well, and the appreciation between the words could not be concealed at all.

Unconsciously clenching his fists, Wudao Guangshi felt very uncomfortable.

But he now has a scheming mind and did not show it, and continued to ask.

"Brother, you only talked about the Helheim Forest, and you should not have mentioned the full picture of the Sgra system and the Ark plan. "

Whether it is the Sgra system or the Ark plan, they are plans made with the purpose of sacrificing some people.

Once known by Kuzuya Kota, I am afraid that stubborn guy will try every means to stop it.

Because of his understanding of Kuzuya Kota, Wudao Guangshi did not want to reveal too many secrets of the world tree to Kuzuya Kota.

That guy... is just a nuisance!

"How is that possible? I won't tell outsiders so much."

Although Wudao Guihu explained the invasion of Helheim Forest, he didn't tell Kuzuya Kota too much.

After all, the Sgra system and the Ark Project are top secret.

Hearing his brother say this, Wudao Mitsumi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good. Anyway... please don't tell him anything extra.

After all, no one knows what kind of trouble that guy will make."

Then, Wudao Mitsumi left the office.

A hint of jealousy flashed in his eyes. Wudao Mitsumi was jealous of Kuzuya Kota who was recognized by his brother.

Kuzuya Kota is usually a careless and stubborn guy. How can such a person get recognized by his brother? !

After Wudao Mitsumi left, Cid put down the tablet in his hand.

As a subordinate of Wudao Guihu, Cid knew his immediate boss quite well.

"Are you expecting anything from that guy Kuzuya Kota?"


"The joke just now is totally unlike your style."

Sid absolutely didn't believe that Kuzuya Takatora was joking just now. How could this guy make such a joke?

Standing up and going to the window, Kuzuya Takatora looked down at the city below with a calm face.

"Indeed, for such a person, I want to defeat him and make him despair.

Then... let him give up everything, so that I can completely give up on myself."

His words made Sid turn around immediately and frown slightly.

"Hey, hey, hey! You're not still hesitating, are you?"

According to what he knew about Kuzuya Takatora, he was never such an indecisive person.

The existence of Kuzuya Takatora may affect the search for the forbidden fruit in the future.

Sid must not sit idly by on this point.

"But I'm not satisfied with this. After all, I'm the leader."

Kuzuya Takatora hopes to save more people. Kuzuya Kota's persistence gave him a little expectation.

"If Kuzuya Kota doesn't give up and doesn't escape, he will become your enemy.

After saying that, Cid glanced at Kushima Takatora and then left the office.

It seems... Kuzuya Kota must be killed first.

Having made this decision silently, Cid would never allow anyone to interfere with him getting the forbidden fruit.

That is the supreme power that can become a god, and no one does not covet it.

Among the key people in the Helheim Forest project, only Kushima Takatora was completely unaware of this matter.

Now that the Genesis Drive has been completed, Cid feels that he has the possibility of touching the forbidden fruit.

He does not allow anyone to cause trouble for him at this time.

After leaving the office, Cid took the initiative to step forward. Went to the laboratory of Zhan Ji Ling Ma.

He felt that it was necessary to kill Kuzuya Kota now.

Let that guy continue, he will become a stumbling block sooner or later.

What's more, when Kuzuya Kota and Qi Wen Jiedou invaded the World Tree last time, he was escaped by the other party, which was a shame in itself.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is just right to take revenge!

However, to kill Kuzuya Kota, Zhan Ji Ling Ma must agree.

At this time, Zhan Ji Ling Ma was trying to find a way to install the core drive mechanism that turns on heavy acceleration on his Genesis drive.

The Genesis drive itself is a complete state. If you want to add an extra thing, you naturally need to make some modifications.

"Professor, I have something to find you.

The sudden voice interrupted Zhan Ji Ling Ma's thinking

Listen to the movement in his hand, turn your head and look at Sid who came in from outside.

"What's the matter?"

"I should be able to kill that guy Kuzuya Kota, right?"

Hearing this, Zhan Ji Ling Ma looked at Xi De in surprise.

"I'm really surprised that you're so proactive. It's really rare."

Xi De is usually the kind of person who takes it easy.

If he's not called, he won't take too many actions:

This time, he actually wanted to take the initiative, which really surprised him.

Si De sat on the suitcase he pulled and crossed his legs.

"That guy is really disgusting the more I look at him."

After a brief thought, Zhan Ji Ling Ma shrugged indifferently.

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