Emerald thought he had calculated well, but he didn't know that he was cheated and had nothing left.

He took out the Genesis Driver and transformed without saying much.



"Lock.On! Soda! Dragon.Energy.Arms!"

Kamen Rider Tyrant!

Seeing Lu Li transform, Emerald felt stable immediately.

There was no way he could lose this battle.

But just as he thought so, Emerald suddenly felt a sharp pain in his side.

"Pila! !"

Sparks flew!

"Ugh! !"

Emerald, who was suddenly attacked, fell to the ground in a very embarrassed manner.

Emerald, lying on the ground, was dazed at the moment and looked at Lu Li in disbelief.

"Lu Li? ! What are you doing? ! "

He never expected that Lu Li would suddenly attack him.

It was obvious that Lu Li was asked to fight Bai Ya together with him, but he was not asked to fight him!

What's going on?!

Jade, who thought she had already estimated everything, did not expect this situation at all.

Retracting the sonic arrow, Lu Li looked down at Jade.

"Redia, you don't think I don't know your plan, do you?

Let me fight Luo Xiu'ao with you, and after getting rid of him, you can join forces with other overlords and foreigners to fight me.

Then there will be no one to fight for the golden fruit for you, right?

It's a good plan, but you have no secrets in front of me.

From the beginning to the end, I never thought of cooperating with you. "

This sentence directly revealed the little thoughts in Feicui's heart.

How could it be?!

Feicui's eyes were full of disbelief.

She should not have been exposed, why did Lu Li know her subsequent plans?

Could it be that...he had already seen through her?


You know, even as a king, Bai Ya couldn't see through her thoughts so easily.

How could a mere human see through her thoughts?!

At this time, Bai Ya, who was sitting on the throne, suddenly stood up.

"Redia, I have given you many chances, but...

You really disappointed me.

The golden fruit...is not something you can get your hands on!

The voice was very cold, and Bai Ya was obviously angry.

Before, he could ignore what Feicui did, but the premise was that Feicui didn't show her fangs to him.

And now, Feicui has taken the initiative to show her fangs and wants to attack him.

He will not be polite either.

Being able to become the king of a clan, Bai Ya is kind-hearted, but he is definitely not a soft-hearted person.

Since Feicui betrayed him, she should pay the price.

However, Bai Ya did not choose to do it himself, but turned his attention back to Lu Li.

"Lu Li, just think of it as I owe you a favor. Please solve it for me. I don't want to do it myself."

In previous battles, he has been stained with the blood of many clansmen.

Now that the princess is about to be resurrected, he doesn't want his hands to be stained with the blood of clansmen again.

Bai Ya took the initiative to choose to owe him a favor, and there was no reason for Lu Li not to accept it.

He originally wanted Bai Ya to be a long-term worker under him, and this favor would be just right for him to use at that time.

"Of course, Feicui, it's time to go on the road."

Feicui had also reacted at this time.

I thought everything was under his control, his plan was perfect, and there would be no mistakes.

But unexpectedly, things were completely different from what he thought.

Lu Li had already seen through his thoughts and didn't give him any chance at all.

"Asshole! So... you guys have already united!

If he still can't figure it out at this time, he's really stupid.

But he didn't figure out how Lu Li found out that he wanted to deal with Bai Ya in advance.

It's meaningless to think about these things now. The most important thing for him now is to survive.

Since Bai Ya didn't choose to do it to him, he still has a chance.

Although Lu Li has a strong power, his Jade is not a fool.

"Squeaky, squeaky! !"

A burst of sharp and piercing sounds suddenly came out.

The sound was so sharp that it seemed to pierce the eardrums of people.

As a human, Minato Yoko covered his ears with a painful look when he heard the sound.

As for Lu Li and Bai Ya, the two were not affected by this power at all.

"Death struggle."

Lu Li flashed in an instant, and the next second he appeared directly in front of Jade and grabbed his neck.

"What? ! "

Emerald, who was just making a sharp cry, was suddenly startled.

He had never expected that Lu Li would not be affected by the sonic attack.

If he hadn't seen the painful look on Minato Yoko's face, he would have even thought that the sonic attack he released was fake.

Because of the sudden strangulation of the neck, the sharp and piercing sound emitted by Emerald stopped abruptly.

PS: Thank you

Blank (..................1) for the monthly ticket!

Chapter 583: Will cooperating with me have a good ending? Tragic Emerald

The sonic arrow turned into a series of afterimages in Lu Li's hand.

Frantically attacking the Jadeite in front of him.

"Pila! Pila!...

A series of horrifying cutting sounds were heard, the Mars Flying Sword.

Even Jadeite with exoskeleton armor couldn't stand it at this time.

The body kept retreating, and the Tuoyu in his hand had fallen to the side without knowing when.

A fierce bottom-up slash suddenly cut through Jadeite's chest.

The terrifying force immediately knocked Jadeite out.

"Ah! ! "

After only a cry of pain, Jadeite fell to the ground in a very embarrassing manner.

On the exoskeleton armor on Jadeite's chest, there were obvious cut marks one after another.

There was also a wisp of white smoke coming out of it.

Since the sharp and piercing sound stopped abruptly, Kou Yoko slowly put down her hand.

She looked at Jadeite with lingering fear.

The strange sharp and piercing sound just now almost gave her a splitting headache.

Sure enough, there is no simple guy who can become a dominant alien.

If it were Haicheng himself, Kou Yoko felt that he might be killed by Jadeite alone.

Just this sharp and piercing sound alone is difficult to deal with.

The severe pain from the chest made Jadeite very sober at this moment.

It has been a long time since he felt such intense pain.

As a dominant alien, he was beaten so badly by a human.

In this situation, it is probably difficult for him to win.

Unlike Zhenhong who only knows how to fight.

When facing the unfavorable situation, the first thought in Feicui's mind is to escape.

At worst, he will go to the human world, and the Golden Fruit will think of other ways to plan.

Anyway, he must not die here.

If he dies here, everything will be over.

There is no need to think about the Golden Fruit!

Thinking of this, Feicui didn't care that he didn't take his weapon.

His body instantly turned into a green flowing gas state.

Like a ball of green smoke, it quickly fled to the distance.

If you can't beat it, just escape. Feicui has no nostalgia at all.

But... can he escape?

Looking at Feicui who was fleeing quickly, Lu Li decisively took off the dragon fruit energy lock on the Genesis driver and loaded it on the sonic arrow.

"Dragon.Fruits..Energy! ”

Pull out the sonic arrow, the tip flashing with a deadly red light.

Indistinctly, you can see a sub-black dragon-shaped energy roaring to the sky.


"Swish! !"

When Lu Li let go, a red-black dragon-shaped arrow roared and caught up with Jade.


The Jade, who was escaping at high speed, felt a surging force coming from behind.

He was terrified.

Although the Jade, which turned into a flowing gas state, had an extremely fast flying speed, it was still a little slower than the red-black dragon-shaped energy arrow.

The roaring red-black dragon-shaped energy instantly hit the fleeing Jade.

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