As the real manager of this forest, Bai Ya can do this kind of thing easily.

After doing all this, Bai Ya took away the broken horse-cutting broadsword and disappeared on the spot.

At this time, Lu Li, who had left, also found the unconscious Minato Yoko.

There were no scars on her body, just some dirt.

Lu Li also knew that Minato Yoko must have been affected by the energy and fainted.

He directly picked up Minato Yoko in a princess hug.

Although Minato Yoko's fighting ability is quite good, her weight is not ordinary light.

At the same time, in another place in the forest.

Because Guangjin was suddenly released from the seal and was sealed for many years, he does not have too strong power now.

And now he is still in the Helheim Forest. He dare not be presumptuous without fully recovering his strength.

If Bai Ya is accidentally alarmed, what awaits him at that time will definitely be the end of extinction.

Chapter 589 Guangjin escapes! Go! Capture Lu Li!

He didn't want this to happen.

He finally came back to this world, and he would never be killed like this.

But the current forest is obviously not suitable for him to recover his strength.

He must leave this place first and find a suitable place to recover his strength.

And because of the appearance of Guangjin, many aliens have gathered here.

Guangjin certainly would not miss this rare opportunity and directly released the locusts that triggered the fighting spirit.

Let these aliens fight fiercely.

After the aliens killed each other, Guangjin was able to absorb some energy and restore his strength.

At first, it was just an alien, and then gradually joined the dominant aliens.

Guangjin, who has not yet fully recovered, dare not be careless.

If the dominant aliens set their sights on him, he who has not yet recovered will not even have a chance to escape.

Guangjin, who has barely recovered a little, decisively chose to leave the sealed place.

After he lifted the seal, he knew that the Helheim Forest was eroding another world.

He could go to that world to recover his strength first.

When his strength is recovered, no one can be his opponent!

At that time, he will truly become the god of the new world.

Dominate everything!

Guangjin took the lead in leaving the sealed place and looking for a crack leading to the human world.

Without the influence of Guangjin, the aliens who were killing each other also stopped.

As for the overlord aliens who had just arrived here not long ago, they also understood that the guy who caused the riot had been unsealed.

Things are very troublesome!

However, that guy suddenly disappeared and did not appear again for the time being, proving that he has not yet recovered his strength.

The fear in the hearts of the overlord aliens was reduced a little.

Guangjin, who had not fully recovered his strength, would never dare to appear in front of them.

After figuring out this matter, the overlord aliens immediately rushed back and prepared to report the matter to Bai Ya.

This matter must be decided by Bai Ya.

It was because of the existence of the artificial golden fruit Guangjin that the former Fimsim clan was on the verge of destruction.

The power of the real golden fruit and the artificial golden fruit is not at the same level.

As for Guangjin, this guy has already escaped.

On the other side.

Wudao Guangshi led the black shadow guard team to explore the specific situation in the Helheim Forest.

The earthquake must leave traces, and you can find them as long as you look for them.

However, what they don’t know is that although a huge earthquake occurred, it did not have much impact on the entire Helheim Forest.

Even if they want to find it, it is difficult to find any results.

Divide into several teams to explore in the forest.

Wudao Guangshi led a ten-man black shadow guard team, walked in the front, and kept going deeper inside.

This sudden earthquake is obviously abnormal.

Now he hopes that there will be no abnormality here, otherwise the Ark plan of the World Tree may be in big trouble.

When encountering some foreigners, Wudao Guangshi can deal with them very calmly, and with the help of the black shadow guards, it is very easy to deal with them.

After not knowing how long he had gone deep, Wu Dao Guang Shi suddenly noticed a figure not far away.


From such a distance, he did not see clearly who the other party (badh) was, and quickly hid behind a tree.

He was worried that he might meet an acquaintance, especially Kuzuya Kota.

If his identity was discovered, it would be troublesome.

He did not want the people of the Armored Team to know his true identity.

Otherwise, the only pure land left in his heart would probably be broken.

"You go up and see who the other party is."

The order was directly transmitted to the black shadow guards through the headset, and Wu Dao Guang Shi was ready to sit in the back and command.

