"I'm just interested in the data, if I can bring out all the potential capabilities of the Genesis core.

Now I have other things to do. Since you want to do it, then do it, whatever you want."

At present, the only thing that Zhan Ji Ling Ma wants to do is to install the core drive mechanism into the Genesis drive.

Since the professor has said that he can move Kuzuya Kota, Cid naturally has nothing to hesitate about.

.........Please give me flowers..

If you want to lure out Kuzuya Kota and kill him, it's not difficult.

Didn't Kuzuya Kota say that he wanted to protect this city and the people in the city?

Then start from this aspect, and it will be easy to lure out Kuzuya Kota.

Having obtained Zhan Ji Ling Ma's approval, Cid immediately began to work on the plan.

Directly sell the lock seeds to some criminals.

These criminals will definitely use the aliens to rob or something, and then they will inevitably lure out Kuzuya Kota.

All he has to do is wait and see.

Just wait quietly for the fish to take the bait.

The plan went very smoothly.

Kuzuya Kota was soon lured out and was stopped by Cid while chasing the criminal.

While the two sides were arguing, Cid actually told Kuzuya Kota about the Sgla system.

The reason why he dared to say it was because he was confident enough in his own strength and believed that Kuzuya Kota would definitely be killed by him today.


A dying person knows nothing.

When Kuzuya Kota learned that the Sgla system could destroy the entire Pan Ya City in an instant, he was shocked on the spot.

He never thought that the World Tree would be so crazy.

In order to protect the secret, it can even destroy the entire city.


When Kuzuya Kota learned that the World Tree was trying to stop the forest invasion, he thought that the other party was just a little radical.

He never thought that the World Tree would be so crazy.

In order to protect the secret, it can even destroy the entire city, including the people in the city.

He couldn't understand such behavior, nor did he want to understand it.

There is no need to talk too much.

Since Sid was going to kill Kuzuya Kota, he would have to be more explicit.

Then, the two sides immediately transformed and a fierce battle broke out.

In addition to not being used to Kuzuya Kota, Sid was more concerned about Wudao Guihu's attitude.

Before, he didn't see any hesitation in Wudao Guihu.

Even if there was, it was only a little bit and would not affect the final result.

But the appearance of Kuzuya Kota made Wudao Guihu hesitate.

Wudao Guihu was not someone who gave up easily.

Now he saw unnecessary hope again, which was too annoying in Sid's eyes!

Siged's combat power completely crushed Gaim in the initial state, and he was almost beaten without any ability to fight back.

Gaim, whose combat power was crushed, could only switch to the Zhenyu Lemon form, which brought the strength of both sides to the same level.

In the evenly matched battle, Sigurd was suppressed for a time when facing Gaim who was bursting with anger.

Sigurd was very anxious and used his ultimate move directly, but unfortunately Gaim cleverly dodged it.

And at the moment of dodging, he released a rogue kick and hit Sigurd with one blow.

Sigurd, who was beaten and had his transformation canceled on the spot, was even robbed of his cherry energy lock by Gaim.

Sigurd, who was holding his chest where he was kicked just now, had an unbelievable expression on his face.

He couldn't understand why Gaim had the ability to defeat him.

PS: Thank you

Yi Zhongyan's monthly ticket!

Thank you

Chapter 581 Help, Jade: The Good Show Begins!

The abacus is clanging!

It was obviously me who crushed Gaim before, but now I am crushed by the other party.

How is it possible? !

If it weren't for the fact that Wu Dao Guang Shi happened to be next to him and summoned a primary alien to interfere with Gaim.

Sid didn't even have a chance to escape.

He thought he could easily defeat Kuzuya Kota, but he never expected that he would be defeated instead.

And he was defeated so badly!

Before being defeated, he also revealed something about the Sgra system and even lost the cherry energy lock seed.

This is so embarrassing!

If he had known that Kuzuya Kota was so difficult to deal with, he should have brought his trump card directly.

It's meaningless to say these now, he can only escape in embarrassment.

At this time, the Helheim Forest.

