In an instant, terrifying dark red energy erupted.



"Ahhhhh one by one!!"

Accompanied by a burst of heart-rending screams.

The jade that was originally in a gaseous state returned to its original appearance and fell from the sky.

The exoskeleton armor on the outside of the body looked damaged at this time.

Jade has completely lost its majestic appearance before

Jade, who fell to the ground in embarrassment, struggled to hold himself up.

There was great panic in my heart.

"How is it possible?! How is it possible that I...lose to a human just like that! Impossible!"

The body is swaying, Jade is now a stranger.

The outcome is already very obvious.

He lost.

Not only did he lose, but he also lost in a very embarrassing way.

But the pride in his heart made him unwilling to admit that he lost.

You know, he has been waiting for this day for how long.

I thought that with Lu Li's cooperation, I would have the golden fruit at my fingertips

Unexpectedly, things turned out completely beyond his imagination.

Lu Li was quite surprised when he saw Jade, who could barely stand up after being forced to kill him with one hit.

This life is quite tough.

He was still alive and well after taking a fatal hit. It seemed... he was too gentle.

At this time, Lu Li suddenly closed the dragon fruit energy lock seed and released the transformation.

He put the Genesis Drive into a different space and took out the Zhan Ji Drive and the Dragon Fruit Sheng Roar Lock Seed.


"Since you are not dead yet, I will send you on your last journey."


"Lock.On! Soiya! Kachidoki.Arms! Deploy immediately! Ei.Ei.Oh!"

Kamen Rider Tyrant's victory roar form!

This was the first time Minato Yoshiko saw Lu Li transform into Sheng Roar form. Lu Li actually had a Lock Seed that he had never seen before.

"This is not a lock seed developed by the professor. What is it...?"

She has been following Zhanji Lingma before, so she naturally knows a lot about the research on locked seeds.

She had never seen such a locked species before, and she was very sure that it was not the locked species studied by Zhanji Lingma.

Of course, her surprise was only for a moment, and she soon calmed down:

The power Lu Li possesses is beyond imagination. Even if he takes out a new lock seed now, there seems to be nothing to be surprised about.

Until now, Minato Yoko found that she didn't seem to really understand how strong Lu Li was.

The power of this man is far beyond imagination!

Choosing to follow in this man's footsteps was the most correct choice she made.

Lu Li, wearing the Sheng Roar armor, approached Jade step by step.

Facing the menacing Lu Li, Jade panicked in her heart.

You have already chosen to retreat, why do you want to kill yourself?

Is this really necessary? !

Jade, who was barely holding on to his body, suddenly waved his big hand, and many vines from the Helheim Forest suddenly extended around him, rushing towards Lu Li.

Now that we have reached this point, Jade has not given up yet, which is very surprising to Lu Li.

Obviously there is no hope anymore, wouldn't it be better to just give up?

Why...ask for trouble?

The Match Rope and Dragon Fruit DJ Gun appeared in Lu Li's hand and directly switched to the form of a big sword.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

Although these vines were very annoying, they couldn't stop Lu Li at all.

Three, five and two were all cut off.

Seeing that all her only means were solved by Lu Li, Jade staggered back two steps.

"Impossible! I am a powerful overlord, how could I be defeated by just one person?!"

At this time, Jade still couldn't accept this result.

He didn't want to accept it.

It’s also unacceptable!

", Radiai, do you know? From the very beginning when you chose to cooperate with me, what your final result will be has already been determined.

I just want to use you to help me find Luo Xiu'ao. I just want to cooperate with you casually. "

Lu Li's voice came slowly, making Jade feel shocked and angry.

He has always been the one to tease others, but he didn't expect that he would still be teased.

It's heartbreaking to kill someone!

After hearing these words, Jade stared at Lu Li fiercely.

"You plotted against me from the beginning! I still... underestimated you too much."

Even though he was still unwilling in his heart, facing such a result, there was no point in not accepting it.

Switch the Fire Rope Dragon Fruit DJ Sword in your hand to gun mode, and at the same time remove the Dragon Fruit Sheng Roar Lock Seed from your waist.

Place the lock seed into the groove of the Match Rope Dragon Fruit DJ Gun.


"it's over."

The muzzle of the Arquebus Pitaya DJ gun accumulates fiery red energy.

A terrifying energy is about to erupt.

At this time, Jade, who was already at the end of his strength, could not escape from this situation.

Match Rope Dragon Fruit Unparalleled Cannon!

Lu Li pulled the trigger without hesitation, and a large flaming bullet formed by concentrated energy was ejected from the muzzle.

"Ahhhhh one by one!!!"

Under Jade's terrified scream, he was instantly engulfed by fire bombs.

(Okay, okay) "Boom boom boom!!"

A series of violent explosions sounded.

The flames of the explosions directly submerged the emerald, and the extremely terrified screams also disappeared in the explosions.

Bai Ya, who had been witnessing all this, had no ripples in his heart.

He had expected the result of this battle from the beginning.

Although Bai Ya and Lu Li had never fought each other, as the real controller of this forest, the King of Fimsim, he could feel it.

Lu Li... is very strong!

At least he is at the same level as himself, and maybe even stronger.

Facing such an extremely powerful existence, the emerald was doomed from the beginning.

Looking at the explosion flames rising into the sky, Minato Yoko was very surprised.

So strong!

The Zhan Ji driver combined with this unprecedented lock can actually exert such a terrifying power.

This power has even completely surpassed the Genesis driver and energy lock developed by Zhan Ji Lingma.

Everything happened to Lu Li, and Minato Yoko felt that this was reasonable.

After closing the Shenghou Lock, Lu Li released the transformation state.

The flames of the explosion gradually faded, and the figure of Feicui had disappeared without a trace.

It was obvious that she was dead and could not die again.

Not even a trace of her remained!

Chapter 584 Qualification, Bai Ya's Challenge! Golden Lightning, Amazing Almighty!

Without Feicui, it can be said that no one in this forest can threaten Bai Ya.

Even if other overlords and aliens have ambitions, no one will challenge Bai Ya's position.

It's just because their rationality can suppress their ambitions.

Looking at the place where Feicui had turned to ashes, Bai Ya felt quite emotional.

Finally, he sighed deeply.


There are already very few people left in the Fimsim tribe.

Although almost all of them have been transformed into aliens, these aliens have completely become another kind of creature.

They have no consciousness of their own, let alone past memories.

Some are just beast-like instincts.

In Bai Ya's opinion, the only remaining members of the Fimsim tribe were the Overlord Aliens.

Primary Aliens and Superior Aliens were just simple monsters.

"The troublesome guy has been dealt with, Bai Ya, I'm here to tell you a good news."

When Bai Ya heard that Lu Li actually brought him good news, his heart was shocked.

Could it be... that the princess has been resurrected? !

Looking at Lu Li nervously, Bai Ya hadn't been so nervous for many years.

He himself couldn't remember when he felt nervous last time.

Feeling Bai Ya's expectant eyes, Lu Li didn't continue to beat around the bush with him.

"As you think, the princess has been resurrected now.

Just now, Bai Ya only had some guesses in his mind, but without Lu Li's answer, he couldn't be completely sure.

And now that he got this answer, Bai Ya was very surprised.

"The princess is resurrected! "

His voice was slightly trembling.

Only when facing the princess's affairs would Bai Ya lose his kingly demeanor.

Suddenly raising his head, Bai Ya strode to Lu Li.

"Lu Li, where is she now? I... want to see her!"

He couldn't wait to see the princess.

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