The black shadow guards who received the order rushed to the location of the figure.

Lu Li, who was leaving with Koko Koto, naturally noticed a group of black shadow guards surrounding him.

When the black shadow guards found that the target was Lu Li and Koto Koto, they quickly put down their weapons.

"Mr. Lu Li!"

The captain of the shadow guards came out, standing straight and respectful.

They naturally knew the man in front of them.

"What are you doing?"

Lu Li didn't know at this time that his battle with Bai Ya had caused a huge shock outside.

Seeing Lu Li asking himself, the captain of the shadow guard immediately reported the matter without any hesitation.

"Reporting to Mr. Lu, there was a very strong vibration from the forest just now, and even the World Tree headquarters was affected.

So the director asked us to come over and find out where the problem lies. "

Hearing this, Lu Li suddenly realized.

So that's what happened.

He had already realized what was going on.

It must be that the energy released during the battle just now was too strong.

The result was a massive earthquake, which affected Yggdrasil.

My own pot!

But unfortunately, no one in World Tree knows that this is their fault.

"Then you go ahead, I'm leaving first.

Although Wu Daoguangshi hid farther away, he couldn't avoid Lu Li's detection at all.

He had noticed Kureshima Mitsumi early in the morning, but even though the other party didn't make any moves, he didn't bother to care.

At this time, Minato Yaoko, who was being hugged by Lu Li in a princess hug, moved her eyelids slightly.

Slowly opening her eyes, she reacted immediately when she saw Lu Li close at hand.

Recalling what just happened in my mind, I was extremely shocked.

"Mr. Lu, it was you just now

Just as he was about to say something, Minato Yoko suddenly noticed the presence of so many shadow guards around him and quickly stopped what he was going to say.

Noticing that Lu Li was hugging him with a princess hug at this time, Minato Yoko did not show any shyness.

"Mr. Lu, you can put me down first. I'm ready."

Nodding slightly, Lu Li placed Minu Yaozi on the ground.

Barely able to stand still, Minato Yoko still needs to adapt to her current state.

Minato Yoshiko clearly had something to say just now, but she stopped abruptly.

Although Minato Yoko could not finish her sentence, Mitsuomi Kureshima, who was hiding aside, had a keen sense that this matter might have something to do with Lu Li.

He..must know something!

Thinking of the terrifying power Lu Li possessed, Mitsuomi Kureshima decided to give it a try.

He now has great strength, and with the cooperation of the shadow guards, he may not be able to catch Lu Li.

Recalling the close relationship between Lu Li and Gao Siwu before, Wu Daoguang Mi felt very angry in his heart.

"Attention all teams, capture the target Lu Li!"

Hearing the sudden voice next to their ears, all the shadow guards were stunned for a moment.

Obviously they did not expect that Mitsuomi Kureshima would issue such an order.

This is no small matter.

As an investor in World Tree, Lu Li is still a person with status even if he is not a director of the company.

They don't dare to mess with such a person.

But Mitsuomi Kureshima, as the person in charge of this operation, does have the right to command them.

"Well...but Mr. Lu Li is our World Tree, I think..."

The captain of the black shadow guard was about to say something, but Mitsumi Wujima interrupted him very rudely.

"That's enough, I don't want what you think, I just want what I feel!

Don’t forget, you all have to listen to me now!

You just need to follow my orders, and I will be responsible for anything that goes wrong! "

"......All right."

The honest captain of the shadow guard could only nod in agreement.

Since someone is willing to take the blame, he doesn't bother to care about it so as not to offend anyone.


Following his order, the shadow guards who had put down their weapons raised their weapons and pointed them at Lu Li and Minato Yoko.

After noticing this sudden situation, Minato Yoko immediately stopped in front of Lu Li and yelled loudly.

"What are you doing?!"

The captain of the black shadow guard knew that what he did was indeed a bit inappropriate, but he had no choice but to crush people to death.

He turned to look at Lu Li and said in a deep voice.

“Sorry, we were just following orders.

Mr. Lu Li, please tell us what happened in the forest just now! "

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