Since knowing the existence of the Overlord Alien, Qiwen Jiedou began to explore the Helheim Forest alone.

He not only wanted to find the Overlord Alien, but also the forbidden fruit.

Just to gain more powerful power.

For this reason, he has been exploring this forest.

After his analysis, he guessed that the Overlord Alien "Five Nine Zero" in this forest might be able to learn human language.

So he bought a lot of dictionaries and left dictionaries everywhere he passed.

Just as Qu Wen Jie Dou continued to go deeper, he suddenly encountered two familiar figures.

When he saw the two figures, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Lu Li?!"

He never thought that he would meet Lu Li when he was exploring the depths of this forest.

This was indeed a bit beyond his expectations.

Lu Li also noticed Qu Wen Jie Dou.

As for Qu Wen Jie Dou's appearance here, and carrying a lot of dictionaries, Lu Li naturally understood what this guy was doing.

"It seems that you should have known the existence of Over.Lord from Zhan Ji Lingma, and want to try your luck in the depths of the forest, right?"

"You know it too?!"

He was shocked.

But Qu Wen Jie Dou thought about it and felt that there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

Before, Lu Li could enter and exit the World Tree at will, proving that he must have a deep connection with the World Tree.

In this case, it seems reasonable for the other party to know this information.

"Yes, since there is a guy with higher wisdom, I will face the challenge directly.

Get power beyond the limit of human beings, a higher level of power!"

Slightly clenching his fists, Qu Wen Jie Dou's eyes were full of strong fighting spirit.

He never feared whether his enemies were strong or not.

As long as he still had the strength to fight, he would continue to challenge.

Mouto Yoko next to him didn't say anything, just quietly watched Qi Wen Jie Dou.

She felt that Qi Wen Jie Dou and Lu Li were a little similar, both of them were chasing stronger power.

However, there was a fundamental difference between the two.

The difference was that Lu Li was already a strong man, while Qi Wen Jie Dou wanted to become a strong man.

In this regard, there was a huge gap between the two.

Mouto Yoko admired Qi Wen Jie Dou very much.

If she hadn't chosen to follow Lu Li, maybe she would have chosen to follow Qi Wen Jie Dou in the end.

She longed to witness the birth of a strong man.

Or. to witness how a strong man went on.

But now because of Lu Li's appearance, she had already determined her target in advance.

"Really? Then I wish you good luck, I hope you can find something."

Lu Li smiled indifferently, turned around and left directly.

Just because he noticed someone was secretly watching, he decided to leave here for the time being.

Seeing Lu Li leave, Mouto Yoko hurriedly followed.

Noticing the two people leaving, Qiwen Jiedou hesitated for a moment, but finally chose not to follow.

He didn't know what Lu Li's purpose was in coming to the depths of the forest.

But he thought he couldn't match the opponent's strength now.

If he rashly followed, he would probably be the only one who suffered.

Continue to move in another direction, putting down a dictionary every time he walked a distance.

And Lu Li's side.

After walking a distance, Lu Li finally stopped.

Behind him, Kou Yaozi looked around in confusion and found nothing unusual.

"Come out, there is no one else here."

Lu Li's voice sounded.

Just when Kou Yaozi was wondering who Lu Li was talking to, a green figure suddenly jumped out from the side.

Kou Yaozi, who was suddenly alert in his heart, immediately took a fighting stance and was ready to fight at any time.

The person who came was naturally Jade"

Not long ago, he had completed the removal of the seal of Guangjin.

However, Guangjin has just awakened, and his strength is naturally incomparable to before.

When he returned to the surroundings, he noticed Qiwen Jiedou.

Seeing the actions of Qu Wen Jie Dou, he couldn't help but feel a little curious about this human.

Unexpectedly, he saw Lu Li.

He had always wanted to find Lu Li, but he didn't have any chance.

He couldn't suddenly run to the human world to find Lu Li, it was not realistic for the time being.

"Lu Li, my partner, I was just looking for you, and I didn't expect you to show up.

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