Jade acted like a good old guy.

In fact, this guy is playing tricks on Xiao Jiujiu again, and his abacus is ringing.

Before Lu Li could speak, Jade said impatiently.

"Lu Li, my plan has started now.

I'm going to attack Luo Xiu'ao soon, and I hope to get your help. "

He released the light gold, which meant there was no turning back.

Now the arrow is on the string and must be fired.

If you can't seize this opportunity to take action, you may not know when the next time will be.

Moreover, the time for the golden fruit to mature is getting closer and closer.

He will never allow anyone to get involved in this golden fruit that belongs to him.


Lu Li didn't show any surprise, he just nodded.

"how do you want to do it?"

"I want to use your power to deal with Luo Xiu'ao with me.

As long as you are here, I believe our plan will be absolutely foolproof! "

Having seen Lu Li's power, Jade believed that the two of them could definitely defeat Bai Ya with both hands.

However, what he didn't know was that Lu Li and Bai Ya had already reached an agreement.

And he, Jade, is just a clown at best.

However, Jade himself obviously doesn't know this.

Lu Li smiled calmly and asked.

"What benefits can I gain by cooperating with you to deal with Luo Xiu'ao?

Luo Xiu'ao's strength should be the strongest among all you Overlord Foreigners.

If you want me to deal with him with you, at least let me see your sincerity. "

Decisively agreeing to Jade will actually make this suspicious guy suspicious.

Appropriate questioning can lower Jade's vigilance.

When Lu Li asked her to show sincerity, Jade was very satisfied.

What he wanted was Lu Li's conditions.

If he promised himself directly, he would be even more suspicious of Lu Li in his heart.

"Sincerity? Of course, no problem.

But Mr. Lu, I can't give you sincerity at the moment.

After I deal with Luo Xiu'o, I will let you see my sincerity. "

This guy Jade actually wants to be a white wolf with nothing. He's bad. He's bad.

As the overlord of the Helheim Forest, although he has great strength and controls the forest, he really can't show any sincerity.

Apart from his strength, he has absolutely nothing of value.

Now I just verbally agree to Lu Li.

No one can say whether this guy will fulfill his promise in the end.

It was impossible for Lu Li to truly cooperate with Jade, a guy who liked to play tricks and intrigues.

Without even thinking, Lu Li had already guessed what Jade was thinking.

This guy is thinking of ways to kill Bai Ya now, and then after killing Bai Ya, he will not hesitate to blame himself.

When the time comes, gather all the Overlord Foreigners and pass the blame to Lu Li, letting him bear the wrath of all the Overlord Foreigners.

The abacus jingled, and the dogs shook their heads.

However, Jade is plotting against Lu Li, and Lu Li is plotting against Jade.

Bai Yayi has not taken action against Jade since 2.4. The biggest reason is that there are too few people in the Feimsim clan.

He didn't want to kill again and make the number of people in his tribe become smaller and smaller.

Since Jade came to the door this time, Lu Li could just take advantage of this opportunity to kill Jade.

Even Bai Ya would never say anything to kill Jade in this situation.

He can allow Jade to survive in this forest, but that doesn't mean he doesn't mind Jade betraying him.

"Then we made an agreement. After it's over, let me see your sincerity."

A subtle smile flashed in Lu Li's eyes, as if he was mocking Jade.

Jade didn't even know that she had fallen into a trap.

After getting the answer she wanted, Jade suddenly felt happy.

"Okay! Then let's start taking action now. The sooner the better, sooner or later things will change!"

Due to the awakening of Guangjin, some abnormalities were also caused in the forest.

Many Overlord Foreigners did not stay with Bai Ya for the time being, but went to Guangjin's location.

PS: Thank you

Steel Bear’s monthly pass!

Chapter 582 is ready, the rebellion begins!

No one left behind who was deceived!

The main reason is that some abnormal situations occurred after Guangjin released the seal, which naturally attracted the attention of these overlord foreigners.

I thought that Jade guy still needed to prepare, but he didn't expect that he wanted to take action immediately.

Since he was so eager to die, Lu Li really couldn't help him.

Later, Lu Li and Minato Yaozi followed Jade and went to where Bai Ya was.

Jade is determined this time and must deal with Bai Ya.

Otherwise, once the golden fruit matures, it will not be so easy for him to get it.

Take advantage of this rare opportunity to join forces with Lu Li to kill Bai Ya.

When the time comes, you will be the one with the best chance of getting the golden fruit.

He is the new master!

As for whether Lu Li would cooperate with him, he had been thinking about this issue for a long time.

The conclusion is that yes!

From Jade's point of view, Bai Ya is also the biggest threat to Lu Li.

Therefore, cooperation between the two parties is a matter of course.

When the three people came here, Bai Ya was sitting on the throne as usual.

He looked very calm.

Bai Ya was a little excited about Lu Li's arrival.

Just because Lu Li's arrival may mean that he has successfully resurrected his princess.

But he can't show it at this time

Jade is here, Bai Ya doesn't want to reveal too much.

Especially things related to the princess, Bai Ya didn't want to tell Jade.

He knows very well what kind of guy Jade is.

He is ambitious and has always coveted the golden fruit in his heart.

If it weren't for him, the king, who was suppressing him, Jade would have turned upside down long ago.

Acting as usual, Jade walked respectfully in front of Bai Ya.

"King, there seems to be something strange in the forest. The artificial gold fruit that was once sealed is golden.

The seal has now been lifted.

Lu Li could naturally tell that Jade was ready to take action.

"Is the artificial gold fruit shiny? Is that guy actually awake?"

Seeing that Bai Ya was deep in thought at this time, his words were quite surprising.

A fierce light suddenly burst out from Jade's eyes.


Without hesitation, he thrust out his feathers.

He hoped to hurt Bai Ya first and weaken the opponent's combat effectiveness.

However, what Jade didn't know was that Bai Ya and Lu Li had just communicated through telekinesis.

In order to prevent Bai Ya, his future long-term worker, from being killed, Lu Li really had to remind him.

Although there is a golden fruit, it does not mean that it can be completely immune to jade's attacks.

He thought he had hidden the jade very well, but when he saw that the tip of Tuoyu was close to Bai Ya's chest, his eyes suddenly showed a look of ecstasy.


Just when he thought so, a terrifying force directly blocked the carrying feather in his hand.


The tip of the feather was only one foot away from Bai Ya, but he couldn't move forward no matter what.

I thought that my sneak attack would be successful, Jade had already thought about how to fight next.

But he never expected that Bai Ya would be so wary.

When thinking about the problem, he was always prepared for his own sudden attack.

"Radeiai, are you going to rebel?"

Looking at Jade with a calm face, Bai Ya could not hear any emotion in his voice.

In fact, he had already thought that Jade would reach this day sooner or later.

Jade's huge ambition made it impossible for him to stay under Bai Ya willingly.

What's more, he also wants to get the golden fruit.

Then Bai Ya must be dealt with first, it has already been decided.

Jade was blocked and suddenly pulled back.

"Haha! Bai Ya, I didn't expect you to be so vigilant. I underestimated you.

Originally, I thought that the sneak attack just now would be successful, but it seems that I was careless.

But it doesn’t matter, Bai Ya, you will die today!

Jade quickly withdrew and returned to Lu Li.

Although the sneak attack failed, he still felt that his plan could succeed.

"Mr. Lu, let's take action. Only the two of us can deal with Bai Ya.

Don't worry, I won't forget what I promised you.


When saying this, Jade also added silently in her heart.

【My sincerity... is to send you to see Bai Ya! 】

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